Nothing But Reading Challenges discussion


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message 1: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod

“Your sword is made out of your grandmother’s bones?”
“Okay, I see how it sounds weird when you say it in that tone of voice”
― Ilona Andrews, Magic Breaks

“Awesome. I'd terrified the Legatus of the Golden Legion just by showing him my sword. If I waved it around, he'd probably explode.”
― Ilona Andrews, Magic Breaks

Erin Eakle
Carmen (Captain)
Linda C
Plethora (Co-Captain)
Claire Bolsens

message 2: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod

message 3: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod

message 4: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod

message 5: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod

message 11: by Tati (new)

Tati | 1317 comments Hello?

message 12: by Shannon (new)

Shannon (pokey36) | 1188 comments Hello Everyone!! Can't wait to get started with this challenge!!

message 13: by Rebecca (new)

Rebecca (rebeccasg) | 3457 comments Hellooooooo! I'm so excited to get this thing started!

message 14: by Tati (new)

Tati | 1317 comments I am, too!!

message 15: by Linda C (last edited Dec 29, 2017 01:31PM) (new)

Linda C (libladynylindac) | 870 comments Hi all!
This looks to be interesting.
I will be cruising Jan 7-28, but don't envision any problems. I have a ton of stuff on my kindle and plenty of reading time.

message 16: by Josie (new)

Josie (josiemichele) | 96 comments Hey! Also very excited to get this thing started.

message 17: by Fandury (new)

Fandury | 310 comments Hi everyone. Finally, the threads are open.

I was getting nervous I would miss it.

We will be switching rooms around tomorrow, so I will probably not have Internet tomorrow, but hopeful will be back online latest sometime on Sunday.

message 18: by Claire (new)

Claire  | 188 comments Hi everyone. Happy threads are open. Have been checking all the time. This will be a challenge to remember , I guess. :-)

message 19: by Erin (new)

Erin | 615 comments Hey everyone! Excited to get started on the challenge- I've been piling up books to use once we start!

☼♎ Carmen the Bootyshaker Temptress ☼♎ | 7205 comments Hi team! So nice to see the chatter. I'm excited to see how this goes. I love a good challenge and NBRC always have a fun challenge for us.

message 21: by Tati (new)

Tati | 1317 comments will we have a separate group for this?

message 22: by Plethora (new)

Plethora (bookworm_r) | 2239 comments I am here. Been trying to avoid the fact that the new year starts in just a short tick....

message 23: by Plethora (last edited Dec 30, 2017 09:52AM) (new)

Plethora (bookworm_r) | 2239 comments Tati wrote: "will we have a separate group for this?"

Yes, it is being prepared. We will get invites out once we are ready to go live with it.

message 24: by Fandury (new)

Fandury | 310 comments Plethora wrote: "I am here. Been trying to avoid the fact that the new year starts in just a short tick...."

And it will even start a little bit sooner for Claire and me than for the rest...

I have not found it, but does someone know at what time the challenge starts? I usually do some reading in bed before falling asleep, and that would be after midnight in Europe, but before midnight in the US, and as far as I understood we cannot start books before the challenge starts.

message 25: by Plethora (new)

Plethora (bookworm_r) | 2239 comments I'll check into a countdown calendar or confirmation on time zone for start.

Yes many will be into the new year before me as I'm on the West Coast of the US. So near the end of those flipping the calendar page.

message 26: by Cathy (new)

Cathy Galloway | 786 comments Hi teammates! I am looking forward to getting started!

message 27: by Kelly (new)

Kelly (ladykatala) | 5020 comments midnight Central time (CST) on the 1st.

message 28: by Plethora (last edited Dec 30, 2017 03:30PM) (new)

Plethora (bookworm_r) | 2239 comments Here is a link to a time converter.

message 29: by Plethora (new)

Plethora (bookworm_r) | 2239 comments FYI----I'm thinking it is PST midnight. But trying to get full clarification.

☼♎ Carmen the Bootyshaker Temptress ☼♎ | 7205 comments Thanks for the info Kelly and Plethora thanks for posting the converter. It's very helpful :)

message 31: by Plethora (last edited Dec 30, 2017 04:07PM) (new)

Plethora (bookworm_r) | 2239 comments Checking if we are missing anyone:

⛄ Carmen (Captain)
⛄ Plethora (Co-Captain)
⛄ Tati
⛄ Erin Eakle
⛄ Fandury
⛄ Linda C
⛄ RebeccaS
⛄ Claire Bolsens
⛄ Josie
⛄ Cathy
⛄ ShannonP
• Alanna
• Amy

Looks like everyone but Alanna and Amy have checked-in.

message 32: by Alanna (new)

Alanna | 7 comments Oh goodness, I thought I had signed up too late and not gotten onto a team! Many thanks to RebeccaS for sending me a very timely friend request.

