The Spirit Kingdom discussion

castle chambers > guest room

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message 1: by Ƒᴀվᘔᴀ... {Iɱ Ꮗҽíཞᗪ}, We are all one (last edited Dec 03, 2019 11:46PM) (new)

Ƒᴀվᘔᴀ... {Iɱ Ꮗҽíཞᗪ} (lovefayfay) | 1649 comments Mod
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message 2: by Ƒᴀվᘔᴀ... {Iɱ Ꮗҽíཞᗪ}, We are all one (new)

Ƒᴀվᘔᴀ... {Iɱ Ꮗҽíཞᗪ} (lovefayfay) | 1649 comments Mod

All rps after this point are meant to be role played in the “week celebration” before the ball.

message 3: by Ƒᴀվᘔᴀ... {Iɱ Ꮗҽíཞᗪ}, We are all one (new)

Ƒᴀվᘔᴀ... {Iɱ Ꮗҽíཞᗪ} (lovefayfay) | 1649 comments Mod

All rps after this point are meant to follow the timeline after the “royal ball event.” You may continue rps that have started before the first diver, or the events, but please allow them to follow the timeline after the ball instead.

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