Space Opera Fans discussion

Welcome Wagon & Rules > Introduce Yourself - Part 2

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message 1: by Betsy (last edited Jul 28, 2019 07:57PM) (new)

Betsy | 964 comments Mod
Welcome Space Opera Fans!

This is a continuation of the following thread, which has been closed:

Why not tell us a little bit about yourself, who you are and what attracts you to Space Opera as a genre. What are your favorite foods, books and movies? Do you ever go to genre conferences? Do you like to do geeky things that co-workers would probably be surprised to learn? Space Opera Fans is the place to get in touch with your inner geek!

Here's some suggested stuff we'd love to hear:

Favorite Books:
Favorite Genres:
Favorite TV shows:
Favorite Movies:
Favorite Food:
Day Job:

*If you are a Goodreads author, it's okay to say that, but please don't use this thread to drop your book link and writeup!!! This is where we want to get to know YOU! There is a Self-Promotion thread if you want to educate us about your book (must follow the rules).

message 2: by Gavin (new)

Gavin Wask (gwreviewdabbler) Hi there, Gavin here, Primary Teacher as a day job, sending my other half crazy with my 'geekiness' for enjoyment. Sci Fi ,Fantasy, Graphic Novels, Books, Films, Games - all good with me.
Love my Star Wars, Firefly, Aliens, Marvel in all shapes and forms.
Always looking for new recommendations and people's opinions and love writing my own reviews.
Just really getting my head around GoodReads as really have just been using it to keep a tally of what I've read, thought I'd see what other people are reading to.
Have a good evening.

message 3: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3151 comments Mod
Welcome Gavin!

message 4: by Gavin (new)

Gavin Wask (gwreviewdabbler) Thank you very much Teresa.

Kevin Matthew Bishop | 2 comments Hi all......I'm new to the group so i'm just going to jump right in.....

My name is Kevin - my favourite books of all time are Neverness, and the 'A Requiem for Homo Sapiens' trilogy which i read while travelling. I also like anything Peter F. Hamilton, Hugh Howey, and the Ender's Game series. I've dabbled in lots of other stuff.

I like both hard sci-fi and easier going stuff, but also read plenty of fantasy.

TV shows i'm watching right now or recently include Handmaid's Tale, The Boys, Black Mirror and GOT. Filmwise there's too many to mention, but you could probably guess from the TV/books!

To earn a living i price up deals. To earn a living several lifetimes ago, i played basketball. I still dabble, but i mainly now coach because my kids are now playing.

I'm about to go on holiday and am looking for something new to read while i'm there. I also drive about 2k miles per month, so i'm wracking up the audiobooks, and need some inspiration for what to listen to next. I've got 1 book left to go on the Safehold Series by David Weber.


message 6: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3151 comments Mod
Welcome Kevin!

Kevin Matthew Bishop | 2 comments thankyou!

message 8: by Bryan (new)

Bryan Glosemeyer (bryansglosemeyer) | 4 comments Hi Space Opera-ites!

Been lurking here a while but finally getting the time to introduce myself. I'm a huge fan of space opera books, films, tv, comics, etc. I'm also a space opera idie author, but don't worry, I"m not about to spam you all with my links.

Dune is by far my favorite SO novel series, and Star Wars is my favorite SO film series--and yes, I LOVE the Last Jedi. TV is hard to pick but Star Trek, Firefly, and Farscape are my top tier. As far as comics go, I'm not as well read, but Saga is so very great on so very many levels.

I tend to read a lot of fantasy, and I've been on a real afrofuturism kick as of late, so I I'm not a Space Opera or nothing reader, though it is the primary genre I write.

If you have any questions about what I read or what I write, feel free to hit me up. Trolls need not apply.

See you round the comment threads.

message 9: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3151 comments Mod
Welcome Bryan!

message 10: by Bryan (new)

Bryan Glosemeyer (bryansglosemeyer) | 4 comments Thanks!

message 11: by Brandon (new)

Brandon Harbeke | 129 comments Welcome to the space opera group, Bryan! I share your love of Dune, Star Wars (all the films, and especially The Last Jedi and Solo), and Star Trek. Happy reading!

message 12: by Bryan (new)

Bryan Glosemeyer (bryansglosemeyer) | 4 comments Thanks Brandon, always nice to meet someone with great taste. :)

message 13: by S.N. (new)

S.N. Prasher (snprasher) | 6 comments Hi All!

