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General - Group Business > Welcome to September

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message 1: by Kelly (last edited Sep 01, 2009 06:08AM) (new)

Kelly (sisimka) Good morning and welcome to September!

It's time for the kids to go back to school so I'm up early and feeling invigorated by the cooler weather. I thought I might give Stefan a hand this month and organise some of the September details. Let's see if I can get it all done correctly!

First of all we have two new books to read and discuss:

September FANTASY
The City & The City by China Miéville

The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch by Philip K. Dick

If you would like to lead either discussion, please contact one of the moderators!

We also just closed the polls for our October BotMs, so we now have the schedule for the next couple of months:

To Ride Hell's Chasm by Janny Wurts

The Forever War by Joe Haldeman

November FANTASY
Brokedown Palace by Steven Brust

Blindsight by Peter Watts

We are fortunate to have Janny Wurts as a member of our group and she will be on hand to discuss her book in October. I know more than a few of us have already read the book and are eagerly anticipating that discussion.

As always, we have set up polls for you to register your opinion of our BotMs. Please take a moment to vote, as your votes decide which books move into our Hall of Fame. We need at least 10 votes for a book to eligible to enter the Hall of Fame. The polls stay open for 3 months, so there's plenty of time to cast or change your vote.

Finally, if you're not interested in reading our Books of the Month this time, please let us know what else you're reading in our monthly What else are you reading? thread.

Okay, I think that's everything for now.

Happy reading!

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