Space Opera Fans discussion

Space Opera Anime/Manga/Comics > Master List of Space Opera Graphic Novels / Comics / Manga / Anime

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message 1: by Anna (last edited Jan 12, 2016 07:57AM) (new)

Anna Erishkigal (annaerishkigal) Greetings Space Opera Fans!

One of our goals in this community is to over come the 'that's not real Space Opera' snootiness of our grandparents and recognize that in today's world, it's not simply a piece of literature most Space Opera genre fans buy into, but the entire extended universe, which includes gaming, comics, tie-in movies and television shows, and various other media. I, myself, came into comics via the Marvel movies and Marvel-related fanfiction, which in turn reignited my teenage love of space opera as a genre.



SPACE OPERA ANIME: Community member Rion has created an Anime Space Opera Movie list on IMDb if you want to see the movies and their IMDb ratings.

Anime Space Opera movie list is HERE:

Thanks everybody who contributed to this list so far :-) Go forth and populate the list, just remember to only list the FIRST graphic novel in each series as otherwise they quickly get out of hand.

message 2: by Ronnie (new)

Ronnie (ronnieb) | 322 comments Right, let me have a think...

R.M. Meluch, "The USS Merrimack" series.
David Feintuch, "The Seafort Saga".

I'll probably think of more, but that's all I can come up with at the moment.

message 3: by Anna (last edited Aug 27, 2014 09:41AM) (new)

Anna Erishkigal (annaerishkigal) Thanks Ronnie! Those both appear to be book series, so I added them to this other series list I have going:

message 4: by Aaron (new)

Aaron Nagy | 111 comments Aldnoah Zero is not a Gundam it is just another real mecha show.

Don't bother listing all the Gundams there are a million of them. A million mecha shows as well, dropping a complete list would actually look silly.

Cobra has an anime series, a few actually. I guess I see Cobra as more a solid campy sci-fi adventure serial that feels straight out of the older times, than a Space Opera.

I'll throw up a thread for LOTGH once the reboot starts; that way we can all complain together about how the wonderfully drawn space battles are now all replaced with CGI.

Also don't start a listopia listing non-text stuff. I know goodreads doesn't like us clogging up their database about things that arn't books/comics and the like, heck they probably would frown at VN's which is something that actually should be included...the fact that ~90-95% of them are erotica does not help legitimize the format sadly :(. Talking about anime/movies is fine and bringing attention is fine but a listopia would require entries of them and goodreads frowns upon that.

message 5: by Anna (last edited Aug 28, 2014 05:39PM) (new)

Anna Erishkigal (annaerishkigal) I think when I finally do a Listopia, I'll ask people to confine it to the first book in each unique new cycle or series. Otherwise we'll have one title dominating the first 50 places.

FYI - Amazon bought Goodreads to get their hands on the Listopia/shelving data. Listopias, shelving, and tagging are all $$$ in the bank for them.

Example: Say you've heard about manga, but don't know a lot about it? You Google 'best manga.' You get a couple of blog articles and a Goodreads Listopia. You click into the Listopia. You click a title that looks interesting. It brings you to the book page. You see the green bar underneath the cover with the 'buy' links. The default top button is always Amazon (Goodreads' owner). You click the link. You end up at Amazon's website. While there, Amazon shows you other 'recommended for you' books. Chances are, you buy something or add it to your wishlist where they'll keep sending you reminder emails to buy that product and 6 'also related' products. And ... it didn't cost Amazon a penny.

message 6: by Sarah (new)

Sarah I started at the top of this and laughed when I got to the bottom. Amazon actually nagged me into buying Saga with one of those damn lists. I was finally like "FINE! I'll buy the damn thing". Then I completely loved it. I didn't know they got those from Listopia.

message 7: by Anna (new)

Anna Erishkigal (annaerishkigal) Sarah wrote: "I started at the top of this and laughed when I got to the bottom. Amazon actually nagged me into buying Saga with one of those damn lists. I was finally like "FINE! I'll buy the damn thing". Then ..."

Amazon gets its data from a variety of sources, but Goodreads data has helped tweak their algorithms because they can dump in all the data and look for patterns. It's why their algorithms are so creepily accurate. Amazon also EMAILS people sometimes who read a best-selling book or series and will ASK them what they recommend for people to read next.

message 8: by Sarah (new)

Sarah I've gotten those a few times, but considering how many books I read I don't think they do it often. Maybe three times.

But yes, they nagged me into Saga and Pretty Deadly and I loved them both.

Space Opera comics are probably not something I would ordinarily read, which is why I passed on Saga for so long. And Saga is REALLY good!!!

message 9: by Anna (new)

Anna Erishkigal (annaerishkigal) Sarah wrote: "Saga is REALLY good!!!..."

