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Archives - Monthly Challenges > October 2019 Scattergories

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message 1: by JoAnne (last edited Sep 30, 2019 07:20AM) (new)

JoAnne | 54251 comments Mod

The general rules of Scattergories are you are given a list of categories and a time limit. Then the letter dice is rolled and you have to come up with something that matches the letter and the category.

The object of this challenge is the same sort of thing as the board game. We give you a list of 12 categories/words and a letter and you find items that fit those categories in your books. The goal is to find all 12 items. You may use a book to fulfill as many categories as it fits (you don't have to read 12 books this month...don't worry!)

The first 6 categories will stay the same, the second 6 will be announced each month.

Please remember to add a link to the book, the author and give the date you finished reading it.
You also need to post the sentence and page/loc# for items 7-12.

October Scattergories
Duration: October 1, 2019 - October 31, 2019

Recurring Items:
1. Book Title ('the', 'an' and 'a' should be ignored)
2. Author (first or last name)
3. Main Character (first or last name)
4. Secondary Character (first or last name)
5. Place/Setting (either the name of an actual place OR a setting where the book takes place; i.e. for R you could use 'Rome' or 'ranch')
6. Item on cover (please show the cover and tell us the item or items)

And the Specials for October are:
7. Frozen Foods
8. Items on a Lunch Menu
9. A Pet's Name
10. Things That Are Cold
11. Personality Traits
12. Things at A Theme Park

Your letter is:

Letter F

message 2: by JoAnne (last edited Nov 02, 2019 05:50AM) (new)

JoAnne | 54251 comments Mod









Jade aka MrsTosh FINISHED















✨ Vittoria ✨ FINISHED

message 3: by JoAnne (last edited Oct 11, 2019 04:30AM) (new)

JoAnne | 54251 comments Mod
October Scattergories - Letter F

Recurring Items:

1. Book Title: Finn Beckett M.J. Fields 10/9/19

2. Author: M.J. Fields Finn Beckett 10/9/19

3. Main Character: Finn Beckett Finn Beckett M.J. Fields 10/9/19

4. Secondary Character: Walden Fisher Broken Promise Linwood Barclay 10/2/19

5. Place/Setting: Fairhope The Trouble with Goodbye Sarra Cannon 10/10/19

6. Item on cover: Fence Wrapped Up in You (Heartbreaker Bay, #8) by Jill Shalvis Wrapped Up in You Jill Shalvis 10/3/19

And the Specials for October are:
7. Frozen Foods: French Fries Broken Promise Linwood Barclay 10/2/19 p 389 ...throw frozen french fries into the oven.

8. Items on a Lunch Menu: Fried Chicken Broken Promise Linwood Barclay 10/2/19 p 158 ...a bucket of fried chicken, mashed potatoes...

9. A Pet's Name: Fido Surfside Sisters Nancy Thayer 10/8/19 p 210 Remember Fido? He went to dog heaven a few years ago.

10. Things That Are Cold: Freezer Broken Promise Linwood Barclay 10/2/19 p 90 pack from the freezer.

11. Personality Traits: Friendly Broken Promise Linwood Barclay 10/2/19 p 40 more friendly pat, "you better...

12. Things at A Theme Park: Ferris Wheel Broken Promise Linwood Barclay 10/2/19 p 138 Seeing that Ferris Wheel, the roller coaster....

message 4: by Anne (last edited Oct 25, 2019 06:48AM) (new)

Anne | 1277 comments October Scattergories

Recurring Items:
1. Book Title ('the', 'an' and 'a' should be ignored)
Folly Beach by Dorothea Benton Frank 10/8/2019

2. Author (first or last name)
Folly Beach by Dorothea Benton Frank 10/8/2019

3. Main Character (first or last name)
Dyeing Up Loose Ends by Maggie Sexton
Kelly Flynn

4. Secondary Character (first or last name)
Murder at Archly Manor by Sara Rosett 10/22/2019
Mrs. Finley, the cook

5. Place/Setting (either the name of an actual place OR a setting where the book takes place; i.e. for R you could use 'Rome' or 'ranch')
Folly Beach by Dorothea Benton Frank 10/8/2019
Folly Beach, SC

6. Item on cover (please show the cover and tell us the item or items)
Return with Honor by Scott O'Grady 10/4/2019
Flightsuit and flag
Return with Honor by Scott O'Grady

And the Specials for October are:
7. Frozen Foods
The Name of the Rosé by Christine Blum
Page 2 Frozen yogurt
Next up, Aimee, our budding young entrepreneur and owner of the Chill Out frozen yogurt shop.

