Hugo & Nebula Awards: Best Novels discussion

Sales and Good deals > Amazon Kindle Deals

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message 201: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4450 comments Mod
Today only $1.99

There Will Be Time

message 203: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (last edited Jun 16, 2019 09:36AM) (new)

message 204: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4450 comments Mod
Parable of the Sower $1.99
BUT I have seen this is a boxed set with the second one, on sale occasionally, much cheaper

message 205: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (last edited Jun 17, 2019 09:13AM) (new)

Kateblue | 4450 comments Mod
And here is the other Butler one, also on sale today only $2.99

Parable of the talents

Also a package and 2 out of 3 are nominated: The Great Alta Saga $3.99

message 206: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

message 207: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

message 208: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

message 209: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4450 comments Mod
Today from Open Road (Early Bird/Portalist)

Both are $3.99:
Heliconia Trilogy
The Budayeen Cycle (incl 2 on our list)

For $3.03 Delany Vol 1: Babel-17, Nova, +1 other

All are $1.99
Rogue Moon
Earth's Last Citadel
The Boat of a Million Years
White Jenna (although sometimes this is sold as a set with all 3 novels, 2 of which are on our list

message 210: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4450 comments Mod
The Works of Clifford D. Simak Volume Four: The Big Front Yard and Other Stories, Time Is the Simplest Thing, and The Goblin Reservation

$3.82 today only

message 211: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (last edited Jun 24, 2019 02:23PM) (new)

Kateblue | 4450 comments Mod
Dhalgren again @1.99 today, but I;m not sure because my credit amazon gave me for something bad that came in the mail is interfering with the display. It's telling me it's free

message 212: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4450 comments Mod
TOR's free book of the month is out

message 213: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4450 comments Mod
Tea with the Black Dragon, again, today only $1.99

message 214: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4450 comments Mod
A Case of Conscience just got sent $1.99 today only

message 215: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

message 216: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (last edited Jun 28, 2019 02:46PM) (new)

Kateblue | 4450 comments Mod
More stuff came at about 3 EDT, but I wasn't here at that time, so here ya go

All are $1.99 today only (US Amazon--Kindle)

The Wanderer
The Jagged Orbit
A heritage of stars
Queen of angels

Brightness Falls from the Air by James Tiptree Jr. not on our list because WITHDRAWN from Hugo consideration by the author (there's some discussion about this around here in this group somewhere)

message 217: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4450 comments Mod
NOTE: some of these recs come with other book sellers (probably other eformats) If someone tells me they need another seller rather than Amazon, let me know.

From Open Road/Early Bird/Portalist (all the same company) the options are:

Amazon Apple Barnes & Noble Google Kobo

Speak now, or forever hold your peace!

message 218: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

message 219: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4450 comments Mod
I think the everyday price of The Birthgrave by Tanith Lee, (1976 Nebula nominee, debut novel) must be $2.99 because I have never seen it offered anywhere on sale. I went looking for it because I keep seeing other books of hers offered, but not that one.

I turns out that it is first of a trilogy, so now I am not sure if I want to commit at this time, anyway.

Plus, reviewers have said it is hard to follow and experimental. But I thought you all should know that it is out there for cheap

message 220: by pareidolia (new)

pareidolia  | 34 comments People of Germany and other European countries who can shop at - there are some interesting SFF books in the monthly English Kindle deals for July. You get The Raven Tower, Consider Phlebas, Hyperion, The City & the City, Children of Blood and Bone and many, many more for 0,99 to 1,59 Euro each.


message 221: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4450 comments Mod
Thanks Donna

message 222: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

message 223: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4450 comments Mod
All month perhaps

The Curse of Chalion $.99

message 224: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (last edited Jul 03, 2019 09:02AM) (new)

Kateblue | 4450 comments Mod
All four of the Machineries of Empire (4 book series) group look really cheap right now . . . pick a couple or buy them all!

