The Ultimate Wings of Fire Discussion and Roleplaying Group discussion

Moon Rising (Wings of Fire, #6)
This topic is about Moon Rising
Books > Book 6 - Moon Rising

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AG Harry Potter and Wings of Fire SUPERFAN!! Hi | 20 comments I loved it too, the fact that Moon could read minds is a good thing and a bad thing. It made it so we could see many other dragons perspectives on things, but the bad part is that because of the fact that we saw in so many other dragons minds meant that we would not get a book on characters such as Kinkajou.

Mr. Rainwing (thegreatmrrainwing) | 1 comments It is a really good book. I agree Drago, it would be cool with kinkajou's perspective. But there were so many page turners. That left me like, "What is going to happen next?!" or "OH NO!!!" So I give the book a five star rating.

message 3: by Liv (new)

Liv  Loves Books | 243 comments ​ wrote: "It's a good book but I REALLY wanted a book from Kinkajou's perspective"

Rayla'sBiggestFan(please read my updated bio) (raylasbiggestfan) me too, i was surpirsed they did peril although i wanted peril more

-Isabella- | 865 comments Mod
Moon Rising is my fav book! I love Moonwatcher!

message 6: by Nicoletta, When you finally figure out titles :) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Nicoletta | 1620 comments Mod
I know right?

message 7: by Liv (new)

Liv  Loves Books | 243 comments She’s so cool and I love how she thinks >.<

Ꞩȼⱥɍ  ~ El Psicópata Latino Local  (just_a_worthless_wolf) | 11 comments This is one of my fav W,O.F books, I was so happy when they introduced new main characters in the series. Moonwatcher is definitely one of my Fav characters. I love how there's two dragons
from different tribe who have fallen in love with her. Idk If I'm a Winterwatcher shipper or Moonibi shipper, But I can wait to see Moon's decision. Oh and when she has the power to read Minds and create Prophecy, even tho the NIghtwings supposedly lose their powers. I was so happy when The Voice in Moon's voice in her head was Darkstalker ( I read that Legends before Moon rising)
In General, This is a great book

message 9: by Liv (new)

Liv  Loves Books | 243 comments Moonibi forever!!

message 10: by Genevieve (new) - added it

Genevieve I actually don’t like this book as much as I love the others. I still like it, but moon is a bit of a Mary Sue and I don’t like her personality very much. But I did like the fact that we could see into other character’s minds, like when, for example, Qibli is fretting over if dragons would like him and how his mind moves really fast. It’s things like that that paint a picture for me what kind of character that dragon is.

Rosebud The Silkwing-Rainwing Hybrid (rosebudoc) | 281 comments My favorite book in the series!

Aria ​ wrote: "It's a good book but I REALLY wanted a book from Kinkajou's perspective"

Yea that would be awesome!

Aria Isabella wrote: "Moon Rising is my fav book! I love Moonwatcher!"

She is amazing! My fave book ever!

message 14: by ✨Maddie✨ (new)

✨Maddie✨ | 2 comments ₩ØⱠ₣₴₵₳Ɽ ฿Ⱡ₳₵₭ĐɆ₳₮Ⱨ ~ Solo El Psicópata Local wrote: "This is one of my fav W,O.F books, I was so happy when they introduced new main characters in the series. Moonwatcher is definitely one of my Fav characters. I love how there's two dragons
from d..."

Yes! Moonibi 4 Eva!!

message 15: by ✨Maddie✨ (new)

✨Maddie✨ | 2 comments This is my all time favorite book! I love it soooo much!!

message 16: by Elsa (new) - rated it 4 stars

Elsa | 9 comments My favorite wof book because of how everything is two sided. Like Moon’s mind reading abilities. It helps us see in a different perspective other than our own that parts of us have cons and pros. This book was really something special and unique and truly touched me.

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