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message 1: by NBRC Book Ninja (last edited Jul 20, 2014 02:46PM) (new)

NBRC Book Ninja | 1025 comments

Anagram for expands


Name Books p.a. Timezone

Abbie 110 USA
Greta 50 USA (CDT)
Amy J 75 USA (CDT)
Ezinwanyi 300 USA (CST)
Rebecca 200 USA (East Coast)
Riley 175 USA (East Coast)
Apoorv 100 USA (East Coast)

Captain Abbie and Co-captain Greta

NBRC Book Ninja | 1025 comments reserved

NBRC Book Ninja | 1025 comments reserved

message 4: by Greta (new)

Greta | 1459 comments Go Team Spandex!!

message 5: by Ezi (new)

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) Spandex? What? for real?

Hi everyone.
Ab2y: We are back at it.

message 6: by Greta (new)

Greta | 1459 comments Hey guys, I am so excited for this challenge. I did UnCoverit and that was a lot of fun too. I just wanted to let you know that for the first days of the challenge my internet access will be limited because we're going on vacation. I leave tomorrow and get back the following Saturday. I will still be reading and will check in whenever I can. After that I will be around a lot more!

message 7: by Ezi (last edited Jul 11, 2014 12:41PM) (new)

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) Greta wrote: "Hey guys, I am so excited for this challenge. I did UnCoverit and that was a lot of fun too. I just wanted to let you know that for the first days of the challenge my internet access will be limi..."

Hi Greta. I had a hard time getting the strategy of UnCover it. i hope this one is less strenuous.
How are we doing it? first come, first serve on the letters?

message 8: by Greta (new)

Greta | 1459 comments We're going to have a private group for our team, right? I think I'll just wait to talk strategy until then ;-)

UnCoverit was my first team challenge and thankfully I had a great captain and a great team, so I mainly followed along with their suggestions. It ended up working because we did win & hopefully I can use that experience to help out this time!

message 9: by Ezi (new)

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) I didn't realize there was strategy. I just thought you read

message 10: by Karen ⊰✿, Fiction Aficionado (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 15960 comments Mod
Yes this challenge is a bit easier so we don't need private groups as it is pretty much just trying to read what you can to spell out your word.

It was pretty amusing for us mods coming up with anagrams (you could've been team slot machine, but it made me giggle too much!) I quite like spandex as you get the stargate portal!

message 11: by ~Melissa~ (new)

~Melissa~ | 1397 comments *waves* Hi Ezi....oohhh and my UnCover it buddy ~ Hi Greta!!

message 12: by Ezi (new)

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) ~Melissa~ wrote: "*waves* Hi Ezi....oohhh and my UnCover it buddy ~ Hi Greta!!"

Came to check out spandex? LOL.

message 13: by Greta (new)

Greta | 1459 comments Hi Melissa :-)

You know Team Spandex is lookin' good!!

message 14: by Karen ⊰✿, Fiction Aficionado (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 15960 comments Mod
It is interesting to see what happens when you google spandex images
(view spoiler)

message 15: by Ezi (new)

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) Karen wrote: "It is interesting to see what happens when you google spandex images


Karen, that was so wrong! just wrong, girl. LOL.

message 16: by ~Melissa~ (new)

~Melissa~ | 1397 comments Karen wrote: "It is interesting to see what happens when you google spandex images


Where is Pat when I need her eye bleach - holy crap - that is an image you can't unsee. That was mean Karen,lol

message 17: by ~Melissa~ (new)

~Melissa~ | 1397 comments Ezinwanyi~still loves Spartacus wrote: "~Melissa~ wrote: "*waves* Hi Ezi....oohhh and my UnCover it buddy ~ Hi Greta!!"

Came to check out spandex? LOL."

I need a different image of Spandex put into my head because Karen's horrid vision was so not what I was thinking,lol

message 18: by Nichole (last edited Jul 11, 2014 05:06PM) (new)

Nichole | 980 comments Oh Hai! I love the name, lol.

Karen beat me to the first picture so here's another (view spoiler)

Sadly, I couldn't find Clint Eastwood in Spandex :)

Found another! (view spoiler)

Heehee, okay I'm off to harass other teams now :)

message 19: by Karen ⊰✿, Fiction Aficionado (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 15960 comments Mod
I did put it under a spoiler!

and oh my..... I think Nichole's images need more of a WARNING than a spoiler!!! xD

message 20: by ~Melissa~ (new)

~Melissa~ | 1397 comments What is wrong with you girls??!?!? The image that comes to mind is Ty and Zane, Spartacus, Chris Hemsworth etc in spandex bike shorts dammit NOT the blob of the day in spandex that shouldn't have been made in that size for the love of......

message 21: by ~Leslie~ (new)

~Leslie~ (akareadingmachine) | 2240 comments Hi Team!! Just making the rounds!

Oh wow - eye bleach definitely needed! Now I'm on the hunt for images of Chris Hemsworth in biker shorts!

message 22: by Ezi (new)

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) Feast on this instead

spartacus photo: Andy Whitfield as Spartacus and Jai Courtney as Varro. spartacus_blood_and_sand_photobu-3.jpg

message 23: by Ezi (new)

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) See the hunger

 photo 2mfi5b7_zps233516db.jpg

message 24: by Ezi (new)

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) Feel the fighting Spirit

 photo GannicusGloriousDeath_zps11f14f4c.gif

message 25: by NBRC Book Ninja (new)

NBRC Book Ninja | 1025 comments week one
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

message 26: by Ezi (last edited Jul 12, 2014 06:54AM) (new)

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) I want "H" but I do have "O" & "R" book just in case.
Double Blind by Heidi Cullinan (Not a horror book.)