I'm excited to start. I'm superstitious about the first book of the year and I already have mine chosen. Hopefully it'll fit something.

☼♎ Carmen the Bootyshaker Temptress ☼♎ | 7205 comments Alanna wrote: "Oh goodness, I thought I had signed up too late and not gotten onto a team! Many thanks to RebeccaS for sending me a very timely friend request.

I'm excited to start. I'm superstitious about the ..."

Welcome Alanna :)

message 34: by Amy (new)

Amy Sutton (a_nicole) | 23 comments I'm here!! I just got back from vacation, so I'm super ready to get started with reading tons in the new year and this challenge!

message 35: by Plethora (new)

Plethora (bookworm_r) | 2239 comments So this challenge will be a little different and it requires you to create an account on a special website that the mods created for tracking books, tasks and sabotages.


Hi Guys!

Everyone, it's time to join the companion website!

Click the login in the upper right corner. Make an account.

Once you have an account you can click the 3 dots button in the upper left corner and click profile. Add your goodreads ID and name.

Once you do that the mods can assign you to your team.

This website is where books get logged, where you can see sabotages (and bid if your authorized), you can also view all the other teams. (Wooden Sword is the mod test team, don't worry about that one.)

There are still some new things getting added so don't be surprised if things show up. Please let us know if you have technical issues and we'll get them worked out. We believe login isn't working correctly from iPads right now so if you're having trouble try a computer.

message 36: by Shannon (new)

Shannon (pokey36) | 1188 comments Done! :)

message 37: by Claire (new)

Claire  | 188 comments I am logged in, but don’t get anything profile like clicking on the three dots:-(

message 38: by Claire (new)

Claire  | 188 comments Maybe it is because I do everything by the IPad? However, if that is the problem, I can’t change it :-(

message 39: by Amy (new)

Amy Sutton (a_nicole) | 23 comments Joined! :)

message 40: by Cathy (new)

Cathy Galloway | 786 comments I set up my account but when I click on my name, it can't find my profile page. I can't find how to get back into my profile to try to fix the link. Help?

message 41: by Fandury (new)

Fandury | 310 comments Joined!

☼♎ Carmen the Bootyshaker Temptress ☼♎ | 7205 comments Ok I’m not going to try and do anything on my phone. So I’ll be home in about an hour and will hop on my tablet and see what’s going on.

message 43: by Rebecca (new)

Rebecca (rebeccasg) | 3457 comments I just did it on my computer. I wonder if it's not really compatible on the phone/tablets? I'm not really tech savy tho so I have no idea haha

message 44: by Linda C (new)

Linda C (libladynylindac) | 870 comments joined

message 45: by Josie (last edited Dec 31, 2017 12:40PM) (new)

Josie (josiemichele) | 96 comments I found out the problem. The site apparently doesn't like Safari. I went on a friend's computer and used Chrome and it worked fine. But on my desktop, iPad, and phone (using safari) it wouldn't work.

Oh, and i finally joined.

message 46: by Kelly (new)

Kelly (ladykatala) | 5020 comments Cathy wrote: "I set up my account but when I click on my name, it can't find my profile page. I can't find how to get back into my profile to try to fix the link. Help?"

You can't change your goodreads ID after you set it but if you PM me your information with what you set and what you want it to be I can update it.

message 47: by Kelly (new)

Kelly (ladykatala) | 5020 comments RebeccaS wrote: "I just did it on my computer. I wonder if it's not really compatible on the phone/tablets? I'm not really tech savy tho so I have no idea haha"

It's something bad google did with apple products. I'm working on fixing it.

☼♎ Carmen the Bootyshaker Temptress ☼♎ | 7205 comments I sent mine up on my tablet but I went through Google and it worked.

message 49: by Plethora (last edited Dec 31, 2017 03:54PM) (new)

Plethora (bookworm_r) | 2239 comments You should have all received a link to join the private group from me.

the few of you that are already friends with me it is possible under your profile pictures, groups should show a red number letting you know you have a pending invite.

Those that haven't friended me I sent a PM to with the link.

If I missed you or you aren't seeing it, let Carmen or myself know so we can get you a new link.

message 50: by Tati (new)

Tati | 1317 comments I’m good! Already found my way to the group

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