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message 1: by JoAnne (last edited Jul 15, 2019 01:55PM) (new)

JoAnne | 54240 comments Mod

Each month we will give you a list of 50 themed words to find in your books.

*There is no limit to how many words you can get per book.
*For each word please post a link to the book, the author, the date you finished it, plus the page number/location and sentence where you found the word.
*Any reasonable forms are accepted.

Apple - A Touch of Ice - L.J. Charles (1/10/16)
I had a weakness for apple pie, heavy on the cinnamon... (loc. 245)

Any genre/format is fine.
Re-reads are OK.
No page minimum.
To count a book towards the challenge you must read the majority of it after the start date of the challenge.
Please post a partial list of the challenge when you sign up.

At the end of the month please re-post your whole challenge as a new message so that we can award your Hall of Fame badge!

(Even if you don't hit the level you were aiming for, you can still claim a badge for the words you did get.)


July Scavenger Hunt - Camping
Duration: July 1, 2019 - July 31, 2019

Choose your level:

Overnight: 10-20 words
Seasonal: 21-40 words
Wilderness: 41-50 words

1. Alert
2. Animals
3. Backpack
4. Blanket
5. Boots
6. Bugs
7. Camp
8. Canteen
9. Compass
10. Direction
11. Endure
12. Equipment
13. Exercise
14. Experience
15. Family
16. (Camp) Fire
17. Fishing
18. Flashlight
19. Friends
20. Fun
21. Games
22. Gear
23. Grass
24. Guide
25. Heat
26. Hike
27. Insects
28. Kits
29. Knife
30. Knowledge
31. Lantern
32. Leader
33. Location
34. Map
35. Marshmallows
36. Matches
37. Mountain
38. Nature
39. Outdoors
40. Overnight
41. Peace
42. Plan
43. Play
44. Remote
45. Rope
46. Stars
47. Tent
48. Trail
49. Vacation
50. Woods

message 2: by JoAnne (last edited Aug 09, 2019 05:53AM) (new)

JoAnne | 54240 comments Mod

Barbara ★ FINISHED











Jade aka MrsTosh FINISHED






Karen Kay




Monique - Msg 46










✨ Vittoria ✨ FINISHED

message 3: by JoAnne (last edited Jul 21, 2019 01:01PM) (new)

JoAnne | 54240 comments Mod
July Scavenger Hunt - Camping
Wilderness: 41-50 words


Blindsided: Seattle Steelheads Football Jami Davenport 7/1/19
6. Bugs p 161 Emma felt little bugs crawling up her spine.
8. Canteen p 153 ...crossing a desert with an empty canteen for several hours.
12. Equipment p 140 ...the Gatorade one of the equipment guys handed him.
17. Fishing p 76 Tanner came home after an early morning of fishing and catching nothing.
24. Guide p 68 Tanner guided her to the side yard, which...
26. Hike p 11 ...he loved the fishing and hiking opportunities and
32. Leader p 139 As captain and the leader of this team, Tanner couldn’t...
34. Map p 137, she couldn’t map out her future, a fact...
44. Remote p 42 ...NFL’s worst team in a remote corner of the country...

Bottom of the Ninth: Seattle Skookums Baseball Jami Davenport 7/3/19
1. Alert Loc 8596 He went on red alert, every muscle tight,...
2. Animals Loc 9426 The poor animals depressed her.
3. Backpack Loc 10450 Brayden walked in, dragging his backpack behind him, and
4. Blanket Loc 7857 side. She retrieved several blankets and a few pillows...
7. Camp Loc 7835 days, and I just finished training camp.
10. Direction Loc 8118 Al tilted his head and cocked a brow in the direction of the house.
11. Endure Loc 11115 ...he was forced to endure his brothers and put...
13. Exercise Loc 10025 ...and had to exercise to the point of exhaustion...
14. Experience Loc 10297 ...player, I’ve had a lot of experience with kids.
15. Family Loc 8002 That almost sounded like family, which was a four-letter word to him.
16. (Camp) Fire Loc 8640 ...than a tropical storm extinguished a forest fire.
18. Flashlight Loc 7805 Using his flashlight on his cell phone, he...
19. Friends Loc 8299 ...had overnight guests or friends over.
20. Fun Loc 8261 Tonight hadn’t exactly been fun, but he’d faked it well.
21. Games Loc 7886 Baseball players played over one hundred and fifty games a year,...
22. Gear P 11145 ...his imagination into gear visualizing those...
23. Grass Loc 8336 ...lying on the cool grass, wearing nothing but shorts,...
25. Heat Loc 8216 Heat burned her face and she...
29. Knife Loc 11445 ...of some kind, a knife, a gun, even a baseball bat.
30. Knowledge Loc 9563 ...people, but Bella was a fountain of knowledge about anyone...
33. Location Loc 8247 ...his career, his location, and his lack of control over...
36. Matches Loc 9746 One that matches that big salary we’re paying you.
37. Mountain Loc 10080 ...but he loved the mountains and the inlets and lakes.
38. Nature Loc 9393 The gesture felt natural and comfortable.
39. Outdoors Loc 9506 She looked like the outdoors type and didn’t...
40. Overnight Loc 8299 ...had overnight guests or friends over.
41. Peace Loc 8338 ...actually was, but she gave him peace, made him...
42. Plan Loc 7836 She nodded, and a plan formulated in her mind.
43. Play Loc 8057 ...watched the play of muscles across his back...
46. Stars Loc 9187 ...night, the sky was dotted with stars and a large crescent-shaped moon.
47. Tent Loc 11064 ...those people under those tents seems small and intimate.
48. Trail Loc 9953 Frowning, he followed a trail of toilet paper down the hall...
50. Woods Loc 9558 In private in a log cabin in the woods or a boat on the water.

Lion of Caledonia Caro LaFever 7/5/19
35. Marshmallows Loc 3038 ...the fire, roasting marshmallows splattering on the flames below.
45. Rope Loc 1588 ...and wrapped the rope on the end of the dock.

Falling For You Leeanna Morgan 7/6/19
5. Boots Loc 1810 ...upstairs to find his hiking boots.
28. Kits Loc 2345 “Get the first aid kit. He’s hurt.”
49. Vacation Loc 701, I used to spend each vacation here.

Lighthouse Beach Shelley Noble 7/9/19
31. Lantern p 335 “I’ll get the lanterns.”

A Certain Age Beatriz Williams 7/13/19
27. Insects p 232 ....large, impertinent insect in her ear.

Untouchable Jayne Ann Krentz 7/21/19
9. Compass p 47 It's like identifying true north on a compass.

message 4: by [deleted user] (last edited Jul 28, 2019 12:58PM) (new)

I'm in


Shelter in Place by Nora Roberts (7/4/19)

1. Alert - "I've got an alert set up that notifies me is somebody from the mall shooting comes over the wire. (p 158)
2. Animals - She secreted the laptop in a box of stuffed animals. (p 146)
3. Backpack - She drove carfully at the speed limit, to Roberta's quiet neighborhood, parked, took the gun and the silencer - taken from her father during one of his drunken stupors - out of her backpack. (p 151)
4. Blanket - "Gandpa, get Gram a blanket". (p 234)
5. Boots - She did, with him wearing only his Fender Stratocaster and a pair of shitkicker boots. (p 77)
6. Bugs - "Honestly, Nat bugs the crap out of me, but I don't want to spoil her party. (p 251)
7. Camp - Natalie, too, if she wants to come, but I know she's had her heart set on that equestrian camp, and that's coming up in a couple weeks. (p 83)
9. Compass - "You've been a steady compass point for Reed. (p 640)
10. Direction - His body jerked, sagged, then shifted direction as he ran toward his son. (p 48)
12. Equipment - She stepped into the garage - one her husband never used, as he had it so packed with sports equipment, tools, and lawn crap, it barely had room for her car. (p 517)
13. Exercise - She walked miles in the mall - joining those revolting old people for their preopening exercise, and letting them make her a pet. (p 144)
14. Experience - Massed with pillows because, in his experience, women had a strange love affair with pillows. (p 335)
15. Family - "We're all family now." (p 60)
17. Fishing - He'd open otherwise for emergencies, even if he was out fishing or working with his three hives of bees. (p 542)
18. Flashlight + 31. Lantern - "Flashlight in the drawer there, and candles, a lantern downstairs if the power goes." (p 482)
19. Friends - But at that moment she only wanted to settle down in the theater with her two best friends forEVER and lose herself in the dark. (p 8)
20. Fun - Plus he knew Angie worked the Fun In The Sun kiosk on Friday nights, and he could take four or five of his ten for some not-so-harmless flirting. (p 25)
21. Games - Monitors previewed a variety of games - the PG variety on the wall screens. (p 28)
22. Gear - He could see the firefighters in turnout gear silhouetted against the snaps and pulses of fire. (p 179)
23. Grass - His English was perfect and precise, and he smelled of freshly cut grass. (p 60)
24. Guide - "The body and the spirit need recharging, and the spirit will guide the body." (p 91)
25. Heat - Then his sister took the heat off with her fierce talent on the soccer field. (p 24)
26. Hike - She window-shopped, picked up a couple of things, and walked back to her own car, parked there before she'd taken the mile and a half hike to kill Emily. (p 518)
29. Knife - He smiled for a moment as she walked out, then put on the gloves, slit the envelope with his knife. (p 671)
33. Location - The restaurant's mall location worked okay, and the tips didn't suck. (p 23)
34. Map - She'd seen one of the shooters - identified as Devon Lawrence Paulson - cutting his bloody swath, and had hunkered behind a mall map as she'd pulled out her camera, her recorder. (p 112)
37. Mountain - He snapped on his off-duty weapon, grabbed his keys and a bottle of Mountain Dew from the refrigerator. (p 178)
38. Nature - Natalie whirled into the house like a force of nature. (p 255)
41. Peace - "But after all that, let me take her, give her a few weeks of peace and quiet." (p 82)
42. Plan - "That's a damn good plan," Ward murmured. (p 86)
43. Play - "If he's into military-style game play, strategy and arc building, he'd go for it." (p 28)
44. Remote - "There's the remote." (p 174)
46. Stars - He smiled, stars in his eyes. (p 461)
48. Trail - Essie turned left, cleared the corner, saw the body, facedown outside the doors of One, and the blood trail behind it. (p 39)
49. Vacation - They had owned a vacation home in Kennebunkport and were considered, by themselves and others, pillars of the community. (p 75)
50. Woods - Reed placed his bets on Hobart dumping it in a lake, torching it in the woods, or otherwise erasing it. (p 322)

Doctor Who The Day of the Doctor by Steven Moffat (7/8/19)

30. Knowledge - Okay, time to parade his local knowledge, if he could just remember any of it. (p 26)
32. Leader - The swarm leader? (p 104)

Look Alive Twenty-Five (Stephanie Plum, #25) by Janet Evanovich (7/10/19)

28. Kits - "I'd get her one of them BeDazzler kits." (p 153)
40. Overnight - Twenty minutes later I was showered, dressed in clean clothes, and had a tote bag filled with enough overnight essentials for a couple days. (p 220)
47. Tent - If he was homeless he'd at least have a favorite doorstep or a tent under the bridge. (p 236)

The Hidden Life of Trees What They Feel, How They Communicate – Discoveries from a Secret World by Peter Wohlleben (7/19/19)

11. Endure - The next generation is kept in check because over the winter the pregnant animals must endure a long stretch with little food, and many of them will not survive. (p 45)
27. Insects - The saliva of leaf-eating insects can be "tasted" by the leaf being eaten. (p 6)
36. Matches - As it is doing this, the tree tests the genetic makeup of the pollen, and, if it matches its own, blocks the tube, which then dries up. (p 49)

The Silverado Squatters by Robert Louis Stevenson (7/25/19)

45. Rope - Let us attach them to the verandah by a wisp of straw rope, such as would not have held a person's hat on that blustering day. (p 45)

Sissy A Coming-of-Gender Story by Jacob Tobia (7/28/19)

16. (Camp) Fire - Like a bad sitcom version of a collegiate backpacking trip, there were songs by the campfire, silly nicknames, collective nudity and way too much group bonding time. (p 299)
39. Outdoors - When you think about it, there really isn't a logical reason for human beings not to pee outdoors. (p 46)


8. Canteen
35. Marshmallows

message 5: by Sue (last edited Aug 01, 2019 01:39PM) (new)

Sue Lauzon | 278 comments I'm in again for this month. Going for the Wilderness level.

July Scavenger Hunt - Camping
Duration: July 1, 2019 - July 31, 2019

Choose your level:
Overnight: 10-20 words
Seasonal: 21-40 words
Wilderness: 41-50 words

The Good Girl by Mary Kubica
Completed 07/05/19

38. Nature - "I find his voice, his gentle nature, reassuring and he's always even when James winds him up." Page 98

50. Woods - "She can't put weight on the left leg, an injury sustained when she fell down the cabin steps and into the woods." Page 101

25. Heat - "The heat from the stove doesn't reach the bedroom." Page 101

15. Family - " There was probably little emphasis placed on education, and not a whole lot of affection in his family." Page 128

2. Animals - "He didn't have to be abusive to animals as a child." Page 128

7. Camp - "They didn't go camping or snuggle together on the couch for movie night." Page 129

45. Rope - "Terror fills her eyes, just the sight of me coming unsolicited into the bathroom with the rope." Page 131

32. Leader - "My fourth-grade teacher was a leader, back when I actually gave....." Page 131

17. Fishing - "I don't remember how many merit badges I earned--archery, hiking, canoeing, camping, fishing, first aid." Page 131

3. Backpack - "They found us drunk on a bottle of Mrs. Gorsky's vodka that Jack stuffed in a backpack on his way out the door." Page 131

28. Kits - "I bandaged it up with a first-aid kit I'd brought, bandages and gauze I took from home." Page 131

29. Knife - "I appear in the bathroom doorway with a knife." Page 133

42. Plan - "Not that I plan to be here that long." Page 139

26. Hike - "She hikes out to the lake." Page 139

48. Trail - "And she lets her voice trail off." Page 148

19. Friends - "Strangers are better than friends and neighbors, those who want to talk about it." Page 153

30. Knowledge - And so, without my knowledge, he called his parents...." Page 153

43. Play - "I was the new kid on the block, their plaything." Page 160

23. Grass - "Another day her feet touch grass." Page 160

4. Blanket - She found a moth-eaten blanket in the closet and,,,,,,," Page 173

49. Vacation - "Eight hours a day plus summer vacation." Page 176

5. Boots - "A fiftysomething woman with short brunette hair, in jeans and a flannel shirt, pudgy hiking boots,...…." Page 181

16. (Camp) Fire - "She was canoeing, sitting around a campfire, drinking wine." Page 183

18. Flashlight - "I thrust a flashlight in the girl's hands and tell her to hold it." Page 184

34. Map - "Going somewhere? the girl asks, looking at the map as I fold it up and push it away." Page 193

37. Mountain - I'd succumb to debilitating headaches, only to be soothed with Mountain Dew." Page 194

21. Games - "She remembers growing up with her sister, a game of hide-and-seek." Page 241

40. Overnight - "The antibiotic kicks in and she starts to feel better overnight." Page 276

1. Alert - "There she was: on high alert, adrenaline...." Page 283

46. Stars - "Look at all the stars, she says." Page 296

39. Outdoors - "What I see in Mia as we continue along our journey is a straighter posture, her eyes more attuned to the outdoors,...…" Page 312

44. Remote - "I wonder how Mia felt arriving at this home, so remote one might believe they are the last inhabitants on earth." Page 314

Texas Rich/Texas Heat by Fern Michaels
Completed: 07/31/19

14. Experience - "A glance at the clock on her nightstand told Billie she'd have to hurry and she experienced a small skitter of excitement." Page 4

20. Fun - "Can't let all the other guys have the fun, can I?" Page 40

10. Direction - "Even the teachers had cast more than one admiring glance in his direction as he led her around the dance floor" Page 42

9. Compass - "Now was a good time to take apart the maritime compass on the admiral's desk...." Page 53

24. Guide - "....Moss released the guide wires holding the craft to the ground." Page 75

13. Exercise - "...exercise is important for her now." Page 86

12. Equipment - "...and other assorted sports equipment littered the corners." Page 99

41. Peace - "....a silent plea for domestic peace." Page 105

47. Tent - "So like a tent, Mother?" Page 122

35. Marshmallows - "Would you like some hot chocolate? With marshmallows?" Page 404

6. Bugs - "There're some bugs that still have to be worked out..." Page 425

27. Insects - "He never considered the insect and other life that dwelt on any stretch of country land." Page 609

The Perfect Storm: A True Story of Men Against the Sea by Sebastian Junger
Completed: 07/30/19

31. Lantern - "One of the Falcon's crew must have wedged himself against a bunk in the fo'c'sle and written furiously beneath the heaving light of a storm lantern." Page 3

22. Gear - "They're big boats that make big money and they're rarely in port more than a week at a time to gear up and make repairs." Page 11

11. Endure - "...was separated from his ship and endured three days at sea during a January gale." Page 26

33. Location - "...knows the name of the boat, the location, and that something has gone disastrously wrong," Page 127

36. Matches - "..and contain the minimum amount of gear--radio, flare kit, knife, strobe, matches, compass...." Page 173

8. Canteen - "Spillane slings a canteen over his shoulder..." Page 184

message 6: by Debbie (last edited Jul 30, 2019 11:55AM) (new)

Debbie (debbiegray) | 386 comments July Scavenger Hunt - Camping
Duration: July 1, 2019 - July 31, 2019