I'm Seb, and I'm excited to be joining a group of like minded fans of Space Opera and sci-fi. I'd say my favorite books are more character-oriented pieces. I like getting to know the characters in my books and how they feel and think, rather than a forgettable group of people facing a major threat or something. To that end, my favorite books include Hyperion (and the rest of the Cantos), Cordelia's Honor and Barrayar, Anathem, The Expanse, etc. My favorite TV shows are also generally science-fiction oriented (Star Trek TNG, The Expanse, Stargate, and the like). I don't actually get around to watching many movies these days because the quality of TV is so good, but I'm obviously a fan of Star Wars, though I didn't love the Last Jedi (sorry Bryan).

I'm actually a sci-fi author (won't post spam here), and really started up because I've always had an interest in writing and wanted to see more stuff like Hyperion out there. I'm guessing you can see that I am a huge Dan Simmons fan :)

Anyway, I'm always happy to get recs on good space opera books I've overlooked, and I'm looking forward to being in this group.


message 14: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3151 comments Mod
Welcome Seb!

message 15: by Cameron (new)

Cameron Cooper G'day all:

I've been lurking for a few days, absorbing the vibes. I thought it was time to introduce myself, as I'm twitching to ask a question in the "what is Space Opera" thread, and figure it would be rude to just wade in there.


Full disclosure: I'm a Goodreads author. But that's just my daytime disguise. I'm actually a huge space opera fan, and have been since being bitten by Star Wars at a very early age.

Favourite books: Wow, long list. Easier to list authors: Heinlein, Asimov, Hamilton, Resnick, Scalzi, Haldeman, McCaffrey, Correy, Asaro...and that's restricting myself purely to space opera (although McCaffrey is actually planetary romance).

Outside the genre, any author that delivers the epic feel is a winner to me: Tolkien, Susan Cooper (no relation), Rosemary Sutcliffe and Mary Stewart, plus many more.

Love Star Wars, Star Trek (particularly Discovery, which is marvellously epic), The Expanse, Altered's a long list, even just in SF.

I write a lot, read a lot and don't have much time for other hobbies, although if I did, they would all be creative. I squeeze in the occasional TV episode (thank the muses for streaming!).

I look forward to digging into the group. I've already read the entire genre-defining thread and enjoyed it.


message 16: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3151 comments Mod
Welcome Cam!

message 17: by Cameron (new)

Cameron Cooper Teresa wrote: "Welcome Cam!"



message 18: by Lindsey (new)

Lindsey | 1 comments Hi I’m Lindsey, I’m pretty young so I haven’t really gotten into a lot of good books yet, but I do like space operas which I found out from the Enders game series.
My favorite books: Speaker for the Dead, Enders game, mans search for meaning, and the honest truth.
I tend to like science fiction and philosophy books.
I’m a musician
The reason I’m joining this group is because I’m hoping to be able to be a part of a group of likeminded people who are able to give recommendations and discuss books.

message 19: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (last edited Nov 06, 2019 06:30PM) (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3151 comments Mod
Welcome Lindsey! We are reading two books this month, and the nomination threads for December will go up in the next few days. were just posted. Feel free to nominate a book you would like to discuss, or if we have already read it find the discussion thread and add your comments to revive the discussion.

message 20: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3151 comments Mod
Welcome Alex!

message 21: by Brandon (new)

Brandon Harbeke | 129 comments Welcome, Alex! I'm big time looking forward to Denis Villeneuve's movie version of Dune.

message 22: by Wade (new)

Wade (normaltype) Hey folks. New to the group.

I grew up watching Star trek TOS. So of course I've watched all the other series and any other space related show I could find. Ironically, growing up I preferred to read fantasy like Lord of the rings, and actually disliked science fiction. It wasn't until about 15-20 years ago that I began taking an interest in scifi and space opera because I couldn't get my fix on screen.

