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message 1: by Jennifer H (last edited Jul 17, 2014 07:43AM) (new)

Jennifer H Team Members


message 2: by Jennifer H (last edited Jul 07, 2014 01:05PM) (new)

Alana ~ The Book Pimp (loonyalana) Howdy!

message 4: by Katherine (new)

Katherine (katdylan) Hello peeps!

message 5: by Katya (new)

Katya Hi folks...good team. Can't wait to start!

Alana ~ The Book Pimp (loonyalana) Very excited! I'm going to have to keep a notebook with me at all times though, to notate finds in my audiobooks. I'm thinking notating the 'time' I'm at in a certain chapter or something will work, right? (Since I won't have page numbers to go by)

Alana ~ The Book Pimp (loonyalana) So are we sticking with Team Red? Or something Red themed? Red-hots? Team 'Read'? (See what I did there?)

Alana ~ The Book Pimp (loonyalana) Little Red Reading Hoods?

message 10: by Katya (new)

Katya I like Red Hots....but am not picky....

message 11: by Katherine (new)

Katherine (katdylan) How about:

Burning Red
Red Hot Reads

message 12: by Katherine (new)

Katherine (katdylan) Oh btw, what about team captains??? I don't wish to be this round. How about y'all??

Alana ~ The Book Pimp (loonyalana) I'm down with Red Hot Reads. I'm really reluctant to be captain, to be honest

message 14: by Suzanne (new)

Suzanne (esmerelda1) | 2731 comments Hello! I'm good with Red Hot Reads, I'd rather not be captain this round.

message 15: by Katherine (new)

Katherine (katdylan) Lol, ok. If Katya doesn't want to be either, we could leave it to to pick.

Alana ~ The Book Pimp (loonyalana) I'll do it if need be, I'm just reluctant. If push comes to shove, I'll do it.

message 17: by Jennifer H (new)

Jennifer H Earlobe has been changed to ear.

message 18: by Suzanne (new)

Suzanne (esmerelda1) | 2731 comments Week 1

Bonus: Necklace

message 19: by Suzanne (last edited Jul 13, 2014 07:34PM) (new)

Suzanne (esmerelda1) | 2731 comments I'll be reading Blood Cross (Jane Yellowrock, #2) by Faith Hunter

Sparkle: "I glanced back just in time to see him speed away, and the wards' formidable bluish sparkle encase the house." Page 83

Necklace: "My hand drifted down and found my necklace was gone." Page 198

Champagne: "He looked at a brass-maybe gold-bucket attached to the limo wall, filled with ice and an open bottle of champagne." Page 87

Fire: "I could attack, but they'd set fire to the house." Page 8

Eyebrow: "His eyebrows were shaved, with short stripes of dark skin showing through." Page 301

Alana ~ The Book Pimp (loonyalana) Not sure yet which book I'll be reading- I'll have to do a little research later today to see what my options are.

message 21: by Katya (last edited Jul 18, 2014 03:05AM) (new)

Katya Week 1: Sparkle, Bonus-Necklace

Forever with You (Fixed, #3) by Laurelin Paige Forever with You by Laurelin Paige Read: July 17TH

