NetGalley Addicts Support Group discussion

Coat Check [All About You] > Brag About Your Auto-approvals!

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message 1: by Sheri (new)

Sheri | 14 comments Just wondering what publishers people are auto-approved for and any tips? I have three (Canelo, Red Door and Amazon Publishing UK) so of course I have my eye on the badge you get for four! I do get most book requests approved but what’s the secret to auto-approval??

message 2: by Adele Shea (new)

Adele Shea (adelesheasy) | 4 comments I wish I knew Sheri. I have three myself. Xx

message 3: by Donna (new)

Donna Davis (seattlebookmama) | 134 comments Sheri wrote: "Just wondering what publishers people are auto-approved for and any tips? I have three (Canelo, Red Door and Amazon Publishing UK) so of course I have my eye on the badge you get for four! I do get..."

I'm in the States so not sure which will work for UK--but seems like you might have some success with Dundurn. They're in Canada and have a lot of titles relating to Native people in that country.

message 4: by Jenn (new)

Jenn | 27 comments I'm approved for Sourcebooks, and I know another staff member here is too. Central Avenue Publishing, Charlesbridge, First Second Books and Orca Book Publishers are the others. No one major, but very helpful! Sourcebooks especially do a lot of books in my areas of interest.

message 5: by Sara (new)

Sara (sara_book) | 1 comments I’m approved for two: booksgosocial and animal media group. Both auto approved me after one review. I think being a small indie publishing house they prefer lots of readers for exposure etc so I’d try and review one of their books and you’ll probably get approved by them ;)

message 6: by Carol (new)

Carol (carolfromnc) I was auto-approved by Poisoned Press after one review, and it made me like them even more, especially in comparison to several publishing houses that can't be bothered to act on a request as weeks go by.

message 7: by Sheri (new)

Sheri | 14 comments Thanks all 😀

message 8: by Sheila (new)

Sheila | 43 comments Oh weird. I have the auto-approved badge and have never noticed it.

message 9: by Sheila (new)

Sheila | 43 comments This is for NetGalley UK:-

Amazon Publishing UK
Severn House
Waterhouse Press

message 10: by Erica (new)

Erica (bookishblond) Carol wrote: "I was auto-approved by Poisoned Press after one review, and it made me like them even more, especially in comparison to several publishing houses that can't be bothered to act on a request as weeks..."

That's a great tip; thanks for sharing, Carol! I'll have to check them out now.

message 11: by Maddie (new)

Maddie (maddisonbruce) | 1 comments How do I get auto-approved? I've got one (Bloomsbury UK and ANZ) but not sure how it happened.

message 12: by Lori (new)

Lori (llparrish) | 11 comments If this is for the U.S. I'm approved for Backlit and Bethany House. I've no idea how it happened but I'd love to be auto approved for a few more of my favorite publisher but have no idea how to do it

message 13: by MarylineD (new)

MarylineD | 6 comments Lori wrote: "If this is for the U.S. I'm approved for Backlit and Bethany House. I've no idea how it happened but I'd love to be auto approved for a few more of my favorite publisher but have no idea how to do it"

you are lucky!
Are you from the UK, US, Canada?
I'm from Belgium. Auto approved by 2. My feedback ratio is excellent as I review EVERY book I read. As I always have like 15 on my shelf (I read a lot, request a lost, also "read now") my feedback goes from 85 to 95% but I review everything!

I wish I had more auto approvals but for some reason like you said it's only from publishers I've requested from maybe once! Those I request from all the time (and get approved) they don't auto approve me! :(

message 14: by Robin Loves (new)

Robin Loves Reading (robint60) | 9 comments I am auto-approved for:
Kensington Books
Overlord Publishing
Prelude Books

I am also auto-approved for Forever’s print books, along with their imprints.

