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Archive > 2019 First Novel Prize

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message 1: by Carol (last edited Jul 29, 2019 12:50PM) (new)

Carol (carolfromnc) | 3335 comments The Center for Fiction has announced its longlist for the First Novel Prize, an annual award created in 2006 to honor the best debut novel each year. The winner will be announced in December. Women authors and their novels on the 2019 longlist are, in alphabetical order by title of the novel:

The Affairs of the Falcóns by Melissa Rivero

American Spy by Lauren Wilkinson

The Bobcat by Katherine Forbes Riley

The Dearly Beloved by Cara Wall

Disappearing Earth by Julia Phillips

The Falconer by Dana Czapnik

The Farm by Joanne Ramos

The Gone Dead by Chanelle Benz

Goodnight Stranger by Miciah Bay Gault

The Most Fun We Ever Had by Claire Lombardo

The Old Drift by Namwali Serpell

Oval by Elvia Wilk

The Paper Wasp by Lauren Acampora

A People's History of Heaven by Mathangi Subramanian

A Prayer for Travelers by Ruchika Tomar

Tinfoil Butterfly by Rachel Eve Moulton

The Unpassing by Chia-Chia Lin

I'm excited to read several of these, and have also added 4 to my TBR. If you have posted a review for any of them that you'd like to share with us, add a link to it in this thread, or let us know what you thought even without a "formal" review.

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