message 27: by Logan (new)

Logan (loganturner) | 1598 comments Hi Team Spandex! I just came by to look at all those sexy spandex images. lol

message 28: by Ezi (new)

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) Logan wrote: "Hi Team Spandex! I just came by to look at all those sexy spandex images. lol"

Check out the Spartacus pics too. What are you reading for your group selection?

message 29: by Logan (new)

Logan (loganturner) | 1598 comments Not sure yet. I have an H, S, and O book. The I and Y are gonna be tough!

message 30: by Amy J. (last edited Jul 12, 2014 09:10AM) (new)

Amy J. | 686 comments I'm planning to read NOS4A2 which is classified as a Horror novel. It's by Joe Hill. So It could work for H.
Edited to add that I may be able to also read Beauty's Release by A.N. Roquelaure

message 31: by Amy J. (new)

Amy J. | 686 comments Logan wrote: "Not sure yet. I have an H, S, and O book. The I and Y are gonna be tough!"

I'm not clear on the rules perhaps, but why do we need I or Y or even S?

message 32: by Greta (new)

Greta | 1459 comments I am reading The Red Queen, which counts as R.

message 33: by Ezi (new)

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) Logan wrote: "Not sure yet. I have an H, S, and O book. The I and Y are gonna be tough!"

We got an easier one to start with

message 34: by Greta (new)

Greta | 1459 comments I am also going to read Insurgent by Veronica Roth, another R.

message 35: by Ezi (new)

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) Amy J. wrote: "Logan wrote: "Not sure yet. I have an H, S, and O book. The I and Y are gonna be tough!"

I'm not clear on the rules perhaps, but why do we need I or Y or even S?"

Logan isn't on our team, she is just visiting...and spying :D
So her reading choices are just conversation

message 36: by Ezi (last edited Jul 12, 2014 02:45PM) (new)

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) Amy J. wrote: "Logan wrote: "Not sure yet. I have an H, S, and O book. The I and Y are gonna be tough!"

I'm not clear on the rules perhaps, but why do we need I or Y or even S?"

My choices for Horror:
Narcissus in Chains by Laurell K. Hamilton shelved by 229 people as horror
Go Anita Blake
Narcissus in Chains (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, #10) by Laurell K. Hamilton

Widdershins by Jordan L. Hawk shelved 34 times as Horror
Widdershins (Whyborne & Griffin, #1) by Jordan L. Hawk

message 37: by Ezi (new)

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) I hope the Team Captains can keep track. I will probably start my books tomorrow

message 38: by Logan (new)

Logan (loganturner) | 1598 comments Sorry for the confusion! I'm such a dirty infiltrator!

message 39: by Ezi (new)

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) Logan wrote: "Sorry for the confusion! I'm such a dirty infiltrator!"

LOL, I love you dirty inflitrator :D

message 40: by Amy J. (new)

Amy J. | 686 comments I've also got an "O" I could read. Dr. Tatiana's Sex Advice to All Creation by Olivia Judson. We seem to be in need of them.

message 41: by Ezi (new)

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) I think we should all try to read 2 books (more if you can).

message 42: by Ezi (new)

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) BTW, I've started Widdershin

message 43: by Greta (new)

Greta | 1459 comments Has everyone checked in?

message 44: by Ezi (new)

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) Greta wrote: "Has everyone checked in?"

I don't think the captains have...but other teams have organized pretty well.

message 45: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32674 comments Mod
Hi team
James has joined the captains group, so I've sent him a message to make sure he knows how to get here.
Jennifer hasn't responded to my friend request, so I have messaged a replacement player, Abbie, to join as co-captain. Hopefully she will check in within the next 24 hours.
If James doesn't respond I'll find you a replacement for him too.

Hopefully we will have you sorted soon!!
Is anyone interested in stepping up as captain/co-captain?

message 46: by AbiG (new)

AbiG Hello all, Abbie here, reporting for duty!

Never played before, so please fill me in!
I understand we are to spell HORROR?

message 47: by Karen ⊰✿, Fiction Aficionado (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 15960 comments Mod
Woohoo! Thanks for coming by so fast Abbie.

Yes this team is spelling out HORROR this week.

How a spell it out works
Spell out the word(s) using the first letter in the book's title, the first letter in the author's first or last name, the first letter in the series name, or the first letter of a character's first, last, or nick-name. As always, if the first letter of a title starts with an indefinite or definite article ('A', 'An', 'The', etc.), you may use the first letter of the second word in the title to spell out your chosen word. If your book starts with a number (e.g. 24 Bones) use the number to determine the first letter (in this example, it would be T)

I'll also invite you to the captains group

message 48: by AbiG (new)

AbiG Haha, just got up, and it was the first email I saw this morning!

message 49: by AbiG (last edited Jul 14, 2014 04:53AM) (new)

AbiG So I am co-captain?
James is Captain?

So let me try to see what s going on for now until James Shows.
If I have anything wrong please let me know.

H:Ezi:Double Blind by Heidi Cullinan (Not a horror book.)
O:AmyJ:Dr. Tatiana's Sex Advice to All Creation by Olivia Judson.
R:AmyJ:Beauty's Release by A.N. Roquelaure
R:Gretta:Red Queen
O:Abbie:The Year of The Flood, O for Oates

H:AmyJ:NOS4A2 by Joe Hill(Horror)

message 50: by Karen ⊰✿, Fiction Aficionado (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 15960 comments Mod
yes Abbie, James is captain - I'm just giving him another 24 hours as he is active but may not have found this thread

Once you have spelled out the word you can re-read the genre word again, as many times as you like. So for the above you still need another "O" before you can get points for the re-read of "H". I hope that makes sense ;)

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