4 Stars

~~~ Review ~~~
WOW. Loved it. This was a perfect ending to this romance between Alyanie and Hudson (what a name) Two imperfect people who find each other and love...Yum. Love these kinds of reads. In the first two books we see an insecure girl who falls in love and attaches too fast and has had stalker tendencies in the past. And a man who has been hurt at a young age and in relationships keeps women at an arms length. Not only that, he uses the attraction women have toward him by manipulating and using them as sort of a sport not caring how much he hurts them....until Alanie who somehow wiggles into his heart. After alot of back and forth and jealousy they are not looking like they can overcome their pasts and come together....But Alyanie (what ever her name overcomes her problems of trust and clingy-ness.....and Hudson stops keeping his secrets (root of all evils-too many lies and conclusions are drawn when you keep secrets-especially with a non trusting girl) and they find a way to open their hearts to one another and discover the trust for one another. Yummy smiles!

Quote: "Where is the road to your heart?" With one Finger, he lifted my chin to meet his eyes. "Don't you know? You're the one who paved it."

Scavenger Items:
4 Elements: Magic - (Page 266) "He added a second finger, blending them so they rubbed against that magic spot that only Hudson ever knew how to find."

Gemstones: Sparkle - (Page 261) "His eyes sparkled with satisfaction."

Holidays: Candy - (Page 255) "If she thought I might be interested in ogling man candy, she was wrong."

The Head: Forehead - (Page 44) "He wrapped his arm tighter around my waist and kissed me on my forehead."

Bonus: Necklace - (Page 111) "I believe a new necklace or earrings for Mira's event might be nice."

Alana ~ The Book Pimp (loonyalana) Crap... I have one book read that has everything I need except the word necklace spelled out. I'm waiting to hear from the powers that be if a description of a pearl necklace (without using the actual word) will count.

Alana ~ The Book Pimp (loonyalana) I've found two back-ups that I can suck down quickly as long as I can find out soon if what I've already read won't work. *Sigh* We can do re-reads, right? Or only 'new' stuff?

message 24: by Suzanne (new)

Suzanne (esmerelda1) | 2731 comments I don't see anywhere that says you can't re-read.

Alana ~ The Book Pimp (loonyalana) Suzanne wrote: "I don't see anywhere that says you can't re-read."

I don't see it, but it I asked (on the 'Rules' thread) just to be on the safe side. I found a quick, easy re-read that has everything and I can suck it down in one day, easy peasy. As long as re-reads are hunky dory.

message 26: by Katya (new)

Katya Alana ~ The Book Pimp wrote: "Suzanne wrote: "I don't see anywhere that says you can't re-read."

I don't see it, but it I asked (on the 'Rules' thread) just to be on the safe side. I found a quick, easy re-read that has every..."

THey always were,,,,

Alana ~ The Book Pimp (loonyalana) I've only played a few times before, Katya, and it's been a few months. It wasn't spelled out, and I didn't want to assume. If y'all say it's good, then I'm loading the audio on my phone right now.

message 28: by Katya (last edited Jul 16, 2014 08:38PM) (new)

Katya Alana ~ The Book Pimp wrote: "I've only played a few times before, Katya, and it's been a few months. It wasn't spelled out, and I didn't want to assume. If y'all say it's good, then I'm loading the audio on my phone right now."

Hopefully the same rules apply...I like doing re-reads, sometimes you forget a book and like to get back into it and if it works here...all the better. I have played every cycle and it was always allowed...I guess I just assumed it would be allowed this time. We shall see.

ps...I'll finish my book tomorrow and post the review.

message 29: by Jennifer H (new)

Jennifer H Rereads are allowed

message 30: by Alana ~ The Book Pimp (last edited Jul 17, 2014 07:38AM) (new)

Alana ~ The Book Pimp (loonyalana) The Perfect Game The Perfect Game (The Perfect Game, #1) by J. Sterling by J. Sterling

Read from 2pm Central time 7/11/14 - Late evening 7/12/14