message 225: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (last edited Jul 03, 2019 02:07PM) (new)

Kateblue | 4450 comments Mod
This might be an all month thing - I'm not sure
Midnight Robber by Nalo Hopkinson $2.99

message 226: by Anthony (new)

Anthony (albinokid) | 191 comments I loved that book and highly recommend it to all.

message 227: by Jemppu (new)

Jemppu | 89 comments Oh, seconded 👍 Rich and powerful.

message 228: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4450 comments Mod
The Forge of God $2.99 today only

message 229: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4450 comments Mod
Record of a Spaceborn Few (Wayfarers Book 3) $1.99 today only

message 230: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (last edited Jul 05, 2019 10:23AM) (new)

message 231: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

message 232: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4450 comments Mod
Chalion still on sale for 99 cents not sure how long

message 233: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

message 234: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

message 235: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (last edited Jul 12, 2019 10:28PM) (new)

Kateblue | 4450 comments Mod
I'm not sure if this link will work, but Double Star is $2.99 until Monday here:

If the link doesn't work, the offeror is Arc Manor and this is their Phoenix Pick

Arc Manor is here:

message 236: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

message 237: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (last edited Jul 15, 2019 11:56AM) (new)

Kateblue | 4450 comments Mod
The curse of chalion still 99 cents

THE BOOKS BELOW SAY THEY ARE ON SALE FOR PRIME DAY. I don't know if they will have these prices for the rest of you . . .

The Godhead Trilogy (The first one is on our list) $2.99

The rest of these are $1.99 today
Queen of Angels
The Healer's War
A Fire in the Sun
The Fountains of Paradise
Schismatrix Plus

message 238: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4450 comments Mod
The eBook Club Selection for July 2019 is...

by Brian Staveley

Download before 11:59 PM ET, July 19th, 2019.

You have to sign up for the book club if you're not already

message 239: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (last edited Jul 16, 2019 05:00PM) (new)

Kateblue | 4450 comments Mod
Until midnight... sorry they are so late . . . I didn't think the Prime Day sale also being given by Early Bird/Portalist was still on today, so I just found this

The Female Man . . . $2.51

All the rest are $1.99 each

Goblin Reservation
More Than Human
Jagged Orbit
Tea w Black Dragon
Jack Faust

These two are also 1.99, but you might want to wait until the box set goes on sale because two of each are on our list
Sister Light, Sister Dark
Helliconia Spring

And I think this must be a novella, but it says on the front Nebula--so here: What Entropy Means to Me

message 240: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (last edited Jul 17, 2019 03:13PM) (new)

message 241: by Rebecca (new)

Rebecca | 97 comments Both links go to The Sheep Look Up.

Our Lady of Darkness is her

message 242: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4450 comments Mod
My bad. I usually check them.

message 243: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4450 comments Mod
The Dreamblood Duology (incl The Killing Moon) $3.99 not sure how long

message 244: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4450 comments Mod
Not sure if this is for today only or for the weekend

City $2.99

message 245: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4450 comments Mod
Orbit has Jade City for $1.99 for "a limited time" No idea how long this actually is. The new book, Jade War, is coming out on the 23rd.

Here's the publisher address

But it just sends you here . . . if you are a Kindle person

message 246: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (last edited Jul 19, 2019 07:46AM) (new)

Kateblue | 4450 comments Mod
The Dreamblood Duology still on sale today $3.99

message 247: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4450 comments Mod
This is a nominated novella for either the N or the H this year, can't remember which

Gods, Monsters, and the Lucky Peach $1.99 today

message 248: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4450 comments Mod
Sorry, no time.

Here's a bunch o' SciFi and Fantasy to go through because there's usually some of ours and lots of others but I just do not have the time today

message 249: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4450 comments Mod
The Calculating Stars: A Lady Astronaut Novel $2.99 today

message 250: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new)

Kateblue | 4450 comments Mod
The Falling Woman $1.99 today

I think that's it!

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