8. Items on a Lunch Menu
The Mystery of Black Hollow Lane by Julia Nobel 10/8/2019
Pg 42 Fruit
"We need to sketch the fruit in various states of decay", the teacher drawled.
9. A Pet's Name
Return with Honor by Scott O'Grady 10/4/2019
Page 92 Felix
She'd be coming to Italy the next week with her husband, Joseph, and her ninety-seven year old father-in-law, Felix Scandapano, how had relatives in the country.
10. Thing(s) That Are/is Cold
Return with Honor by Scott O'Grady 10/4/2019
Page 139 frostbite
I inspected my feet for frostbite.
11. Personality Traits
Return with Honor by Scott O'Grady 10/4/2019
Page 93 fearful
My mom was furious but not fearful.
12. Things at A Theme Park
The Mystery of Black Hollow Lane by Julia Nobel 10/8/2019
Page 230 flag
The school banner Manuela was carrying made Emmy's heart flutter more than the flag did.
Page 314 fountain
The car stopped right in front of the fountain and the driver jumped out.

message 5: by Sue (last edited Oct 27, 2019 10:08AM) (new)

Sue Lauzon | 278 comments I'm in for this month for this challenge.

Your letter is: F

October Scattergories
Duration: October 1, 2019 - October 31, 2019

Recurring Items:
1. Book Title ('the', 'an' and 'a' should be ignored)

The Family Beach House by Holly Chamberlin 10/07/19

2. Author (first or last name)

Not Just Another Cowboy by Carol Finch 10/18/19

3. Main Character (first or last name)

4. Secondary Character (first or last name)

The Family Beach House by Holly Chamberlin 10/07/19
Frank O' Connell
"Frank, her husband, had been gone for a little..." Chapter 1 Page 1

5. Place/Setting (either the name of an actual place OR a setting where the book takes place; i.e. for R you could use 'Rome' or 'ranch')

6. Item on cover (please show the cover and tell us the item or items)

The Family Beach House by Holly Chamberlin 10/07/19
The Family Beach House (A Yorktide, Maine Novel) by Holly Chamberlin

And the Specials for October are:

7. Frozen Foods
The Family Beach House by Holly Chamberlin 10/07/19
"He was a retired contractor who loved to fish..." Chapter 23 Page 1

8. Items on a Lunch Menu

The Family Beach House by Holly Chamberlin 10/07/19
"And some fries." Chapter 24 Page 3

9. A Pet's Name

Late Bloomer by Fern Michaels 10/26/19
"She snuggled into the fluffy comforter..." Page 130

10. Things That Are Cold

Not Just Another Cowboy by Carol Finch 10/18/19
"When Chance levered to his feet to clear..." Page 18

11. Personality Traits

Not Just Another Cowboy by Carol Finch 10/18/19
"...had turned a fun-loving young woman...." Page 9

12. Things at A Theme Park

message 6: by Denise (last edited Oct 12, 2019 06:56AM) (new)

Denise | 518 comments October Scattergories
Duration: October 1, 2019 - October 31, 2019


Recurring Items:
√1. Book Title ('the', 'an' and 'a' should be ignored) Far From the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy 10.8.19

√2. Author (first or last name) Alan Furst The Foreign Correspondent 10.11.19

√3. Main Character (first or last name) Frank Abbott The Fingerprint by Patricia Wentworth 10.2.19

√4. Secondary Character (first or last name) Captain FrickFuzz by Ed McBain 10.6.19

√5. Place/Setting (either the name of an actual place OR a setting where the book takes place; i.e. for R you could use 'Rome' or 'ranch') setting is a manor - Field End The Fingerprint by Patricia Wentworth 10.2.19

√6. Item on cover (please show the cover and tell us the item or items) The Fingerprint (Miss Silver, #30) by Patricia Wentworth there is a fingerprint over the image of the man and desk. by Patricia Wentworth 10.2.19

And the Specials for October are:

√7. Frozen Foods - FALAFEL
“a free falafel” p. 53 You're a Horrible Person, But I Like You: The Believer Book of Adviceby Eric Spitznagel 10.4.19

√8. Items on a Lunch Menu - FRENCH FRIES
“the beautician had greasy French fries for lunch” p. 69 You're a Horrible Person, But I LikeYou: The Believer Book of Adviceby Eric Spitznagel 10.4.19

