Nothing But Reading Challenges discussion

Cutthroat Book Club > Fragarach

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message 1: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (last edited Jan 27, 2018 01:25PM) (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod

“When he said to give him the sword, I don’t think he meant for you to stick it in his guts.”
― Kevin Hearne, Hounded

Ashleigh (Co-Captain)
Shey IG
Cecily Kyle (Captain)
Jackie Freeman
Vanessa ♛Queen Alchemy ϟ Novel Nerd Faction♛

*** Tura Street
*** Kady
*** Sarah Schoggin
*** Danielle Gibson
*** Claire

message 2: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod

message 3: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod

message 4: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod

message 5: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod

message 6: by Cecily (last edited Dec 29, 2017 09:42PM) (new)

Cecily Black | 1785 comments About this Challenge
🔪 I have cases of $25,000 of cold, hard cash in this case. Each team gets one case. If they want to leave this book club with any of the cash, they have to survive four reading challenges - and each other - in a game where sabotage is not only encouraged, it's for sale. It's a game we like to call "Cutthroat Book Club."
🔪 This challenge is for fun. It is not fair. Expect that something really unfair will happen to your team at some point. It's ok. You can do unfair things to other teams.
🔪 Starts on January 1, 2018, and runs for 8 weeks
🔪 Each reading challenge will last 2 weeks.
🔪 Books must be more than 160 pages in length. Children's books, Graphic Novels, Cookbooks and Poetry books cannot be used unless by word count they can be verified as more than 160 pages.
🔪 Only books read during the specified challenge can be used (“read date” is what counts, not the day you start.) Books cannot be “banked” from previous weeks to used later.
🔪 Books must be started after the start date of the challenge to count towards the challenge.
🔪 You should create a new shelf to store your read books for this challenge.

🔪 You can spy on other teams. It's fine, encouraged even.
🔪 You can also set up private groups or external means of communication to prevent or limit spying. If you do, please invite the moderator account to your group. We will not share your data but we do want to keep an eye on things. We might even offer advice.

Reading Goals
🔪 Each reading challenge round, the teams will be assigned a list of reading goals. (i.e. Read a book that starts with an A, Read a book with a cat, Read a book that challenges the laws of physics, etc.)
🔪 Goals will have a certain dollar amount associated with them based on difficulty.
🔪 Each goal may only be filled once.
🔪 Books cannot be carried from one round to the next. Use it or lose it.
🔪 There will be more reading goals than a team can complete in 2 weeks.

🔪 Multiple times during each round, sabotages will be offered to be bid on.
🔪 The bids will be open for 12 hours and any authorized member of the team can bid money on the sabotage.
🔪 Authorized members are decided by the team captain.
🔪 Bids are final.
🔪 The winner of the sabotage will have the final bid amount deducted from their current money and win the sabotage.
🔪 Some sabotages will be benefits to the current team. Some will be detrements that you can assign to any other team.
🔪 Upon assigning a sabotage, the team recieving it must immediatly enforce it. Any books that have not been assigned to a specific reading goal are now under the influence of the sabotage whether you have finished them before the sabotage went into affect or not.
🔪 Sabotages reset at the end of each reading challenge. Beware of payback.
🔪 If a sabotage is not bid on by anyone, it is discarded.

How to win
🔪 At the end of each round, money earned from reading challenges are added to the team's total money that can be used for bidding.
🔪 The winner of Cutthroat Book Club will be the person with the most money at the end.

message 8: by Cecily (new)

Cecily Black | 1785 comments Res

message 9: by Cecily (new)

Cecily Black | 1785 comments Res

message 10: by Ashleigh (new)

Ashleigh | 688 comments Res

message 11: by Ashleigh (new)

Ashleigh | 688 comments Res

message 12: by Ashleigh (new)

Ashleigh | 688 comments Res

message 13: by Ashleigh (new)

Ashleigh | 688 comments Res

message 14: by Alysa (last edited Dec 29, 2017 01:37PM) (new)

Alysa H. | 3816 comments Ooooh oooooh! We are open!
*waves hello*


message 15: by Fi (new)

Fi | 324 comments Hi everyone, really looking forward to this!

My shelf: cutthroat-bookclub

message 16: by Franziska (new)

Franziska (chaoschild) | 207 comments Hey! I am really excited about this challenge! My shelf can be found here:


message 17: by Elena (new)

Elena  | 1403 comments Hello team! Excited to meet everyone and looking forward to discovering that mean bone in me :).

