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Reading Goals/ Challenges > Fall/Winter 2014-2015: Task List (AND RULES)

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message 1: by Tami (last edited Feb 20, 2015 10:28AM) (new)

Tami | 3103 comments Mod
Rules for the Fall/Winter 2014-15 Challenge:
1. This challenge will start September 1, 2014 (12:01 am EST) and will end at 11:59 pm on February 28, 2015.
2. All books read during the challenge dates, September through February, can count towards tasks. So, if you join in November, anything you read that FITS a task can count towards the challenge as long as you read it AFTER September 1st. If you are less than half way through a book BEFORE the challenge starts, you can use it for the challenge. If you are over the halfway point, you cannot use it for the challenge.
3. Books can only be used for one category.
4. Re-reads are fine, except where stated otherwise.
5. All books should be over 150 pages unless otherwise stated. If you read a book that is not quite 150 pages, please make sure that it for a lower point task and you are only able to read an "under 150 pages book" once. Please get an "ok" from us before you try and count an "under 150 pages book" for a task. The only exception is the Children's Book task. We will allow that one to be 100 pages.
6. To claim your points, you must post completed tasks in the "Leaderboard & Completed Tasks" thread. Please include the title, author, the task number it was for, and your total number of points to date. You can update your task list but we will not be checking those for your points. That is just for your records only.
7. If you have any doubts as to whether a book fits a particular challenge, please feel free to ask.
8. Above all, remember this challenge is supposed to be FUN, a good way to tackle some of your TBR list, and to expand your horizons.
9. Those that finish/win the challenge will be able to pick a task for the Spring/Summer 2014 Challenge.
10. Most Important: HAVE FUN!

message 2: by Tami (last edited Aug 28, 2014 02:11PM) (new)

Tami | 3103 comments Mod
5 points:

1. The Dark Side: Since it is getting dark earlier, read a book with a dark story or has a dark cover.

2. Scared?: Read a non-fiction book about something that scares you. Sharks, cancer, Bozo the Clown, Kanye West.

3. Pretty in Pink: October is Breast Cancer awareness month. Read a book with something pink on the cover.

4. School Spirit: Read a book with a picture of your high school’s mascot on the cover, or that’s cover is predominantly in your high school’s colors.

5. Body Parts: Random Fact: there are only 10 human body parts that are only 3 letters long. Eye, Hip, Arm, Leg, Ear, Toe, Jaw, Rib, Lib and Gum. Read a book with one of these words in the title or on the cover.

6. Stressed?: Stressed is Desserts spelled backwards. Read a book that has a dessert on the cover or that deals with a stressful event.

7. Janus: god of the doorway: January gets its name from Janus, read a book with some sort of doorway on the cover or has a story that features a secret doorway to another land/dimension.

8. Scrambled: When I was in elementary, my teacher would post the Holiday name and we would try to see how many words we could create out of the letters. So, read a book that has a word (3 or more letters) in the title that can be created using the letters in HALLOWEEN, THANKSGIVING, or CHRISTMAS.

message 3: by Tami (last edited Sep 10, 2014 08:28AM) (new)

Tami | 3103 comments Mod
10 points: Odd(?) Holidays

1. National Courtesy Month (September): Read a book with please or thank you in the title or subtitle.

2. International Frugal Fun Day (October 4): Read a book you got for free.

3. Book Lovers Day (November 1): Reread a favorite book.

4. Go For a Ride Day (November 22): Read a book with a vehicle or some sort of transportation on the cover. The method of transportation can be powered (car, train) or not (bicycle, skateboard).

5. Unlucky Day (December 31) Read a book with something considered to be a "luck charm" on the cover or that has a (un)lucky word in the title. Can be bad luck (black cat) or good luck (4 leaf clover).

6. Make Your Dream Come True Day (January 13) Read a book where the main character is whatever you wanted to be when you grew up. Most kids want to be a super hero or princess. One of my friends still wants to become a unicorn. Doesn’t need to be a realistic dream!

7. Canned Food Month (February): Food drives tend to fall during the winter months, so read a book with a philanthropic story line and/or character, or a biography about a famous humanitarian.

8. Jewel Day (March 13): Read a book with a jewel on the cover, or with the name of a jewel in the title.

message 4: by Tami (last edited Aug 28, 2014 02:36PM) (new)

Tami | 3103 comments Mod
15 points

1. Board Games: Read a book that has something related to the board games Clue and Monopoly on the cover. This would include any piece, so it could be money or a shoe or the conservatory or the candlestick or something else.