Wilderness: 46-50 words

1. Alert Sneaky Pie for President by Rita Mae Brown 7/17/19..p158/ the alert horses nuzzled the sleeping one awake
2. Animals Sneaky Pie for President by Rita Mae Brown..p14 she asked her three animal friends
3. Backpack Aunt Dimity Takes a Holiday by Nancy Atherton 7/5/19..chap16 streaming from his backpack
4. Blanket Ocean Beach by Wendy Wax..p187 a baby blanket draped strategically
5. Boots Ocean Beach by Wendy Wax..p351 the rubber gloves and boots and masks
6. Bugs Sneaky Pie for President by Rita Mae Brown 7/17/19..p189 there are always bugs in the trees
7. Camp Fire Ship of Fools: How a Selfish Ruling Class Is Bringing America to the Brink of Revolution by Tucker Carlson..chap7 the fires started because of campfires
8. Canteen
9. Compass
10. Direction The Seduction Expert by Saya Lopez Ortega..chap3 whose postive direction
11. Endure The Seduction Expert by Saya Lopez Ortega 7/12/19..chap30 I can only endure these reckless men
12. Equipment The Seduction Expert by Saya Lopez Ortega 7/12/19..chap5 tp prepare my surveillance equipment
13. Exercise Sneaky Pie for President by Rita Mae Brown 7/17/19..p165 still get a bit of exercise
14. Experience Ocean Beach by Wendy Wax..p1 or the experience
15. Family Ocean Beach by Wendy Wax..p9 the best of their family holidays
16. (Camp) Fire
17. Fishing Ocean Beach by Wendy Wax..p114 what this little fishing expedition could cost
18. Flashlight
19. Friends Ocean Beach by Wendy Wax..p180 the interviewed us, our friends
20. Fun The Seduction Expert by Saya Lopez Ortega 7/12/19..chap8 what if I want to have fun
21. Games The Seduction Expert by Saya Lopez Ortega 7/12/19..chap27 each to his own little games
22. Gear Sunset Beach by Mary Kay Andrews 7/24/19..p95 a place to store her kite boarding gear
23. Grass Ocean Beach by Wendy Wax..p22 the gate that was marginally taller than much of the grass
24. Guide Ocean Beach by Wendy Wax..p23 a native guide and pith helmet
25. Heat The Seduction Expert by Saya Lopez Ortega 7/12/19..chap20 many heated conversations
26. Hike Aunt Dimity Takes a Holiday by Nancy Atherton 7/5/19..chap18 I had to park and hike in
27. Insects Ocean Beach by Wendy Wax..p92 the low buzz of insects
28. Kits
29. Knife The Seduction Expert by Saya Lopez Ortega 7/12/19..chap20 twist the knife in the wound
30. Knowledge The Seduction Expert by Saya Lopez Ortega 7/12/19..chap25 knowledge is power
31. Lantern Sneaky Pie for President by Rita Mae Brown 7/17/19..p188 large numbers in any location
32. Leader The Seduction Expert by Saya Lopez Ortega 7/12/19..chap24 characteristics of a leader
33. Location Sneaky Pie for President by Rita Mae Brown 7/17/19..p188 large numbers in any location
34. Map Sunset Beach by Mary Kay Andrews 7/24/19..p308 do you have a map of the property
35. Marshmallows
36. Matches The Seduction Expert by Saya Lopez Ortega 7/12/19..chap32 his outfit still matches mine
37. Mountain The Seduction Expert by Saya Lopez Ortega 7/12/19..chap15 they climb mountains
38. Nature The Seduction Expert by Saya Lopez Ortega 7/12/19..chap32 shenanigans are par of your nature
39. Outdoors Ship of Fools: How a Selfish Ruling Class Is Bringing America to the Brink of Revolution by Tucker Carlson..chap7 a great deal of time outdoors
40. Overnight Ocean Beach by Wendy Wax..p351 let it sit overnight
41. Peace The Seduction Expert by Saya Lopez Ortega..chap11 soon make way for peace
42. Plan The Seduction Expert by Saya Lopez Ortega 7/12/19..chap7 the phishing plan I concocted
43. Play Aunt Dimity Takes a Holiday by Nancy Atherton 7/5/19..chap16 you play beautifully
44. Remote
45. Rope Ship of Fools: How a Selfish Ruling Class Is Bringing America to the Brink of Revolution by Tucker Carlson..intro the other side of the rope line
46. Stars Aunt Dimity Takes a Holiday by Nancy Atherton 7/5/19..chap12 I did see start as I hit the ground
47. Tent Ocean Beach by Wendy Wax..p353 she'll fold up her tent and go away
48. Trail Ocean Beach by Wendy Wax..p106 Anthony appeared and began to trail after them
49. Vacation The Seduction Expert by Saya Lopez Ortega 7/12/19..chap24 all your summer vacations
50. Woods Sneaky Pie for President by Rita Mae Brown..p23 woods on one side, open pasture on the other

Aunt Dimity Takes a Holiday (Aunt Dimity Mystery, #8) by Nancy Atherton Ocean Beach (Ten Beach Road, #2) by Wendy Wax Sneaky Pie for President (Mrs. Murphy, #21) by Rita Mae Brown The Seduction Expert (The Seduction Expert, #1) by Saya Lopez Ortega Ship of Fools How a Selfish Ruling Class Is Bringing America to the Brink of Revolution by Tucker Carlson Sunset Beach by Mary Kay Andrews

message 7: by [deleted user] (last edited Jul 30, 2019 09:03AM) (new)


July Scavenger Hunt - Camping
Duration: July 1, 2019 - July 31, 2019

Choose your level:
Wilderness: 41-50 words

1. Alert .. his eyes once again alert .. The Undertaker's Assistant loc 2006

2. Animals .. Mr Darwin has posited we differ from animals .. The Undertaker's Assistant loc 157

3. Backpack .. without bebefit of backpack or cart .. Who Is to Blame? A Russian Riddle loc 467

4. Blanket .. unrolled her blanket along the opposite wall .. The Undertaker's Assistant loc 317

5. Boots .. spattering her boots and the hem of her skirt .. The Undertaker's Assistant loc 71

6. Bugs .. what the Party big bugs had in mind .. The Undertaker's Assistant loc 2483

7. Camp .. Newspaper Row on Camp Street .. The Undertaker's Assistant loc 98

8. Canteen .. I opened the canteen .. Blood Oath pg 106

9. Compass .. then checked the compass .. Apprentice to the Sea loc 1105

10. Direction .. in the direction of a small green lizard .. The Undertaker's Assistant loc 36

11. Endure .. she'd not have to endure her fellow boarders .. The Undertaker's Assistant loc 758

12. Equipment .. she laid down her equipment .. The Undertaker's Assistant loc 117

13. Exercise .. an exercise that strengthened .. The Magician's Lie pg 34

14. Experience .. experience had taught her it best .. The Undertaker's Assistant loc 695

15. Family .. called away by the family .. The Undertaker's Assistant loc 107

16. (Camp) Fire .. spying the Union camp fire .. The Undertaker's Assistant loc 4358

17. Fishing .. she'd become like a fushing boat .. The Undertaker's Assistant loc 1792

18. Flashlight .. we shone a flashlight behind the wall .. Dewey: The Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched the World pg 133

19. Friends .. wept beside their dead friends .. The Undertaker's Assistant loc 513

20. Fun .. you call this butchery fun? .. The Undertaker's Assistant loc 3650

21. Games .. there were games and music .. The Magician's Lie pg 110

22. Gear .. My gear, including my and Kindle's canteens .. Blood Oath pg 106

23. Grass .. that of dried grass and horse manure .. The Undertaker's Assistant loc 334

24. Guide .. these calculations were just a guide .. The Undertaker's Assistant loc 1421

25. Heat .. I'll heat some water for your bath .. The Undertaker's Assistant loc 315

26. Hike .. a twenty-five mile hike .. Frontier America loc 4221

27. Insects .. the hum of insects rising as the sun set .. The Undertaker's Assistant loc 1361

28. Kits ..
.. a sewing kit .. To the Far Blue Mountains pg 297

29. Knife .. knife them, shoot them, .. The Undertaker's Assistant loc 2010

30. Knowledge .. his charm and the knowledge .. The Undertaker's Assistant loc 1964

31. Lantern .. a gas latern still aglow within .. The Undertaker's Assistant loc 947

32. Leader .. the leader of their little ensemble .. The Undertaker's Assistant loc 374

33. Location .. he'd found the right location .. The Undertaker's Assistant loc 1382

34. Map .. map of arteries and organs .. The Undertaker's Assistant loc 85

35. Marshmallows

36. Matches .. my skill with the syringe matches any man .. The Undertaker's Assistant loc 48

37. Mountain .. over the mountain, dear, in North Carolina .. The Magician's Lie pg 38

38. Nature .. ignoring them was second nature .. The Undertaker's Assistant loc 66

39. Outdoors .. Mother called me outdoors .. The Magician's Lie pg 40

40. Overnight - she had forgotten overnight .. The Doll Factory loc 535

41. Peace .. they'd leave her in peace .. The Undertaker's Assistant loc 66

42. Plan .. best plan your strategy .. The Undertaker's Assistant loc 712

43. Play .. do you play an instrument? .. The Undertaker's Assistant loc 1195

44. Remote .. it's remote, peaceful .. Blood Oath pg 88

45. Rope .. with a rope around his neck .. The Undertaker's Assistant loc 1779

46. Stars .. with eagles, stars, and letters .. The Undertaker's Assistant loc 395

47. Tent .. surgery tent had saved her .. The Undertaker's Assistant loc 166

48. Trail .. a trail of fire down her gullet .. The Undertaker's Assistant loc 2459

49. Vacation

50. Woods .. or hide in the woods .. The Undertaker's Assistant loc 4396

The Undertaker's Assistant by Amanda Skenandore 7/1/19 4☆ The Magician's Lie by Greer Macallister 7/4/19 3☆ Blood Oath (Sawbones #2) by Melissa Lenhardt 7/7/19 3.75☆
The Doll Factory by Elizabeth Macneal 7/8/19 3☆ Apprentice to the Sea (Tom Chatto Naval Adventures #1) by Philip McCutchan 7/9/19 Frontier America ( Preacher & MacCallister #1) by William W. Johnstone 7/17/19 3.25☆
Dewey The Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched the World by Vicki Myron 7/16/19 3☆ Who Is to Blame? A Russian Riddle by Jane Marlow 7/22/19 3.25☆ To the Far Blue Mountains (The Sacketts, #2) by Louis L'Amour 7/24/19 4☆

message 8: by Emeli (last edited Jul 20, 2019 09:55PM) (new)

Emeli Webb | 487 comments Seasonal: 21-40 words
Wilderness: 41-50 words

1. Alert- Bred for Him Loc 602 my body went into high alert Finished 8/7
2. Animals- Kitty Confidential Loc 309 i could talk to animals Finished 8/7
3. Backpack- Omega & the Beast Loc 794 i packed another shirt into my backpack Finished 1/7
4. Blanket- Omega & the Beast Loc 702 quilts and a few wool blankets filled the tote
5. Boots - Cowboys and Pearls Loc 908 do you have my boots Finished 13/7
6. Bugs
7. Camp- Cowboys and Pearls Loc 2759 There would also be the cost of setting Up the camp areas themselves
8. Canteen
9. Compass- Never Enough Loc 471 The five-by-eight-inch cover had a compass rose stamped into the leather.
10. Direction
11. Endure
12. Equipment
13. Exercise
14. Experience
15. Family- The Preacher's Omega Loc 613 i've always imagined myself with a family one Day Finished 6/7
16. (Camp) Fire-Bromeo and Juliet Loc 631 my soul was on Fire Finished 1/7
17. Fishing- Bred for Him Loc 566 but oddly Enough owned a fishing boat
18. Flashlight- Omega & the Beast Loc 112 So I grabbed my long flashlight
19. Friends- A Swan's Love Song Loc 194 the mere thought of his friends sweet hatchling Finished 9/7
20. Fun- Cowboys and Pearls Loc 3477 Well that does sound like fun
21. Games- A Swan's Love Song Loc 1345 along with some silly games kellan had insisted they all play
22. Gear- Cowboys and Pearls Loc 3550 it was all working gear for men Who knew How to use it
23. Grass- Bred for Him Loc 66 i was sittning on the grass overlooking the water
24. Guide
25. Heat- Bromeo and Juliet Loc 631 so I could feel his bulge, his heat, his muscles beneath his suit, and he kissed me.
26. Hike- The Betas: Rene' Loc 1172 so the middleman doesn't hike the price Up Finished 20/7
27. Insects
28. Kits
29. Knife- The Betas: Rene' Loc 1266 turn the knife
30. Knowledge
31. Lantern- The Preacher's Omega Loc 413 there were also lanterns hanging from some branches
32. Leader
33. Location
34. Map- The Preacher's Omega Loc 724 i wanted to map his body in my mind
35. Marshmallows
36. Matches
37. Mountain- Cowboys and Pearls Loc 2418 while the other man was standing at the window which had a panoramic view of the mountains in the distance.
38. Nature- Bromeo and Juliet Loc 170 like a force of nature
39. Outdoors- Mating the Doctor Loc 192 he was obviously someone Who spent a lot of time outdoor Finished 8/7
40. Overnight Cowboys and Pearls the twins are in the house making cookies with a friend Who stayed Overnight
41. Peace- A Swan's Love Song Loc 145 so he could start his Day in peace
42. Plan- The Preacher's Omega Loc 910 while making plans for the day
43. Play - The Preacher's Omega Loc 910 they liked to get me to play penny ante poker
44. Remote- Cowboys and Pearls Loc 3390 The other was a little more remote where the scenic views would be the primary reason for camping in that spot.
45. Rope
46. Stars- Cowboys and Pearls Loc 845 thousands of citrine colored stars burst behind his eyelids as he finally came
47. Tent- Never Enough Loc 449 sprawling in rows of tents Finished 4/7
48. Trail- Cowboys and Pearls Loc 2765 you've seen How much they love just taking a trail ride
49. Vacation- The Preacher's Omega Loc 722 when we took a vacation
50. Woods- Bred for Him Loc 598 before it sloped Up into the woods

message 9: by Carly (last edited Aug 04, 2019 09:37AM) (new)

Carly (car88) | 63 comments JULY 2019 - SCAVENGER HUNT

·Post 9 *FINISHED*

ALERT - #7 (loc 3814, 69%)
But then Marcus looked closer, noting the way they moved, alert, ready…menacing even, if you know what to look for.
ANIMALS - #4 (loc 1671, 55%)
"You run around turning into animals and tearing off people's heads and then just…a bed and breakfast? Come on!"
BACKPACK - #6 (loc 691, 29%)
Toby huddled against the black stone wall of his cell in Hell. He wished he'd thought to bring his backpack with his 3DS and magazines.
BLANKET - #7 (loc 4592, 82%)
Maat sauntered in carrying a large wicker gift basket full of blue and white clothes, toys, blankets, and nappies. "A boy! What a lovely surprise." Her left hand clutching a large handful of bright blue balloons.
BOOTS - #5 (loc 117, 5%)
"Do you wanna run or not?" he asked. "Are you really running in boots?" "I can run naked." She turned away before he saw the flair of interest accompany her irritation.
BUGS - #6 (loc 112, 5%)
"I don't think I can sleep with bugs the size of my hand just waiting for me to fall asleep so they can crawl all over me." "If you're asleep, you won't feel them." "That's not the point, Gabe."
CAMP - #2 (loc 1769, 78%)
After having to sit through Ralph explain in detail to everyone why he gave me the name of Shit Sock, an unfortunate event that involved Ralph shitting in a pair of socks when we camped in the backyard one night when we were teenagers, and me sliding them on at four in the morning when I had to take a piss, I couldn't wait for him to go the hell away. There's a reason we've only communicated via email for the last seventeen years.
CANTEEN - #7 (loc 3244, 59%)
Stopping by the canteen first, Vaughn picked up his surprise for Hadleigh before heading to the 85th floor.
DIRECTION - #2 (loc 1982, 87%)
Seeing as how fireworks are currently shooting out from behind the barn in every direction, none of which are UP INTO THE FUCKING SKY WHERE THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO GO.
ENDURE - #1 (loc 3743, 28%)
"Me? They've never told. I suppose they don't want to endure the equivalent of whatever big black wang jokes I could come up with." "Probably the man-ass joke," T-Bone whispered.
EQUIPMENT - #5 (loc 1683, 68%)
He pushed the wreckage around and dug his notebook out of the mess. Katie watched as he walked through the lab, collecting undestroyed pieces of equipment and tools.
EXERCISE - #1 (loc 11074, 82%)
T-Bone…not so much. Most exercise he gets is when he puts himself into one of those shitty VR rigs. Which are not designed for six-foot-four three-hundred-pound black dudes, let me tell you.
EXPERIENCE - #1 (loc 4894, 37%)
Sex in mud kind of mess. Yes, I can speak from experience. Them hillbilly girls are freaky. Right next to the pigs, baby. Oink, fucking oink. …What?
FAMILY - #1 (loc 4071, 30%)
"I bet I could get an exemption from Igor. I saved the guy's cock from getting bit off by a panicking stripper. We're like family now."
[CAMP] FIRE - #7 (loc 1415, 28%)
She, who had barely raised an eyebrow when one of her brothers, at age thirteen, sneezed and set the family cat on fire. Poor Lucky. Thankfully their cousin Finn Valhalla had been there and snuffed the flames right out.
FISHING - #7 (loc 1227, 25%)
As a last resort, Marcus had tried dropping them into a live volcano. Fishing them out had been beyond annoying.
FLASHLIGHT - #4 (loc 1084, 36%)
Red flashlights blurred before her eyes. Gloved hands snatched her.
FRIENDS - #4 (loc 1819, 60%)
"How the fuck did you survive Hell?" "Made some friends. Met the devil himself and decided I'd had enough of this shit."
FUN - #1 (loc 3136, 24%)
"We're not having sex, I get it. Stop making me slap myself in the face." "It's so much fun though!" she practically giggled.
GAMES - #7 (loc 2033, 39%)
"And how is hiding away in here, shoveling cheese doodles into your mouth and playing video games all day going to get him to stop?"
GEAR - #5 (loc 158, 6%)
Lust turned to adrenaline. He slapped her backside to jar her into gear, and she bolted forward. The sound of fighting erupted behind her.
GRASS - #2 (loc 2168, 95%)
"In a hospital room with you wearing a hospital gown and me wearing a half torched, blood-grass-and-jizz-stained dress. I don't care as long as you still want to marry me."
GUIDE - #1 (loc 9820, 73%)
Catherine was reading a book when the door opened. A Game of Thrones, why do I get the feeling she's using it as a How To guide?
HEAT - #4 (loc 1441, 47%)
He certainly felt human with a massive male body expending heat and warmth. "I haven't eaten in thousands of years," he rasped.
HIKE - #3 (loc 57, 6%)
She had her skirt hiked up, flashing panties and the top of her hose, and fought to push them down as she came nearer.
INSECTS - #6 (loc 370, 15%)
The snakelike branches overheard were creepier when she could see them in daylight, and the few birds and insects she saw made her shudder.
KITS - #5 (loc 650, 26%)
Rhyn's anger stirred at the sight of her bleeding alone, and he crossed to her, snatching the first aid kit off the bed.
KNIFE - #2 (loc 1247, 55%)
"Bev, get me my favorite butcher knife from the kitchen. I've got some dicks to chop off," my father growls.
KNOWLEDGE - #3 (loc 889, 69%)
The knowledge that this man, despite his horrific past, was good.
LANTERN - #6 (loc 209, 9%)
Hannah held one of the lanterns donated to their exiled party by the Sanctuary.
LEADER - #5 (loc 855, 34%)
"His name is Kris. He's sort of the leader of the Immortals. He's a manipulative, lying jackass."
LOCATION - #1 (loc 12138, 90%)
"Still not shriveled the least," Raj called out. "My beard is getting frosty though…and other hair…locations."
MAP - #1 (loc 845, 7%)
Old, old, old. Even had chalkboards still. There was a map of the world with the USSR on it. Huh.
MARSHMALLOWS - #4 (loc 527, 17%)
"I'm a four-hundred-thousand-year-old angel. I'm a baby in my world. More marshmallows!" Just when she thought things were weird enough.
MATCHES - #2 (loc 667, 30%)
"Yep, it's totally working for you. That bag perfectly matches your eyes. You'd make a very pretty woman."
MOUNTAIN - #7 (loc 3707, 67%)
"The Ten never got tired of it, they just climbed higher. Buildings. Mountains. Now they do it for a living, only there is a lot more fire involved."
NATURE - #6 (loc 331, 14%)
"He's fortunate to have someone like you, who would give her life for him. You are exactly what he needs to balance his nature."
OUTDOOR(S) - #2 (loc 620, 28%)
Thankfully, Noel was able to convince her that seventy-five candles that smell like ocean mist were overkill and unnecessary for an outdoor weeding.
OVERNIGHT - #5 (loc 1627, 65%)
"It's fascinating. We raised an angel here for several hundred millennia. You wake up one day and find he's turned from child to man overnight."
PEACE - #4 (loc 2485, 82%)
"This is the women's locker room!" she said. "Give me ten more minutes of peace, and leave these poor women alone!"
PLAN - #5 (loc 539, 22%)
He stood in the hallway smiling, his predatory look assuring her he had no plans of letting his dinner escape him.
PLAY - #3 (loc 1139, 88%)
"I just wanted to play with the little pretty." He even stomped, his twisted mind stuck at a young age.
REMOTE - #6 (loc 1837, 76%)
"Yeah. She's in Hell. She's fine." "Jesus. Hannah's in Hell," Katie mused, doubting her sister was remotely fine.
ROPE - #3 (loc 1039, 80%)
It remained the smallest tendril of rope, so tiny he couldn't follow it to Cason's location.
STARS - #2 (loc 1428, 63%)
Now I'm thinking about Noel in the blue lace bra with red stars covering her nipples.
TENT - #2 (loc 1932, 85%)
"I'd like to thank you all for coming and I apologize for the fire in tent number three. Please sit back and enjoy this poem I wrote for my one true love."
TRAIL - #6 (loc 1318, 54%)
Gabe followed a trail Rhyn couldn't see that led them to a stream.
VACATION - #2 (loc 1742, 76%)
"And you didn't believe me when I told you he was just like Cousin Eddie from the movie Christmas Vacation, but a thousand times worse."
WOODS - #1 (loc 7882, 58%)
Does a bear shit in the woods? No clue. But King Henry Price does. "Shower," I mumbled to myself. "Clean ass crack." It was a nightmare.