I feel I'm setting myself up here for a bashing... because I know so many that are ga-ga for Jack F-ing Carter! But dude. Seriously. It's not just the initial 'issue' (trying oh-so-hard not to spoil anything for those who haven't read it) - but that the issue got worse and worse and worse. Honestly- I wouldn't be surprised if a roofie or something helped that whole situation along. But I digress...

I think it really boils down to too many things that reminded me of my first marriage, and that wasn't a good thing to remind me of. So, the whole asshat stupidity thing just couldn't be overcoming in my head, because I've been there, done that, have the T-shirt, and the emotional scars, and a teenage son. Basically, my baggage dragged my ability to enjoy this to the fullest, it just wasn't meant to be.

However, fear not, though I wasn't bowled over (due to reasons above) I still did enjoy it. I was actively wanting to know what happens next. I wanted to root for them, even when things were at their most bleak. If you're a fan of New Adult romance, and especially ones with a 'sport' theme going on- then you simply must check out Jack F-ing Carter. You MUST. But, if college agnst isn't your thing... just say 'no' and be sorry you're missing out on the cocky beauty that is Jack.

Scavenger Hunt Items:

Sparkle (p. 289) "A smile crept across my face and I knew without a doubt that if my eyes could sparkle like stars, they would have."

Element (p. 22) "I didn't want to be excited to see Jack in his element... but I was."

Forehead (p. 60) "My forehead creased. 'What about me?'"

Fireworks (p. 277) "Watching the two of you interact, it was like watching fireworks light up the night sky."

Bonus: Necklace (p. 208) "...a short string of pearls resting at her throat." *Though the actual word necklace does not appear, I was told this counts as it clearly indicates a necklace of pearls.

message 31: by Suzanne (new)

Suzanne (esmerelda1) | 2731 comments Week 1: Sparkle; Bonus: Necklace

Blood Cross (Jane Yellowrock, #2) by Faith Hunter

Read: Blood Cross by Faith Hunter
Rating: *****
Date: 7/17/2014
Review: This book was SO INTENSE!! I was reading this book, minding my own business and following the story as best I could. I got about half-way through and then HOLY CRAP something happens (not telling) and my jaw dropped! I was up until 2am last night trying to finish because I couldn't sleep until I found out what happened. I really got to know Jane and a more intimate level in this book and the dynamic between her and Beast is intriguing. I like that Beast is her own character and she was a lot stronger in this book than the last one.

"I glanced back just in time to see him speed away, and the wards' formidable bluish sparkle encase the house." Page 83
Necklace: "My hand drifted down and found my necklace was gone." Page 198
Champagne: "He looked at a brass-maybe gold-bucket attached to the limo wall, filled with ice and an open bottle of champagne." Page 87
Fire: "I could attack, but they'd set fire to the house." Page 8
Eyebrow: "His eyebrows were shaved, with short stripes of dark skin showing through." Page 301

message 32: by Jennifer H (new)

Jennifer H Has anyone heard from Dyllan?

message 33: by Katherine (new)

Katherine (katdylan) Hello ladies i've finished my book last night. I'll post my review soon enough. I'm on my phone so it may take a while. i have a full review ready on my laptop and i forgot to post last night. i'll edit as soon as i get home.

message 34: by Katherine (new)

Katherine (katdylan) oh hi jen i'm here. just didn't have much time to talk this week.

message 35: by Katherine (last edited Jul 18, 2014 06:46AM) (new)

Katherine (katdylan) Week 1: Sparkle, necklace.
Book: Pink Ice, Susannah Carr
Read: 07/18/2014
Rating: 2 stars

Review: I've read pink ice by susannah carr. it's the story of a diamond earring shared by 3 sisters. The earrings belonged to a musician they liked on their teens, and they bought them at an auction thinking the pair had special powers.
The story is pretty lame i n actually. I wouldn't have read if I had found another more interesting book. In the says erotic story, however it's pretty much not. Only stories of couples meeting up and having sex. Have sex does not guarantee a erotic story. The characters didn't had much chemistry either, IMO the whole book felt out of place, and the earrings plot was pretty harlequin to me. I love harlequin, but i like to know that i'm going to read it beforehand.

