A Good Thriller discussion

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Book Pals - Archive > Spring Book Pals--Sign Up

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Lorrea - WhatChaReadin'? (whatchatreadin) Ever feel like your To Be Read shelf is overwhelming? Now is the time to sign up with a partner to take down that list! This will be the opportunity to be randomly paired with another member from A Good Thriller group and read one or more books from the ever growing list of TBR.

You will be randomly paired with another member, and you will each select a book or books from your partner's TBR list that you have read and would suggest for them to read or you can both choose to read the same book. You can then chat through PM (personal message) about the books you have each selected to read.

If you would like to participate, just let me know in the comments below. On or around
April 1st I will pick Pals.

~ Make sure your profile is set to Public, or at least allow non-friends to Private Message you.
~ Have a specific shelf you'd like your partner to choose from? Post a link when signing up.
~ Consider adding more books to your "To-Read" shelf so it's easier for your partner to choose.
~ Only sign up if you are committed to participating.
~ Remember to check back at the beginning of April to see who you've been paired with. (This will be in a new thread called Spring Book Pals-Post Your Thoughts)
~ Have fun!

message 2: by Joi (new)

Joi James (namastereading) | 12 comments this sounds like fun!! I'm interested.

message 3: by Tonya (new)

Tonya (tonyasmith) | 910 comments Im in

Lorrea - WhatChaReadin'? (whatchatreadin) Hopefully we will get a few more people to join in. I'm going to leave this up until Friday April 12th.

message 5: by Angela (new)

Angela Rhudy (angelic68) | 43 comments I’m in!

message 6: by Dana (new)

Dana (dkmckelvey) | 623 comments I'll join

message 7: by Juliana (new)

Juliana | 350 comments Can you add me please

Lorrea - WhatChaReadin'? (whatchatreadin) Thanks everyone, tomorrow, Friday April 12th I will pick Pals.

Lorrea - WhatChaReadin'? (whatchatreadin) Pals have been posted. Use the link below to go to the thread and see your pal. If you need anything from my side, let me know

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