DUET - #1 (loc 1874, 14%)
Rick Brown and Robin White still sang their Mormon-Girl-Meets-Grudge-Lover duet.
State Fair

The Foul Mouth and the Mancy Martial Artist (The King Henry Tapes) (Volume 5) by Richard Raley The Firework Exploded (The Holidays, #3) by Tara Sivec Love Bite by Celia Kyle Katie's Hellion (Rhyn Trilogy, #1) by Lizzy Ford Katie's Hope (Rhyn Trilogy, #2) by Lizzy Ford Rhyn's Redemption (Rhyn Trilogy, #3) by Lizzy Ford To Fight A Fate (Southern Sanctuary, #11) by Jane Cousins
(view spoiler)

message 10: by SANDYE (last edited Jul 22, 2019 02:53PM) (new)

SANDYE (sandye_c) | 1219 comments July Scavenger Hunt - Camping
Duration: July 1, 2019 - July 31, 2019
Date Started - July 1, 2019
Date Completed - July 22, 2019

Level: Wilderness 41 / 41 - COMPLETED!!

Choose your level:
Overnight: 0 - 20 words
Seasonal: 21-40 words
Wilderness: 41-50 words

1. Alert - Treated as Murder (Edith Horton 1) by Noreen Wainwright - 7/3/19 - Location 3195 - Maybe someone had seen her go in and the alert had been put out straight away.

2. Animals - Treated as Murder (Edith Horton 1) by Noreen Wainwright - 7/3/19 - Location 1124 - It had been Mam, John, her and their few animals - simple and safe.

3. Backpack

4. Blanket - Treated as Murder (Edith Horton 1) by Noreen Wainwright - 7/3/19- Location 3468 - Maybe, take up a blanket, or something, until we can bring her down to the sitting room.

5. Boots - Treated as Murder (Edith Horton 1) by Noreen Wainwright - 7/3/19 - Location 2378 - When Edith took her boots off and sat down in the armchair ...

6. Bugs

7. Camp - Divorcees.Biz by Eileen Thornton - 7/11/19 - Location 3816 - I do remember being a boy scout, going off to camp and all that stuff...

8. Canteen
9. Compass

10. Direction - Treated as Murder (Edith Horton 1) by Noreen Wainwright - 7/3/19 - Location 2022 - She was hoping they would not look in her and Julie's direction, not speak to them.

11. Endure - Purrfect Murder (Mysteries of Max 1) by Nic Saint - 7/16/19 - pg. 102 - his face twisted in a grimace as he tried to endure the horrible stench

12. Equipment - Purrfect Murder (Mysteries of Max 1) by Nic Saint - 7/16/19 - pg. 175 - and the knowledge that you're a superior being, not with the size of your equipment

13. Exercise - Treated as Murder (Edith Horton 1) by Noreen Wainwright - 7/3/19 - Location 1963 - The fresh air and exercise had worked.

14. Experience - Treated as Murder (Edith Horton 1) by Noreen Wainwright - 7/3/19 - Location 2188 - But, Archie managed to win this one, persuading dad that he needed hosptial experience.

15. Family - Treated as Murder (Edith Horton 1) by Noreen Wainwright - 7/3/19 - Location 756 - They were my employer's family.

16. (Camp) Fire - Divorcees.Biz by Eileen Thornton - 7/11/19 - Location 1827 - She would have much rather curled up in front of a warm fire, reading a book.

17. Fishing - Treated as Murder (Edith Horton 1) by Noreen Wainwright - 7/3/19 - Location 373 - before he took Sergeant Brown for a little fishing trip to the big smoke

18. Flashlight - Purrfect Murder (Mysteries of Max 1) by Nic Saint - 7/16/19 - pg. 19 - Curious, she went and got herself a flashlight, to examine the bottom of the well

19. Friends - Treated as Murder (Edith Horton 1) by Noreen Wainwright - 7/3/19 - Location 633 - But, sometimes Cathy wondered if she'd set herself apart from her friends.

20. Fun - Treated as Murder (Edith Horton 1) by Noreen Wainwright - 7/3/19 - Location 2129 - Maybe not a serious threat, just a bit of so-called fun?

21. Games - Treated as Murder (Edith Horton 1) by Noreen Wainwright - 7/3/19 - Location - 784 - There had been picnics and games, and they had put on plays and shows in the winter.

22. Gear - Divorcees.Biz by Eileen Thornton - 7/11/19 - Location 2538 - They were back at Connie's house and she had changed into some disco gear.

23. Grass - Treated as Murder (Edith Horton 1) by Noreen Wainwright - 7/3/19 - Location 1008 - ...then bluebells and the lush grass verges and ripening berries.

24. Guide - Gangs and Outlaws of Western Pennsylvania by Thomas White - 7/5/19 - Location 1101 - When you are tempted to do anything wrong, just pause a moment and ask God to guide you in the way he would have you go.

25. Heat - Treated as Murder (Edith Horton 1) by Noreen Wainwright - 7/3/19 - Location 315 - She had felt that it was like a fever - a rush of heat, all across her body...

26. Hike - Purrfect Murder (Mysteries of Max 1) by Nic Saint - 7/16/19 - Pg. 100 - Maybe this hike wasn't such a good idea after all.

27. Insects - At the Foot of the Rainbow by Gene Stratton-Porter - 7/20/19 - LOC. 1016 - There's living roots, and seeds, and insects, and worms by the million wherever ye are setting foot.

28. Kits -

29. Knife - Treated as Murder (Edith Horton 1) by Noreen Wainwright - 7/3/19 - Location 3417 - The woman delved into her shiny big green handbag and drew out a knife.

30. Knowledge - Treated as Murder (Edith Horton 1) by Noreen Wainwright - 7/3/19 - Location 444 - ...he would have to live with the knowledge of what she had done and maybe even blame himself.

31. Lantern -

32. Leader - Gangs and Outlaws of Western Pennsylvania by Thomas White - 7/5/19 - Location 873 - In his spare time, Dague taught Sunday School and was a local Boy Scout Leader.

33. Location- Gangs and Outlaws of Western Pennsylvania by Thomas White - 7/5/19 - Location 230 - When they found nothing of value, the pair demanded that the old man reveal the location of the gold.

34. Map - The 13th Fellow: A Mystery in Provence (Havilah Gaie 1) by Tracy Whiting - 7/18/19 - LOC. 2611 - He thought he could be an inspiration to the young ones, a road map to them

35. Marshmallows
36. Matches

37. Mountain - Divorcees.Biz by Eileen Thornton - 7/11/19 - Location 722 - But then Sadie had always told her she'd made a mountain out of a molehill.

38. Nature - Treated as Murder (Edith Horton 1) by Noreen Wainwright - 7/3/19 - Location 1711 - By its nature any sort of breakdown is painful...

39. Outdoors - Purrfect Murder (Mysteries of Max 1) by Nic Saint - 7/16/19 - pg. 105 - soaking in the hot tub while experiencing the great outdoors

40. Overnight - Treated as Murder (Edith Horton 1) by Noreen Wainwright - 7/3/19 - Location 3611 - So, your mam is staying overnight,

41. Peace - Treated as Murder (Edith Horton 1) by Noreen Wainwright - 7/3/19 - Location 281 - I'll leave you in peace.

42. Plan - Treated as Murder (Edith Horton 1) by Noreen Wainwright - 7/3/19 - Location 1166 - With hindsight, this had been the best plan.

43. Play - Treated as Murder (Edith Horton 1) by Noreen Wainwright - 7/3/19 - Location 247 - She couldn't play God or blame Him.

44. Remote - The 13th Fellow: A Mystery in Provence (Havilah Gaie 1) by Tracy Whiting - 7/18/19 - LOC. 1115 - murder, mystery, a plush manse, a quasi-remote location

45. Rope - Gangs and Outlaws of Western Pennsylvania by Thomas White - 7/5/19 - Location 722 - One of the criminals was carrying a rope made from cotton fibers and tape stolen from the prison weaving shop.

46. Stars - Purrfect Murder (Mysteries of Max 1 ) by Nic Saint - 7/16/19 - pg. 105 - while experiencing the great outdoors and gazing up at the stars twinkling above

47. Tent

48. Trail - Gangs and Outlaws of Western Pennsylvania by Thomas White - 7/5/19 - Location 91 - Four armed guards rode in the armored vehicle, while two more guards followed in a trail car.

49. Vacation - The 13th Fellow: A Mystery in Provence (Havilah Gaie 1) by Tracy Whiting - 7/18/19 - LOC. 605 - We are old friends on vacation together, Havilah.

50. Woods - Gangs and Outlaws of Western Pennsylvania by Thomas White - 7/5/19 - Location 339 - After staying a while, the Cooleys casually took their rifles and disappeared into the nearby woods.

message 11: by Grace (last edited Aug 01, 2019 07:37AM) (new)

Grace | 1650 comments July Scavenger Hunt - Camping
Duration: July 1, 2019 - July 31, 2019

Choose your level:
Wilderness: 41-50 words

Deviant-Callie Hart 7/9
1. Alert- “people on the alert for me snooping around” 55%
2. Animals- “Women, kids, animals, doesn’t matter” 35%
5. Boots- “all I see are his black boots walking away” 42%
7. Camp-“me and Alexis at summer camp” 95%
10. Direction- “and in the other direction, while begging for their lives” 88%
14. Experience- “three years’ worth of experience is a lifetime.” 30%
15. Family- “Sloane’s family were Christian to the core” 25%
16. (Camp) Fire- “I’m playing with fire right now” 53%
19. Friends- “exactly the best of friends” 2%
20. Fun- “It’ll be fun, I promise” 75%
21. Games- “I’m done playing these little games with you” 82%
22. Gear- “kicking my brain back into gear.” 86%
24. Guide- “hustle as we guide the gurney to the elevator” 28%
25. Heat- “my cheeks flood with heat” 81%
29. Knife- “The knife embeds into the wall” 75%
33. Location- “can’t find the location of the girl” 55%
37. Mountain- “I have a mountain of paperwork” 47%
38. Nature- “confronting nature has brought this out” 76%
41. Peace- “I’ve made my peace with it” 78%
42. Plan- “the open plan lounge space” 80%
43. Play- “Things will play out the way they’re meant to” 23%
46. Stars- “My eyes, even in the dark, see stars. 13%”
48. Trail- “watches me closely as I trail the sharpened steel” 74%

Intercepted-Alexa Martin 7/11
3. Backpack- “he reaches for the backpack I was willing to abandon” 52%
4. Blanket- “ruining the perfect blanket of sparkling snow.” 66%
6. Bugs- “I don’t have bugs stuck in my teeth.” 52%
23. Grass- “parallel to the grass beneath him” 67%
30. Knowledge- “with that knowledge, the ability to look” 72%
32. Leader- “reign as leader supreme” 3%
34. Map- “someone gave him a map.” 68%
35. Marshmallows- “many jumbo marshmallows that can fit” 59%
36. Matches- “potential matches in Jersey and New York” 88%
44. Remote- “I took the remote and turned on Ellen” 44%
49. Vacation- “we’ll need another vacation after that.” 81%
50. Woods- “neck of the woods in a long time” 84%

Again, but Better-Christine Riccio 7/23
11. Endure- “I can’t sit and endure this failure all over again” 86%
12. Equipment- “that makes golf equipment or something” 49%
26. Hike- “we hike a steep grassy hill up” 9%
31. Lantern- “lanterns hang off long chains hovering” 52%
45. Rope- “whatever imaginary rope was holding me” 52%

Until Friday Night-Abbi Glines 7/23
17. Fishing- “we had taken Momma fishing” pg. 131
40. Overnight- “Uncle would approve of an overnight trip” pg. 254
47. Tent- “large white tent where people” pg. 174

message 12: by Karen ♐ (last edited Jul 25, 2019 01:43PM) (new)

Karen ♐ (kmk1214) | 1102 comments July Scavenger Hunt - Camping
Wilderness: 41-50 words

Beautiful Player (Beautiful Bastard, #3) by Christina Lauren
Beautiful Player Christina Lauren - 7/2
7. Camp - Pg 362 - is a bit like summer camp
12. Equipment - Pg 197 - a giant pile of sports equipment
13. Exercise - Pg 50 - Besides, exercise increases testosterone
19. Friends - Pg 11 - is that I have no friends
20. Fun - Pg 8 - You're fun
21. Games - Pg 14 - Play some board games?
22. Gear - Pg 38 - on makeup or expensive workout gear
23. Grass - Pg 57 - a few blades of brown grass
26. Hike - Pg 363 - the zoo or on a hike
29. Knife - Pg 231 - his eyes on the knife and cutting board
30. Knowledge - Pg 265 - a resurfacing of the knowledge
33. Location - Pg 334 - soon as I neared the location
34. Map - Pg 320 - if I'm not following the map
37. Mountain - Pg 26 - bluebird near his shoulder, a mountain and the roots
47. Tent - Pg 336 - table and toward the women's tent
48. Trail - Pg 24 - my eyes pinned on the trail in front of us
49. Vacation - Pg 193 - every Sunday we spent on vacation in this kitchen

The Inn at Rose Harbor (Rose Harbor, #1) by Debbie Macomber
The Inn at Rose Harbor Debbie Macomber - 7/3
1. Alert - Pg 157 - nerves were already on high alert
2. Animals - Pg 277 - How are you with animals?
4. Blanket - Pg 30 - and he had a blanket over his lap
5. Boots - Pg 92 - she had on her boots
10. Direction - Pg 78 - all to face the same direction
11. Endure - Pg 153 - I never wanted to endure that again
14. Experience - Pg 66 - speak to someone with more experience
15. Family - Pg 4 - The instant my family heard that I
16. (Camp) Fire - Pg 249 - they made a small fire with driftwood and roasted hot dogs.
18. Flashlight - Pg 303 - saw that she'd found a flashlight
24. Guide - Pg 137 - the television guide for the week
25. Heat - Pg 137 - I'll heat you some soup
31. Lantern - Pg 275 - from the 1800s holding a lantern
38. Nature - Pg 280 - an impulsive person by nature
40. Overnight - Pg 4 - I'll think about it overnight
41. Peace - Pg 2 - only then would I find peace
42. Plan - Pg 39 - of that moment I didn't plan to
43. Play - Pg 46 - Already the demons were at play
44. Remote - Pg 133 - automatically reached for the television remote
46. Stars - Pg 41 - and the night stars were out

Miss Firecracker (Wild West Boys, #2) by Lorelei James
Miss Firecracker Lorelei James - 7/4
17. Fishing - Pg 5 - while Dave's fishing in Jackson Hole

Broken Honor (HORNET, #3) by Tonya Burrows
Broken Honor Tonya Burrows - 7/5
3. Backpack - Pg 215 - stolen out of a classmate's backpack
32. Leader - Pg 60 - No! the gang leader said
36. Matches - Pg 146 - Which matches the name Mara
45. Rope - Pg 216 - I didn't give Sam the rope
50. Woods - Pg 161 - the woods surrounding the rarely