√9. A Pet's Name - FLUFFY - “sent their sound with difficulty through the fluffy atmosphere” p. 105 Far From the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy 10.8.19

√10. Things That Are Cold - FEET - his eyes to the feet of the girl” p. 63 Far From the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy 10.8.19

√11. Personality Traits - FRIENDLY "he was supposedly friendly with Peg" p. 187 The Vault by Peter Lovesey 10.10.19

√12. Things at A Theme Park - FORTUNE TELLER - "just like the fortune teller at the fairground" p. 242 Consolation for an Exile by Caroline Roe 10.12.19

message 7: by Joann (last edited Oct 16, 2019 05:37PM) (new)

Joann | 1366 comments October Scattergories
Duration: October 1, 2019 - October 31, 2019

Recurring Items:
1. Book Title
Far from the Madding Crowd - Thomas Hardy - 10/3/19
2. Author
Redemption Point - Candice Fox - 10/5/19
3. Main Character (first or last name) Flavia
Golden Tresses of the Dead - Alan Bradley - 10/8/19
4. Secondary Character Fanny
Far from the Madding Crowd - Thomas Hardy - 10/3/19
5. Place/Setting - Farm
Far from the Madding Crowd - Thomas Hardy - 10/3/19
6. Item on cover - Flowers
Mrs. Jeffries and the Best Laid Plans (Mrs. Jeffries, #22) by Emily Brightwell - Emily Brightwell - 10/1/19

And the Specials for October are:
7. Frozen Foods - FRUIT
P. 160 “...all those whose flowers, FRUITS and vegetables….”
Golden Tresses of the Dead - Alan Bradley - 10/8/19
8. Items on a Lunch Menu - Fish
P. 284 “..started the petition against FISH on Friday’s”
A Prayer for Owen Meany - John Irving - 10/12/19
9. A Pet's Name FRED ebook p. 269 “I’ll ask Wiggins to take FRED for his walk.”
Mrs. Jeffries and the Best Laid Plans - Emily Brightwell - 10/1/19
10. Things That Are Cold - FACE
P. 203 “...that my FACE may freeze.”
Golden Tresses of the Dead - Alan Bradley - 10/8/19
11. Personality Traits - FIBBER
p. 74 “...a downright filthy FIBBER.”
Golden Tresses of the Dead - Alan Bradley - 10/8/19
12. Things at A Theme Park - FOOD
P. 160 “...for seating , for FOOD and so forth.”
Golden Tresses of the Dead - Alan Bradley - 10/8/19

message 8: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54251 comments Mod
Welcome Anne, Sue, Denise and Joann!!

message 9: by JennyR (last edited Oct 31, 2019 06:56PM) (new)

JennyR (jenniferra) | 628 comments October Scattergories - Letter F

Recurring Items:
✔ 1. Book Title ('the', 'an' and 'a' should be ignored)
Food: A Cultural Culinary History, Ken Albala -10/29

✔ 2. Author (first or last name)
The Sweater Workshop: Knit Creative, Seam-Free Sweaters on Your Own with Any Yarn, Jacqueline Fee -10/29

✔ 3. Main Character (first or last name) - Florence Armstrong
A Quiet Life In The Country, T E Kinsey -10/12
MC: Florence Armstrong

✔ 4. Secondary Character (first or last name) - Mary Frances
No Idle Hands: The Social History of American Knitting, Anne Macdonald -10/9
Page 249 have learnt it in childhood." Like Mary Frances, who followed …

✔ 5. Place/Setting (either the name of an actual place OR a setting where the book takes place - France & farm
The Under Dog and Other Stories, Agatha Christie -10/8
One story partially takes place in France and another takes place on a farm.

✔ 6. Item on cover (please show the cover and tell us the item or items) - face/fingers
No Idle Hands: The Social History of American Knitting, Anne Macdonald -10/9
No Idle Hands The Social History of American Knitting by Anne Macdonald

And the Specials for October are:
✔ 7. Frozen Foods - fish
Food: A Cultural Culinary History, Ken Albala -10/29

✔ 8. Items on a Lunch Menu - fruit
Food: A Cultural Culinary History, Ken Albala -10/29

✔ 9. A Pet's Name - Fannie
No Idle Hands: The Social History of American Knitting, Anne Macdonald -10/9
Loc 5253: Fannie Hurst, who predicted that woman's wartime focus..."

