Hugo & Nebula Awards: Best Novels discussion

Group Info, Guidelines & FAQ > Hugo & Nebula - Group Guide

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message 1: by Art, Stay home, stay safe. (last edited Apr 21, 2020 05:34PM) (new)

Art | 2546 comments Mod

Not going to score any points for originality by starting this post with a greeting to our members, welcome to the group, happy to have you with us, yada yada. Now! Seeing as we've grown somewhat and have a whole bunch of things going on at the same time, my guess is that it can get somewhat tedious going through every single active thread, therefore I present you this "Guide to Hugo & Nebula Group" with hope that it will help you get your initial bearings and allow you to focus on those aspects of the group that interest you the most.

- Hugo & Nebula Awards: Bryan's Spreadsheet - Inside this thread you will find a link to an Excel document which contains all the Hugo and Nebula winners AND nominees up to date. A must-have for those who are curious about what percentage of the award-winning books you've read so far.

- Monthly Reads - Here you can find out how this group operates when it comes to picking our upcoming reads. At the start of any month we have roughly 800 - 900 pages worth of novels as our current reads, we have our "Upcoming Reads" picked out from the month before and we have a thread where we are nominating (and later voting) our next "Upcoming Reads"
Complete reading history

- Group Points - This is a reward system that is easy to use and that has the potential for introducing more features as we go along.

Group Points can be earned through participation in group discussions, challenges and other events. Acquired Group Points then may be traded in for various items and services.

- Concerning Series - The Guide - Within this thread you can find detailed information on how to approach those award-winning titles that belong to series. There are plenty of cases where the novel would make either little or ouright no sense by itself without the related works belonging to the same series, with the help of our members we tried making sense of it all. The information contained in this thread is subject to change, once we have read the series we will surely have a much clearer picture. On a side note, the longest series up to date is The Wheel of Time (11,537 pages) and the shortest is Jupiter Project (441 pages)

- Monthly Reading: Discussion - This is the folder which contains all the threads related to our monthly reads, feel free to add to any of the discussions, whether you have anything to say regarding our current reads or those of the past. For every title there's a version of a spoiler-free discussion and one where anything goes.

- Monthly Reading: Nominations - Current round of nominations can always be found here, along with the archive of all of our older nomination threads. We try to mix up the themes for our monthly nominations, so that we don't snob any of the genres.

- Challenges - Discussion - All the discussions of the books related to our challenges can be found in this folder, whether current or old.

- Sales and Good deals - A treasure trove of good deals, free giveaways, sale alerts and everything else that deals with our constant need of keeping our libraries up to date.

- Group's Bookshelf - Here you can see the complete list of all the titles that was ever nominated for either of the awards. Every title is tagged, so that you can see which book won the award or was only nominated. There is also a range of bookshelves to which every title is assigned (following dubious recommendations of Goodreads members), we use these bookshelves to nominate our upcoming reads. Feel free to browse the shelves to pick that exactly right novel to satisfy the itch, be it a Space Opera, a Fantasy or a Time Travel novel that you fancy this month.

- Group's Challenges - Check out what challenges we have going and the rewards you can get by completing them.

- Games This folder contains all our active threads related to pastime. Some of the games feature contests with various prizes, so make sure you read the rules!

- Group Polls - Be an active part of the group and vote. Instead of having Moderators choose the direction this group is going in, our members pick the titles and influence the decisions that affect the whole group. Every vote counts.

While Goodreads restricts creating of polls to group moderators, any member who is interested in putting up a poll can simply send myself or Bryan a private message with whatever question you want to poll people on and a choice of answers.

message 2: by Allan (new)

Allan Phillips | 3228 comments Mod
Thank you for posting, this is very helpful.

message 3: by Bryan, Village Idiot (new)

Bryan | 480 comments Mod
Nicely done, sir! I think I learned a few things from it!

message 4: by Art, Stay home, stay safe. (new)

Art | 2546 comments Mod
Bryan wrote: "Nicely done, sir! I think I learned a few things from it!"

Such as the fact that I have way too much free time on my hand?!

message 5: by Art, Stay home, stay safe. (new)

Art | 2546 comments Mod

While Goodreads restricts creating of polls to group moderators, any member who is interested in putting up a poll can simply send myself or Bryan a private message with whatever question you want to poll people on and a choice of answers.

We will be more than happy to post your poll, once given all the needed info. So don't hesitate, even if it's unrelated to current reads, just message me if you want a poll set up!

Extra options when creating a poll include:

- whether you want it to be anonymous
- amount of days you want it to be up
- allowing a write-in answer
- whether you want the result to remain hidden until the end of the poll

message 6: by Art, Stay home, stay safe. (new)

Art | 2546 comments Mod
Added a new folder, one for the games. There will be more coming soon!

message 7: by Art, Stay home, stay safe. (new)

Art | 2546 comments Mod

Added a new feature which helps everyone keeping track of all of our discussion threads, current or those of the past.

Hugo & Nebula: Best Novels - Reading History

Hope there are no bugs with any of the links, in case you find any, please let me know.

message 8: by Oleksandr, a.k.a. Acorn (new)

Oleksandr Zholud | 4967 comments Mod
Art wrote: "*UPDATED*

Added a new feature which helps everyone keeping track of all of our discussion threads, current or those of the past.

Thank you!

message 9: by Art, Stay home, stay safe. (new)

Art | 2546 comments Mod

A new folder was added to our group.
Short Stories: Hugo & Nebula

Feel free to post your own threads in that folder, discussing short stories, novellas or novelettes.

message 10: by Art, Stay home, stay safe. (new)

Art | 2546 comments Mod
Added a couple of words on our Games folder.

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