Disavowed (Hostage Rescue Team #4) by Kaylea Cross
Disavowed Kaylea Cross - 7/7
6. Bugs - Pg 47 - I know there are no bugs in here
9. Compass - Pg 121 - warriors with a strong moral compass

The Military Wife (A Heart of a Hero, #1) by Laura Trentham
The Military Wife Laura Trentham - 7/8
35. Marshmallows - Pg 115 - a package of graham crackers, marshmallows and two chocolate bars
39. Outdoors - Pg 88 - of days in the great outdoors

Carry the World by Susan Fanetti
Carry the World Susan Fanetti - 7/14
8. Canteen - Loc 827 - had a lunch pail and canteen

27. Insects
28. Kits

message 13: by Ferenc (last edited Jul 19, 2019 07:45AM) (new)

Ferenc (aeneth) | 2445 comments July Scavenger Hunt - Camping
Duration: July 1, 2019 - July 31, 2019

Goal: 49/50
Wilderness: 41-50 words

The Light Over London by Julia Kelly The Light Over London by Julia Kelly – 07/01/2019 - 31 words
(view spoiler)

Evil The Science Behind Humanity's Dark Side by Julia Shaw Evil: The Science Behind Humanity's Dark Side by Julia Shaw – 07/03/2019 - 9 words
(view spoiler)

Riding Red (Fairytale Shifter, #1) by Alexa Riley Riding Red by Alexa Riley – 07/03/2019 - 1 word
(view spoiler)

Airport - Code Red by James Patterson Airport - Code Red by James Patterson – 07/05/2019 - 2 words
(view spoiler)

Little Black Dress by James Patterson Little Black Dress by James Patterson – 07/06/2019 - 1 word
(view spoiler)

Riders of the Purple Wage by Philip José Farmer Riders of the Purple Wage by Philip José Farmer – 07/07/2019 - 2 words
(view spoiler)

The Underground City (Planet Urth, #3) by Jennifer Martucci The Underground City by Jennifer Martucci and Christopher Martucci – 07/09/2019 - 2 words
(view spoiler)

Axel A Motorcycle Club Romance (Iron Demons MC) by Vivian Gray Axel: A Motorcycle Club Romance by Vivian Gray – 07/19/2019 - 1 word
(view spoiler)

35. Marshmallows

message 14: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54240 comments Mod
Welcome everyone! Updated to Message 14.

message 15: by Sarah-Jane (last edited Aug 02, 2019 01:47AM) (new)

Sarah-Jane Frances | 149 comments 🏕 Yes Please 🏕

July Scavenger Hunt - Camping

Wilderness: 41-50 words

Warcross (Warcross, #1) by Marie Lu . Warcross, Marie Lu, July 31st

1. Alert: page 12 - New York Police Department ALERT!
3. Backpack: page 16 - . I hop off my electric skateboard, pull out its straps, and swing it over my shoulder so that it bumps against my backpack
12. Equipment: page 234 - my equipment was compromised
22. Gear: page 244 - decked out head to toe in padded gear.
34. Map: page 15 - the red location marker updates on my map.
44. Remote: page 393 - some remote hill.
47. Tent: page 28 - pitching their tents in the entryway of a shuttered store.

Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens Where the Crawdads Sing, Delia Owens, July 29th

10. Direction: page 41 - The only way to get there by boat was to go in the opposite direction
18. Flashlight: page 259 - He wore a grey uniform and a wide belt, hung with a radio, a flashlight, an impressive set of keys, and a holster colt six shooter.
24. Guide: page 45 - He guided her.
26. Hike: page 71 - "Let's hike out to that little bay."
27. Insects: page 24 - The crows had flown off when the truck came, but other birds and insects whirred above.
28. Kits: page 6 - She'd've starved to death if she tried to feed herself and her kits.
36. Matches: page 75 - He sold matches, lard, soap, sardines, vienna sausages and grits.
45. Rope: page 17 - The town wharf, draped in frayed ropes and old pelicans, jutted into the small bay.
46. Stars: page 6 - He had her same dark eyes and hair; had taught her bird songs, star names, how to steer the boat through saw grass.
48. Trail: page 30 - She didn't stop at the shack but ran full out through the palmettos to the lagoon and down the trail that lead through dense, sheltering oaks to the ocean.
50. Woods: page 6 - The colour was so wrong for the woods.

The Last Hours by Minette Walters The Last Hours, Minette Walters, July 27th

9. Compass: Page 246 - the four points of the compass,
11. Endure: Page 192 - Lady Anne’s cool response to them pushed her beyond endurance.
13. Exercise: Page 232 - Thaddeus realised the exercise attracted them
14. Experience: Page 125 - but my own experience shows it to be true
20. Fun: Page 90 - His letters are penned more in anger than fun
21. Games: Page 49 - You call me from my game to tell me peasants are dying?
25. Heat: Page 17 - THE SUMMER HEAT WAS SUCKING the life from Develish.
30. Knowledge: Page 697 - Without knowledge of the roads,
31. Lantern: Page 749 - the shutter of a lantern was opened
32. Leader: Page 637 - The people look for a leader
33. Locatio: Pageboy 638 - The location of his grave is known only to Isabella’s father
40. Overnight: Page 45 - Overnight? If so, why the secrecy?
41. Peace: Page 637 - Allow my brother to rest in peace

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, Mary Ann Shaffer, July 19th

2. Animals: Page 106 - The Germans were fussy over farm animals.
4. Blanket: Page 114 - we took a blanket down to the beach
5. Boots: Page 146 - No shoes or boots,
6. Bugs: Page 253 - (she hints of bedbugs).
7. Camp: Page 48 - I’d heard of people being sent to prison camp for it
15. Family: Page 105 - I bless God that he was boarded with a farming family
16. Fire: Page 78 - I used them to kindle a fire in my stove
17. Fishing: Page 70 - a packed canvas bag and her father’s fishing rod,
19. Friends: Page 109 - food and friends at the table
23. Grass: Page 46 - Gilly Gilbert is such a snake-in-the-grass
29. Knife: Page 157 - take the knife away from her?
37. Mountain: Page 159 - have I not enough, without your Mountains?
38. Nature: Page 86 - I really can’t divulge information of a personal nature
42. Plan: Page 133 - That plan failed
43. Play: Page 110 - Nothing Eli liked more than to play with Elizabeth.

8. Canteen
35. Marshmallows
39. Outdoors
49. Vacation

message 16: by Joann (last edited Jul 27, 2019 07:57AM) (new)

Joann | 1366 comments Wilderness: 41-50 words

Found in Live and Let Die - Ian Fleming - 7/03/19

1. Alert - p. 18 “An ALERT Canadian who controlled the link…”
2. Animals - p. 51 “They were ANIMAL eyes, not human.”
4. Blanket - p. 166 “...figure under the BLANKET on the floor.”
7. Camp - p. 56 “He had a friend in the enemy CAMP.”
10. Direction - p. 27 “It came from the DIRECTION of the…”
12. Equipment- p. 144 “...swimmers with breathing EQUIPMENT.”
14. Experience - p. 82 “...who hasn’t EXPERIENCED the mystery…”
15. Family - p. 155 “He frightened a FAMILY of squids.”
16. (Camp) Fire - p. 25 “A FIRE was burning…”
17. Fishing - p. 30 “ sell live bait to FISHING clubs.”
18. Flashlight - p. 118 “..with a pencil FLASHLIGHT in his hand.”
19. Friends - p. 6 “..some good FRIENDS in Washington.”
20. Fun - p. 36 “We’ll have ourselves some FUN and ..”
21. Games - p. 86 “It is the only GAME I have to play with you.”
22. Gear - p. 63 “... and the steering wheel GEAR lever.”
23. Grass - p. 99 “..along the GRASS verge between…”
24. Guide - p. 175 “...on the jetty and the GUIDE ropes.”
25. Heat - p. 64 “..access to the piped HEAT system…”
29. Knife - p. 13 “...the man with the KNIFE had…”
30. Knowledge - p. 6 “...has the KNOWLEDGE and approval..”
32. Leader - p. 65 “...we like our band LEADER.”
34. Map - p. 116 “...studied a MAP of the city.”
37. Mountain - p. 136 “ they crossed the MOUNTAINS that run..”
38. Nature - p. 59 “...the NATURE of my operation…”
41. Peace - p. 169 “...instincts of the herd in War and PEACE.”
42. Plan - p. 39 “One can’t PLAN for everything…”
43. Play - p. 78 “...look at her and PLAY with her…”
45. Rope - p. 166 “Get me some ROPE, Mr. Big.”
46. Stars - p. 118 “...of brightly burning STARS…”
48. Trail - p. 13 “...start him on his TRAIL of revenge.”

Found in An Unwanted Guest - Shari Lapena - 7/08/19:
5. Boots p. 14 “...which immediately falls inside her BOOTS.”
11. Endure p. 165 “ if life is only to be ENDUREd.”
31. Lantern p. 31 “...we have some oil LANTERNs if we need.”
36. Matches p. 76 “...oil lamps and some MATCHES.”
39. Outdoors p. 106 “...don their OUTDOOR gear.”
40. Overnight p. 12 “..grabbing his OVERNIGHT bag from the back seat.”
44. Remote p. 10 “...chosen an inn a little less REMOTE.”
49. Vacation p. 103 “...and dinners out and VACATIONS and no obligations.”
50. Woods p. 11 “...peering into the shadowy WOODS.”

Found in No Scone Unturned - Leighann Dobbs - 7/16/19
47. Tent p. 8 “...where whe would put the TENT.”

Found in Murder at Hatfield House - Amanda Carmack - 7/19/19
13. Exercise p. 87 “...shirt was damp from the EXERCISE.”
27. Insects p. 177 “...through the air like a flock of INSECTS.”

Found in Playing with Matches - Lee Strauss - 7/21/19
6. Bugs p. 56 “...from the sky like little BUGS.”
8. Canteen p. 67 “He reached for his CANTEEN and took a …”
26. Hike p. 10”...march and HIKE until our legs drop off.”
33. Location p. 171 “ to receiving information as to LOCATION.”

Found in Britt-Marie was Here - Fredrick Backman - 7/22/19
35. Marshmallows p. 56 “MARSHMALLOW for brains! You’ll never learn.”

Found in A Familiar Tail - Delia James - 7/24/19
3. Backpack p. 145 “I grabbed up my BACKPACK and….”

List to find:
9. Compass
28. Kits

message 17: by Shash (last edited Jul 30, 2019 10:37PM) (new)

Shash | 2702 comments July Scavenger Hunt - Camping
July 2019

Choose your level:
Overnight: 10-20 words
Seasonal: 21-40 words
Wilderness: 41-50 words

50/50 Words Found

1. Alert - The Baron's Daughter by Laura Beers (7/2/19)
"Snapping his fingers to alert the footmen..." (Loc 664)
2. Animals - The Baron's Daughter by Laura Beers (7/2/19)
"Dead animals lined the streets..." (Loc 3343)
3. Backpack - A Brand New Second Chance by Lucy McConnell (7/4/19)
"...a teenager with a long braid and a backpack slung over one shoulder." (Loc 5586)
4. Blanket - The Baron's Daughter by Laura Beers (7/2/19)
"...towards the opposite wall and tossed down a blanket." (Loc 1167)
5. Boots - The Baron's Daughter by Laura Beers (7/2/19)
"After dropping the pistol back into his boot..." (Loc 639)
6. Bugs - The Baron's Daughter by Laura Beers (7/2/19)
"...not having to worry about swallowing a bug." (Loc 900)
7. Camp - The Captain and Miss Winter by Sally Britton (7/4/19)
"Caspar made camp by the ice..." (Loc 520)
8. Canteen - The Baron's Daughter by Laura Beers (7/2/19)
"...he grabbed the canteen and started in the direction..." (Loc 765)
9. Compass - Intentional Walk by Lucy McConnell (7/30/19)
"...feel him near but didn't have a compass to point him out." (pg 66)
10. Direction - The Baron's Daughter by Laura Beers (7/2/19)
"The girls scurried off in the opposite direction..." (Loc 207)
11. Endure - The Baron's Daughter by Laura Beers (7/2/19)
"...the depth of the trauma she'd had to endure." (Loc 1848)
12. Equipment - A Brand New Ball Game by Lucy McConnell (7/5/19)
"Coach Clarke and the others needed the equipment ASAP." (Loc 6438)
13. Exercise - By Hook or By Rook by Rebecca Connolly (7/3/19)
"...that exercise hadn't been a particularly pleasant experience." (Loc 1020)
14. Experience - The Baron's Daughter by Laura Beers (7/2/19)
"You sound as if you are speaking from experience." (Loc 558)
15. Family - The Baron's Daughter by Laura Beers (7/2/19)
"The Beckett family had supplied the funds..." (Loc 208)
16. (Camp) Fire - The Baron's Daughter by Laura Beers (7/2/19)
"The rear of the room was on fire..." (Loc 3560)
17. Fishing - The Baron's Daughter by Laura Beers (7/2/19)
"Torquay's economy has consisted of fishing and agriculture..." (Loc 1279)
18. Flashlight - A Brand New Second Chance by Lucy McConnell (7/4/19)
"Someone had a flashlight..." (Loc 5059)
19. Friends - The Baron's Daughter by Laura Beers (7/2/19)
"We are not friends, Lord Morgan." (Loc 303)
20. Fun - The Baron's Daughter by Laura Beers (7/2/19)
"Where is the fun in being idle?" (Loc 234)
21. Games - The Baron's Daughter by Laura Beers (7/2/19)
"They had stayed up late last night playing games..." (Loc 1351)
22. Gear - A Brand New Ball Game by Lucy McConnell (7/5/19)
"There was a pile of black gear bags near the back bumper." (Loc 6463)
23. Grass - The Baron's Daughter by Laura Beers (7/2/19)
"...lying next to each other on the grass." (Loc 3667)
24. Guide - The Baron's Daughter by Laura Beers (7/2/19)
"...Lady Paxton guided her over to the settee." (Loc 2159)
25. Heat - The Baron's Daughter by Laura Beers (7/2/19)
"The heat from the fire was becoming unbearable..." (Loc 3564)
26. Hike - A Brand New Second Chance by Lucy McConnell (7/4/19)
"...with hikes up Ruby Mountain..." (Loc 5947)
27. Insects - The Stormy Warrior by Jennifer Youngblood (7/13/19)
" he was studying an insect under a microscope." (pg 139)
28. Kits - The Captain and Miss Winter by Sally Britton (7/4/19)
"There was a roll of clothing, a shaving kit, and other sorts of things..." (Loc 813)
29. Knife - The Baron's Daughter by Laura Beers (7/2/19)
"...he lessened the pressure of the knife against her throat..." (Loc 3155)
30. Knowledge - By Hook or By Rook by Rebecca Connolly (7/3/19)
"But having no knowledge of the thing..." (Loc 1586)
31. Lantern - The Captain and Miss Winter by Sally Britton (7/4/19)
"He quieted, staring at the flame in the lantern..." (Loc 838)
32. Leader - The Baron's Daughter by Laura Beers (7/2/19)
"...noting various members but not designating a leader." (Loc 739)
33. Location - The Baron's Daughter by Laura Beers (7/2/19)
"...Genet managed to learn the location of our troops." (Loc 406)
34. Map - The Baron's Daughter by Laura Beers (7/2/19)
"This is the map of the entire Palace of Westminster." (Loc 3780)
35. Marshmallows - A Brand New Second Chance by Lucy McConnell (7/4/19)
"I'll have a turtle shake with marshmallow cream on top." (Loc 5320)
36. Matches - A Brand New Ball Game by Lucy McConnell (7/5/19)
"That was like handing matches to a child..." (Loc 6609)
37. Mountain - The Baron's Daughter by Laura Beers (7/2/19)
"...perhaps bought a chalet in the mountains..." (Loc 3081)
38. Nature - The Baron's Daughter by Laura Beers (7/2/19)
"...I find your cocky nature a bit irritating." (Loc 1431)
39. Outdoors - The Baron's Daughter by Laura Beers (7/2/19)
"...he was planning outdoor couple games." (Loc 1508)
40. Overnight - A Brand New Second Chance by Lucy McConnell (7/4/19)
"...any chill that might have accumulated overnight." (Loc 4947)
41. Peace - The Baron's Daughter by Laura Beers (7/2/19)
"For I have never known such joy and peace..." (Loc 5896)
42. Plan - The Baron's Daughter by Laura Beers (7/2/19)
"Regardless, I have come up with a different plan." (Loc 129)
43. Play - The Baron's Daughter by Laura Beers (7/2/19)
"...was mostly open for the children to play." (Loc 260)
44. Remote - The Impossible Groom by Jennifer Youngblood (7/7/19)
"She held out the remote and pushed pause." (pg 78)
45. Rope - The Baron's Daughter by Laura Beers (7/2/19)
"I found rope and wadding." (Loc 4298)
46. Stars - The Baron's Daughter by Laura Beers (7/2/19)
"I am perfectly content sleeping under the stars." (Loc 3949)
47. Tent - The Captain and Miss Winter by Sally Britton (7/4/19)
"Caspar pitched his small canvas tent..." (Loc 528)
48. Trail - The Baron's Daughter by Laura Beers (7/2/19)
"He let his voice trail off." (Loc 770)
49. Vacation - A Brand New Second Chance by Lucy McConnell (7/4/19)
"This was no vacation impulse buy." (Loc 5907)
50. Woods - The Baron's Daughter by Laura Beers (7/2/19)
"...saw dainty footprints leading deeper into the woods." (Loc 773)

message 18: by [deleted user] (last edited Jul 26, 2019 07:05AM) (new)

July Scavenger Hunt - Camping

Looking for Alaska by John Green
Looking for Alaska - read 7/1
7. Camp - loc 1616: "Takumi had brought a camp stove in his backpack..."
12. Equipment - loc 2900: "As per the plan, Takumi was in the supply room on the second floor, connecting his stereo equipment to the gym's loudspeakers."
16. (Camp) Fire - loc 907: "The Colonel's hatred for Harsden burned with the fire of a thousand suns."
17. Fishing - loc 2712: "'It's like a fishing hole,' the Colonel said."
19. Friends - loc 98: "I could feel their pity as they scooped artichoke dip with chips intended for my imaginary friends, but they needed pity more than I did: I wasn't disappointed."
23. Grass - loc119: "My parents' SUV was parked in the grass just a few feet outside my dorm room, Room 43."
25. Heat - loc 118: "This did not prepare me for the unique sort of heat that one encounters fifteen miles south of Birmingham, Alabama, at Culver Creek Preparatory School."
27. Insects - loc 281: "I'd be lying, though, if I claimed I became a smoker to ward off insects."
36. Matches - loc 2030: We walked to the bathroom and turned on the shower, and the Colonel pulled a pack of matches from his jeans and struck a match against the matchbook."
37. Mountain - loc 83: "She cooked a small mountain of artichoke dip."
41. Peace - loc 2366: "And I disliked the possibility that Alaska would give someone else peace but not me."
42. Plan - loc 1110: "There's a prank to plan."
44. Remote - loc 2515: "I held the Breathalyzer in my hand, a sleek, silver gadget about the size of a small remote control."
47. Tent - loc 1320: "Except it turns out that he did have to sleep in a tent, a nice four-person green outfit shaped like half an egg, but still a tent."
48. Trail - loc 1240: As we followed the almost-trail down from the bridge to the Hole, she turned around and looked back at me, stopping."
50. Woods - loc 356: "I imagined them taking me into the woods, where we now seemed to be headed, and beating the shit out of me so that I looked great for my first day of school."

