Reese's Book Club x Hello Sunshine discussion

June 2019 > What do you think?

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message 1: by Hello (new)

Hello Sunshine | 58 comments Mod
One of the first questions we like to ask in the office about Book Picks is: What did you think?

So now we're asking you: what did you think? What was your favorite part?

message 2: by Dannie (new)

Dannie (danniejefferies) I loved it. I will admit I did love Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine more, as the character of Susan was pretty unlikeable in the first half of this book. Character development was spot-on, we saw many of the negative characteristics transform towards the end of the book, both Edward and Susan became more likeable. My favourite scene was towards the end when both siblings were in mediation and Susan told Edward (view spoiler). I like it when the issues get resolved satisfactorily!

message 3: by Monica (new)

Monica (crazy_4_books) (monicamerle) Dannie, are you talking about The Cactus? Because I'm thinking about buying's cheap at bookdepository, like 10 dollars, don't wanna know spoilers, just is it worthy?

message 4: by Sue (new)

Sue | 43 comments Yes, Monica, I believe Dannie's comments are regarding "The Cactus" - I read it and really enjoyed it. I agree with Dannie's summation and for $10. I'd definitely buy the book!

message 5: by Monica (new)

Monica (crazy_4_books) (monicamerle) Thanks for your thoughts, Sue!

message 6: by Dannie (new)

Dannie (danniejefferies) Monica wrote: "Dannie, are you talking about The Cactus? Because I'm thinking about buying's cheap at bookdepository, like 10 dollars, don't wanna know spoilers, just is it worthy?"

Yes, The Cactus, buy it, I don't believe you will regret it.

message 7: by Monica (new)

Monica (crazy_4_books) (monicamerle) Thanks, I'll put in the next order. Today, I received 4 books so I placed a new order, but I priorized Little fires everywhere, which I haven't read yet, and it's kind of the same genre as The cactus, I try to mix up the orders, today i chose Little fires.. which I think is a drama, Fix her up for romance and The death of Mrs. westaway,,a thriller. Next order, for contemporary I'll include The Cactus!

message 8: by Jessica (new)

Jessica (jessica68422) I didn’t really love it. It was an okay quick read but nothing more than that.

message 9: by Laura (new)

Laura Nasoulinh (lauranasoulinh) | 123 comments I absolutely loved this book. I don't why she reminded me of Sheldon Cooper when it comes to relationships, but I did love how she grew and bloomed at the end. I know I'm late but ya know library holds.

message 10: by Katherine (new)

Katherine (katherinehickey) | 1 comments I had a hard time getting into this one - I felt like the plot was weak and lacking direction. Maybe it's because this was advertised as a love story and the romance seemed secondary to Susan's personal journey into motherhood and through grief. I just had a hard time buying into her falling in love with Rob...

message 11: by Bada (new)

Bada | 34 comments Same with me katherine!!

message 12: by Bada (new)

Bada | 34 comments Yep!

message 13: by Waniya (new)

Waniya Aneel (waniyaaneel) hey. i am new here‍‍ :)

message 14: by Carla (new)

Carla  Moore (carlaganell) | 6 comments I think I love to read

message 15: by Desig (new)

Desig (wwwamazoncom) | 29 comments good

message 16: by Free (new)

Free Fire | 2 comments e fires everywhere , which I haven't read yet, and it's kind of the same genre as The cactus, I try to mix up the orders, today i chose Little fires.. which I think is a drama, Fix her up

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