Go Fug Yourself Book Club discussion

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message 1: by Kris (new)

Kris | 257 comments Mod
Like many people, I have been on an awakening of sorts over the past few years. I'm always looking for new and interesting books to broaden my spiritual horizons.
Right now (and shamefully, for the past year), I've been working through The Intuitive Way: A Guide to Living from Inner Wisdom. It's a great book, but you really have to be focused and willing to work through it - as there are exercises. I haven't picked it up in a while, but I will before my birthday in a few weeks.
In any event, I have read all the old Brian L. Weiss books, The Celestine Prophecy, of course, and books by Sonia Choquette and Doreen Virtue.
What do you guys recommend? What has touched your mind and your soul?

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