Seduced in the Dark (The Dark Duet, #2) by C.J. Roberts
Seduced in the Dark - read 7/6
2. Animals - loc 9898: "The animals can have him."
10. Direction - loc 4026: "Caleb glanced in her direction and noticed she wasn't crying."
13. Exercise - loc 5033: "Two in the morning was not the time for exercise, his muscles screamed at him, but it was better than the alternative."
14. Experience - loc 4744: "In my experience...the only time a woman wants to tell you 'the whole story' is when she wants you to make a decision based on emotion instead of logic."
15. Family - loc 7091: "Rafiq had given him a long speech about family, loyalty, duty, and honor."
21. Games - loc 5662: "It was wicked, but relatively benign as far as games went."
22. Gear - loc 4194: "He threw the vehicle in gear and took off."
24. Guide - loc 8801: "I had surrendered my guide."
29. Knife - loc 8631: "He held a big knife at his side and stood to one side of the door."
30. Knowledge - loc 7178: Caleb stood outside Kitten's door, absorbing the knowledge that he didn't have much of a choice in what had to happen next."
33. Location - loc 4953: "It was motive, sure, but how did it lead to the location of the auction in Pakistan?"
34. Map - loc4964: "Matthew pulled out a map of Paikstan and tried to narrow down an area with such a mix."
40. Overnight - loc 6272: "Balk Diamonds had appeared seemingly overnight with a long list of prominent investors that catapulted the price of the stock within minutes of it becoming public."
43. Play - loc 4041: "Vladek still needed to pay, and Kitten still had her part to play."
49. Vacation - loc 6769: "What do you think this is, a vacation?"

The Fall (The Reluctant Romantics, #1) by Kate Stewart
The Fall - read 7/10
1. Alert - p. 128: "He looked alert and freshly showered."
3. Backpack - p. 30: "I was surprised with her aggressive step forward as she readjusted her backpack on her shoulder."
5. Boots - p. 69: "She was wearing tight jeans, knee high rider boots and a tight fitting red sweater."
6. Bugs - p. 151: "The overgrown garden was lit up with lightening bugs, and I smiled at their arrival."
9. Compass - loc 100: "I no longer had a compass."
11. Endure - p. 118: "She was a cute girl, just not cute enough for the amount of bullshit one would have to endure to date her."
20. Fun - p. 69: "'Still dressing like every day is a Sunday at church,' she said, poking fun of my clothes, as usual."
38. Nature - p. 6: "True to her nature, my sister walked in and made herself at home against my protest."
45. Rope - p. 58: "Masked feelings were dangerous and we were both at the end of our rope."

Troubles and Treats (Chocolate Lovers, #3) by Tara Sivec
Troubles and Treats - read 7/13
4. Blanket - p. 107: "I get to the top of the stairs and my pillow and blanket are already in the hall, next to our closed bedroom door."
18. Flashlight - p. 79: "I don't think I can reach it otherwise. Unless you have a mirror and maybe a flashlight."
46. Stars - p. 110: "I've prayed, I've wished on stars, I've wished on pennies in wishing prayers have been answered."

Nerdboobs (A Warrior and Nerd Journey #1) by T.M. Grinsley
Nerdboobs - read 7/14
35. Marshmallows - p. 60 "She pulled out a massive bag of marshmallows, chocolate and gram crackers."
39. Outdoors - p. 49: "But during the summer, I would be outdoors twenty-four seven."

Zack (Cold Fury Hockey, #3) by Sawyer Bennett
Zack - read 7/16
28. Kits - 15% (audio): "I take a look over at Alex and Garrett, pulling their towels and shower kits from their lockers."

The Smallest Part by Amy Harmon
The Smallest Part - read 7/22
31. Lantern - loc 4653:"Cuddy had performed wonders in three months, hanging lanterns and building raised planter boxes."

American King (New Camelot Trilogy, #3) by Sierra Simone
American King - read 7/26
26. Hike - p. 454: "...the movers came from the White House earlier today while I made myself scarce on a long, snowy hike."
32. Leader - p. 86: "I'd just on the election and I was going to be the leader of the free world..."

message 19: by Jessica (last edited Aug 02, 2019 11:26AM) (new)

Jessica (jvblazejak) | 594 comments ✅✅✅Done!!!✅✅✅

July Scavenger Hunt - Camping
Duration: July 1, 2019 - July 31, 2019

Choose your level:
Overnight: 10-20 words
Seasonal: 21-40 words
Wilderness: 41-50 words


Baby Teeth by Zoje Stage
4 July 2019

1. Alert: "...because the noise would alert Mommy to the danger." p. 182
2. Animals: "In her place was a feral animal." p. 81
3. Backpack: "She chose a purple backpack..." p. 143
4. Blanket: "He laid a blanket over it ..." p. 176
5. Boots: "Her jeans were tucked into a pair of colorful rubber boots..." p. 155
6. Bugs: "Their words fell like dead bugs from their mouths." p. 1
9. Compass: "...but her moral compass was savagely askew." p. 299
10. Direction: "She worked in the only direction she could go. Down." p. 136
11. Endure: "Endure the indignities of invasive exams..." p. 25
12. Equipment: "The playground equipment was just a few years from turning to rust." p. 74
13. Exercise: "Sometimes a bit of light exercise in the morning spurred a burst of energy." p. 64
14. Experience: "...a job best suited to someone with a middle-aged or older level of experience." p. 118
15. Family: "'It causes a strain in the family, I understand.'" p. 7
16. (Camp) Fire: "'We suspect her of setting the cafeterial trash bin on fire...'" p. 49
18. Flashlight: "She kept a compact purple flashlight on one of the shelves above her bed..." p. 56
19. Friends: "'She doesn't have friends, won't interact with her peers.'" p. 6
20. Fun: "It made her giggle, thinking about the fun games she could play if she had a witch for a friend." p. 28
21. Games: "'You think this is funny? These games you play?'" p. 20
23. Grass: "She scanned the well-trimmed bushes and ankle-high grass..." p. 57
24. Guide: "He gently guided her back toward her chair." p. 234
25. Heat: "But goosebumps rose on her skin, even under the heat of the water..." p. 66
27. Insects: "She could make them sing a tiny song, like the music fairies or insects might make." p. 224
29. Knife: "...when she contemplated sneaking in her mother's bedroom and plunging a knife into her sleeping heart." p. 150
30. Knowledge: "'To your knowledge, is there any chance your daughter has been sexually abused?'" p. 132
34. Map: "...every ceiling a topographic map of peeling paint..." p. 30
37. Mountain: "...they'd see her thoughts, mapped like mountains and raiload tracks..." p. 1
38. Nature: "'But the great concern is the calculated nature of her violence.'" p. 267
40. Overnight: "...she said it started overnight." p. 32
41. Peace: "...and hope they could maintain the peace for the rest of the day." p. 20
42. Plan: "...she developed a career plan and eventually got herself into art school." p. 32
43. Play: "'You think this is funny? These gamesyou play ?'" p. 20
44. Remote: "He'd never shown a remote or depressive side until the expulsion..." p. 50
45. Rope: "Hanna thought it would be a much better game if she could tie the rope around one of their necks." p. 68
46. Stars: " Hanna moved her hand like the Enterprise, traveling around the stars." p. 106
47. Tent: "Her daughter's knees made a tent of the fabric..." p. 128
48. Trail: "She felt unhinged, like any large noise would force her body parts to separate and trail off into space..." p. 130
49. Vacation: "...The Surgery had been like a vacation." p. 64
50. Woods: "Hanna ran over to the pile of wood and gtrabbed a stick..." p. 235


Sweep The Story of a Girl and Her Monster by Jonathan Auxier
12 July 2019

31. Lantern: "There were apple sellers and turnip lanterns and apple cakes everywhere." loc. 879


Renegades (Renegades, #1) by Marissa Meyer
12 July 2019

17. Fishing: "...all he caught were the words Puppetere and balloon and pathetic fishing net!" p. 61
32. Leader: "Their leader, the girl who had spoken, was Frostbite." p. 108
33. Location: "...he'd already been to visit the location of thier first nonpatrol task." p. 217
36. Matches: "'...they're not pulling up any matches in our system.'" p. 167


Merci Suárez Changes Gears by Meg Medina
17 July 2019

7. Camp: "She's wearing khaki shorts and a blue polo shirt, like a camp counselor." p. 207
28. Kits: "But what can you really expect from someone who asks for chemistry kits ...for Christmas?" p. 97



8. Canteen:
22. Gear:
26. Hike:
35. Marshmallows:
39. Outdoors:

message 20: by Kimberly (last edited Jul 31, 2019 09:52PM) (new)

Kimberly (whatkreads) | 662 comments July Scavenger Hunt - Camping
Duration: July 1, 2019 - July 31, 2019
Overnight: 10-20 words
Found: 28

1. Alert: Yews with Caution by Kate Collins pg. 249 “Set an alert on your phone so you don’t forget.” (7.27.19)

2. Animals: Yews with Caution by Kate Collins pg. 217 “If I need to stay at the hospital all day, would you take care of the animals?” (7.27.19)

3. Backpack: Meet Cute by Helena Hunting pg. 172 “She tosses her backpack on the floor and plops down in the passenger seat, buckling up without my encouragement.” (7.9.19)

4. Blanket
5. Boots
6. Bugs
7. Camp
8. Canteen

9. Compass: Yews with Caution by Kate Collins pg. 50 “I have an internal compass that gives me an excellent sense of direction.” (7.21.19)

10. Direction: Eliza and Her Monsters by Francesca Zappia pg. 262 “Amity and Damien face the same direction, attacking some unknown enemy.” (7.20.19)

11. Endure

12. Equipment: Yews with Caution by Kate Collins pg. 89 “So this evening, while you’re setting up the equipment at the jewelry store, I’ll start doing preliminary research on Nikki’s coworkers, the Kennisons, and He tor Cantos.” (7.22.19)

13. Exercise: Eliza and Her Monsters by Francesca Zappia pg. 295 “A pile of exercise clothes bound for Goodwill sits on the living-room floor behind her.” (7.20.19)

14. Experience

15. Family: The Pawful Truth by Miranda James pg. 93 “I had always enjoyed weekends - family time for so many years.” (7.5.19)

16. (Camp) Fire: Death in a Budapest Butterfly by Julia Buckley Loc 3286 “And Grandpa would do a bacon fry over a campfire - I can smell it now.” (7.28.19)

17. Fishing
18. Flashlight

19. Friends: Meet Cute by Helena Hunting pg. 157 “I thought we were kind of friends back then, you know?” (7.9.19)

20. Fun: The Pawful Truth by Miranda James pg. 91 “You two are no fun, Stewart said in mock protest.” (7.5.19)

21. Games: Meet Cute by Helena Hunting pg. 215 “We can hang out in our new pajamas and play video games or watch a movie.” (7.10.19)

22. Gear: Eliza and Her Monsters by Francesca Zappia pg. 251 “My parents and brothers load themselves up with gear and start out with a spring in their steps.” (7.20.19)

23. Grass: A Match Made in Mehendi by Nandini Bajpai pg. 228 “Navdeep, Noah, and I collapse on the grass, laughing hysterically.” (7.15.19)

24. Guide: A Match Made in Mehendi by Nandini Bajpai pg. 247 “I brought the Shagun guide for luck.” (7.15.19)

25. Heat: Meet Cute by Helena Hunting pg. 248 “His eyes roam over me, his fatigue shifting to hear.” (7.10.19)

26. Hike: Eliza and Her Monsters by Francesca Zappia pg. 251 “We Park at the campgrounds and have to hike like two miles uphill to get to where we’re setting up tents.” (7.20.19)

27. Insects
28. Kits

29. Knife: Meet Cute by Helena Hunting pg. 19 “I’m twisting my napkin into what could approximate a sword, or a knife.” (7.8.19)

30. Knowledge
31. Lantern
32. Leader
33. Location

34. Map: Yews with Caution by Kate Collins pg. 269 “On the wall behind Hector’s makeshift desk I spied an extra large hand-drawn map of the landscape center.” (7.27.19)

35. Marshmallows
36. Matches

37. Mountain: Eliza and Her Monsters by Francesca Zappia pg. 260 “On the first day we hike over some fairly impressive hills, because Indians couldn’t manage a mountain or two.” (7.20.19)

38. Nature: Eliza and Her Monsters by Francesca Zappia pg. 308 “Nature doesn’t care if we throw ourselves against it and break a few bones.” (7.20.19)

39. Outdoors: Eliza and Her Monsters by Francesca Zappia pg. 249 “It’s that I don’t see the point of the outdoors when there’s so much I could be doing indoors.” (7.20.19)

40. Overnight
41. Peace
42. Plan

43. Play: Eliza and Her Monsters by Francesca Zappia pg. 370 “It’s strange, at first, to watch them play and realize for the first time that they do it for fun.” (7.20.19)

44. Remote
45. Rope

46. Stars: Eliza and Her Monsters by Francesca Zappia pg. 307 “Stars puncture the darkness.” (7.20.19)

47. Tent: Eliza and Her Monsters by Francesca Zappia pg. 256 “I ignore him as I lower the tent flap and spread out my sleeping bag in the middle of the tent.” (7.20.19)

48. Trail: Yews with Caution by Kate Collins pg. 52 “Unlike our trail in, this path was barely noticeable - narrowed by overgrown bushes and tall weeds and covered with damp brown leaves that emitted an earthy, moldy smell.” (7.21.19)

49. Vacation: Meet Cute by Helena Hunting pg. 11 “My regular assistant, Cara, is on vacation and I miss her so much right now.” (7.8.19)

50. Woods: Eliza and Her Monsters by Francesca Zappia pg. 252 “It’s not as if it mattress; we’refollowinga defined dirt trail laid out between the trees to a cleared-outcampsite up in the woods.” (7.20.19)

Books Read:
The Pawful Truth by Miranda James (7.8.19)
Meet Cute by Helena Hunting (7.10.19)
A Match Made in Mehendi by Nandini Bajpai (7.16.19)
Eliza and Her Monsters by Francesca Zappia (7.20.19)
Yews with Caution by Kate Collins (7.27.19)
Death in a Budapest Butterfly by Julia Buckley (7.29.19)

message 21: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54240 comments Mod
Welcome Sarah-Jane, Joann, Shash, Cyndee, Jessica and Kimberly!

message 22: by Denise (last edited Jul 20, 2019 07:57AM) (new)

Denise | 517 comments July Scavenger Hunt - Camping
Duration: July 1, 2019 - July 31, 2019

50/50 words


1. Alert “driving slowly so as not to alert anyone in the trailer park” p. 17 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

2. Animals “living among untamed animals” p. 106 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

3. Backpack “beautiful people walking and laughing with books tucked under their arms and backpacks slung over their shoulders.” P 124 Educatedby Tara Westover 7.4.19

4. Blanket “blankets I hated because the wool was so scratchy” p. 9 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

5. Boots “wearing a yellow hard hat and big steel-toed boots.” P. 98 The Glass Castleby Jeannete Walls 7.2.19

6. Bugs “hoping the bats would think they were bugs and eat them.” P. 42 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

7. Camp “Davy, a coal-mining camp twelve miles north of Welch.” P. 196 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

8. Canteen “We packed blankets, food, canteens…” p. 118 The Glass Castleby Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

9. Compass “He had a moral compass, fiber, whatever.” P. 357. When the Music's Over by Peter Robinson 7.17.19

10. Direction “I didn’t run in the opposite direction from any fire…” p. 15 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

11. Endure “testing to see how much my fingers could endure …” p. 15 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

12. Equipment “drove to a pond made by a mining company to cool equipment.” P. 36 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

13. Exercise “they needed exercise to get strong.” P. 96 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

14. Experience “Senior year is the highlight of your entire high school experience.” P. 236 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

15. Family “When my family came to visit…” p. 12 The Glass Castleby Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

16. (Camp) Fire “Clinton had set decoy campfires.” P. 188Lafayette in the Somewhat United States by Sarah Vowell 7.5.19

17. Fishing “We packed blankets, food, canteens, fishing line…” p. 118 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

18. Flashlight “reading by flashlight or a candle.” P. 168 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

19. Friends “One of her friends pushed me to the ground…” p. 45 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

20. Fun “It was fun.” P. 13 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

21. Games “and in the afternoons we all played games.” P. 54 The Glass Castleby Jeannette Walls 7,2.19

22. Gear “was practicing her gear shifts.” P. 125 The Glass Castleby Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

23. Grass “The playground at Emerson was covered in lush, green grass.” P. 95The Glass Castleby Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

24. Guide “the most evocative object our park ranger guide pointed out to us was George Washington’s wooden armchair.” P. 12 Lafayette in the Somewhat United States by Sara Vowell 7.5.19

25. Heat “I felt a blaze of heat on my right side.” P. 9 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

26. Hike “it was a bit of a hike to school.” P. 95 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

27. Insects “snowflakes flick against the windshield like tiny insects” p. 93Educatedby Tara Westover 7.4.19

28. Kits “First Aid Kit? P. 61 When the Music's Overby Peter Robinson 7.17.19

29. Knife “he showed us how to throw a knife by the blade” p. 21 The Glass Castleby Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