Sparkle: The brilliant shape allowed the stone to sparkle and show off the natural hue.

Necklace: "No necklace?"

Fire: igniting a wicked fire through his blood.

champagne: she discovered one did not easily glide in and grab a champagne flute.

Skull: from the dark blond hair cropped close to his skull.

Alana ~ The Book Pimp (loonyalana) Thanks Dyllan! Really appreciate you posting this morning despite having to do it on your phone and such!

message 37: by Alana ~ The Book Pimp (last edited Jul 18, 2014 09:33AM) (new)

Alana ~ The Book Pimp (loonyalana) Week 2 Items

Bonus - Yellow

message 38: by Suzanne (last edited Jul 18, 2014 08:00PM) (new)

Suzanne (esmerelda1) | 2731 comments I'll be reading Shadow Spell (The Cousins O'Dwyer Trilogy, #2) by Nora Roberts .

Jaw: "He saw a fox link into the green, a red blur with its kill still twitching in its jaws." Page 97

Yellow: "He walked them over to a large gray bird with black and yellow markings." Page 52

Earth: "The time he would spill Cabhan's blood black and burning on the earth." Page 3

Ruby: "Curious, he opened it, saw the ring, the deep glow of the ruby in hammered gold." Page 310

Heart: "I am in your blood, your heart, your mind." Page 5

message 39: by Katherine (new)

Katherine (katdylan) I've read Die For Me (Romantic Suspense, #7) by Karen Rose which has all words. I'll post my review as soon as posible and fix my previous post.

message 40: by Katherine (new)

Katherine (katdylan) Suzanne wrote: "I'll be reading Shadow Spell (The Cousins O'Dwyer Trilogy, #2) by Nora Roberts. ..."

I hadn't heard about this trilogy before reading your post. Is it any good? I love her trilogies, however some aren't as great as others.

message 41: by Suzanne (new)

Suzanne (esmerelda1) | 2731 comments I finished it today and it's ok, I wasn't really impressed with this series because it reminds me too much of her other Massachusetts Witch Trilogy. I think I buy them because of the pretty covers :)

message 42: by Katherine (new)

Katherine (katdylan) Have you read her Sign of Seven trilogy?
Blood Brothers (Sign of Seven, #1) by Nora Roberts The Hollow (Sign of Seven, #2) by Nora Roberts The Pagan Stone (Sign of Seven, #3) by Nora Roberts
It's really good, and this one reminded me of it.

message 43: by Suzanne (last edited Jul 23, 2014 05:26AM) (new)

Suzanne (esmerelda1) | 2731 comments Week 2: Jaw; Bonus: Yellow

Shadow Spell (The Cousins O'Dwyer Trilogy, #2) by Nora Roberts

Read: Shadow Spell by Nora Roberts
Rating: ****
Date: 7/22/2014
Review: This book was a lot better than the first one. I felt the first book reminded me too much of her Massachusetts witch trilogy. I learned more about the children of the dark witch from 1200AD and there was a bit of time travel where the current characters met their past ancestors and that was interesting.

"He saw a fox link into the green, a red blur with its kill still twitching in its jaws." Page 97
Yellow: "He walked them over to a large gray bird with black and yellow markings." Page 52
Earth: "The time he would spill Cabhan's blood black and burning on the earth." Page 3
Ruby: "Curious, he opened it, saw the ring, the deep glow of the ruby in hammered gold." Page 310
Heart: "I am in your blood, your heart, your mind." Page 5

message 44: by Suzanne (last edited Jul 23, 2014 05:29AM) (new)

Suzanne (esmerelda1) | 2731 comments Dyllan, The Brazuca Ekaterina wrote: "Have you read her Sign of Seven trilogy?
Blood Brothers (Sign of Seven, #1) by Nora RobertsThe Hollow (Sign of Seven, #2) by Nora RobertsThe Pagan Stone (Sign of Seven, #3) by Nora Roberts
It's really good, and this one reminded me of it."

I haven't read those yet! I've read Dance Upon the Air (Three Sisters Island, #1) by Nora Roberts Heaven and Earth (Three Sisters Island, #2) by Nora Roberts Face the Fire (Three Sisters Island, #3) by Nora Roberts and they remind me of her current trilogy. I wish I could find a witch series that doesn't use the term "So Mote It Be" every time they cast a spell. I'm getting tired of hearing it :)

message 45: by Katya (new)

Katya will post shortly

message 46: by Katya (last edited Jul 26, 2014 10:52AM) (new)

Katya Week 2: Jaw, Bonus-Yellow

Saving Abel (Rocker Series, #1) by Gina Whitney Saving Abel by Gina WhitneyRead: July 24TH

3.5 Stars

