Goodreads Reviewers' Group discussion

Challenges > Book Reviewing Challenge - Begins February 1

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message 1: by Nina (new)

Nina Shevchuk-Murray | 2 comments Friends --

To help us all keep up with our new year's resolutions, I will be running a Book Review challenge beginning February 1. The challenge is inspired by the incredible variety of reading done by this group. It will consist of 10 prompts designed to help you think and write in new ways. I will strive to make it useful, entertaining, and easy to follow. Please follow me or, if you have a blog, follow my blog at

I'll see you on the 1st!

message 2: by A Robin Reads (new)

A Robin Reads (arobinreads) I can't find the challenges on your blog. I just saw this and thought it was a great idea! Would love to join in.

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