30. Knowledge “It was the sort of knowledge that kept you on your toes.” P. 34 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7,2,19

31. Lantern “I couldn’t figure out what went on at the Green Lantern and Mom refused to discuss it.” P. 54 The Glass Castleby Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

32. Leader “Without their leader, the others lost their sense of purpose.” P. 142 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

33. Location “Location. Location. Location.” P. 189 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

34. Map “drew us a map to a place where we could sleep without getting arrested.” P. 34 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

35. Marshmallows – “would his last words be skewered like a marshmallow…?” p. 139Maniac Magee by Jerry Spinelli 7.19.19

36. Matches “I started stealing matches from Dad.” P. 15 The Glass Castleby Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

37. Mountain “they were near places like Superstition Mountains, the dried up Soda Lake, and the Old Woman Mountain.” P. 19 The Glass Castleby Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

38. Nature “Dad said something about freaks of nature.” P. 42 The Glass Castleby Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

39. Outdoors “Lori refused to wear hers outdoors.” P. 153 The Glass Castleby Jeanette Walls 7.2.19

40. Overnight “Mom would soak them overnight.” P. 56 The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls 7.2,19

41. Peace “Dad nodded and then held out his hands in a peace gesture.” P. 109 The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls 7.2.19

42. Plan “Dad said that was part of his plan.” P. 18 The Glass Castleby Jeanette Walls 7.2.19

43. Play “sometimes we’d play ghost and he’d chase us.” P. 38 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7,2,19

44. Remote “there is nothing remotely happiest place on earth about his demeanor.” P. 218 by Sara Vowell
Lafayette in the Somewhat United States 7.5.19

45. Rope “Once night came, we kids all lay in our rope-and-cardboard beds…” p. 168 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

46. Stars “we slept under the stars” p. 18 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7,2,19

47. Tent “I thought Dad might be under an oxygen tent.” P. 260 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

48. Trail “Dad was so sure a posse of federal investigators was on our trail …” p. 19 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

49. Vacation “even though they are on holiday” (holiday in Britain=vacation this book is set in Britain) p. 24 When the Music's Over by Peter Robinson 7.17.19

50. Woods – “the shells of deserted houses in the woods.” P. 168 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7,2,19

message 23: by Chris (new)

Chris (cdavies1951) | 20 comments 0/50

1. Alert
2. Animals
3. Backpack
4. Blanket
5. Boots
6. Bugs
7. Camp
8. Canteen
9. Compass
10. Direction
11. Endure
12. Equipment
13. Exercise
14. Experience
15. Family
16. (Camp) Fire
17. Fishing
18. Flashlight
19. Friends
20. Fun
21. Games
22. Gear
23. Grass
24. Guide
25. Heat
26. Hike
27. Insects
28. Kits
29. Knife
30. Knowledge
31. Lantern
32. Leader
33. Location
34. Map
35. Marshmallows
36. Matches
37. Mountain
38. Nature
39. Outdoors
40. Overnight
41. Peace
42. Plan
43. Play
44. Remote
45. Rope
46. Stars
47. Tent
48. Trail
49. Vacation
50. Woods

message 24: by [deleted user] (last edited Jul 13, 2019 04:26PM) (new)

July Scavenger Hunt - Camping COMPLETION POST
Duration: July 1, 2019 - July 31, 2019

Choose your level: Wilderness: 41-50 words

1. Alert pg 14 ‘Caroline was suddenly alert’
Dilly Court – The Summer Maiden 09.07.19
2. Animals - The amnesia clinic – James Scudamore 02.07.19 - Pg194 ‘…picking up the animals two by two’
3. Backpack - The amnesia clinic – James Scudamore 02.07.19 pg 118 ‘…foreign tourists strapped into gaudy backpacks…’
4. Blanket – ‘do you want to take the blanket from …’
Dear thing – Julie Cohen – 05.07.19
5. Boots p94 ‘Romily had put down the box and her boots ….’
6. Bugs Page 5 ‘she spent her working life among dead bugs. 'Mum: said the little…’ - Dear thing – Julie Cohen – 05.07.19
7. Camp- Page 80 to my room, I need to show you my base camp: Claire stroked the thick …’ dear thing Julie cohen 05.07.19
8. Canteen
9. Compass
10. Direction - Page 84 it up. Romily's gaze darted in the direction of Posies bedroom.
dear thing Julie cohen 05.07.19
11. Endure Page 37 just as it always did. She squinted and endured it’
12. Equipment Page 74 try again. No doctors, no expensive equipment, no big deal: '…
13. Exercise
14. Experience Page 76 the ethos of compassion. In Claire's experience, that compass…’ dear thing Julie cohen 05.07.19
15. Family Page 296 Especially when everyone else in your family is paired off: 'It's… dear thing Julie cohen 05.07.19

16. (Camp) Fire p52 ‘the fire in the range had died …’ Dilly Court – The Summer Maiden 09.07.19
17. Fishing p357 ‘sometimes we took the rowing boat and went fishing for dabs’
Dilly Court – The Summer Maiden 09.07.19
18. Flashlight
19. Friends p9 ‘…awkward silences and set smiles as friends …’
Dilly Court – The Summer Maiden 09.07.19
20. Fun Page 182 slept last night. And I've started this fun game at work, where I'm … dear thing Julie cohen 05.07.19
21. Games p209 ‘don’t play games with me’
Dilly Court – The Summer Maiden 09.07.19
22. Gear Page 28 and their eldest son, also in protective gear. They were smiling, lookin… dear thing Julie cohen 05.07.19
23. Grass Page 2 spotted with wet as she walked across the grass past the pet shed. Two l… dear thing Julie cohen 05.07.19
24. Guide p169 ‘Caroline watched Maria guide her mother towards…’
Dilly Court – The Summer Maiden 09.07.19
25. Heat p61 ‘it was close to midday and the heat was intense’ - Dilly Court – The Summer Maiden 09.07.19
26. Hiking - P283 ‘he told his mother that he was to go on the hiking trip as planned …’ amnesia clinic – james scudamore 02.07.19
27. Insects
Page 37 you going to do a picture round about insects?' 'You'd have an u… dear thing Julie cohen 05.07.19
28. Kits Page 74 'Basal temperature charts, ovulation kits. I have a lot of it already. W… dear thing Julie cohen 05.07.19
29. Knife Page 81 cut each sandwich in half with the same knife she'd used to spread the … dear thing Julie cohen 05.07.19
30. Knowledge Page 38 got through another pint, the general knowledge round and par… dear thing Julie cohen 05.07.19
31. Lantern p487 ‘lantern on the small boat…’
Dilly Court – The Summer Maiden 09.07.19
32. Leader – the leader of the gang shook …’
Dilly Court – The Summer Maiden 09.07.19
33. Location Page 349 …neutral location would be best. Were there any neutral locations … dear thing Julie cohen 05.07.19
34. Map Page 4 took into school? With the printed-out maps in them? Didn't you give … dear thing Julie cohen 05.07.19
35. Marshmallows
36. Matches the big sleep – Raymond chandler – p151 ‘…carelessly as if it had been a packet of matches’
37. Mountain – the amnesia clinic – james Scudamore 02.07.19 p283 ‘you must be tough to attack a whole mountain…’
38. Nature Page 41 energetic Ben. Ben who was a force of nature and who always knew all … dear thing Julie cohen 05.07.19
39. Outdoors
40. Overnight Page 296 his coffee. 'You'd trust me with her? Overnight? Or for a we… dear thing Julie cohen 05.07.19
41. Peace Page 136 cloakroom, so she couldn't have a moment's peace to be sick by herself…
42. Plan Page 84 here too?' 'I didn't— I don't usually plan ahead that far. Not at this… dear thing Julie cohen 05.07.19
43. Play Page 7 pointing to an occasional table. 'We can play wherever we want to… dear thing Julie cohen 05.07.19
44. Remote – the big sleep – Raymond chandler 13.07.19 page 43 ‘…lighted windows high on the hillside, remote and inaccessible’
4Rope the big sleep – Raymond chandler 13.07.19 page 1 ‘…he was fiddling with the knots on the ropes that tied the lady to the tree…’
46. Stars
47. Tent Page 80 'She's eaten every meal possible in that tent: Romily said, switching on… dear thing Julie cohen 05.07.19
48. Trail p145 ‘Maria was like an hound scenting a trail’
Dilly Court – The Summer Maiden 09.07.19
49. Vacation
50. Woods p356 ‘…escape through the kitchen and into the woods’
Dilly Court – The Summer Maiden 09.07.19
The Summer Maiden (The River Maid, #2) by Dilly Court The Amnesia Clinic by James Scudamore Dear Thing by Julie Cohen The Big Sleep (Philip Marlowe, #1) by Raymond Chandler

message 25: by Abibliophobe (last edited Jul 21, 2019 10:28AM) (new)

Abibliophobe | 176 comments I’m in :).

Choose your level:
Overnight: 10-20 words
Seasonal: 21-40 words
Wilderness: 41-50 words

1. The Lord of the Rings - J.R.R. Tolkien

4. Blanket - “Frode stripped the blankets from Pippin and rolled” - p72.
5. Boots - “so that only his boots in the high stirrups showed” - p74.
7. Camp - “and the small camping kettle at a little fall where” - p73.
10. Direction - "knew in which direction it lay. In any case" - p138.
15. Family - “to the special family dinner-party. This was held” - p28.
16. (Camp) Fire - “to his skill with fires, smokes, and lights. His” - p25.
19. Friends - “But he had no close friends, until some of his” - p21.
20. Fun - “unfurled and the fun began. Bilbo Baggins called it” - p26.
21. Games - “dances, music, games, and, of course, food and” - p27.
22. Gear - “food, and other gear already seemed a heavy burden.” - p73.
23. Grass - “wind in the grass. Gandalf remainedmfor a while” - p36.
30. Knowledge - “started by the knowledgeable Sam) was spread” - p24.
31. Lantern - “the chief table. Lanterns were hung on all its branches.” - p26.
34. Map - “He looked at maps, and wondered what lay beyond” - p43.
37. Mountain - “between the Misty Mountains and the Mountains” - p4.
41. Peace - “I can rest. In peace and quiet, without a lot of relatives” - p32.
42. Plan - “your whole plan, mind - and I hope it will turn out” - p25.
44. Remote - “bright, and yet remote, as if outof a great depth” - p50.
45. Rope - “covered with ropes and poles for tents and pavilions” - p26.
46. Stars - “was dotted with stars. He looked up sniffing the” - p35.
47. Tent - “and poles for tents and pavilions. A special entrance” - p26.
48. Trail - "them off our trail.' The others looked at him. The" - p147.
50. Woods - “the Shire, with woods and fields and little rivers.” - p33.

1. Alert
2. Animals
3. Backpack
6. Bugs
8. Canteen
9. Compass
11. Endure
12. Equipment
13. Exercise
14. Experience
17. Fishing
18. Flashlight
24. Guide
25. Heat
26. Hike
27. Insects
28. Kits
29. Knife
32. Leader
33. Location
35. Marshmallows
36. Matches
38. Nature
39. Outdoors
40. Overnight
43. Play
49. Vacation

message 26: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54240 comments Mod
Welcome Denise, Chris, Den and Maureen!

message 27: by Jade aka MrsTosh (last edited Jul 23, 2019 07:11AM) (new)

Jade aka MrsTosh (mrstosh) | 709 comments July Scavenger Hunt - Camping
Duration: July 1, 2019 - July 31, 2019

Choose your level:
Wilderness: 41-50 words
Found: 46/41+

Stillhouse Lake (Stillhouse Lake, #1) by Rachel Caine 02/07 *****
1. Alert - My fear is making me strong now. Alert (Loc 494)
2. Animals - and the animals will tear him (Loc 512)
3. Backpack - the extra rounds in the backpack (Loc 494)
4. Blanket - overhead air and ask for a blanket (Loc 270)
5. Boots - waffle-soled boots (Loc 432)
10. Direction - she gently shoves Connor in the direction (Loc 293)
11. Endure - I endure the sign-in process (Loc 252)
12. Equipment - Graham’s night vision equipment (Loc 500)
13. Exercise - interesting exercise in finding (Loc 537)
14. Experience - all seem too young to have any experience (Loc 455)
15. Family - kept your family together (Loc 476)
16. (Camp) Fire - and fire a shot or two into the Johansens’ (Loc 486)
17. Fishing - Norton’s out camping, fishing, or hunting (Loc 468)
18. Flashlight - and her flashlight shines on the wet (Loc 522)
19. Friends - I sense, are neither friends (Loc 473)
20. Fun - can guess he found it fun (Loc 254)
21. Games - Squad playing nerd games (Loc 358)
22. Gear - I put the Jeep in gear (Loc 316)
23. Grass - it’s safely anchored in the grass (Loc 206)
25. Heat - up to preserve their body heat. (Loc 532)
26. Hike - step closer as we hike up. (Loc 522)
29. Knife - I grabbed the knife and I came (Loc 532)
30. Knowledge - talk about roadblocks and local knowledge (Loc 465)
32. Leader - as influential as a cult leader. (Loc 460)
33. Location - looking for a location (Loc 489)
34. Map - I saw the map from Prester, (Loc 492)
36. Matches - and I notice that it matches (Loc 157)
37. Mountain - is, the mountains aren’t great (Loc 489)
38. Nature - Nature,” he says flatly. (Loc 313)
39. Outdoors - I’m not dressed for the outdoors, (Loc 475)
41. Peace - will my hope and peace (Loc 459)
42. Plan - too, was part of a plan (Loc 430)
43. Play - Just people I play games with is all (Loc 358)
44. Remote - I am an expert at being remote (Loc 252)
45. Rope - which he’s fitted with a rope carry (Loc 207)
46. Stars - a clear sky scattered with stars (Loc 276)
48. Trail - put the trail together to connect (Loc 294)
49. Vacation - a vacation from the awful reality (Loc 126)
50. Woods - so often set out in the woods (Loc 152)

Sit...Stay...Beg (The Dogfather, #1) by Roxanne St. Claire 04/07 ****
24. Guide - “Dr. Kilcannon,” the tour guide said (Loc 76)

Love and Other Words by Christina Lauren 10/07 4*
6. Bugs - until the bugs grew louder *Loc 1367)
27. Insects - I hear the buzzing of insects (Loc 2639)
40. Overnight - I'd torn open some stitches overnight (Loc 347)

The Tattooist of Auschwitz (The Tattooist of Auschwitz, #1) by Heather Morris 23/07 4*
7. Camp - with the construction of this camp (Loc 32)
8. Canteen - In the canteen he doesn’t place his bag (Loc 110)
9. Compass - he’s always had a good internal compass (Loc 304)

28. Kits
31. Lantern
35. Marshmallows
47. Tent

message 28: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54240 comments Mod
Welcome Jade!

message 29: by Monique the Book Geek (last edited Aug 01, 2019 09:43AM) (new)

Monique the Book Geek (moniquethebookgeek) description

July Scavenger Hunt - Camping
July 1, 2019 - July 31, 2019

My Level:
Wilderness (41-50 words)✔️

My Progress:
42/41-50 words✔️

I've posted my completed list as a new post. 🙂

message 30: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54240 comments Mod
Welcome Monique!

I like your photo!

Deborah Harkness is the featured author of the month in the other group I'm a mod in.
Gotta Have Romance with a Kick Author Frenzy July

message 31: by Barbara ★ (last edited Aug 02, 2019 05:39PM) (new)

Barbara ★ | 3104 comments July Scavenger Hunt - Camping

READ: 50/50

Dragon Bites (Stormwalker, #6) by Allyson James Dragon Bites - Allison James 7/22
4. Blanket - round up blanks and pillows, loc2521
5. Boots - her boots digging into the red earth, loc3185
16. (Camp) Fire - sitting cross-legged near a campfire, loc3059
19. Friends - it's good to have friends, loc3747
20. Fun - killing isn't fun, loc2444
31. Lantern - like a candle lantern, loc2641
41. Peace - a feeling of great peace came over me, loc3762
46. Stars - where we stood to look up at the stars, loc3803
47. Tent - outside in tents, loc3803
49. Vacation - I'd horned in on her vacation, loc2973

The Amber Isle (An Epic Fantasy Novella) (Book of Never 1) by Ashley Capes The Amber Isle - Ashley Capes 7/4
6. Bugs - someone put bugs in his bedroll, loc789
7. Camp - crossed the camp, loc145
10. Direction - footsteps echoed from every direction, loc893
24. Guide - he gripped the guide ropes, loc604
29. Knife - he flipped Gum's knife, loc145
30. Knowledge - use their blood to transfer knowledge, loc1557
32. Leader - to strike the leader, loc1351
34. Map - his map of the Amber Isle, loc186
40. Overnight - overnight the cold would be brutal, loc374
43. Play - do you want me to play, loc893
45. Rope - was rope, hammer, nails, loc304
48. Trail - sniff out a trail where folks had been, loc495
50. Woods - stalking him in the woods of late, loc388

Justice Calling (The Twenty-Sided Sorceress, #1) by Annie Bellet Justice Calling - Annie Bellet 7/4
2. Animals - a guy with a bunch of stuffed animals, p81
9. Compass - it's like a compass, p22
14. Experience - you have training experience, p83
15. Family - no game tonight, family emergency, p17
21. Games - role-playing games, p34
23. Grass - the interior smelled of wet grass, p21
42. Plan - seemed like a pretty bad plan, p31

The Trouble With Vampires (Argeneau #29) by Lynsay Sands The Trouble With Vampires - Lynsay Sands 7/4
1. Alert - automaticaly going on high alert, p46
12. Equipment - arms full of a bunch of equipment, p93
18. Flashlight - he then used his flashlight, p31
22. Gear - his television and gaming gear, p141
37. Mountain - scaling his body like a mountain climber, p55

Wicked Waves (Solsti Prophecy #2) by Sharon Kay Wicked Waves - Sharon Kay 7/5
3. Backpack - she grabbed her backpack, p19
11. Endure - for whatever Kai had endured, p87
26. Hike - the idea of a hike sounded excellent, p79
44. Remote - forced to search remote corners, p90

Chaos Bites (Phoenix Chronicles, #4) by Lori Handeland Chaos Bites - Lori Handeland 7/7
17. Fishing - a three-week fly-fishing excursion, p118
38. Nature - nature would take it's course, p228

