Nothing But Reading Challenges discussion

The Upside Down Summer Challenge > NBRC Bar, Pool & Grill

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message 1: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (last edited Nov 27, 2018 04:47PM) (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod

Pull up a stool, have a drink (our cocktails and mocktails are excellent!), take a swim or walk along the beach.

This is where you can be sociable and get to know your fellow players. This thread is not for asking questions to the mods. It is purely for chatting.

message 2: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod

message 3: by Alysa (new)

Alysa H. | 3816 comments OMG, I so badly want to be on a sunny beach right now.

Also, hello everybody! *waves*

message 4: by Jessi (new)

Jessi (jazzykitty) | 1644 comments *waves*

Looking forward to this!! I am a summer child and prefer summer over winter so this should be a nice escape!

Winter is coming!

message 5: by CiCi (new)

CiCi (cici_miller) | 352 comments We had a snowstorm last night, but in 20 hours, I will be getting on a plane for sunny Maui!

Perfect time for this challenge!

message 6: by Joanne (new)

Joanne This looks so fun. I love that it's individual but still has the competitive aspects of a group challenge!

message 7: by Tina ❣ (new)

Tina ❣ (nutrinut) | 1919 comments YES! A summer challenge in my summer!

message 8: by Alysa (new)

Alysa H. | 3816 comments Thanks! I could sure use it here in gray NYC. 😩

message 9: by Rayne (new)

Rayne  (raynebair) | 481 comments Signed up. Can't wait to get my spreadsheet and get started!

message 10: by Kaley (new)

Kaley (kaleyamo) | 1860 comments Signed up! Definitely pretending I'm in the Southern Hemisphere right now instead of somewhere were it has been snowing and freezing rain this week. :-|

I'm usually terrible at individual challenges but I'm excited this one is individual but competitive -- which I think will definitely help me!

message 11: by Emelie (new)

Emelie | 415 comments Same with me Kaley, competitiveness always gets me going - can't do challenges without it, haha.

Just signed up too!

It's really windy, dark, rainy/snowy here in Sweden so will be nice to pretend it's summer for me as well.

message 12: by Alysa (new)

Alysa H. | 3816 comments During the Xmas holidays, I will be traveling from New York to... Western Canada. So, no warm places for me this winter except maybe hot tubs if I am lucky!

message 13: by Karen ⊰✿, Fiction Aficionado (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 15953 comments Mod
Well, although it is now Summer here, the last week has been pretty dreadful! But today, the sun is shining and the cicadas are out. We are having a BBQ today and off to a pool party tomorrow (forecast 35c) so perfect start to the Summer!

I hope you all enjoy the challenge. If you have any suggestions for tasks, feel free to send to the mod account. I think I'm going to put in some more summer related ones in January :)

message 14: by ❀Tea❀ (new)

❀Tea❀ (ttea) | 9596 comments But you can't enjoy your book with warm cacao in your hands and under warm cozy blanket in summer.

(yeah, I'm trying to make it sound nice since heating is off for the night. joy of central heating!)

Roger - president of NBR United - (roger_presidentofnbrunited) | 612 comments is there a list somewhere with authors that were born in Australia and/or New Zealand?

message 16: by Alysa (new)

Alysa H. | 3816 comments ❀Tea❀ wrote: "But you can't enjoy your book with warm cacao in your hands and under warm cozy blanket in summer.

(yeah, I'm trying to make it sound nice since heating is off for the night. joy of central heating!)"

Sounds like there should be a poll:
What is better, reading at the beach/pool with a cocktail, or reading by the fireplace with a mug of hot cocoa?

I think I could break my brain trying to decide...

message 17: by Karen ⊰✿, Fiction Aficionado (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 15953 comments Mod
Roger - president of NBR United - wrote: "is there a list somewhere with authors that were born in Australia and/or New Zealand?"

I'm not sure if there is on goodreads. I find wikipedia good for that kind of thing

message 18: by Karen ⊰✿, Fiction Aficionado (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 15953 comments Mod
Alysa wrote: "Sounds like there should be a poll:
What is better, reading at the beach/pool with a cocktail, or reading by the fireplace with a mug of hot cocoa?

I think I could break my brain trying to decide.. ..."

I agree. That is a tough choice!!!

message 19: by Tina ❣ (new)

Tina ❣ (nutrinut) | 1919 comments Roger - president of NBR United - wrote: "is there a list somewhere with authors that were born in Australia and/or New Zealand?"