2. State By State: Read a book from this map and let us know if you think it fits the state it is assigned to.

3. White Elephant Part II: You will need to post 3 books you have read and loved and 3 books you would like to read on the Fall/Winter 2014-2015: Task 15.3 thread. Choose 1 book from the list posted before your list.

4. Orange is the New Black: Read a book about a character that served time in prison or is serving time in prison. This can be fiction or non-fiction.

5. ATTENTION!!!: Read a book with an opening sentence that really grabs your attention. You can check out the College Students' thread first lines for ideas. You can also look at the listopia "Best Opening Sentence".

6. Blog Hop: Read a book that has been reviewed or given away from one of the blogs mentioned in our thread about blogs and/or on the Broke and the Bookish blog. Share which blog you found your choice from.

7. Opinions Matter: Read a book that is recommended to you by a family member or friend.

8. Season of Giving: Everyone post a book they are planning on giving this season as a gift on the Fall/Winter 2014-2015: Task 15.8 thread. Then pick a book from that list.

message 5: by Tami (last edited Sep 08, 2014 06:44AM) (new)

Tami | 3103 comments Mod
20 points

1. Group Read: Read a past group read OR a group read that happens during one of the months of this challenge AND post to the discussion thread what you thought about the book.

2. Spring/Summer Challenge Winner Bethany's challenge: Anti-Wheel of Fortune Read a book where one word of the title (3+ letters) does NOT contain R,S,T,L,N, or E.

message 6: by Tami (last edited Aug 29, 2014 05:56PM) (new)

Tami | 3103 comments Mod
25 points:

1. Take a RISK or Play it SAFE: Read 2 books:
Book 1: Take a Risk -- Read a book with a title/subtitle that contains the letters R, I, S, and K.
Book 2: Play it Safe -- Read a book written by an author whose name contains the letters S, A, F, and E.

2. That’s My Name: Read 2 books: Each title must start with one of your initials. I was going to limit this to first and last names, but some of us may have difficulties with that, so if you have middle, maiden, whatever names, take your initials, and choose some books. May drop A or The at the beginning of the title in you need to.

3. What’s the Word?: Read 2 books that have the same word in the title.

4. Getting To Know You: Read 2 books, with each book telling the rest of us something about you. For example, I could do American Muscle Cars: Ford, Carroll Shelby, and the History of the Mustang because I love and drive a Mustang, and Your Brain on Cubs: Inside the Heads of Players and Fans because I am a Cubs fan. They do not have to be non-fiction.

5. Reading Rainbow: Read 2 books: A book must have 1: the personality as a main character or 2: that color as a main cover color. The books can be both 1’s or 2’s or one of each. Must choose 2 different colors.

RED: those who are courageous, dynamic, and confident.

ORANGE: those who are creative.

YELLOW: those who are wise.

GREEN: those who are understanding, compassionate, generous, humble, and romantic.

BLUE: those who are truthful, loyal, and honest.

INDIGO: those who are intuitive.

VIOLET: those who are inspirational, kind and just.

6. New Year’s Resolution: Read 2 books: Stop Procrastinating, read the book that has been on your TBR for the longest and since we all stick to our resolutions COMPLETELY(insert sarcasm font), read the book that has been on it the shortest.

message 7: by Tami (last edited Aug 28, 2014 02:27PM) (new)

Tami | 3103 comments Mod
25 points: Part II

7. The Hunger Games: Stolen, I mean borrowed, from Jennifer on “2014 Reading Challenge Group.
Choose 2 districts (or the capital) and read 1 book each.

The Capitol: The capitol is filled with beautiful extravagant people. Read a book with “beauty” in the title OR read a book where the main character is extraordinarily beautiful.

District 1: District 1 produces luxury items. Read a book about people who are rich OR read a book where something normally associated with luxury is on the cover.

District 2: District 2 produces weapons and trains peacekeepers. Read a book about a war OR read a book with a dirty cop as one of the characters.

District 3: District 3 makes electronics. Read a book about a technologically advanced society OR read a book with a computer (or robot) as a main character.

District 4: District 4 is a fishing district. Read a book about a fisherman OR read a book that takes place on a boat.

District 5: District 5 is the source of electrical power. Read a book that features a lightning storm OR read a book that is set in a place without electricity.

District 6: District 6 is the hub of transportation. Read a book written by an author from a different country OR read a book that takes place in a real location you could visit.

District 7: District 7 produces lumber and paper. Read a book that takes place in a forest OR read a book where paper is used for something other than writing (i.e. for origami).