✔ 10. Things That Are Cold - frozen feet
No Idle Hands: The Social History of American Knitting, Anne Macdonald -10/9
Loc 4083: fuel and shelter are scarce may be saved from the curse of frozen feet.

✔ 11. Personality Traits - fierce
4.50 from Paddington, Agatha Christie -10/7
Page 270 sorry,” finished Miss Marple, looking as fierce as a fluffy old lady …

✔ 12. Things at A Theme Park - flags
No Idle Hands: The Social History of American Knitting, Anne Macdonald -10/9
Page 142 medicines, gun cases, canvas tents and flags.

message 10: by Ferenc (last edited Oct 12, 2019 12:23AM) (new)

Ferenc (aeneth) | 2445 comments October Scattergories - Letter F
Duration: October 1, 2019 - October 31, 2019

Goal: 12/12

1. Book Title ('the', 'an' and 'a' should be ignored)
Fairest - The Fairest Beauty by Melanie Dickerson – 10/01/2019

2. Author (first or last name)
Faulk, Jenn - Happily Ever After by Jenn Faulk – 10/11/2019

3. Main Character (first or last name)
Fielding, Jonas - Bookends by Liz Curtis Higgs – 10/09/2019

4. Secondary Character (first or last name)
Fielding, Nate - Bookends by Liz Curtis Higgs – 10/09/2019

5. Place/Setting
Forest - The Fairest Beauty by Melanie Dickerson – 10/01/2019

6. Item on cover
Forest - The Fairest Beauty by Melanie Dickerson – 10/01/2019
The Fairest Beauty (Hagenheim, #3) by Melanie Dickerson

7. Frozen Foods
Fish - The Fairest Beauty by Melanie Dickerson – 10/01/2019
...made her heart flop around like a fish on dry land. (Kindle Locations 1676-1677)

8. Items on a Lunch Menu
Fried apple pie - The Fairest Beauty by Melanie Dickerson – 10/01/2019
He took a huge bite of fried apple pie. (Kindle Location 2519)

9. A Pet's Name
Fluffy - Bookends by Liz Curtis Higgs – 10/09/2019
Fluffy and full around her delicate face... (Kindle Location 3709)

10. Things That Are Cold
Frost - Wicked Saints by Emily A. Duncan – 10/05/2019
...fields bitten by the frost of the long winter... (Kindle Location 2400)

11. Personality Traits
Fair - The Fairest Beauty by Melanie Dickerson – 10/01/2019
His few skills included flirting with fair maidens... (Kindle Location 176)

12. Things at A Theme Park
Flags - Bookends by Liz Curtis Higgs – 10/09/2019 red flags in the dirt, no notices posted. (Kindle Location 4296).

message 11: by [deleted user] (last edited Oct 31, 2019 05:42PM) (new)

Done. I didn't find an 'F' author.

October Scattergories F
Duration: October 1, 2019 - October 31, 2019

Recurring Items:
✔1. Book Title ('the', 'an' and 'a' should be ignored)
Fever/Mary Beth Keane

2. Author (first or last name)

✔3. Main Character (first or last name)
Frank Lloyd Wright Loving Frank

✔4. Secondary Character (first or last name)
Florenz Ziegfeld Grace in the Wings

✔5. Place/Setting (either the name of an actual place OR a setting where the book takes place; i.e. for R you could use 'Rome' or 'ranch')
Village of Fordham
Homer & Langley

✔6. Item on cover (please show the cover and tell us the item or items)
Homer & Langley by E.L. Doctorow Homer & Langley/E.L. Doctorow

And the Specials for October are:
✔7. Frozen Foods
.. " I need to go to the FISH market ".. pg 91

✔8. Items on a Lunch Menu
".. those who eat the FOOD she cooks .." pg 14

✔9. A Pet's Name
" .. FRANK the butler appeared .." pg 24

✔10. Things That Are Cold
" .. the Hudson FROZE and children skated on its shores .." pg 233

✔11. Personality Traits
" .. to be FAIR, I think of how I brought upon myself " .. pg 302

✔12. Things at A Theme Park
Loc 1493 " I've been offered a film" Grace in the Wings

Homer & Langley by E.L. Doctorow 10/1/19 4☆ Grace in the Wings (A Grace Michelle Mystery, #1) by Kari Bovee 10/2/19 2.5☆ Fever by Mary Beth Keane 10/4/19 3.25☆
Loving Frank by Nancy Horan 10/25/19

message 12: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54251 comments Mod
Welcome Jenny, Ferenc and Karen Kay!

