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Upcoming Conventions & Events > Necronomicon 2014

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message 1: by Victoria (new)

Victoria Pinder (victoria_pinder) | 7 comments I'm on a few panels at this.
This is my tentative schedule.
Friday 11:00:00 PM Room 2 Alien Artifacts
Saturday 12:00:00 PM Upstairs 4 Alternate Mythology
Saturday 5:00:00 PM Room 3 Women Who Write SF
Saturday 9:00:00 PM Room 1 Star Trek: Why It's Still in Our Hearts
Sunday 11:00:00 AM Room 3 Why We Love the Idea of Time Travel

I'm super excited about the alien artifacts workshop. The host will hold up an item and the panel must explain how that is actually an alien artifact. I'm so excited that I have to be creative like that!!! Fun end of work day and beginning of conference activity for me! Plus there is 3 men and 1 other woman on the panel, but from a look at her books she's not romance. So I intend to bring up some romance when I can. Liven it up!

And I'm not on the website list, but I'll be there. There are tons of writers at this convention in Tampa.

If you're in Florida, please come.
And if you're going, let me know. I'd love to meet up. I'll be at the convention hotel

message 2: by Anna (new)

Anna Erishkigal (annaerishkigal) Alien artifacts? Now THAT's a panel you don't see at every con.

message 3: by Victoria (new)

Victoria Pinder (victoria_pinder) | 7 comments Exactly Anna. I'm super excited to see where my brain goes. I'd love some people who like science fiction and romance there.

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