District 8: District 8 makes textiles. Read a book about fashion OR read a book where three or more characters dress the same.

District 9: District 9 produces grain and has no characters named in the books. Read a book with an unnamed main character OR read a book with a character who is a vegetarian.

District 10: District 10 specialized in raising livestock. Read a book that has a domestic animal as a character OR read a book that has an animal in the title.

District 11: District 11 is an agricultural district and Rue, a young herbalist, originated here. Read a book where a young person dies OR read a book where an herbalist saves someone from dying.

District 12: District 12 is the mining district, and Katniss and Peeta, its tributes, wear clothes that catch fire. Read a book that has a fire on the cover OR read a book that has the word coal in the title.

District 13: District 13 is a rebellious district that specialized in nuclear technology. Read a book with a nuclear disaster OR read a book where the main character is rebellious.

8. School Subjects: For this challenge you are going to read two books. Choose 2 of the subjects below and read a book that fits each subject:

Chemistry: Get to know the Periodic Table of Elements. Read a book by an author whose first and last name initials form an abbreviation for a chemical element.

Geography: Read a book set predominately in a continent other than the one where you were born.

Geometry: Read a book with a word for a geometric shape in the title or subtitle. Plurals and possessives work, but no other variations.

History: Read a book of fiction that takes a real-life historical individual and recreates elements of their life as a fictional narrative.

Math: Read a book with the total letters in the title equals one of the months during the challenge (9, 10, 11, 12, 1, 2, 3)

Music: Read a book with song lyrics in the title. Post what song when claiming points.

Performing Arts: Read a book, fiction or nonfiction, about a performing artist: dancer, singer, sword swallower, etc.

World Language: Read a book that was originally written in a language different from your native language.

message 8: by Allison (last edited Feb 10, 2015 08:26PM) (new)

Allison | 179 comments This challenge looks really fun!

5 points:

1. The Dark Side: The Mephisto Club by Tess Gerritsen

2. Scared?: Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead by Brené Brown (Who isn't scared of being vulnerable?)

3. Pretty in Pink: Bidding for Love by Katie Fforde (?)
Bidding for Love  by Katie Fforde

*4. School Spirit: The Christmas Box by Richard Paul Evans (Maroon & gold)
The Christmas Box (The Christmas Box Trilogy #1) by Richard Paul Evans

*5. Body Parts: Until I Found You by Victoria Bylin (leg)
Until I Found You by Victoria Bylin

6. Stressed?: Sweet Nothings by Trisha Ashley
Sweet Nothings by Trisha Ashley

7. Janus: god of the doorway: The Girl in the Gatehouse by Julie Klassen
The Girl in the Gatehouse by Julie Klassen

8. Scrambled: Lady in the Mist by Laurie Alice Eakes (?)

10 points: Odd(?) Holidays

1. National Courtesy Month (September): Please Don't Tell by Elizabeth Adler

2. International Frugal Fun Day (October 4): 7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess by Jen Hatmaker

*3. Book Lovers Day (November 1): Rainbow Valley by L.M. Montgomery
Twist #1 Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins

4. Go For a Ride Day (November 22): The Reliance by M.L. Tyndall (a ship on the cover)
The Reliance (Legacy of the King's Pirates, #2) by M.L. Tyndall

*5. Unlucky Day (December 31): Lean Mean Thirteen by Janet Evanovich

*6. Make Your Dream Come True Day (January 13): Circle of Spies by Roseanna M. White (I wanted to be a spy!)

*7. Canned Food Month (February): God in a Brothel: An Undercover Journey Into Sex Trafficking and Rescue by Daniel Walker

8. Jewel Day (March 13): The Jewel by Amy Ewing
The Jewel (The Lone City, #1) by Amy Ewing

15 points:

*1. Board Games: Rush to the Altar by Jamie Carie (shoe)
Rush to the Altar by Jamie Carie

*2. State By State: Idaho: Housekeeping by Marilynne Robinson

*3. White Elephant Part II: The Silkworm by Robert Galbraith

*4. Orange is the New Black: Champion by Marie Lu

*5. ATTENTION!!!: Fools Rush In by Janice Thompson ("If Uncle Lazarro hadn't left the mob, I probably wouldn't have a story to tell.")