My shelf here.

message 18: by Ashleigh (last edited Dec 29, 2017 03:28PM) (new)

Ashleigh | 688 comments Hi guys! Can't wait to get started with this challenge :)

my cutthroat shelf

message 19: by Suzanne (new)

Suzanne | 5320 comments Hello! I'm so excited to cut throats with all of you!

My shelf is: cutthroat

message 20: by Alysa (new)

Alysa H. | 3816 comments Anybody else like me, frantically trying to finish another book before Monday so I can start with a clean slate and devote all my reading time to this challenge?!?

I have so many strategy ideas! Our captains are going to hate/love me ;D

message 21: by Ashleigh (last edited Dec 29, 2017 03:28PM) (new)

Ashleigh | 688 comments Alysa, that's exactly me this week haha! I have a whole list of books that I want to read in 2018 so I'm trying to get books finished this weekend so I can start the new ones, and it's driving me crazy haha.

message 22: by Jackie (last edited Dec 29, 2017 03:33PM) (new)

Jackie | 2065 comments Hi everyone! Looking forward to getting started!

My shelf: Cutthroat Bookclub

message 23: by Suzanne (new)

Suzanne | 5320 comments I'm in the same boat - need to do a lot of reading before and a LOT of reading after =)

message 24: by Alysa (new)

Alysa H. | 3816 comments LOL, I am going to be all resentful of my child when she wants me to read her random short books that won't count. A+ parenting!

message 25: by Fi (new)

Fi | 324 comments I tend to only read a book at a time, so I just have a little bit left of the short one I picked to finish off the year. I was trying to make it last until Sunday, but I don't think it's going to make it. :p

message 26: by Nairabell (new)

Nairabell | 303 comments Hi! My shelf is here. I'm cool with the idea of a private chat at some point to help guard against sabotage.

I'm reading A Discovery of Witches at the moment and should be done by Monday :)

message 27: by Alysa (new)

Alysa H. | 3816 comments I also vote we set up a private group. I suspect it will be harder for other teams to sabotage us if they don’t know exactly what we’re doing, and can’t figure out our strategies.

message 28: by Cecily (new)

Cecily Black | 1785 comments Alysa wrote: "LOL, I am going to be all resentful of my child when she wants me to read her random short books that won't count. A+ parenting!"

OMG! This Made Me LOL

message 29: by Cecily (new)

Cecily Black | 1785 comments Welcome Team!!

I have created a secret group and have sent you all invitations. If I missed you, please let me know so I can correct that. I had added the NBRC Mod account as well but I am going to double check that they don't want a specific mod.

message 30: by Cecily (new)

Cecily Black | 1785 comments Wolf (Alpha) - When you join us, please let me know which one of your shelves is for cutthroat, please and thank you :)

message 31: by Cecily (new)

Cecily Black | 1785 comments Does everyone want to do an intro round? Just so we can get to know one another?

Name: Cecily
Age: 28
Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Occupation: I am a support worker for a young woman with special needs. I have worked with her for the last 7 years, but I am currently upgrading so I can go back to school for Diagnostic Medical Sonography.
Pets: I have a cat named Sookie who is all black with a itty bit of white (though she is getting a little more as she ages)
Hobbies: I love TV almost as much as books though, now, I have so much to watch because I basically chose reading over tv a lot last year.
I am super into NHL this year.. Go OILERS Go!!
Some of my favourite genres would be: Dark, Romance, Young Adult, Mystery/Thriller.
Fav Author: I am a huge Colleen Hoover Fan and follow her on social media! CoHort for life!!
Challenges? I have been in a lot of challenges, both team, and solo. Though once I started doing team challenges I stopped really caring about the solo ones.

Feel free to add anything else, it is late and my brain isn't quite working 100% lol

message 32: by Ashleigh (new)

Ashleigh | 688 comments Name: Ashleigh
Age: 23
Location:Northumberland, England
Occupation: Admin Assistant
Pets: None :(
Hobbies: Aside from reading, I spend a lot of time with my young niece (she's 3 and soon to be a big sister!). I also watch a lot of TV, and YouTube videos.
Favourite Genres: I like to try a lot of different stuff, but my favourites would have to be Young Adult, Fantasy and Mystery/Thriller
Fav Author: I don't think I have a favourite author.
Challenges? The 'big' ones I've done are Wobble last year, and UNO for the past two years over at The Perks of Being a Book Addict. I've done a couple of the monthly challenges over at YA Buddy Readers Corner for the past couple of months also.