~~~ Review ~~~ about a character who oozes, funny, all-alpha and desired by many....that is Abel. He doesn't care what anyone thinks, he does what he wants...oh and he is very dominant...VERY. He is your typical stereotype rock star....he goes through women like we change underwear. That is until he meets up with Gia. Now Gia comes across as spunky, smart funny and all put together....but she has problems at home too. Abel is the last person she needs to come in contact with, much less enter into a relationship with....but their attraction to one another goes beyond the physical, almost like air and the sex is off the charts hot. Somehow these two fragile people are able to help the other overcome the weak, troublesome parts of themselves as they grow together as a couple. They bring out the best in each other. An Ex from Abel's past and Gia's mom try to manipulate this couple and some how they fight to overcome their interference. I wish the author did a better job of linking the story lines and I like my book to end with a HEA not a cliffhanger...but all-n-all, A good read!!!

Scavenger Items:
4 Elements: Element - (Page 31) "It's my understanding that Morgana Jennings has certain elements of her past she'd like to keep there."

Gemstones: Sapphire - (Page 27) "Jake, who played bass, had hair as dark as midnight, and eyes that were pools of sapphire."

Holidays: Egg - (Page 107) "Dave, on the other hand, had thought he was the goose who laid the golden egg when we were offered such a sweet deal."

The Head: Jaw - (Page 138) "I looked to Jake, whose jaw was working like a marionette."

Bonus: Yellow - (Page 150) "I grabbed my open court files, a yellow legal pad, and off I went."

Alana ~ The Book Pimp (loonyalana) Week 2

Tell Me It's Real Tell Me It's Real by T.J. Klune by T.J. Klune

Finished: 7/24/14
Rating: 5 Gut-Busting-with-Laughter ♥'s

Irreverent, funny as shit- like bray like a donkey with laughter funny. My man-love obsession just wrapped this book up around me and made me snort and even made me almost mist up at one point. I was rooting for the Paul and Vince, and wanted so badly to see them get a happily ever after.

“The ass to end all asses,” I said, unable to stop myself. “The Holy Grail of asses. If we lived in a world with fairies and elves, there would be epic quests to go get that ass. I wanted to bite it.”

It's like this big gay romantic comedy, complete with a homophobic parrot and a two-legged dog named wheels. I shit you not. Although... that epilogue - no beuno. I liked the ending well enough, but the epilogue just won't be understood (and my rolling eyes at Paul) until you read it.

“He snorted into his radicchio, which I admired because it was a pretty purple. The radicchio was purple, not his snort. Just in case you got confused there. I don't think it's possible for people to snort colors. We're not unicorns, after all.”

Don't let that quote fool you- Helena (drag queen) is so fabulous, she may as well be a damn unicorn. There are flames and rainbows just oozing from the pages, and I loved it!

Items Claimed:
Jaw Location 2391 "... but then his eyes widened and his jaw dropped."

Wind Location 421 "... ass is so losse it sounds like wind blowing over a cave entrance when he walks."

Emerald Location: 367 "... would be green, the sharpest of all emerald greens."

Present Location: 3317 "... to open the corners of his Christmas presents when he was a kid."

Bonus: Yellow Location 213 "His blonde hair is just yellow enough to be flat-looking."

Alana ~ The Book Pimp (loonyalana) Week 3 Item Announcement

Bonus: Brown

message 49: by Suzanne (new)

Suzanne (esmerelda1) | 2731 comments I'll be offline until Monday morning, so I'll look for a my next book this weekend. Have a good weekend!

message 50: by Katya (last edited Jul 26, 2014 11:17AM) (new)

Katya Week 3: Ocean/Sea, Bonus-Brown

Hardline (Hacker, #3) by Meredith Wild Hardline by Meredith Wild Read: July 26TH

4.0 Stars!!!

~~~ Review ~~~
This is part three of a on-going series....I have invested alot of time in books one and two so I am forcing myself to finish. I like it but it does on and on...all this could have been written in one book about 350 pages....Oh, how I wish it were.

Anyway in this installment we see Blake and Erica be manipulated by old enemies and almost break them up...but I see it more that they brought something to light that was inevitable that at some point they would have to deal with....Erica's total submission to Blake....including her company...clozepin. I love when Erica wonders what happened to the competing, copy-cat company that Risa and (view spoiler) As if there were any other cause....

Heath and Alli are back and we saw one of the couples (view spoiler) Some SMOKEN' scenes between these two (they are on fire most of the time.) and over obsessed with each other. All-in-all, not a bad installment....Gosh I hate having to go back and read previous books just to stay with the story.

Scavenger Items:
4 Elements: Ocean/Sea - (Page 28) "The warm ocean air was a welcome change from the muggy city heat."

Gemstones: Diamond - (Page 94) "Except this one didn't come with a glittering band of diamonds."

Holidays: Present - (Page 26) "I looked up, my focus returning to the present as I transfixed on Jame's deep blue eyes."

The Head: Eyelash - (Page 9) "I looked up through my eyelashes."

Bonus: Brown - (Page 42) "Alli's big brown eyes were wide and expectant."

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