I've found these:

Hopefully that will help. But double check as there are some Aussie Authors that are Australia but were born somewhere else

message 20: by Alysa (last edited Dec 08, 2018 07:37PM) (new)

Alysa H. | 3816 comments I’ve had this big stack of library books that I haven’t been able to get through, mainly but not only because of things not fitting for Wheel-a-thon. One of these books had to be returned, sadly unread, a few days ago and I was bummed because it had exactly 6 even numbers in the ISBN10.
But I have just discovered that another, not due for six more days, also has exactly 6 even numbers in the ISBN10! And it is also a lot shorter than that other one!

*happy dance*

message 21: by Karen ⊰✿, Fiction Aficionado (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 15953 comments Mod
Happy days Alysa!

message 22: by Sunny (new)

Sunny (sunnyisreading) | 340 comments I'm suffering from post Wheelathon depression so I thought joining another challenge would be a good idea! Hi guys! :D

message 23: by Karen ⊰✿, Fiction Aficionado (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 15953 comments Mod
We find that when team challenges finish everyone wants to know about the next one, so we thought this would be a nice filler ;)

message 24: by Cat (new)

Cat (cat_uk) | 9388 comments Mod
I'm in agonies over the yellow cover. I've got one, but I've been saving it for UNO.... what do I do?!!!

PS if January has a green cover task I shall not be held responsible for any fauxtrage I commit! ;-P

message 25: by Karen ⊰✿, Fiction Aficionado (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 15953 comments Mod
Well if you have one ready to go I’d just read it. I’m sure you’ll find another in a few months or your team will help you out ;)

message 26: by Cat (new)

Cat (cat_uk) | 9388 comments Mod
Yeah, of course I will read it now! you're just lucky that it's not an E / I yellow, as that would've pushed me over the edge! ;-P

On another task front.... anyone recommend any skinny dipping stories?

message 27: by Karen ⊰✿, Fiction Aficionado (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 15953 comments Mod
True ;)

One Day by David Nicholls and Love Overboard by Janet Evanovich come to mind for skinny dipping

message 28: by Franziska (new)

Franziska (chaoschild) | 207 comments Sunny wrote: "I'm suffering from post Wheelathon depression so I thought joining another challenge would be a good idea! Hi guys! :D"
It was the same reason for me to join the challenge :)

message 29: by Tati (new)

Tati | 1317 comments Gosh, I'm currently melting in Brazil, and, at this point, I'd happily face-plant into a pile of snow

message 30: by Cathy M. (last edited Dec 10, 2018 10:14PM) (new)

Cathy M. (mccathy77) | 5663 comments Cat wrote: "Yeah, of course I will read it now! you're just lucky that it's not an E / I yellow, as that would've pushed me over the edge! ;-P

On another task front.... anyone recommend any skinny dipping st..."

I just read Sexy Stranger by Kendall Ryan and Four Summers by Nyrae Dawn and both have skinny dipping scenes.

message 31: by Rina (new)

Rina | 650 comments Truth or Beard (Winston Brothers, #1) by Penny Reid has skinny dipping too.

message 32: by Cat (new)

Cat (cat_uk) | 9388 comments Mod
Thanks guys! (though feel free to keep them coming :) )

message 33: by Vicky (new)

Vicky (librovert) | 2973 comments Rina wrote: "Truth or Beard (Winston Brothers, #1) by Penny Reid has skinny dipping too."

This is such a happy discovery for me! I just finished her Elements of Chemistry series and I'm wondering what the heck took me so long to read her books. Pretty sure I have Truth or Beard on my kindle too...

message 34: by Rayne (new)

Rayne  (raynebair) | 481 comments If you like MM romance, Just Ask has skinny dipping and is set in Fiji, so it would work for two of the Dec tasks.

message 35: by Karolyn (new)

Karolyn | 1041 comments Curious if anyone else is also doing the SRC (Seasonal Reading Challenge). It's been fun (or maddening???) to find books to fit both.

message 36: by Cat (new)

Cat (cat_uk) | 9388 comments Mod
Yeah, I'm doing SRC too. So far I've fitted most books into both... It'll be a bit more interesting as we get to Feb, though!

message 37: by Karolyn (new)

Karolyn | 1041 comments Cat wrote: "Yeah, I'm doing SRC too. So far I've fitted most books into both... It'll be a bit more interesting as we get to Feb, though!"