I often enjoy a little or a lot of romance and have noticed there are a tonne of women's romance invloving alien males, but the reverse male romance (males with alien females) seem to be a little more difficult to find. Hence the reason I am here. An example of what I'm talking about, The Exo Project by Andrew DeYoung.

If anyone has any suggestions of human male-alien female romance, scifi or space opera, I'd love to hear from you.

message 23: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3151 comments Mod
Welcome Wade! I suggest that you start a new thread in the Readers Discussions section with your question, but you might want to look into Local Custom by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller.

message 24: by C. John (new)

C. John Kerry (cjkerry) | 597 comments Wade wrote: "Hey folks. New to the group.

I grew up watching Star trek TOS. So of course I've watched all the other series and any other space related show I could find. Ironically, growing up I preferred to r..."

Only thing I can come up with is the Mars books by Edgar Rice Burroughs, especially the first three. Ray Cummings has two involving an Earthman and a winged lady from Mercury (I thin)k).

message 25: by Brian (last edited Dec 14, 2019 04:13PM) (new)

Brian (uefalliance) | 34 comments Lindsey wrote: "Hi I’m Lindsey, I’m pretty young so I haven’t really gotten into a lot of good books yet, but I do like space operas which I found out from the Enders game series.
My favorite books: Speaker for th..."

I would recommend Galactic Startup, I think its a good series. Along with the silver ships, and the frontier saga.

message 26: by Elaine (new)

Elaine | 12 comments Lindsey wrote: "Hi I’m Lindsey, I’m pretty young so I haven’t really gotten into a lot of good books yet, but I do like space operas which I found out from the Enders game series.
My favorite books: Speaker for th..."

I recommend Fledgling by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller. Also Honor Harrington series by Elizabeth Moon. More fantasy but Dragon Song by Anne McCaffrey should appeal to your musical side.

message 27: by Betsy (new)

Betsy | 964 comments Mod
Elaine wrote: "I recommend Fledgling by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller. Also Honor Harrington series by Elizabeth Moon."

Honor Harrington series, which begins with On Basilisk Station, was written by David Weber, not Elizabeth Moon. Moon wrote several other series, like Vatta's War, beginning with Trading in Danger. Both are good recommendations.

message 28: by Elaine (new)

Elaine | 12 comments Betsy wrote: "Elaine wrote: "I recommend Fledgling by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller. Also Honor Harrington series by Elizabeth Moon."

Honor Harrington series, which begins with On Basilisk Station, w..."

Oops thanks for catching it.

message 29: by Áine (new)

Áine McMenamin | 3 comments Hi everyone!
Name: Áine (pronounced Awn-ya... I'm Irish (from Northern Ireland) and female)
Favorite Books: All of Iain M.Banks', my absolute favourite. Always seeking out an author to match. Also let's see: loved Neal Stephenson Cryptonomicon and many of his others... GOT (although I haven't watched all of it! Love the books), David Mitchell's books, Ancillary Justice Trilogy, Becky Chambers The long Way to a Small Angry Planet, Mary Doria Russell The Sparrow, Philip K Dick and Asimov etc, have enjoyed some Alastair Reynolds and Peter Watts. Love Sarah Waters' books esp Fingersmith. By Gaslight by Steven Price another awesome non sci fi, one of my favourites of the last few years.
Favorite Genres: SF but I love other stuff such as YA, bit of horror, classics, historical fiction, whatever.
Favorite TV shows: Star Trek (mainly TOS, Next Gen and Discovery-OMG I love Discovery!) Black Mirror, Sherlock, Fleabag, Bojack Horseman, Breaking Bad, A Handmaid's Tale, Episodes, Crazy Ex Girlfriend, Toast of London, Love, Better Call Saul
Favorite Movies: 2001 A Space Odyssey, Under the Skin, Birdman, Star Wars (not the Phantom Menace and those other 2 but the old ones and the new ones are cool), the new Trek movies and many of the old ones, Ex Machina, Bladerunner, the new one was amazing!, The Matrix (just the 1st one), Arrival, Children of Men, The Edge of Tomorrow. Get Out, Hereditary, Cool Hand Luke and obv tonnes more
Favorite Food: I don't know! I love it all but am gluten free which is a pain as bread is my crack cocaine
Day Job: Cello and Piano Tutor, also nutritional therapist
Hobbies: Playing cello in string quartet and orchestra. Writing short stories. Playing bass guitar. Playing "Word Blitz" on my phone. Gigs, sea swimming, walking, reading.
Other: I help lead worship in my church. I'm pregnant for the first time at the ripe old age of 45 (got married 6 years ago) and I don't know how much time I'll have to read after the baby comes in May but am trying to get into both goodreads for the first time and also get some audio books on the go too.

