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Coat Check [All About You] > Favorite Genre?

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message 51: by SundayAtDusk (new)

SundayAtDusk | 85 comments Biographies & Memoirs
Nonfiction (Adult)
Outdoors & Nature
Religion & Spirituality
True Crime

Mostly I get books out of the biographies & memoirs, history and nonfiction categories. I'm glad to see they have an historical fiction category now, because nonfiction and fiction books should not be listed together in any categories, in my opinion.

That's my one and only complaint about NetGalley--they apparently allow publishers or authors to list the books in whatever category they want. The true crime category is another problem one. A true crime is one that actually happened and is a nonfiction story. Yet there are fiction crime stories listed in the true crime category.

message 52: by *TUDOR^QUEEN* (new)

*TUDOR^QUEEN*  (tudorqueen) | 51 comments Biography / Memoir
Historical fiction
Literary fiction

*my top three genres*

Dorie  - Cats&Books :)  (dorie--catsbooks) | 417 comments My top three:

Historical fiction
Literary fiction

message 54: by SundayAtDusk (new)

SundayAtDusk | 85 comments Literary fiction readers:

As you personally see it, what are the main differences between literary fiction and other fiction? Also, do you sometimes or often find books listed in that genre at NetGalley that you believe don't belong there?

Dorie  - Cats&Books :)  (dorie--catsbooks) | 417 comments I know that it is up to the publisher to determine what genre they want their books to be in on NetGalley. I think they determine where their largest audience is probably going to be. Yes I've found books that are thrillers listed in literary fiction, even some books I would call chick lit in that genre. I usually look at historical fiction, literary fiction, contemporary fiction and mystery/thrillers because I don't trust where a book might pop up. At least that has been my experience in the three years plus that I've been on NetGalley :)

message 56: by Devann (new)

Devann (devannm) | 15 comments i would say these days about 90% of what i read is from the graphic novel and lgbtia categories. then the other 10% is probably SFF. i used to read more middle grade / young adult but i got a lot of duds in those categories so i try to stay mostly away from requesting ARCs from those categories now.

i've noticed a few books on NG [and tons of books on Amazon] that will be listed under the lgbtia category but will only have a queer side character or someone that is mentioned briefly and it annoys me that publishers do this because lgbtia books are 'in' right now. like if you want to put your book in that category then you actually need to write the representation.

message 57: by Robin (new)

Robin (ukamerican) | 38 comments SundayAtDusk wrote: "Literary fiction readers:

As you personally see it, what are the main differences between literary fiction and other fiction? Also, do you sometimes or often find books listed in that genre at Ne..."

To me, literary fiction is less plot-driven, like a character book, and therefore may be slower paced. I also expect a higher quality of writing.

message 58: by Jantine (new)

Jantine (eccentriclady) | 9 comments Fantasy and science fiction, young adult although I read less of that nowadays, poetry and historical fiction (non romance) are the genres I gravitate to the most. And old English lit like Dickens, but that's not Netgalley-related xD

message 59: by Yogaa (new)

Yogaa Lakshmi | 10 comments Fantasy, Magic-realism, Dystopia, Teens and YA are my favorite genres.

message 60: by Davida (new)

Davida Chazan (chocolatelady) | 41 comments SundayAtDusk wrote: "Literary fiction readers:

As you personally see it, what are the main differences between literary fiction and other fiction? Also, do you sometimes or often find books listed in that genre at NetGalley that you believe don't belong there?"

Literary fiction isn't really a genre, it just means that it isn't genre specific fiction - meaning mystery, or fantasy, or whatever. There's either historical or contemporary literary fiction. There's also age specific literary fiction (adult, YA, New Adult, children).

And yes, I do find books in literary fiction that don't belong there. I also find books in women's fiction that belong in romance (and vice versa), and I find historical fiction sometimes gets books that should be in fantasy or romance.

message 61: by Mary (new)

Mary (gebodogs) | 9 comments Horror...but not the kind of horror where the cover has a sexy raven vixen ripping off her bodice. Amazon seems to group those under Paranormal for done reason. I want to be creeped out. I want to wonder if I’m hearing noises from the other room or seeing a strange person watching me from my yard, or a book that starts to make me fear children or dolls. I’m not into gore or torture and absolutely do not want yo read about animals being abused. I really loved Penpal by Dathan Auerbach. He blend innocence with sinister do well

message 62: by Brenda (new)

Brenda | 4 comments History, Historical Fiction, Nonfiction and Mystery are my top four but I enjoy Nature/Outdoors as well.

message 63: by Elizabeth (new)

Elizabeth | 0 comments I love psychological thrillers.

message 64: by Tawney (new)

Tawney | 2 comments History, Non-fiction, Art, Mystery (procedurals), Science Fiction

message 65: by Charlotte (new)

Charlotte (Books and Bouquets) (charlotte_stenner) | 2 comments Comics & Graphic novels
Sci-fi & Fantasy
Teens & YA

message 66: by Jim (new)

Jim (jimsbooksreadingstuff) I like writers who can cross genres like Margaret Atwood and Kurt Vonnegut....

message 67: by Julie (new)

Julie  Ditton (storybooklady) | 4 comments I'm new here. I mostly read Children's books and mysteries.

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