*6. Blog Hop: Female Chauvinist Pigs: Women and the Rise of Raunch Culture by Ariel Levy (The Broke and the Bookish)

*7. Opinions Matter: False Pretenses by Kathy Herman

*8. Season of Giving: Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

20 points:

*1. Group Read: Uglies by Scott Westerfeld

*2. Spring/Summer Challenge Winner Task: Anti-Wheel of Fortune: Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No to Take Control of Your Life by Henry Cloud (How)

25 points:

1. Take a RISK or Play it SAFE:
Book 1: Love Finds You in Wildrose, North Dakota by Tracey Bateman
Book 2: Bridge to Haven by Francine Rivers

*2. That’s My Name:
Book 1: Just Between You and Me: A Novel of Losing Fear and Finding God by Jenny B. Jones (J--my middle name)
Book 2: Meant to be Mine by Becky Wade (M--my maiden name)

*3. What’s the Word?:
Book 1: A Match Made in Texas by Karen Witemeyer
Book 2: Maid to Match by Deeanne Gist

4. Getting To Know You:
Book 1: Don't Want to Miss a Thing by Jill Mansell
Book 2: Caught in the Middle by Regina Jennings

*5. Reading Rainbow:
Book 1: RED Full Steam Ahead by Karen Witemeyer (The heroine in this book is definitely courageous, dynamic, and confident.)
Book 2: VIOLET Plum Lovin' by Janet Evanovich
Plum Lovin' (Stephanie Plum #12.5) by Janet Evanovich

*6. New Year’s Resolution:
Book 1: (Longest) Green: The Beginning and the End by Ted Dekker
Book 2: (Shortest) The Cuckoo's Calling by Robert Galbraith

*7. The Hunger Games:
Book 1: (District 1) The Luxe by Anna Godbersen
Book 2: (District 9) The Nanny Diaries by Emma McLaughlin

*8. School Subjects:
Book 1: (Chemistry-Ta) And Only to Deceive by Tasha Alexander
Book 2: (Math-11) A Time to Kill by John Grisham

message 9: by Daisy (last edited Aug 30, 2014 11:42AM) (new)

Daisy | 686 comments Let's see if I can do better with this one than the previous challenge...

My List

message 10: by Laventeli (last edited Feb 12, 2015 07:32AM) (new)

Laventeli 5 points:
1. The Dark Side: Zombie Apocalypse! 08.09.2014
2. Scared?:The Hot Zone
3. Pretty in Pink: Unicorn And Dragon by Lynn Abbey Unicorn And Dragon 07.09.2014
4. School Spirit: ?
5. Body Parts: ?
6. Stressed?: Metsäjätti
7. Janus: god of the doorway: Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children
8. Scrambled: Cat's Cradle Cat's Cradle

10 points:
1. National Courtesy Month (September): ?
2. International Frugal Fun Day (October 4): The Realms of Gold by Margaret Drabble 19.9.2014
3. Book Lovers Day (November 1): Rivers of London
4. Go For a Ride Day (November 22): The Time Machine
5. Unlucky Day (December 31): The Thirteenth Tale
6. Make Your Dream Come True Day (January 13): ?
7. Canned Food Month (February): ?
8. Jewel Day (March 13): ?

15 points

1. Board Games: ?
2. State By State:
The Firm 14.09.2014 Cant really say whether it is any accurate or not. Never seen the place and haven't heard much of it. It has the American from drags to riches mentality.
3. White Elephant Part II: The Ocean at the End of the Lane 22.10.2014
4. Orange is the New Black: ?
5. ATTENTION!!!: Slaughterhouse-Five
6. Blog Hop: Broke and bookish reviewed The Hunger Games
7. Opinions Matter: A Street Cat Named Bob: How One Man and His Cat Found Hope on the Streets borrowed from my friend with her recomendation
8. Season of Giving: Battle Royale by Koushun Takami

20 points

1. Group Read: A Game of Thrones
2. Spring/Summer Challenge Winner Task: ?

25 points:

1. Take a RISK or Play it SAFE: ?
2. That’s My Name: ?
3. What’s the Word?: ?
4. Getting To Know You: Taikatalvi and Fangirl
5. Reading Rainbow: The Unsettled Dust by Robert Aickman for purple and Uniin piirretty polku brown/orange
6. New Year’s Resolution: ?
7. The Hunger Games: District five: With a Single Spell and district ten : Wizard of the Pigeons
8. School Subjects: Geography: Amulet and World Language Whispers Under Ground

message 11: by Kelly (last edited Aug 27, 2015 02:59PM) (new)