message 33: by Alysa (new)

Alysa H. | 3816 comments Name: Alysa
Age: 36
Location: NYC
Occupation: Library Supervisor
Pets: None, but I long for a dog. Always had then when I was a kid.
Hobbies: Not a ton of time for hobbies these days (besides reading!) because I have a 7 yr old daughter, but I enjoy film/tv, nature, music and singing (I sing in a choir). I actually read less than usual in 2017 because A) politics and B) my daughter got me hooked on her My Little Pony video game. LOL. I also maintain a very popular academic online bibliography.
Favourite Genres: Fantasy/Speculative, YA, m/m romance, lit fic, nonfiction
Fav Author: You're kidding, right? It'd be easier to name authors I don't like than authors I like. But that would be mean.
Challenges? I've been doing solo challenges on NBRC for a while, because it helps me manage my giant TBR, but this is my first team challenge.

message 34: by Jackie (new)

Jackie | 2065 comments Cecily wrote: "Welcome Team!!

I have created a secret group and have sent you all invitations. If I missed you, please let me know so I can correct that. I had added the NBRC Mod account as well but I am going ..."

I haven't received an invitation, Cecily.

message 35: by Suzanne (new)

Suzanne | 5320 comments Jackie, did you go to the community/groups then click on mygroups. That is where I found the invite. I swear they used to email those invitations back in the day lol.

message 36: by Suzanne (new)

Suzanne | 5320 comments Name: Suzanne
Age: 53 - I think I can be the group grandma!
Location: Idaho Falls, Idaho - it is freezing here too!
Occupation: I'm a math professor at the university here. Working with students is fun, grading isn't too fun :)
Pets: Two dogs, although one is quite old.
Hobbies: Reading, computer games, travelling are probably my three favorite things to do. Exercise (?) which I don't love, but I'm trying to do it very regularly, so it is turning into a hobby.
Some of my favourite genres would be: Fantasy, mystery, romance - I really like reading a wide variety of stuff
Fav Author: Oh wow - there are so many that I love. The last few years I've been going to comic cons with my daughter in law and we get SO giddy about the authors :)
Challenges? I've done lots of challenges and am pretty addicted. I'm trying to tone down the solo ones this coming year because they are taking me way too much time to track, and I need to spend that time on other things (like reading).

message 37: by Nairabell (new)

Nairabell | 303 comments Name: Claire
Age: 31
Location: London, England
Occupation: I'm disabled and can't work right now
Pets: None, unless the niecelet and nephlet count :)
Hobbies: Reading, knitting, sewing, quilting
Favourite Genres: Urban fantasy, paranormal romance, cozy mysteries but I'll read pretty much anything
Fav Author: Just one? I don't think I can pick just one
Challenges? I used to do a ton of solo challenges but found I prefer group ones. I've played a few rounds of bookshelf bingo which is always a blast

message 38: by Jackie (new)

Jackie | 2065 comments Suzanne wrote: "Jackie, did you go to the community/groups then click on mygroups. That is where I found the invite. I swear they used to email those invitations back in the day lol."

Thanks, Suzanne! They did use to email the invitations and that's what I was looking for. But I got it now.

message 39: by Jackie (new)

Jackie | 2065 comments No, Suzanne, you're not the group grandma. I am!

Name: Jackie
Age: 70
Location: North Carolina
Occupation: Retired
Pets: I foster cats for a local rescue so always have several around as well as my own.
Hobbies: Reading, knitting, crocheting, crosstitch, any kind of needlework basically. Also love watching sports on TV - football, basketball, and baseball mostly.
Favorite Genres: Fantasy, Mystery/thriller, Young Adult, Paranormal
Challenges: I'm a certified challenge addict. I do tons of them, mostly individual at this time. I'm trying not to sign up for too many team challenges at a time because it can get really difficult to keep up.

message 40: by Suzanne (new)

Suzanne | 5320 comments One of the things I love about challenges is meeting all of the other readers! What a treat =) I'm looking forward to playing with everyone!

message 41: by Fi (new)

Fi | 324 comments Name: Filipa
Age: 28
Location: Porto, Portugal
We're having pretty mild weather right now for December (15ºC), but I still managed to catch a really bad cold. Yay me.
Hobbies: Reading, some tv, languages
Favourite Genres: m/m romance. I'm not particularly picky about sub-genres, but I do love my fantasy.
Fav Author: Harper Fox, Ginn Hale - better stop here lol
Challenges? - way too many. I love team challenges. Individuals I'll do if they sound really interesting, but like Suzanne said they can take too much time to track sometimes.