I've heard that. Have to read it at some point!

message 10: by Ronnie (new)

Ronnie (ronnieb) | 322 comments Comics: "Dan Dare" by Frank Hampson et al, primarily published between 1950-1959, but continuing in the present day via "Spaceship Away!" magaine.

message 11: by Anna (new)

Anna Erishkigal (annaerishkigal) Thanks Ronnie! Added it!

message 12: by Rion (last edited Aug 30, 2014 01:28AM) (new)

Rion  (orion1) | 108 comments I second Legend of The Galactic Heroes ova, it's probably still one of my favorite Space Opera's out there. Next favorite would be Crest of the Stars and it's sequels Banner of the Stars. Can't forget the Macross franchise. Probably the larges most successful anime space opera title that I can think of other than the Gundam franchise. Best recommendations for anime novice is to start with Macross: Do You Remember Love. It's unbelievable how great the animation was for the time it was created. Super expensive, thousands of man hours, something that will never be reproduced and still looks gorgeous on Dvd, the blu-ray release is super expensive and also cut some scenes, boo. The original series on the other hand is something that many people in the West will remember as Robotech. And yeah the animation makes it laughable today. The dramatic elements and music for Robotech still make it worth watching, but the amount of still framing is hard to watch today without chuckling at times. It's newest franchise contribution is called Macross Frontier. Unfortunately, you won't be able to watch it without importing it, or pirating it. Why?

Macross/Robotech dispute any why you won't be able to find all the franchise titles:

(view spoiler)

I'll just list some other space opera titles you might want to look for in Anime.

(view spoiler)

message 13: by Anna (new)

Anna Erishkigal (annaerishkigal) Rion wrote: "I'll just list some other titles you might want to look for for Anime..."

Thanks Rion! Just added everything except for the two series you said weren't space opera (if people feel they SHOULD be considered space opera, I'll consider adding them).

message 14: by Rion (new)

Rion  (orion1) | 108 comments Since you got me in the listing mood, I'd been planning on making an Anime sci/fi list on imdb, but since I took the time to research all these titles I've seen over the years I decided to make a space opera list on imdb, so enjoy a little more info on all those titles, except for Super Robot Wars, of which I had to add to imdb's data base last night. Still waiting on it's approval.

message 15: by Anna (new)

Anna Erishkigal (annaerishkigal) Rion wrote: "Since you got me in the listing mood ... I decided to make a space opera list on imdb..."

Thanks Rion! I just added the link to your IMDb list to the master list so community members an peruse the movie's ratings.

message 16: by Lexxi Kitty (new)

Lexxi Kitty (lexxikitty) | 43 comments Space Opera comics:
Aliens Vs Parker - I think of it as Space Opera, though no one has shelved it as such.

Ministry Of Space has a space opera vibe but not sure it actually fits in as Space Opera.

message 17: by Anna (new)

Anna Erishkigal (annaerishkigal) Lexxi Kitty wrote: "Space Opera comics:
Aliens Vs Parker - I think of it as Space Opera, though no one has shelved it as such.

Ministry Of Space has a space opera vibe but not sure it act..."

I just added them both!!! I tend to take a fairly expansive view of Space Opera as sci-fi + other genre stuff + awesome space adventure. Thanks for the recommendations!

message 18: by Lexxi Kitty (new)

Lexxi Kitty (lexxikitty) | 43 comments Two more Warren Ellis graphic novels to add.

Ocean & Orbiter
Ocean involves humans flying around our own system, and specifically finding objects in Europa's ocean.

Orbiter involves a shuttle that returned to earth 10 years after going missing.

message 19: by Renee (last edited Apr 16, 2015 10:54AM) (new)

Renee (renerd) I'm a huge Saga fan, and I enjoyed the Warren Ellis books Lexxi Kitty mentioned as well.

Folks may also like to check out the Serenity (Vol.1:Serenity: Those Left Behind) series of comics by the Whedons, as well as John Ostrander's Grimjack series -- very dated but very fun! (Vol 1:Grimjack Omnibus, Volume 1)

message 20: by Anna (new)

Anna Erishkigal (annaerishkigal) Added them to the masterlist!

message 21: by Jokoloyo (new)

Jokoloyo I saw "Valérian" series on the list, so I suggest another European Space Opera Comics. Recently I found a space opera comics series, "Orbital" by Sylvain Runberg, illustrated by Serge Pellé.

message 22: by Tim (new)

Tim Staffell | 1 comments I apologise if this is old hat,..but my absolute favourite is the Known Space series from Larry Niven, and of course the magnificent Ringworld quadrology

message 23: by R. (new)

R. Billing (r_billing) | 196 comments Tim wrote: "I apologise if this is old hat,..but my absolute favourite is the Known Space series from Larry Niven, and of course the magnificent Ringworld quadrology"

Totally agree. I bought most of these back in '78 at a little store on Broadway as I walked from Wall Street to the subway.

message 24: by Renee (new)

Renee (renerd) Tim wrote: "I apologise if this is old hat,..but my absolute favourite is the Known Space series from Larry Niven, and of course the magnificent Ringworld quadrology"

I agree too! Niven is wonderful.

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