message 13: by Tari (last edited Oct 31, 2019 08:16AM) (new)

Tari (thann) | 2205 comments October Scattergories-F
Duration: October 1, 2019 - October 31, 2019

Books can be used for more than one category
Finished Oct. 30, 2019

Recurring Items:
1. Book Title ('the', 'an' and 'a' should be ignored)
Framed for Murder Cathy Spencer 10/30/19
2. Author (first or last name)
Fox, Sarah--Of Spice and Men Sarah Fox 10/5/19
3. Main Character (first or last name)
Frost, Jennifer--Last Gasp Karen Chester 10/22/19
4. Secondary Character (first or last name)
Frieda Schmidt--Blueberry Cupcake Mystery Naomi Miller 10/9/19
5. Place/Setting (either the name of an actual place OR a setting where the book takes place; i.e. for R you could use 'Rome' or 'ranch') (The) Flip Side pancake shop, Marley's business place--Of Spice and Men Sarah Fox 10/5/19
6. Item on cover (please show the cover and tell us the item or items)
Feathers (on hat and boa) Murder at Hartigan House (Ginger Gold Mysteries #2) by Lee Strauss Lee Strauss 10/3/19

And the Specials for October are:
7. Frozen Foods--fishHalloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19 Ch. 4, pg. 42 "According to my father's admittedly embellished account, he'd been trolling the lake for fish when he'd seen the most breathtaking image on the beach..."
8. Items on a Lunch Menu--fruits Ch. 21, loc. 2280 "The buffet looked tempting with platters of pastries, sausages and fruits"
9. A Pet's Name--Felix (the neighbor's koala) Last Gasp Karen Chester 10/22/19
10. Things That Are Cold--fingers Ch. 26, loc. 2741 "I rubbed my icy fingers together."
11. Personality Traits fear Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19, Ch. 7, pg. 77 "...but my sympathy for the poor dog trapped in the dark won out over my fear."
12. Things at A Theme Park fries Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19, Ch. 7, pg. 70 "Warren shoved a handful of fries into his mouth and chewed."

message 14: by [deleted user] (last edited Oct 31, 2019 04:49PM) (new)

I love this challenge! You know I'm in. :)

October Scattergories - Letter F

Recurring Items:
1. Book Title ('the', 'an' and 'a' should be ignored)
Fit to be Tied by Mary Calmes - 10/9
Fit to be Tied (Marshals, #2) by Mary Calmes
2. Author (first or last name)
Lawless by T.M. Frazier - 10/31
Lawless (King, #3) by T.M. Frazier
3. Main Character (first or last name)
The Hookup by Kristen Ashley - 10/25 - MC is Izzy Forrester
The Hookup (Moonlight and Motor Oil #1) by Kristen Ashley
4. Secondary Character (first or last name)
Imperfect Match by Corinne Michaels - 10/31 - Reid's brother/roommate is Leo Fortino
Imperfect Match by Corinne Michaels
5. Place/Setting
Keepsake by Sarina Bowen - 10/02 - set on a farm
Keepsake (True North, #3) by Sarina Bowen
6. Item on cover (please show
the cover and tell us the item or items)

I Bet You by Ilsa Madden-Mills - 10/10 - football
I Bet You by Ilsa Madden-Mills

And the Specials for October are:
7. Frozen Foods
Hold On by Kristen Ashley - 10/20 - p. 135: "The remains of our frozen pizza, which had been our dinner..."
Hold On (The 'Burg, #6) by Kristen Ashley
8. Items on a Lunch Menu
After We Fall by Melanie Harlow - 10/22 - p. 102: "It's fried chicken."
After We Fall by Melanie Harlow
9. A Pet's Name
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling - 10/14 - Hagrid's pet is Fang
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Harry Potter, #3) by J.K. Rowling
10. Things That Are Cold
On a Cold Dark Sea by Elizabeth Blackwell - 10/5 - p, 2: "The creature standing before him looked like a character from a fairy tale, a frost maiden carved from snow."
On a Cold Dark Sea by Elizabeth Blackwell
11. Personality Traits
An Absolutely Remarkable Thing by Hank Green - 10/4 - p. 13: "Somehow, our dynamic hadn't fractured after graduation and we kept hanging out with funny, weird, smart, stupid Andy Skampt."
An Absolutely Remarkable Thing (An Absolutely Remarkable Thing, #1) by Hank Green
12. Things at A Theme Park
Overnight Sensation by Sarina Bowen - 10/27 - p. 8: "My family is a bunch of nerds."
Overnight Sensation (Brooklyn, #2) by Sarina Bowen

message 15: by Sarah-Jane (last edited Nov 02, 2019 05:36AM) (new)