message 42: by Sarah (last edited Dec 30, 2017 10:59AM) (new)

Sarah | 5 comments Name: Sarah
Age: 23
Location: Texas.
Occupation: I am a leasing consultant for an apartment community.
Pets: I have a dog named Gracie who is seriously like my child. Haha. Yes I am that person. She is a miniature double dapple long haired dachshund.
Hobbies: I am alwayssssss watching Netflix. I can watch half a season a day easily. But if I have nothing going on a full season isnt hard to accomplish either. I spend alot of time with my husband and we enjoy watching movies or getting into TV shows together. I also spend alot of time with my aunt and uncle and we are either singing, playing cards, or playing board/trivia games. I enjoy cooking, writing, bookstores, and I am a huge fan of UFC.
Some of my favourite genres would be: YA, fantasy, new adult, supernatural/paranormal, mystery.
Fav Author: I dont even know where to begin. I love Sara Shepard, Sarah J Maas, Paula Treick DeBoard, John Green, JK Rowling, and Shannon Lee Alexander. I think that covers my bases! Haha!
Challenges? I do aloooooot of challenges. More individual than team but my team challenges have been stacking up.
Fun fact: I am successfully teaching myself sign language.

message 43: by Cecily (new)

Cecily Black | 1785 comments Suzanne wrote: "Name: Suzanne
Age: 53 - I think I can be the group grandma!
Location: Idaho Falls, Idaho - it is freezing here too!
Occupation: I'm a math professor at the university here. Working with students is..."

Haha, I debated putting exercise too! I just finished making a collage of sweaty selfies from last year! I start bootcamp in 2 days!!

message 44: by Cecily (new)

Cecily Black | 1785 comments Sarah wrote: "Name: Sarah
Age: 23
Location: Texas.
Occupation: I am a leasing consultant for an apartment community.
Pets: I have a dog named Gracie who is seriously like my child. Haha. Yes I am that person. S..."

Oh that is awesome! I know some sign as the girl I work with is mostly non verbal! I miss modding with you and the FLOAB team! :(

message 45: by Cecily (new)

Cecily Black | 1785 comments I am glad you all found your invitations :D

message 46: by Sarah (new)

Sarah | 5 comments We miss you too Cecily! Yeah I watch Switched at Birth which is where I've picked up alot but I also watch alot of song videos where people are signing and thats a good way to learn to. Then I have an app where I can type in a sentence and the little avatar will sign it back to me.

Im glad we get to work together on this challenge!

message 47: by Cecily (new)

Cecily Black | 1785 comments I believe we are still waiting for Lauriie, Wolf (Alpha), and Elena to accept the invite to our secret group :)

message 48: by Elena (new)

Elena  | 1403 comments I made it to the private group! Was supposed to have a quiet day to catch up on reading and instead spent half of it first in the urgent care clinic with my husband and then running around trying to find a pharmacy that's open :).

Name: Elena
Age: 38
Location: Maryland, US
Occupation: None presently
Pets: we have two bassets, three kitties, and a few fish
Hobbies: Reading, scripted TV, needlework, hiking with husband (though haven't had too many chances to get out recently). I want to add exercise too but I've been very inconsistent with it :)
Favourite Genres: faves would be Sci Fi/Speculative, Fantasy, Mystery/Crime and YA, trying to challenge myself to read more literary fiction and non-fiction
Fav Author: Hmmm, not sure I can pick just one. Most authors that impressed me the most I only read one or two books of, so more research is needed lol
Challenges? I took it easy with personal challenges in 2017 but joined a bunch again for the next year and I really love team challenges, they are the most fun!

message 49: by Alysa (new)

Alysa H. | 3816 comments Elena wrote: "I made it to the private group! Was supposed to have a quiet day to catch up on reading and instead spent half of it first in the urgent care clinic with my husband and then running around trying t..."

Oh no!
Hope everyone is okay.

message 50: by Elena (new)

Elena  | 1403 comments Thank you, Alysa! It's my husband, he's been sick for the good part of the month and woke up with the fever this morning. We're just playing it safe since everything will be closed for New Year's. He got more antibiotics and stronger cough medicine and hopefully will feel better soon. Talk about ending the year on a high note :)

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