St. Martins, Avon and Harlequin have been approving 100% of my requests, even though my feedback ratio is only 57%. This might be because they are contacting via email to review specific titles. This makes it very hard to not further decimate my ratio, knowing I can get so many books. Of 289 approved since I began in May, I have 170 published reviews for NG, but 323 on my blog. Once I update my reviews, my ratio might rise. That is, if I have enough discipline not to keep grabbing books, lol.

message 15: by Robin Loves (new)

Robin Loves Reading (robint60) | 9 comments MarylineD wrote: "Lori wrote: "If this is for the U.S. I'm approved for Backlit and Bethany House. I've no idea how it happened but I'd love to be auto approved for a few more of my favorite publisher but have no id..."

I review everything too, across the board, from NetGalley, Edelweiss, First to Read, Inkslinger, and several print publishers. But I just started last May, and my current feedback ratio is 57%.

message 16: by MarylineD (new)

MarylineD | 6 comments Robin wrote: "I am auto-approved for:
Kensington Books
Overlord Publishing
Prelude Books

I am also auto-approved for Forever’s print books, along with their imprints.

St. M..."

I don't know why I don't get auto approved more!
On NG for a year only but like I said my feedback is always above 85% so I just don't get it :( Oh well!

I always request from Bookouture because they always approve but unlike you they don't auto approve me :(
St Martin's Press approved me once then denied me once so I never request from them again yet I received an email with an invite to read and review a book I hadn't even requested, go figure!

Avon also generally approves me :) Harlequin not!

message 17: by Robin Loves (new)

Robin Loves Reading (robint60) | 9 comments MarylineD wrote: "Robin wrote: "I am auto-approved for:
Kensington Books
Overlord Publishing
Prelude Books

I am also auto-approved for Forever’s print books, along with their imp..."

Thank you. It is odd, prior to this month, Harlequin and Avon always denied me. Berkley always denies me on NG, but always approves me on Edelweiss.

message 18: by Ann (new)

Ann | 5 comments Yesterday I had an email telling me I was auto approved by a publisher
They are not showing in my auto approved list. When I asked Netgalley why they said I must no long be auto approved- all in the space if a few hours

message 19: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer Oslowski | 19 comments How did you get auto approved by Bookouture ? They always always approve me but I am not "auto approved" Just curious.. :)

message 20: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer Oslowski | 19 comments hmm, I get denied by Berkley as well, what is Edelweiss? I am looking it up now. haha

message 21: by Anna 'Bookbuyer' (new)

Anna 'Bookbuyer' (bookbuyer) | 23 comments Basically a less user friendly Netgalley. ^-^

message 22: by Milena (new)

Milena (love_tea78) | 49 comments Edelweiss is not too bad, it just takes a little time to learn to navigate it. A lot of Berkley titles and all Sourcebooks are Read Now on EW. Also William Morrow publisher is on EW but not on NG, and they publish many good books!

message 23: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer Oslowski | 19 comments Thank you! :)

message 24: by Anna 'Bookbuyer' (new)

Anna 'Bookbuyer' (bookbuyer) | 23 comments Edelweiss is definitely worth it. It just takes time and patience to understand it. ^-^

message 25: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer Oslowski | 19 comments I am on there now and finding it hard to navigate and figure out, but I will. I am not finding Berkley as a publisher..
Is Edelweiss more UK friendly opposed to US I wonder ?

message 26: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer Oslowski | 19 comments Thank you Anna! :)

message 27: by Anna 'Bookbuyer' (new)

Anna 'Bookbuyer' (bookbuyer) | 23 comments Jennifer wrote: "I am on there now and finding it hard to navigate and figure out, but I will. I am not finding Berkley as a publisher..
Is Edelweiss more UK friendly opposed to US I wonder ?"

No idea. I'm from Canada. I think I have a Youtube video that might help. Let me see if I can find it again.

message 29: by Milena (new)

Milena (love_tea78) | 49 comments Jennifer wrote: "I am on there now and finding it hard to navigate and figure out, but I will. I am not finding Berkley as a publisher..
Is Edelweiss more UK friendly opposed to US I wonder ?"

