♥!The Young Adult Book Club!♥ discussion

Members > Instagram Handles?

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message 1: by Ruthie (new)

Ruthie (ruthieram_reads) | 1 comments I need more “tag a friend” options on Instagram when I enter book giveaways. I want to tag people who are actually bookworms!!

I’d love to follow you! If you want to follow me or tag me in giveaways my IG handle is @gemjamram


message 2: by Jamie (new)

Jamie (loverx3) | 2 comments Xcv.jamieee

Breanne ~ The Literary Life of Beans  (theliterarylifeofbeans) What accounts are you following for book giveaways? @brea.sketch

message 4: by Time (new)

Time Ferrell (kingtime) | 15 comments @kingtime___

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