Kelly | 250 comments FALL/WINTER CHALLENGE (9/1/14-3/31/15) - Total Points: 410/480; Books Finished: 38/42; Tasks Completed: 30/34:
5-1. The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan
5-2. Traitors & Turncoats by Ian Crofton
5-3. The Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan
5-4. The Titan's Curse by Rick Riordan
5-5. The Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan
5-6. Glory O'Brien's History of the Future by A. S. King
5-7. The House of Hades by Rick Riordan
5-8. Once We Were by Kat Zhang
10-1. Yes Please by Amy Poehler
10-2. The Woman Who Rides Like a Man by Tamora Pierce
10-3. Alanna by Tamora Pierce
10-4. The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan
10-5. In the Hand of the Goddess by Tamora Pierce
10-6. Dark Witch by Nora Roberts
10-7. First Test by Tamora Pierce
10-8. The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August by Claire North
15-1. The Battle of the Labyrinth by Rick Riordan
15-2. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain
15-3. Cinder by Marissa Meyer
15-4. Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas
15-5. The Son of Neptune by Rick Riordan
15-6. The Giver by Lois Lowry
15-7. What's Left of Me by Kat Zhang
15-8. Page by Tamora Pierce
20-1. The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
20-2. Blood Magick by Nora Roberts
25-1. Killer Instinct by Jennifer Lynn Barnes; The Last Dragonslayer by Jasper Fforde
25-2. Lady Knight by Tamora Pierce; Ready Player One by Ernest Cline
25-3. Trickster's Choice by Tamora Pierce; Trickster's Queen by Tamora Pierce
25-4. Lioness Rampant by Tamora Pierce; The Blood of Olympus by Rick Riordan
25-5. Squire by Tamora Pierce; The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan
25-6. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak; Four by Veronica Roth
25-7. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins; Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
25-8. Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins; Seraphina by Rachel Hartman

Jana at (miss_jana) | 125 comments I'm so excited!

Here's my list!

message 14: by Melissa (new)

Melissa | 279 comments My spot!

message 15: by Holly (last edited Sep 11, 2014 03:12PM) (new)

Holly | 42 comments 5 points:
1. The Dark Side: Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov
2. Scared?: A Child Called "It" by Dave Pelzer
3. Pretty in Pink: Beastly by Alex Flinn
4. School Spirit: A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini
5. Body Parts: The Lions of Little Rock by Kristin Levine
6. Stressed?: Defending Jacob by William Landay
7. Janus: god of the doorway: A Secret Kept by Tatiana de Rosnay
8. Scrambled: Firefly Lane by Kristin Hannah

10 points:
1. National Courtesy Month (September): Please Ignore Vera Dietz byA.S. King
2. International Frugal Fun Day (October 4):
3. Book Lovers Day (November 1):
4. Go For a Ride Day (November 22): Life of Pi by Yann Martel
5. Unlucky Day (December 31): Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher
6. Make Your Dream Come True Day (January 13): The Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot
7. Canned Food Month (February): Les Miserables by Victor Hugo
8. Jewel Day (March 13): Mother of Pearl by Melinda Haynes

15 points
1. Board Games: The Longest Ride by Nicholas Sparks
2. State By State: East of Eden by John Steinbeck
3. White Elephant Part II: The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society byMary Ann Shaffer
4. Orange is the New Black: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
5. ATTENTION!!!: The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
6. Blog Hop: Broke and Bookish Blog - The Giver by Lois Lowry
7. Opinions Matter: The Light Between Oceans by M.L. Stedman
8. Season of Giving:

20 points
1. Group Read: January 2010 - A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith
2. Spring/Summer Challenge Winner Task: I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou

25 points:
1. Take a RISK or Play it SAFE: SAFE - A Million Little Pieces by James Frey RISK - Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant by Anne Tyler
2. That’s My Name: How I Live Now by Meg Rosoff and The Help by Kathryn Stockett
3. What’s the Word?: Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell and Gone for Good by Harlan Coben
4. Getting To Know You: Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson and It Starts with Food: Discover the Whole30 and Change Your Life in Unexpected Ways by Dallas Hartwig
5. Reading Rainbow: ORANGE - Lord of the Flies byWilliam Golding and BLUE - So Much Pretty by Cara Hoffman
6. New Year’s Resolution: Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë and Paper Towns by John Green
7. The Hunger Games: District 10 - Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen and District 5 - The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan
8. School Subjects: Geography: 22 Britannia Road by Amanda Hodgkinson and Chemistry: One Breath Away by Heather Gudenkauf

message 16: by Nicki (last edited Feb 01, 2015 08:07PM) (new)