Search for Penguin Publishing Group which includes Berkley.

message 30: by Anna 'Bookbuyer' (new)

Anna 'Bookbuyer' (bookbuyer) | 23 comments Milena wrote: "Jennifer wrote: "I am on there now and finding it hard to navigate and figure out, but I will. I am not finding Berkley as a publisher..
Is Edelweiss more UK friendly opposed to US I wonder ?"


Penguin is mean. :(

message 31: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer Oslowski | 19 comments haha.. noted... thanks!

message 32: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer Oslowski | 19 comments Oh, I just saw the link you provided! thanks so much!

message 33: by Anna 'Bookbuyer' (new)

Anna 'Bookbuyer' (bookbuyer) | 23 comments Jennifer wrote: "haha.. noted... thanks!"

It might just be me. I have asked like 5 times for Wicked Fox (Gumiho, #1) by Kat Cho and nada. They keep rejecting me. I even asked why and got nothing. So now I'm just pestering them in the vain hope they will accept me.

message 34: by Anna 'Bookbuyer' (new)

Anna 'Bookbuyer' (bookbuyer) | 23 comments Jennifer wrote: "Oh, I just saw the link you provided! thanks so much!"

NP. It's long so feel free to skip to what you need. Also if you want some profile help or help in general. I've become a bit of an expert. :)

message 35: by Carol (new)

Carol (carolfromnc) Anna 'Bookbuyer' call me bookbuyer. ^-^ wrote: "Jennifer wrote: "haha.. noted... thanks!"

It might just be me. I have asked like 5 times for Wicked Fox (Gumiho, #1) by Kat Cho and nada. They keep rejecting me. I even asked why and got nothing. So ..."

Not only have I gotten no love from Penguin, but they won’t even decline me. They just ignore my requests and six months later, the requests expire. It’s insulting, but there it is, which
I suppose boils down to: you’re not alone.

message 36: by Carol (new)

Carol (carolfromnc) Anna 'Bookbuyer' call me bookbuyer. ^-^ wrote: "Basically a less user friendly Netgalley. ^-^"

Ha! It’s all a matter of perspective, I suppose. I find them to be far more user-friendly as well as low-key. I get approved faster and more often, and no one ignores my requests. Plus, fewer romances and more translated fiction and nonfiction. Potato. Po-tah-to.

message 37: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer Oslowski | 19 comments Yes, I want Lisa Gardner's latest, Do Not Tell, and I just looked up the publisher before requesting Penguin Group Dutton! ughhhhh, I will be denied for sure. Not even worth requesting only to be disappointed!

message 38: by Anna 'Bookbuyer' (new)

Anna 'Bookbuyer' (bookbuyer) | 23 comments Jennifer wrote: "Yes, I want Lisa Gardner's latest, Do Not Tell, and I just looked up the publisher before requesting Penguin Group Dutton! ughhhhh, I will be denied for sure. Not even worth requesting only to be d..."


message 39: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer Oslowski | 19 comments It's called "Never Tell" oops.

message 40: by Anna 'Bookbuyer' (new)

Anna 'Bookbuyer' (bookbuyer) | 23 comments Jennifer wrote: "It's called "Never Tell" oops."


message 41: by Robin Loves (new)

Robin Loves Reading (robint60) | 9 comments Shockingly, I was just auto-approved by HarperCollins. I am in shock, but giddy.

message 42: by Fictionophile (new)

Fictionophile  (fictionophile) | 96 comments Robin wrote: "Shockingly, I was just auto-approved by HarperCollins. I am in shock, but giddy."

Wow! Congrats Robin. What's your secret?

message 43: by Robin Loves (new)

Robin Loves Reading (robint60) | 9 comments Fictionophile wrote: "Robin wrote: "Shockingly, I was just auto-approved by HarperCollins. I am in shock, but giddy."

Wow! Congrats Robin. What's your secret?"