Sarah-Jane Frances | 149 comments 💐🐸Yes Please🐸💐

October Scattergories - Letter F

Recurring Items:
💐 Book Title: Five Feet Apart, Rachael Lippincott, Nov 2nd
💐 Author: Fredrik Backman, Beartown, Oct 22 - **Fredrik**
💐 Main Character: Her Pretty Face, Robyn Harding, Oct 16 - **Frances Metcalfe**
💐 Secondary Character: The Nowhere Child, Christian White, Nov 2nd, **James Finn**
💐 Place/Setting: The Quiet Game, Greg Iles, Oct 12 - page 19 - Great, are you coming straight from Florida? - **Florida**
💐Item on cover: The Quiet Game (Penn Cage, #1) by Greg Iles , The Quiet Game, Greg Iles, Oct 12 - **Fire**

And the Specials for October are: 
💐 Frozen Foods: Zodiac, Romina Russell, Oct 17 - page 133 - ...creating a fish bowl at the bow. - **fish**
💐 Items on a Lunch Menu: The Quiet Game, Greg Iles, Oct 12 - page 73 - The bitter fruit of disappointment. - **Fruit**
💐 A Pet's Name: Zodiac, Romina Russell, Oct 17 - page 131 - His indigo eyes flash. - **flash**
💐 Things That Are Cold: Zodiac, Romina Russell, Oct 17 - page 25 - Where a face should be, there's only frost. **frost**
💐 Personality Traits: The Quiet Game, Greg Iles, Oct 12 - page 48 - I wonder if Annie will remember Ruby or be frightened. - **Frightened**
💐 Things at A Theme Park: The Quiet Game, Greg Iles, Oct 12 - page 11 - I've killed in defence of my family. - **Family**

message 16: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54251 comments Mod
Welcome Tari, Cyndee and Sarah-Jane!

message 17: by SANDYE (last edited Oct 20, 2019 09:27AM) (new)

SANDYE (sandye_c) | 1219 comments October Scattergories - Letter F
Duration: October 1 - October 31, 2019

Date Started: October 1, 2019
Date Completed: October 20, 2019

Remember to add sentence & Page/Loc for Items 7-12

12 / 12 - COMPLETED!!

Recurring Items:
1. Book Title - Fruit Pie with a Side of Danger (Danger in Treasure Cove 2) by Meredith Potts - 10/13/19
2. Author - A Deadly Delivery (Psychic Cafe 1) by April Fernsby - 10/5/19
3. Main Character Felicia - Fit to Be French Fried: A Felicia's Food Truck One Hour Mystery (Felicia's Food Truck 1) by Celia Kinsey - 10/20/19
4. Secondary Character - Fiona Watterson - Meredith Potts Halloween Cozy Mystery Set - Murder and Delicious Halloween Candy by Meredith Potts - 10/16/19
5. Place/Setting - Fletcher Canyon - Milkshakes and Murder (Mom and Christy 3) by Christy Murphy - 10/19/19
6. Item on cover - Feline - Purrfect Murder (Hazel Hart 1) by Louise Lynn - 10/3/19
Purrfect Murder (Hazel Hart #1) by Louise Lynn

And the Specials for October are:
7. Frozen Foods- Fish and chips - A Deadly Delivery (Psychic Cafe 1) by April Fernsby - 10/5/19 - LOC. 762 - A delicious smell of FISH and chips wafted towards us.
8. Items on a Lunch Menu - Frosted Cupcakes - Purrfect Murder (Hazel Hart 1) by Louise Lynn - 10/3/19 - Pg. 47 - ...and set a try of freshly FROSTED CUPCAKES in the display case
9. A Pet's Name - Frank - Fit to Be French Fried: A Felicia's Food Truck One Hour Mystery (Felicia's Food Truck 1) by Celia Kinsey - 10/20/19 - LOC 68 - Even FRANK, Arnie's grumpy, geriatric Dachshund likes her
10. Things That Are Cold - Frozen water - Purrfect Murder (Hazel Hart 1) by Louise Lynn - 10/3/19 - Pg. 116 - Took a few shots of Lake Celeste in the brisk morning air with the snow right up to the FROZEN WATER's edge.
11. Personality Traits - Forgiving - Purrfect Murder (Hazel Hart 1) by Louise Lynn - 10/3/19 - Pg. 35 - Celia was one of the most FORGIVING and kind people she'd ever met in her entire life
12. Things at A Theme Park - Food - Purrfect Murder (Hazel Hart 1) by Louise Lynn - 10/3/19 - Pg. 89 - A few tables had been set up in the corner with an array of FOOD and drinks and seats for those who wanted them.