I've done pretty good so far too... but it's already getting harder. I'll have to stalk your book list for ideas :)

message 38: by CiCi (new)

CiCi (cici_miller) | 352 comments Vicky wrote: "Rina wrote: "Truth or Beard (Winston Brothers, #1) by Penny Reid has skinny dipping too."

This is such a happy discovery for me! I just finished her Elements of Chemistry series and I'm wondering what the heck to..."

I started with the Winston Brothers series book 0.5 - Beauty and the Mustache, I highly recommend it. Plus, the character is a knitter! It's a quick read for an easy 100 pts.

message 39: by Sharon (new)

Sharon (sharon_alexandr) | 511 comments Karolyn wrote: "Curious if anyone else is also doing the SRC (Seasonal Reading Challenge). It's been fun (or maddening???) to find books to fit both."

I'm doing both for the first time. I started fitting books in to the Seasonal Reading Challenge last night. It's a little daunting trying to figure out the best way to fit everything in!

message 40: by Tati (new)

Tati | 1317 comments I'm beginning to think I'm too lazy for SRC... Having to hunt down the hardback page counts makes me procrastinate too much on posting completed tasks

message 41: by Vicky (new)

Vicky (librovert) | 2973 comments Oh man I have a complicated relationship with the SRC. I LOVE finding books for all the tasks but I think I spend more time searching than I do reading. I haven't done it in a few seasons!

message 42: by Marie (UK) (new)

Marie (UK) (mazza1) | 5509 comments Karolyn wrote: "Curious if anyone else is also doing the SRC (Seasonal Reading Challenge). It's been fun (or maddening???) to find books to fit both."

I am doing SRC and so far managed to get everything into both but I am not stressing over the SRC this year will just see how it goes haven't posted any completions yet

message 43: by Karolyn (last edited Dec 14, 2018 03:22PM) (new)

Karolyn | 1041 comments Vicky wrote: "Oh man I have a complicated relationship with the SRC. I LOVE finding books for all the tasks but I think I spend more time searching than I do reading. I haven't done it in a few seasons!"

This is so me! I spent an hour last night trying to fit books into both. This is my second SRC, and while I love that it gets me out of my comfort zone, I'm not going to let it stress me too much. S o far I've been lucky to fit books into both challenges.

message 44: by Slytherpuff (new)

Slytherpuff I tried SRC once but couldn’t get completion posts right so I stopped. I have decided to try again for this season

message 45: by Marie (UK) (new)

Marie (UK) (mazza1) | 5509 comments Karolyn wrote: "Vicky wrote: "Oh man I have a complicated relationship with the SRC. I LOVE finding books for all the tasks but I think I spend more time searching than I do reading. I haven't done it in a few sea..."

I am not even sure that it really gets me out of my comfort zone anymore maybe the odd task but not hugely so

message 46: by Rayne (new)

Rayne  (raynebair) | 481 comments Slytherpuff wrote: "I tried SRC once but couldn’t get completion posts right so I stopped. I have decided to try again for this season"

Has anyone come up with a spreadsheet to track progress? I'd really love to try this next round.

message 47: by Cat (new)

Cat (cat_uk) | 9388 comments Mod
Brooklyn wrote: "Slytherpuff wrote: "I tried SRC once but couldn’t get completion posts right so I stopped. I have decided to try again for this season"

Has anyone come up with a spreadsheet to track progress? I'd..."

SRC? This is mine...

message 48: by Alison (new)

Alison (a1ison74) | 2826 comments This tautogram task is killing me. Has anyone managed to find something that works? The only book I have that fits is Traitor to the Throne (Rebel of the Sands, #2) by Alwyn Hamilton but it'd be a reread and I'm trying to avoid that if at all possible

message 49: by Rayne (new)

Rayne  (raynebair) | 481 comments Cat wrote: "Brooklyn wrote: "Slytherpuff wrote: "I tried SRC once but couldn’t get completion posts right so I stopped. I have decided to try again for this season"

Has anyone come up with a spreadsheet to tr..."

Thanks. That gives me some ideas.

message 50: by Alysa (new)

Alysa H. | 3816 comments I filled the tautogram task a couple weeks ago with an anthology called Witches: Wicked, Wild & Wonderful

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