Thanks! Absolutely no idea. I have been reviewing 10 months. 196 on NetGalley, 311 for the year. So far this year I have read 81 books. I review every book I read.

message 44: by Bridget (new)

Bridget (midge1) | 10 comments Congratulations, Robin! I'm so impressed - I'm still only auto-approved by BooksGoSocial. 😲😕

message 45: by Robin Loves (new)

Robin Loves Reading (robint60) | 9 comments Bridget wrote: "Congratulations, Robin! I'm so impressed - I'm still only auto-approved by BooksGoSocial. 😲😕"

Thank you Bridget!

message 46: by Robin Loves (new)

Robin Loves Reading (robint60) | 9 comments Anna 'Bookbuyer' call me bookbuyer. ^-^ wrote: "Jennifer wrote: "haha.. noted... thanks!"

It might just be me. I have asked like 5 times for Wicked Fox (Gumiho, #1) by Kat Cho and nada. They keep rejecting me. I even asked why and got nothing. So ..."

100% declined on NetGalley by them but whitelisted on Edelweiss last week for some odd reason.

message 47: by Fictionophile (new)

Fictionophile  (fictionophile) | 96 comments Robin wrote: "Anna 'Bookbuyer' call me bookbuyer. ^-^ wrote: "Jennifer wrote: "haha.. noted... thanks!"

It might just be me. I have asked like 5 times for Wicked Fox (Gumiho, #1) by Kat Cho and nada. They keep rej..."

Robin wrote: "Anna 'Bookbuyer' call me bookbuyer. ^-^ wrote: "Jennifer wrote: "haha.. noted... thanks!"

It might just be me. I have asked like 5 times for Wicked Fox (Gumiho, #1) by Kat Cho and nada. They keep rej..."

I suspect they have different publishing reps for each platform as I can think of no other reason.

message 48: by ✨ A ✨ (new)

✨ A ✨  (az_youread) Guys! i finally got my first book approved by edelweiss!! The Marriage Clock by Zara Raheem
From HarperCollins who never approve me on NG : /

Edelweiss confuses me still and I'm not sure what their review policy is... Or I forgot? How long am I allowed to keep the book? Do I have a time limit? Should I download it immediately?

Also does anyone know if they have email notifications or something because I never get emails from them and it sucks that I always have to physically check if I am approved : /

message 49: by *Stani* (new)

*Stani* | 1 comments Azrah wrote: "Guys! i finally got my first book approved by edelweiss!! The Marriage Clock by Zara Raheem
From HarperCollins who never approve me on NG : /

Edelweiss confuses me still and I'm not sure wh..."

congrats! it happened to me as well - books that I have requested on NG and got declined I requested on EW and got approved. Not always, but it happened to me twice already.

EW is definitely not as straight forward as NG and is a tad confusing for sure. I don't know how to get notifications - I believe I only receive email, if I am approved for ARC, but not when I am declined.

message 50: by Sarah (last edited Feb 22, 2019 05:06PM) (new)

Sarah | 69 comments Azrah wrote: "Guys! i finally got my first book approved by edelweiss!! The Marriage Clock by Zara Raheem
From HarperCollins who never approve me on NG : /

Edelweiss confuses me still and I'm not sure wh..."

I actually prefer Edelweiss for exactly this reason. For some reason they are much less stringent about their requirements. I wonder if its because Edelweiss has less users?

Anyway- to answer your questions: as far as I know it's up to the publisher whether you get notified. I've been notified for exactly one declined request of the past 4 I've requested. I was approved for 2 of those 4 and not notified either time, and declined for another and was not notified. It seems pretty random.

You do have to download it before they remove it from the ARCs available for request. I think most books become unavailable to request on their publish date. You can keep it for forever. So it's best just to download right away.

No strict review policy. No feedback ratios (although publishers can see this information approved/declined/feedback sent etc.). Honestly I treat them just like I treat NetGalley- I try not to review the book too early or too late. I cross post to retail sites. Submit feedback with links.

There is a group on GR specifically for Edelweiss- and I believe the kind gentleman Joe who sends us those weekly newsletters is a member of the group and provides support/assistance wherever he can under the name Fictionophile (*I think* I'm sorry if I got your screen name wrong!) eek! got that part wrong. I don't know why I thought that. I guess it must just be all the awesome support Fictionophile provides for everyone. (They are the mod of the group.)

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