message 30: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3151 comments Mod
Welcome Áine!

message 31: by Áine (new)

Áine McMenamin | 3 comments Thank you Teresa!

message 32: by Caleb (new)

Caleb Fast | 2 comments Name: Caleb Fast
Favorite Books: My latest new release! (It's a short story, and I have just discovered that I love writing short stories! Hahaha)
Favorite Genres: Science Fiction and non-fiction. Occasionally I stray away, but I try to keep it tight.
Favorite TV shows: Stargate Atlantis was amazing! But, so was Battlestar Galactica.
Favorite Movies: Midway was the best movie I've ever seen. I loved all the historical background they gave. No one ever tells the story of why Japan attacked, at least not until they did.
Favorite Food:
Day Job: I'm a full-time author who also sells antique books. My favorite one I've ever sold was the first edition of The Time Machine!
Hobbies: I write as a hobby, and a job. I am a passionate storyteller!
Other: Dogs are better than cats... Sorry cat lovers, I've got a cat too, but she's a little crazy. She kills too many things to be considered safe around children... and adults. :P

message 33: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3151 comments Mod
Welcome Caleb!

message 34: by Jim (new)

Jim Henderson | 5 comments Name: Jim Henderson

Favorite Books: Foundation Trilogy, Asimov Robot stories, LOTR, almost anything by Brandon Sanderson, Pride and Prejudice,
Favorite Genres: Science Fiction, Fantasy

Favorite TV shows: Firefly, Babylon 5, The Americans, Dexter, STNG

Favorite Movies: Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back, Alien,

Favorite Food: Wings

Day Job: Cybersecurity

Hobbies: Games (computer, tabletop, RPG), hiking, kayaking

Other: I am a GoodReads author with 4 science fiction adventure books -- the Mantis Saga.

message 35: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3151 comments Mod
Welcome, Jim!

message 36: by Jim (new)

Jim Henderson | 5 comments Thank you. I look forward to the discussions here.

message 37: by Brandon (new)

Brandon Harbeke | 129 comments Welcome, Jim! As someone who shares a fair amount of your favorites, I would like to make a couple of book suggestions:

1. The End of Eternity by Isaac Asimov
2. The Icarus Hunt by Timothy Zahn

In the world of Star Wars tie-ins, Claudia Gray and Christie Golden have written some outstanding books.

message 38: by Jim (new)

Jim Henderson | 5 comments I'll have to look for both of those. I can't believe I missed any sci fi by Asimov over the decades, but the summary doesn't sound familiar.


message 39: by Shawn (new)

Shawn Jackson | 1 comments Name: shawn
Favorite Books: just about everything space opera. I love a good scifi with lots of fighting.
Favorite Genres: space marine, space fleet, space opera, dystopian, etc.
Favorite TV shows: stargate atlantis, sg1, battlestar galactica, firefly
Favorite Movies: star wars a new hope, sky captain, starship troopers
Favorite Food: pizza
Day Job: superhero (just kidding im a mechanic)
Hobbies: reading and gold mining
Other: hello fellow nerds! :)

message 40: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3151 comments Mod
Welcome Shawn!

message 41: by Lily (new)

Lily | 1 comments Name: Lily
Favorite Books: The Martian, Words in Deep Blue, anything Hannah Fry, The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet
Favorite Genres: near future sci-fi, space opera, urban fantasy, memoir
Favorite TV shows: Madam Secretary, Bones, all of Shondaland
Favorite Movies: Molly's Game, Gifted, Crazy Rich Asians, MARVEL
Favorite Food: dumplings
Day Job: studying math
Hobbies: watching soccer, tabletop games, running
Other: I listen to far too many podcasts.

message 42: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3151 comments Mod
Welcome, Lily! We have two nomination threads up if you feel like suggesting a book to read in June.

message 43: by Steven (new)

Steven Kettelarij | 3 comments Hi my name is Steven Kettelarij,
I am dutch (Nederlands, i apologize for my English.)