message 18: by Tari (new)

Tari (thann) | 2205 comments JoAnne wrote: "Welcome Tari, Cyndee and Sarah-Jane!" Thanks, JoAnne!

message 19: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54251 comments Mod
Welcome SANDYE!

message 20: by [deleted user] (last edited Oct 16, 2019 01:37PM) (new)

October Scattergories - Letter F completion post
Duration: October 1, 2019 - October 31, 2019

1. Book Title – frankenstein - mary shelley 16.10.19Frankenstein
2. Author – felix francis triple crown 16.10.19 Triple Crown
3. Main Character – Freya is one of the main characters in All Things Nice – Shelia Bugler 03.10.19All Things Nice
4. Secondary Character - Harrison ford is mentioned quite a bit in Alec Baldwin’s book Nevertheless 01.10.19Nevertheless
5. Place/Setting – fasca in triple crown – felix francis 16.10.19 Triple Crown
6. Item on cover – a face – alec baldwin – nevertheless – 01.10.19 Nevertheless by Alec Baldwin
7. Frozen Foods p114 fish fingers scorpia – Anthony horowitz
8. Items on a Lunch Menu – fried rice – pg 245 nevertheless – alec baldwin 01.10.19Nevertheless
9. A Pet's Name we were liars – e lockhart 09.10.19 pg38 ‘ the golden retrievers …, Fatima’We Were Liars
10. Things That Are Cold - fingers
Page 214 good thing here. So . . .” She put her finger over her mouth … - nevertheless – alec baldwin 01.10.19Nevertheless
11. Personality Traits – friendly
Page 97 was a casual user, not twitchy. He was friendly and together. For him, co…- nevertheless – alec baldwin 01.10.19
12. Things at A Theme Park – fences
age 5 through a hole that had been cut into the fence and stepped out onto the … nevertheless – alec baldwin 01.10.19

message 21: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54251 comments Mod
Welcome Den and Tia!

message 22: by Jessica (last edited Oct 31, 2019 05:39PM) (new)

Jessica (jvblazejak) | 594 comments ✅Done!!!✅

October Scattergories ~Letter F~
Duration: October 1, 2019 - October 31, 2019


Recurring Items:
✔1. Book Title: Far from the Tree ★★★★★ 24 October
✔2. Author: ~ Flanagan, John ~ The Ruins of Gorlan ★★★ 29 October
✔3. Main Character (first or last name): ~Finley~ Boy 21 ★★★★ 8 October
✔4. Secondary Character (first or last name): ~Frankenstein~ The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein ★★★ 18 October
✔5. Place/Setting: ~ foster care ~ Greetings from Witness Protection! ★★★★ 13 October OR ~ fairgrounds ~ The Ruins of Gorlan ★★★ 29 October
✔6. Item on cover: ~ face~ Boy 21 ★★★★ 8 October

And the Specials for October are:
✔7. Frozen Foods: "Fish leapt from the water..." p. 221 The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein ★★★ 18 October
✔8. Items on a Lunch Menu: "...sharing an order of chili cheese fries..." p. 105 My Kind of Crazy ★★★ 19 October
✔9. A Pet's Name: "...reached for the flower." p. 11 Maybe This Time ★★★ 9 October
✔10. Things That Are Cold: "Victor's voice was as brittle as morning-frosted grass." p. 58 The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein ★★★ 18 October
✔11. Personality Traits: "...all my childhood vulnerability, fragility, and fierceness fell on my shoulders..." p. 223 The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein ★★★ 18 October
✔12. Things at A Theme Park: "'First dates are so weird.'" p. 7 or "Fairy lights were strung up between the poles..." p. 119 Maybe This Time ★★★ 9 October

