A Good Thriller discussion

Challenges Archive > Book count for 2018....

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message 1: by Sean, Moderator (last edited Jan 11, 2018 12:02PM) (new)

Sean Peters | 10795 comments Mod
What's your target for the year...

This year I have gone for 63 books.

Read 62/63 in 2017....

January 11th I have read 5 books already. Can I keep it up !

message 2: by Rick (new)

Rick | 602 comments trying for 50 again, about 1 per week.

message 3: by Skye (new)

Skye | 814 comments I am very far behind!

message 4: by Lynn Renee (new)

Lynn Renee | 2272 comments I'm going for 250 books.

message 5: by Gopal (new)

Gopal (gopaliyer) | 521 comments Going for 52 books. 1 per week. Also targeting to review all 52 books on my blog.

message 6: by Eva (new)

Eva (bookworm_eve) Going for 75! :)

message 7: by Dana (new)

Dana | 188 comments Trying for 80 this year!

message 8: by Lynn Renee (new)

Lynn Renee | 2272 comments Going for 250

message 9: by Carolyn (new)

Carolyn | 1499 comments Going for 180 - I have a long commute to and from work.

message 10: by Erin (new)

Erin  | 605 comments Just like last year, I'm going for 150 books this year.

message 11: by Gary (new)

Gary Sundell | 1271 comments I set this years goal at 60. I have already read 9 and am nearly done with number 10.

message 12: by Kirsten (new)

Kirsten  (kmcripn) | 9191 comments My goal for this year is 183 books. I'm up to a count of 9.

message 13: by Janet , Moderator (new)

Janet  | 5981 comments Mod
Sadly I'm not going to reach my target for this year. Just three books off. I've been in a reading slump for a while and things happening in my personal life hasn't helped at all. Hope for better things next year.

message 14: by Donna (new)

Donna Schmidt | 63 comments I joined just six months ago and set my goal at 24 but read 31.

message 15: by Erin (new)

Erin  | 605 comments I ended up lowering my goal from 150- 136.

My final total was 138

message 16: by Diane Lynch (new)

Diane Lynch (dianedesmarrstlynch) | 308 comments I read 39 out of my 50 goal. Better than last year. Staying at 50

message 17: by Janet , Moderator (new)

Janet  | 5981 comments Mod
I'm reducing my number to 40 this year. If I surpass it then it's a bonus!

message 18: by Amber (new)

Amber Martingale I read 283. My goal was 279. My 2019 goal is 288. I read 318 in 2017. My goal that year was 316.

message 19: by PamG (last edited Feb 20, 2019 07:53AM) (new)

PamG (lynguy1) | 2318 comments I read 213 books in 2018. My goal was 200.

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