A Good Thriller discussion

Group Read - Come And Join Us! > Kevin Land Patrick - Read-A-Long February 16th and 17th 2019

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message 1: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10795 comments Mod
Author and member Kevin Land Patrick is offering his book free for a read a long on February 16th and 17th 2019...

Please contact the author for a free book

message 2: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10795 comments Mod
Please don't forget this weekend.

message 3: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10795 comments Mod
Hope all goes well this weekend.

message 4: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10795 comments Mod
The book is Silkworm..

But alas I do not see any questions, and I have also sent a message to the author...

message 5: by Kevin (new)

Kevin Patrick | 5 comments I haven't received any questions, but will look for comments, questions and critique!

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