The Chaos of Stars by Kiersten White The Chaos of Stars - Kiersten White 7/9
25. Heat - mostly complaining about the heat, p144
39. Outdoors - past an outdoor amphitheater, p50

All Together Dead (Sookie Stackhouse, #7) by Charlaine Harris All Together Dead - Charlaine Harris 7/11
33. Location - with all events and locations noted, p91

The Highland Dragon's Lady (Highland Dragon, #2) by Isabel Cooper The Highland Dragon's Lady - Isabel Cooper 7/12
13. Exercise - exercise a little patience, p237
27. Insects - he would have seen the insects, p26

A Gathering of Shadows (Shades of Magic, #2) by V.E. Schwab A Gathering of Shadows - V.E. Schwab 7/16
36. Matches - a vase of long-stemmed matches, p115

Arctic Dawn (The Norse Chronicles, #2) by Karissa Laurel Arctic Dawn - Karissa Laurel 7/19
28. Kits - roadside flares in the kit in the truck, p64

King of Scars (Nikolai Duology, #1) by Leigh Bardugo King of Scars - Leigh Bardugo 7/22
8. Canteen - let's fill our canteens, p78

The Thief (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #16) by J.R. Ward The Thief - J.R. Ward 7/27
35. Marshmallows - Swiss Miss without the marshmallows, p227


message 32: by Jess (last edited Jul 03, 2019 04:36AM) (new)

Jess Penhallow | 258 comments July Scavenger Hunt - Camping
Duration: July 1, 2019 - July 31, 2019

Choose your level:
Overnight: 10-20 words
Seasonal: 21-40 words
Wilderness: 41-50 words

The Perfume of the Lady in Black by Gaston Leroux 02/07/19 - 27 words

1. Alert
2. Animals
3. Backpack
4. Blanket
5. Boots - The Perfume of the Lady in Black by Gaston Leroux For two years he polished the boots of those who came to eat the traditional bouillabaisse at this hostelry Page 39
6. Bugs
7. Camp - The Perfume of the Lady in Black by Gaston Leroux "I may attempt a sortie and enter seriously into the search for the camp of Larsan Page 96
8. Canteen
9. Compass - The Perfume of the Lady in Black by Gaston Leroux He had pricked the paper with one of the points of his compass Page 182
10. Direction - The Perfume of the Lady in Black by Gaston Leroux And all the black spectacles turned in his direction Page 132
11. Endure - The Perfume of the Lady in Black by Gaston Leroux Rouletabille implored M. Darzac to endure the situation with fortitude Page 122
12. Equipment
13. Exercise
14. Experience - The Perfume of the Lady in Black by Gaston Leroux I was a hundred leagues from forseeing the terrible experience Page 4
15. Family - The Perfume of the Lady in Black by Gaston Leroux My inquiries into his family affairs did not seem to please him Page 58
16. (Camp) Fire - The Perfume of the Lady in Black by Gaston Leroux Rouletabillle demanded supper and a fire Page 17
17. Fishing - The Perfume of the Lady in Black by Gaston Leroux it was the shadow of a fishing smack Page 278
18. Flashlight
19. Friends - The Perfume of the Lady in Black by Gaston Leroux "Au revoir, my friends" Page 12
20. Fun - The Perfume of the Lady in Black by Gaston Leroux The young reporter had made so much fun of me Page 114
21. Games
22. Gear
23. Grass - The Perfume of the Lady in Black by Gaston Leroux The vast court which we were crossing was so completely covered on every side with grass shrubs and folliage plants Page 65
24. Guide - The Perfume of the Lady in Black by Gaston Leroux the Court of Charles the Bold, as the old books of the country call it still Page 70
25. Heat - The Perfume of the Lady in Black by Gaston Leroux In the broiling heat of a summer night Page 3
26. Hike
27. Insects
28. Kits
29. Knife - The Perfume of the Lady in Black by Gaston Leroux They have torn doen the old study where I found the knife Page 25
30. Knowledge - The Perfume of the Lady in Black by Gaston Leroux The knowledge of it could never pass Page 153
31. Lantern - The Perfume of the Lady in Black by Gaston Leroux The glimmer of the lantern fell on their faces Page 120
32. Leader
33. Location
34. Map - The Perfume of the Lady in Black by Gaston Leroux I would have told him about the map of Australia! Page 270
35. Marshmallows
36. Matches
37. Mountain - The Perfume of the Lady in Black by Gaston Leroux it is necessary to wind through I do not know how many mountain passes Page 117
38. Nature - The Perfume of the Lady in Black by Gaston Leroux Never had nature appeared to me so sweet Page 104
39. Outdoors
40. Overnight
41. Peace - The Perfume of the Lady in Black by Gaston Leroux "I shall never know peace again until I am certian that M.Darzac is not Larsan Page 220
42. Plan - The Perfume of the Lady in Black by Gaston Leroux This was his plan Page 35
43. Play - The Perfume of the Lady in Black by Gaston Leroux Who cared or dared to play paino in the Fort of Hercules Page 126
44. Remote
45. Rope - The Perfume of the Lady in Black by Gaston Leroux having left her husbadn in the lodge of the Square Tower, ready to work at making a rope Page 241
46. Stars - The Perfume of the Lady in Black by Gaston Leroux that night full of stars Page 22
47. Tent
48. Trail - The Perfume of the Lady in Black by Gaston Leroux He took me uo another trail Page 285
49. Vacation The Perfume of the Lady in Black by Gaston Leroux "We were going to take our Easter Vacation" Page 16
50. Woods

message 33: by Erica (last edited Jul 31, 2019 11:26AM) (new)

Erica G | 172 comments July Scavenger Hunt - Camping
Duration: July 1, 2019 - July 31, 2019

Choose your level:
Overnight: 10-20 words
Seasonal: 21-40 words
Wilderness: 41-50 words

Badge Of Evil by Craig Horowitz Badge Of Evil by Craig Horowitz Currently Reading

1. Alert -Bishop stroked her hair and tried to stay alert. pg 222
2. Animals - It was an ideal setting for the live animals Supreme had brought in... pg 120
3. Backpack - He removed his backpack and pulled out his own set of infrared glasses. pg 257
4. Blanket - Homeland Security had thrown a blanket over the entire affair. p 265
5. Boots - ...the day before, in jeans, a plaid shirt, and hiking boots. pg 239
7. Camp - ...madrasa and train in a terrorist camp in the mountains. pg 129
10. Direction - At Lucy's direction, they pulled off the highway at a very... pg 97
12. Equipment - "My brother was an athlete and he got all the equipment." pg 98
13. Exercise - ESU A-teams would practice this kind of exercise as a unit as often as a hundred times a year. pg 6
14. Experience - ...that despite his wealth of experience, political saavy, and street smarts, he'd never be police commissioner. pg 151
15. Family - " your magazine so I can still support my family when I get fired from corrections?" pg 184
16. (Camp) Fire - " call in a favor it's to bail one of your dumb asses out of the fire?" pg 139
18. Flashlight - Then he placed a flashlight on the floor. pg 211
19. Friends - She was, for all intents and purposes, a gift from one of Anderson's old friends. pg X Prologue
20. Fun - "Look, I had my share of fun, but I kept everything in perspective." pg 125
21. Games - He's still playing games. pg 264
22. Gear - A.J. told the girls to get all the gear together and then take a seat in the usual place. pg 101
23. Grass - ...sat in a little circle on the grass in the right field. pg 101
25. Heat - With a laser range finder for both black heat and white heat, he could pick up... pg 256
29. Knife - ...forcing Oz to block the branch with his knife hand. pg 260
30. Knowledge - "To my knowledge," Pennetta said, picking up a ratchet and 223
32. Leader - ...and no one got off more thinking himself as a leader of men more than Lawerence Brock... pg 2
33. Location - The out-of-the-way location was part of the club's exotic aura, amplified 120
34. Map - ...she an S.J. had gone back to the office to map out their strategy. pg 37
37. Mountain - The road continued up a gentle rise to the base of the mountain, where... pg 237
38. Nature - It's great how nature works to balance the universe. pg 236
40. Overnight - "We're not really set up here for overnight guests." pg 239
41. Peace - And, for the nost part, he'd made his peace with it. pg 151
42. Plan - "I have a plan." pg 98
43. Play - "People who've never seen athletic teenage girls play softball are always amazed." pg 98
44. Remote - ...used his free hand to hit the remote and turn off the stereo. pg 110
45. Rope - ...had reached the end of her rope with the marriage. pg 26
46. Stars - ...two popes, stars and starlets, athletes, and at least half a dozen... pg 264
47. Tent - "you've really got to bang the drum and make some noise to get hem in the tent, " Bishop told people. pg 65
48. Trail - ...empty chair and the trail of blood to the door. pg 259
49. Vacation - ...what she assumed were vacation photos and pictures of Anderson's kids X Prologue
50. Woods - ...looping through the woods to come up directly behind the farmhouse without being spotted. pg 256

Murder by the Sea (A By the Sea Mystery #3) by Kathleen Bridge Murder by the Sea by Kathleen Bridge 7/28/19

17. Fishing - ...tucked beneatha ratty hat with fishing lures hanging from the brim. Loc 231
24. Guide - The Indialantic's Captain Netherton was the ship's tour guide and pilot. Loc 3100
31. Lantern - Liz's lantern illuminated his roguish grin. Loc 3100
35. Marshmallows - ...beach toting blankets, bags of marshmallows, chocolate bars, and graham crackers. Loc 3026
39. Outdoors - "I love being outdoors on days like this." Loc 2572

Lulu's Cafe by T.I. Lowe Lulu's Cafe by T.I. Lowe 7/31/19

11. Endure - ...she was the first to endure the closet. pg 17
36. Matches - ...bills and book of matches from Vegas on top of Brent's dresser. pg 21

6. Bugs
8. Canteen
9. Compass
26. Hike -
27. Insects
28. Kits

message 34: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54240 comments Mod
Welcome Barbara, Jess and Erica!

message 35: by ~Sofia~ (last edited Jul 23, 2019 08:23AM) (new)

~Sofia~ (tellmeastory00) | 37 comments Count me in!!!

Wilderness: 41-50 words


Covert M.D. (Boston General, #5) by Jessica Andersen Covert M.D. by Jessica Andersen
Finished 04/07/2019

2. Animals - Page 30 -"the ANIMALS meaner"
6. Bugs - Page 30 - "how the BUGS were bigger"
12. Equipment - Page 34 - "all the EQUIPMENT we saw"
14. Experience - Page 35 - "he was determined not to let her EXPERIENCE that firsthand"
15. Family - Page 29 - "he had come to live with Nadia's FAMILY for a few weeks"
19. Friends - Page 34 - "he'd noticed his best FRIENDS daughter watching him"
22. Gear - Page 11 - "as Cadaver man ground the GEARs"
25. Heat - Page 19 - "and an echo of HEAT reminded him that it wasn't that simple"
28. Kits - Page 11 - "was reassured by the shape of miniature took KIT"
37. Mountain - Page 123 - "the moving MOUNTAIN scissored a forearm across his throat"

Hollywood Wives (Hollywood #1) by Jackie Collins Hollywood Wives by Jackie Collins
Finished 17/07/2019

1. Alert - Page 64 - “Every muscle in her body was on Air Force One ALERT”
3. Backpack - Page 213 - “They both had BACKPACKS strapped to their shoulders”
4. Blanket - Page 155 - “but he ignored it, got spare BLANKETS and a pillow”
5. Boots - Page 75 - “He strode into the house wearing mud caked BOOTS over faded Levis”
10. Direction - Page 15 - “and threw a brief silent nod in Bernard Leftcovitz’s DIRECTION”
13. Exercise - Page 4 - “Only how could a kid of thirteen know about nutrition and diet and EXERCISE and all that stuff?”
16. Fire - Page 32 - “it seemed to be the only sureFIRE way to get his movie off the ground”
18. Flashlight - Page 185 - “He opened his eyes and a FLASHLIGHT beam hit him in the face”
20. Fun - Page 25 - “who instilled in their only child a FUN sense of confidence and self-worth”
21. Games - Page 28 - “they had both decided togetherness was the name of the GAME”
23. Grass - Page 52 - “Is that GRASS? Let me try it?”
24. Guide - Page 47 - “Not only did he give her a GUIDEd tour of Honolulu”
26. Hike - Page 304 - “find yourself some real straight dude, an’ HIKE your ass home”
29. Knife - Page 83 - “one of them armed with a KNIFE”
30. Knowledge - Page 27 - “he impressed her with sharp, KNOWLEDGEable and witty conversation”
33. Location - Page 4 - “and that would have to happen while Ross was away on LOCATION”
34. Map - Page 323 - “all he had to do was buy a cheapo MAP of the movie stars’ homes”
36. Matches - Page 223 - “Game, Set and MATCH! Crowed Norma Triumphantly”
38. Nature - Page 111 - “Call of NATURE, I’ll be right back”
41. Peace - Page 187 - “It’s wonderful. So PEACEful”
42. Plan - Page 232 - “I’ll make some PLANS”
43. Play - Page 7 - “Talking to me like some nothing bit PLAYer”
44. Remote. - Page 86 - “Irritably he changed the television channels with the REMOTE control”
45. Rope - Page 582 - “with two girls doing lengths while another one skipped ROPE by the side”
46. Stars - Page 16 - “Sadie La Salle - Agent to the STARS”
47. Tent - Page 206 - “You TENT the garden?”
48. Trail - Page 7 - “if she crawled to my TRAILer on her hands and knees”
49. Vacation - Page 11 - “They’ll just think I was VACATIONing”
50. Woods - Page 523 - “She’s such a babe in the WOODS”

7. Camp
8. Canteen
9. Compass
11. Endure
17. Fishing
27. Insects
31. Lantern
32. Leader
35. Marshmallows
39. Outdoors
40. Overnight

message 36: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54240 comments Mod
Welcome Sofia!

message 37: by Denise (new)

Denise | 517 comments JoAnne - as I'm sure you know many other countries refer to vacations as holidays. Is it ok to use "Holiday" instead? as in "three week holiday in l....?

message 38: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54240 comments Mod
Denise wrote: "JoAnne - as I'm sure you know many other countries refer to vacations as holidays. Is it ok to use "Holiday" instead? as in "three week holiday in l....?"

OK - just put it as vacation/holiday - I'll remember it then.

message 39: by Suzanne (new)

Suzanne (esmerelda1) | 2730 comments The Lost Challenges
July 2019 Scavenger Hunt - Camping
7/1/2019 - 7/31/2019

Progress: 0 out of 50
Choose your level:
Overnight: 10-20 words
Seasonal: 21-40 words
Wilderness: 41-50 words

Each month we will give you a list of 50 themed words to find in your books.

*There is no limit to how many words you can get per book.
*For each word please post a link to the book, the author, the date you finished it, plus the page number/location and sentence where you found the word.
*Any reasonable forms are accepted.

Apple - A Touch of Ice - L.J. Charles (1/10/16)
I had a weakness for apple pie, heavy on the cinnamon... (loc. 245)

Any genre/format is fine.
Re-reads are OK.
No page minimum.
To count a book towards the challenge you must read the majority of it after the start date of the challenge.
Please post a partial list of the challenge when you sign up.

At the end of the month please re-post your whole challenge as a new message so that we can award your Hall of Fame badge!

(Even if you don't hit the level you were aiming for, you can still claim a badge for the words you did get.)


1. Alert
2. Animals
3. Backpack
4. Blanket
5. Boots
6. Bugs
7. Camp
8. Canteen
9. Compass
10. Direction
11. Endure
12. Equipment
13. Exercise
14. Experience
15. Family
16. (Camp) Fire
17. Fishing
18. Flashlight
19. Friends
20. Fun
21. Games
22. Gear
23. Grass
24. Guide
25. Heat
26. Hike
27. Insects
28. Kits
29. Knife
30. Knowledge
31. Lantern
32. Leader
33. Location
34. Map
35. Marshmallows
36. Matches
37. Mountain
38. Nature
39. Outdoors
40. Overnight
41. Peace
42. Plan
43. Play
44. Remote
45. Rope
46. Stars
47. Tent
48. Trail
49. Vacation
50. Woods

message 40: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54240 comments Mod
Welcome Suzanne!

message 41: by [deleted user] (new)

July Scavenger Hunt - Camping COMPLETION POST
Duration: July 1, 2019 - July 31, 2019

Choose your level: Wilderness: 41-50 words

1. Alert pg 14 ‘Caroline was suddenly alert’
Dilly Court – The Summer Maiden 09.07.19
2. Animals - The amnesia clinic – James Scudamore 02.07.19 - Pg194 ‘…picking up the animals two by two’
3. Backpack - The amnesia clinic – James Scudamore 02.07.19 pg 118 ‘…foreign tourists strapped into gaudy backpacks…’
4. Blanket – ‘do you want to take the blanket from …’
Dear thing – Julie Cohen – 05.07.19
5. Boots p94 ‘Romily had put down the box and her boots ….’
6. Bugs Page 5 ‘she spent her working life among dead bugs. 'Mum: said the little…’ - Dear thing – Julie Cohen – 05.07.19
7. Camp- Page 80 to my room, I need to show you my base camp: Claire stroked the thick …’ dear thing Julie cohen 05.07.19
8. Canteen
9. Compass
10. Direction - Page 84 it up. Romily's gaze darted in the direction of Posies bedroom.
dear thing Julie cohen 05.07.19
11. Endure Page 37 just as it always did. She squinted and endured it’
12. Equipment Page 74 try again. No doctors, no expensive equipment, no big deal: '…
13. Exercise
14. Experience Page 76 the ethos of compassion. In Claire's experience, that compass…’ dear thing Julie cohen 05.07.19
15. Family Page 296 Especially when everyone else in your family is paired off: 'It's… dear thing Julie cohen 05.07.19