A member of goodreads sinds 2012. I have been using it to find new books and keep track of my read list. I never made a post and never commented on goodreads before. I'm a Huge scifi fan and love to read . In my personal live I am not able to share my intrest in sciencefiction, even do i am a chemist and associate with a lot of " nerdy" people. I have been looking at the discussions in this group and enjoyed reading the discussions by people that love the same stuff as me.

Favorite Books:
Enders game.
Ready Player one.
Old mans war.
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
anything by Peter F. Hamilton, anything by John Scalzi or alastair reynolds.
anything whit big world/univers (380 books in last 8 years, so i'm not very picky).

Favorite Genres:
Space opera, hardcore scifi and miletary schifi

Favorite TV shows:
The Expance ( love the books also)

Day Job:
quality manager food feed.

I have 4 kids that keep me very bussy.

I am addicted to learning new stuff.

message 44: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3151 comments Mod
Welcome Steven!

message 45: by Peter (new)

Peter Sawyer | 2 comments Hi,

My name is Peter. I have had a Goodreads Account since 2016, but I haven't been active for the past few years. I have recently been reading Star Wars, Magic the Gathering, and Discworld, and am interested in discussing them.

I love so many books, but I can narrow down a top 3: Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky, Demons by Fyodor Dostoevsky, and The Castle by Franz Kafka.

My Favorite Genres are Science Fiction and Fantasy. However, I also enjoy the classics, and even some non-fiction.

My favorite TV Shows are Malcolm in the Middle, Arrow, Farscape, and Hercules the Legendary Journeys.

My favorite movies are Ben Hur, Memento, Black Hawk Down, the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, and the original Star Wars Trilogy.

My favorite food is hamburgers, steaks and ribs.

I work in Software Quality Assurance.

I love to read (That includes novels, comic books and graphic novels). I like to play Magic the Gathering, I like to play Dungeons and Dragons and I like to play video games.

Other: I am a Christian and am involved in my Church.

message 46: by C. John (new)

C. John Kerry (cjkerry) | 597 comments Peter wrote: "Hi,

My name is Peter. I have had a Goodreads Account since 2016, but I haven't been active for the past few years. I have recently been reading Star Wars, Magic the Gathering, and Discworld, and a..."

Interesting that you are a Christian and play Dungeons and Dragons. Be interested to know which denomination you belong to Peter. I myself am Christian but also have no problem with Dungeons and Dragons, in fact my oldest son was playing it for awhile. But then I am in the liberal catholic wing of the Anglican Church

message 47: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3151 comments Mod
Welcome Peter! Nominations threads for September will be posted in about a week, and you are welcome to nominate a space opera book that you would like to discuss, as long as it meets the rules on the nomination thread.

message 48: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan Yanez | 5 comments Oh hey,

Name: I'm Jonathan Yanez
Favorite Books: Changes over time but right now I'm really into Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss and Stiger's Tigers
Favorite Genres: Business and personal development, Space Opera and Fantasy
Favorite TV shows: Survivor, The Witcher & Mandalorian
Favorite Movies: 13th Warrior and Iron Man
Favorite Food: Cheeseburgers and Coffee. Does coffee count?
Day Job: Author
Hobbies: Working out/fitness and playing Legos with my 4 yo daughter
Other: I too am a Christian who plays Dungeons and Dragons and video games :)

message 49: by C. John (last edited Aug 17, 2020 12:24AM) (new)

C. John Kerry (cjkerry) | 597 comments Jonathon, coffee always counts, and don’t let anyone tell you different.

message 50: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3151 comments Mod
Welcome Jonathan!

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