Nicki (ophia) | 85 comments 5 points:
1. The Dark Side: Poe by J. Lincoln Fenn
2. Scared?:
3. Pretty in Pink: Stolen: A Letter to My Captor by Lucy Christopher
4. School Spirit: Handle with Care by Jodi Picoult
5. Body Parts: Eye Contact by Cammie McGovern
6. Stressed?:
7. Janus: god of the doorway: Lessons from a Dead Girl by Jo Knowles
8. Scrambled: These Things Hidden by Heather Gudenkauf

10 points:
1. National Courtesy Month (September): Somebody, Please Tell Me Who I Am by Harry Mazer
2. International Frugal Fun Day (October 4): Fairest by Marissa Meyer
3. Book Lovers Day (November 1): The Maze Runner by James Dashner
4. Go For a Ride Day (November 22): The Talk-Funny Girl by Roland Merullo
5. Unlucky Day (December 31): A Long Way Down by Nick Hornbyh
6. Make Your Dream Come True Day (January 13): Because of Mr. Terupt by Rob Buyea
7. Canned Food Month (February): Fully Alive: Discovering What Matters Most by Timothy Shriver
8. Jewel Day (March 13): The Nature of Jade by Deb Caletti

15 points
1. Board Games: The Pianist by Władysław Szpilman
2. State By State: Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell
3. White Elephant Part II: A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini
4. Orange is the New Black: Al Capone Shines My Shoes by Gennifer Choldenko
5. ATTENTION!!!: The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath
6. Blog Hop: The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky (broke and bookish)
7. Opinions Matter: Splintered by A.G. Howard
8. Season of Giving:

20 points

1. Group Read: If I Stay by Gayle Forman
2. Spring/Summer Challenge Winner Task: We Were Liars

25 points:

1. Take a RISK or Play it SAFE:
RISK: Just Another Kid by Torey L. Hayden
SAFE: The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
2. That’s My Name: my initials are N and K
N: Native Son by Richard Wright
K: The Kitchen House by Kathleen Grissom
3. What’s the Word?:
1: We Are Witnesses: Five Diaries Of Teenagers Who Died In The Holocaust by Jacob Boas
2: Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac
4. Getting To Know You:
1: Sybil: The Classic True Story of a Woman Possessed by Sixteen Personalities by Flora Rheta Schreiber
2: Say What You Will by Cammie McGovern
5. Reading Rainbow:
1 blue: All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven
6. New Year’s Resolution:
Book 1:
Book 2:
7. The Hunger Games:

8. School Subjects:
Science: Undivided by Neal Shusterman
Math: Where She Went by Gayle Forman

message 17: by Ashley (new)

Ashley (readerandwriter) It's been a long time since I have done one of these... In fact I don't think I actually ever completed one . Anyways I will be keeping track on paper. When the challenge wraps up ill post my stuff if that's ok . Good luck everyone !

message 18: by Nina ✿ Looseleaf Reviews ✿ (last edited Feb 10, 2015 07:26PM) (new)

Nina ✿ Looseleaf Reviews ✿ (looseleafreviews) I'm in! List to come.
5.1 The Dark Side - Anna Dressed in Blood
5.2 Scared
5.3 Pretty in Pink
5.4 School Spirit
5.5 Body Parts - Where She Went
5.6 Stressed - Wuthering Heights
5.7 Janus - A Thousand Pieces of You
5.8 Scrambled
10.1 Courtesy Month
10.2 Frugal Fun Day - Panic
10.3 Book Lovers
10.4 Go For a Ride
10.5 Unlucky Day - The Dream Thieves
10.6 Dream Come True - The Strain
10.7 Canned Food - I Am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban
10.8 Jewel Day
15.1 Board Games
15.2 State by State
15.3 White Elephant - Room
15.4 Orange is the New Black - Orange Is the New Black
15.5 Attention
15.6 Blog Hop
15.7 Opinions Matter
15.8 Seasons of Giving -
20.1 Group Read - If I Stay
20.2 Anti Wheel of Fortune - Jackaby
25.1 RISK or SAFE - I Am Not A Serial Killer & The Silence of the Lambs
25.2 That's My Name The Notebook & Smoke
25.3 What's the Word - Gone Girl & Girl of Nightmares
25.4 Getting to Know You
25.5 Reading Rainbow - Mockingjay (Blue) & The Maze Runner (Green)
25.6 New Year's Resolution - Love in the Time of Cholera & Rooms
25.7 The Hunger Games - Undivided (District 13) & The Hound of the Baskervilles (District 10)
25.8 School Subjects - Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (Geography) & Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch (Math)

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