16. (Camp) Fire p52 ‘the fire in the range had died …’ Dilly Court – The Summer Maiden 09.07.19
17. Fishing p357 ‘sometimes we took the rowing boat and went fishing for dabs’
Dilly Court – The Summer Maiden 09.07.19
18. Flashlight
19. Friends p9 ‘…awkward silences and set smiles as friends …’
Dilly Court – The Summer Maiden 09.07.19
20. Fun Page 182 slept last night. And I've started this fun game at work, where I'm … dear thing Julie cohen 05.07.19
21. Games p209 ‘don’t play games with me’
Dilly Court – The Summer Maiden 09.07.19
22. Gear Page 28 and their eldest son, also in protective gear. They were smiling, lookin… dear thing Julie cohen 05.07.19
23. Grass Page 2 spotted with wet as she walked across the grass past the pet shed. Two l… dear thing Julie cohen 05.07.19
24. Guide p169 ‘Caroline watched Maria guide her mother towards…’
Dilly Court – The Summer Maiden 09.07.19
25. Heat p61 ‘it was close to midday and the heat was intense’ - Dilly Court – The Summer Maiden 09.07.19
26. Hiking - P283 ‘he told his mother that he was to go on the hiking trip as planned …’ amnesia clinic – james scudamore 02.07.19
27. Insects
Page 37 you going to do a picture round about insects?' 'You'd have an u… dear thing Julie cohen 05.07.19
28. Kits Page 74 'Basal temperature charts, ovulation kits. I have a lot of it already. W… dear thing Julie cohen 05.07.19
29. Knife Page 81 cut each sandwich in half with the same knife she'd used to spread the … dear thing Julie cohen 05.07.19
30. Knowledge Page 38 got through another pint, the general knowledge round and par… dear thing Julie cohen 05.07.19
31. Lantern p487 ‘lantern on the small boat…’
Dilly Court – The Summer Maiden 09.07.19
32. Leader – the leader of the gang shook …’
Dilly Court – The Summer Maiden 09.07.19
33. Location Page 349 …neutral location would be best. Were there any neutral locations … dear thing Julie cohen 05.07.19
34. Map Page 4 took into school? With the printed-out maps in them? Didn't you give … dear thing Julie cohen 05.07.19
35. Marshmallows
36. Matches the big sleep – Raymond chandler – p151 ‘…carelessly as if it had been a packet of matches’
37. Mountain – the amnesia clinic – james Scudamore 02.07.19 p283 ‘you must be tough to attack a whole mountain…’
38. Nature Page 41 energetic Ben. Ben who was a force of nature and who always knew all … dear thing Julie cohen 05.07.19
39. Outdoors
40. Overnight Page 296 his coffee. 'You'd trust me with her? Overnight? Or for a we… dear thing Julie cohen 05.07.19
41. Peace Page 136 cloakroom, so she couldn't have a moment's peace to be sick by herself…
42. Plan Page 84 here too?' 'I didn't— I don't usually plan ahead that far. Not at this… dear thing Julie cohen 05.07.19
43. Play Page 7 pointing to an occasional table. 'We can play wherever we want to… dear thing Julie cohen 05.07.19
44. Remote – the big sleep – Raymond chandler 13.07.19 page 43 ‘…lighted windows high on the hillside, remote and inaccessible’
4Rope the big sleep – Raymond chandler 13.07.19 page 1 ‘…he was fiddling with the knots on the ropes that tied the lady to the tree…’
46. Stars
47. Tent Page 80 'She's eaten every meal possible in that tent: Romily said, switching on… dear thing Julie cohen 05.07.19
48. Trail p145 ‘Maria was like an hound scenting a trail’
Dilly Court – The Summer Maiden 09.07.19
49. Vacation
50. Woods p356 ‘…escape through the kitchen and into the woods’
Dilly Court – The Summer Maiden 09.07.19
The Summer Maiden (The River Maid, #2) by Dilly Court The Amnesia Clinic by James Scudamore Dear Thing by Julie Cohen The Big Sleep (Philip Marlowe, #1) by Raymond Chandler

message 42: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54240 comments Mod

Next time please include how many you got so I don't have to count them. Thanks!

message 43: by [deleted user] (new)

JoAnne wrote: "WOOHOO Den!

Next time please include how many you got so I don't have to count them. Thanks!"

Sorry - I thought I'd done it at the top of the message!

message 44: by Mycal (last edited Aug 08, 2019 07:31PM) (new)

Mycal Stewart (mycals) | 180 comments July Scavenger Hunt - Camping
Duration: July 1, 2019 - July 31, 2019

Choose your level:
Overnight: 10-20 words
Seasonal: 21-40 words
Wilderness: 41-50 words


The Hunt for the Seventh by Christine Morton-Shaw
2. Animals - "Seventy pairs of feet add up to fourteen hundred fingers and toes, not including those of animals." (pg 208 7/15)
3. Backpack - "I grabbed the site map out of his backpack and checked it." (pg 126 7/10)
4. Blanket - "In the living room I found Dad's and Sal's blankets from the sofa, neatly folded, and Sal's bedroom door ajar." (pg 163 7/14)
16. (Camp) Fire - "Who would risk starting a fire." (pg 54 7/8)
18. Flashlight - "You can take my big flashlight if you want; it's hanging behind the back door with the coats." (pg 72 7/8)
20. Fun - "Is it fun?" (pg 124 7/10)
21. Games - "Is this all part of some new game?" (pg 79 7/10)
23. Grass - "The grass turned gray." (pg 45 7/8)
24. Guide - "If you need to find out anything about Minerva Hall, why not go on the guided tour?" (pg 27 7/1)
31. Lantern - "THE WILLOW AND LANTERN, said the sign." (pg 100 7/10)
34. Map - "I ran to the nearest tourist board with a map on it and studied it by flashlight." (pg 73 7/8)
36. Matches - "He stuffed them into the nooks and crannies of the basket mountain, lit a match, and set the paper alight." (pg 123 7/10)
41. Peace - "The grounds looked peaceful." (pg 89 7/10)
43. Play - "You told Dad I won't play with you, didn't you?" (pg 52 7/8)
46. Stars - "The calm face of the lake reflected the chilly blue pinpricks of stars." (pg 89 7/10)

The Dead Gentleman by Matthew Cody
5. Boots - "But if you saw just half the things I've seen, you'd be jumping out of your boots, too." (pg 4. 7/16)
6. Bugs - ". . . She'd asked him what possessed him to try and burning the bugs In the first place . . ." (pg 131. 7/17)
7. Camp - "The trogs flew them to an aboveground camp . . ." (pg 207. 7/22)
8. Canteen - "Then I took the tea tray out of his hands and headed to the canteen to find where I'd hidden the milk." (pg 166. 7/22)
9. Compass - "I pocketed the compass and waited until Scott began to snore . . . " (pg 165. 7/22)
12. Equipment - "I inhereted his equipment, his books and his stories." (pg 235. 7/22)
15. Family - ". . . The one he'd done for her on their family trip to Ireland." (pg 124. 7/17)
17. Fishing - "They'd come across a little fishing village on the western coast where people still spoke Irish." (pg 124. 7/17)
19. Friends - " I regret the harm that has come to your friends . . ." (pg 203. 7/22)
25. Heat - ". . . The heat really was unbearable down here . . ." (pg 170. 7/22)
26. Hike - "Want to go for a little hike?" (pg 132. 7/17)
29. Knife - "A knife wound to the back, this time." (pg 182. 7/22)
30. Knowledge - "But you now also carry around knowledge of the most dangerous sort . . ." (pg 274. 7/22)
42. Plan - "You have a plan?" (pg 260. 7/22)
45. Rope - "Do you have any rope?" (pg 151. 7/22)

The Time of the Fireflies by Kimberley Griffiths Little
39. Outdoors -". . . Tara isn't really an outdoor girl . . ." (pg 297. 7/25)
40. Overnight - "She barreled through the door, dropped her overnight bag . . ." (pg 240. 7/25)
47. Tent - "We got a tent set up . . ." (pg 296. 7/25)
49. Vacation - "Figured I'd let you sleep in since it's summer vacation , after all." (pg 64. 7/23)

A Northern Light by Jennifer Donnelly
13. Exercise - "But, Matt, I took my exercise already." (pg 27. 7/26)
37. Mountain - "At the tree and the lakes and the mountains." (pg 37. 7/26)
38. Nature - "At the magnificence of nature." (pg 37. 7/26)

1. Alert
10. Direction
11. Endure
14. Experience
22. Gear
27. Insects
28. Kits
32. Leader
33. Location
35. Marshmallows
44. Remote
48. Trail
50. Woods

message 45: by Monique (new)

Monique | 1 comments Let's give this a shot, despite me entering halfway through the month.

July Scavenger Hunt - Camping
Duration: July 1, 2019 - July 31, 2019

Choose your level:
Overnight: 10-20 words
Seasonal: 21-40 words
Wilderness: 41-50 words

Completed: 0/50

1. Alert
2. Animals
3. Backpack
4. Blanket
5. Boots
6. Bugs
7. Camp
8. Canteen
9. Compass
10. Direction
11. Endure
12. Equipment
13. Exercise
14. Experience
15. Family
16. (Camp) Fire
17. Fishing
18. Flashlight
19. Friends
20. Fun
21. Games
22. Gear
23. Grass
24. Guide
25. Heat
26. Hike
27. Insects
28. Kits
29. Knife
30. Knowledge
31. Lantern
32. Leader
33. Location
34. Map
35. Marshmallows
36. Matches
37. Mountain
38. Nature
39. Outdoors
40. Overnight
41. Peace
42. Plan
43. Play
44. Remote
45. Rope
46. Stars
47. Tent
48. Trail
49. Vacation
50. Woods

message 46: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54240 comments Mod
Welcome Mycal and Monique!

@Monique - you are the 2nd Monique so Linked you as Monique Msg 46. Also you can check books you read by using the Look Inside feature on amazon (only on print book editions) or looking in Google books OR if you read a kindle book, you can search for the words.

message 47: by Denise (new)

Denise | 517 comments FINISHED

July Scavenger Hunt - Camping
Duration: July 1, 2019 - July 31, 2019

50/50 words


1. Alert “driving slowly so as not to alert anyone in the trailer park” p. 17 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

2. Animals “living among untamed animals” p. 106 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

3. Backpack “beautiful people walking and laughing with books tucked under their arms and backpacks slung over their shoulders.” P 124 Educatedby Tara Westover 7.4.19

4. Blanket “blankets I hated because the wool was so scratchy” p. 9 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

5. Boots “wearing a yellow hard hat and big steel-toed boots.” P. 98 The Glass Castleby Jeannete Walls 7.2.19

6. Bugs “hoping the bats would think they were bugs and eat them.” P. 42 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

7. Camp “Davy, a coal-mining camp twelve miles north of Welch.” P. 196 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

8. Canteen “We packed blankets, food, canteens…” p. 118 The Glass Castleby Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

9. Compass “He had a moral compass, fiber, whatever.” P. 357. When the Music's Over by Peter Robinson 7.17.19

10. Direction “I didn’t run in the opposite direction from any fire…” p. 15 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

11. Endure “testing to see how much my fingers could endure …” p. 15 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

12. Equipment “drove to a pond made by a mining company to cool equipment.” P. 36 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

13. Exercise “they needed exercise to get strong.” P. 96 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

14. Experience “Senior year is the highlight of your entire high school experience.” P. 236 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

15. Family “When my family came to visit…” p. 12 The Glass Castleby Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

16. (Camp) Fire “Clinton had set decoy campfires.” P. 188Lafayette in the Somewhat United States by Sarah Vowell 7.5.19

17. Fishing “We packed blankets, food, canteens, fishing line…” p. 118 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

18. Flashlight “reading by flashlight or a candle.” P. 168 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

19. Friends “One of her friends pushed me to the ground…” p. 45 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

20. Fun “It was fun.” P. 13 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

21. Games “and in the afternoons we all played games.” P. 54 The Glass Castleby Jeannette Walls 7,2.19

22. Gear “was practicing her gear shifts.” P. 125 The Glass Castleby Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

23. Grass “The playground at Emerson was covered in lush, green grass.” P. 95The Glass Castleby Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

24. Guide “the most evocative object our park ranger guide pointed out to us was George Washington’s wooden armchair.” P. 12 Lafayette in the Somewhat United States by Sara Vowell 7.5.19

25. Heat “I felt a blaze of heat on my right side.” P. 9 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

26. Hike “it was a bit of a hike to school.” P. 95 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

27. Insects “snowflakes flick against the windshield like tiny insects” p. 93Educatedby Tara Westover 7.4.19

28. Kits “First Aid Kit? P. 61 When the Music's Overby Peter Robinson 7.17.19

29. Knife “he showed us how to throw a knife by the blade” p. 21 The Glass Castleby Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

30. Knowledge “It was the sort of knowledge that kept you on your toes.” P. 34 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7,2,19

31. Lantern “I couldn’t figure out what went on at the Green Lantern and Mom refused to discuss it.” P. 54 The Glass Castleby Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

32. Leader “Without their leader, the others lost their sense of purpose.” P. 142 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

33. Location “Location. Location. Location.” P. 189 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

34. Map “drew us a map to a place where we could sleep without getting arrested.” P. 34 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

35. Marshmallows – “would his last words be skewered like a marshmallow…?” p. 139Maniac Magee by Jerry Spinelli 7.19.19

36. Matches “I started stealing matches from Dad.” P. 15 The Glass Castleby Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

37. Mountain “they were near places like Superstition Mountains, the dried up Soda Lake, and the Old Woman Mountain.” P. 19 The Glass Castleby Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

38. Nature “Dad said something about freaks of nature.” P. 42 The Glass Castleby Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

39. Outdoors “Lori refused to wear hers outdoors.” P. 153 The Glass Castleby Jeanette Walls 7.2.19

40. Overnight “Mom would soak them overnight.” P. 56 The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls 7.2,19

41. Peace “Dad nodded and then held out his hands in a peace gesture.” P. 109 The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls 7.2.19

42. Plan “Dad said that was part of his plan.” P. 18 The Glass Castleby Jeanette Walls 7.2.19

43. Play “sometimes we’d play ghost and he’d chase us.” P. 38 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7,2,19

44. Remote “there is nothing remotely happiest place on earth about his demeanor.” P. 218 by Sara Vowell
Lafayette in the Somewhat United States 7.5.19

45. Rope “Once night came, we kids all lay in our rope-and-cardboard beds…” p. 168 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

46. Stars “we slept under the stars” p. 18 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7,2,19

47. Tent “I thought Dad might be under an oxygen tent.” P. 260 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

48. Trail “Dad was so sure a posse of federal investigators was on our trail …” p. 19 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7.2.19

49. Vacation “even though they are on holiday” (holiday in Britain=vacation this book is set in Britain) p. 24 When the Music's Over by Peter Robinson 7.17.19

50. Woods – “the shells of deserted houses in the woods.” P. 168 The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls 7,2,19

message 48: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54240 comments Mod
WOOHOO Denise!!

message 49: by Denise (new)

Denise | 517 comments Thank you JoAnne!

message 50: by ✨ Vittoria ✨ (last edited Aug 04, 2019 05:25AM) (new)

✨ Vittoria ✨ | 541 comments **Note to Mod, this is not completed, I just forgot to post it before...**

July Scavenger Hunt - Camping
Duration: July 1, 2019 - July 31, 2019

Level: Wilderness: 41-50 words.
Words found: 47

Divided in Death by J.D. Robb - 02 Jul 19
1. Alert. "the subtle shifting to alert" - loc 48 epub
2. Animals. "upper-class, social animals" - loc 214 epub
4. Blanket. "squatted on a rag of blanket" - loc 655 epub
5. Boots. "rested her boots on the desk" - loc 349 epub
6. Bugs. "detects intrusive viruses and bugs" - loc 120 epub
10. Direction. "with the direction of my investigation" - loc 601 epub
12. Equipment. "with equipment we've got in the lab" - loc 729 epub
14. Experience. "someone with experience or training" - loc 579 epub
15. Family. "get into a family spat" - loc 146 epub
19. Friends. "Friends, neighbors, lovers" - loc 486 epub
20. Fun. "just for the fun of it." - loc 118 epub
21. Games. "but his games as well." - loc 116 epub
22. Gear. "in his protective gear" - loc 334 epub
23. Grass. "tufts of beach grass poked up" - loc 399 epub
25. Heat. "the heat used to weld" - loc 111 epub
26. Hike. "when Eve hiked away." - loc 631 epub
29. Knife. "the bloody knife within" - loc 42 epub
30. Knowledge. "with your knowledge of computers" - loc 161 epub
33. Location. "outside of secured locations" - loc 250 epub
37. Mountain. "among a mountain of pretty pillows" - loc 308 epub
38. Nature. "the covert nature of your work." - loc 530 epub
40. Overnight. "shave off fifteen pounds overnight" - loc 579 epub
41. Peace. "gave me more peace" - loc 689 epub
42. Plan. "Her prior plans" - loc 245 epub
43. Play. "to play with that some." - loc 181 epub
44. Remote. "as expressionless and remote" - loc 680 epub
45. Rope. "the sagging rope hammock" - loc 399 epub
47. Tent. "a tent pitched on a mix of sand" - loc 399 epub
48. Trail. "too much of a paper trail" - loc 706 epub
49. Vacation. "his recent vacation in Bimini" - loc 87 epub

London Interlude by Tracy Grant - 03 Jul 19
7. Camp. "wounded in a camp bed" - loc 65 epub
32. Leader. "a leader of one of the guerrillero bands" - loc 86 epub

Visions in Death by J.D. Robb - 04 Jul 19
17. Fishing. "It was a fishing expedition" - loc 252 epub
24. Guide. "where to guide me" - loc 413 epub
27. Insects. "like insects biting at my skin" - loc 333 epub
34. Map. "Display map on wall screen" - loc 276 epub
39. Outdoors. "good day to eat outdoors" - loc 486 epub
50. Woods. "deeper into the woods" - loc 182 epub

Vienna Waltz by Tracy Grant - 05 Jul 19
11. Endure. "entertainments we endure in Vienna" - loc 459 epub
13. Exercise. "Exercise is healthy." - loc 608 epub
16. (Camp) Fire. "over a fire in the street" - loc 71 epub
31. Lantern. "the Venetian lanterns revealed" - loc 269 epub

As Death Draws Near by Anna Lee Huber - 07 Jul 19
46. Stars. "the stars were only just beginning" - loc 387 epub

Survivor in Death by J.D. Robb - 10 Jul 19
3. Backpack. "those backpack deals kids haul" - loc 17 epub
18. Flashlight. "Like a flashlight?" - loc 96 epub

Origin in Death by J.D. Robb - 20 Jul 19
28. Kits. "go get the field kits" - loc 37 epub

A Likely Story by Jenn McKinlay - 27 Jul 19
35. Marshmallows. "hot chocolate with marshmallows" - loc 135 epub

List : (view spoiler)

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