Books Read:
Boy 21 by Matthew Quick Maybe This Time by Kasie West The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein by Kiersten White My Kind of Crazy by Robin Reul Far from the Tree by Robin Benway The Ruins of Gorlan (Ranger's Apprentice, #1) by John Flanagan Greetings from Witness Protection! by Jake Burt

message 23: by Carly (last edited Nov 03, 2019 10:15AM) (new)

Carly (car88) | 63 comments OCTOBER 2019 - SCATTERGORIES
·Post 24
(view spoiler)

Fashionably Hotter Than Hell (Hot Damned #6) by Robyn Peterman Darkyn's Mate (Rhyn Eternal, #3) by Lizzy Ford Thunder Hunter (Viking Soul #1) by Rachel Medhurst Desperate Measures (Wicked Villains, #1) by Katee Robert Gypsy Moon (All The Pretty Monsters, #4) by Kristy Cunning Broomstick Breakdown by Eve Langlais

Recurring Items:
Title - Fashionably Hotter Than Hell (10/6/19)
Author - Darkyn's Mate by Lizzy Ford (10/12/19)
Main Character
Secondary Character - Fate Darkyn's Mate (10/12/19)
Place/Setting - Fólkvangr, Freya's Field Thunder Hunter (10/18/19)
(view spoiler)
Item on Cover - Flying Witch Broomstick Breakdown (10/31/19)


October Specials:
Frozen Food - Fruit Gypsy Moon (10/30/19)
(view spoiler)
Item on a Lunch Menu - Fancy French Cheese Fashionably Hotter Than Hell (10/6/19)
(view spoiler)
Pet's Name - Freya Thunder Hunter (10/18/19)
Things that are Cold - Fridge Desperate Measures (10/21/19)
(view spoiler)
Personality Trait - Fierce Thunder Hunter (10/18/19)
(view spoiler)
Things at a Theme Park - Fried Food Desperate Measures (10/21/19)
(view spoiler)

message 24: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54251 comments Mod
Welcome Jessica and Carly!

message 25: by Erica (last edited Oct 21, 2019 09:53AM) (new)

Erica G | 172 comments October Scattergories - Letter F
Duration: October 1, 2019 - October 31, 2019

Recurring Items:
1. Book Title ('the', 'an' and 'a' should be ignored) - The Floating Feldmans by Elyssa Friedland 10/11/19
2. Author (first or last name) - The Floating Feldmans by Elyssa Friedland 10/11/19
3. Main Character (first or last name) - Elise Feldman The Floating Feldmans by Elyssa Friedland 10/11/19
4. Secondary Character (first or last name) - Annette Feldman The Floating Feldmans by Elyssa Friedland 10/11/19
5. Place/Setting - Foxworth Hall Christopher's Diary: Echoes of Dollanganger by V.C. Andrews 10/15/19
6. Item on cover (please show the cover and tell us the item or items) - Fruit & Flower The Murmur of Bees by Sofía Segovia The Murmur of Bees by Sofía Segovia 10/12/19

And the Specials for October are:
7. Frozen Foods - ...way beyond the offense of the fro yo... pg 25 The Floating Feldmans by Elyssa Friedland 10/11/19
8. Items on a Lunch Menu - ...being together without generous platters of gelite fish, eggplant spreads, and deli meats arranged... pg 16 The Floating Feldmans by Elyssa Friedland 10/11/19
9. A Pet's Name - If you stared at the pictures long enough, you could feel the fluffy bathrobe envelope you... pg 41 The Floating Feldmans by Elyssa Friedland 10/11/19
10. Things That Are Cold - There would also be frosts, droughts, and floods-the inevitable cycle. pg 47 The Murmur of Bees by Sofía Segovia 10/12/19
11. Personality Traits - Frantic - ...each squeak a groan of frantic admonition. pg 1 Christopher's Diary: Echoes of Dollanganger by V.C. Andrews 10/15/19
12. Things at A Theme Park - food - I began to bring in the food. pg 41 Christopher's Diary: Echoes of Dollanganger by V.C. Andrews 10/15/19

message 26: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54251 comments Mod
Welcome Erica!

message 27: by Shash (last edited Oct 22, 2019 11:00AM) (new)

Shash | 2702 comments October Scattergories - F
October 2019

Recurring Items:
1. Book Title
Falling for You by Becky Wade (10/15/19)
2. Author
A Princess and Her Billionaire Scoundrel at Sea by Stephanie Fowers (10/22/19)
3. Main Character - Morey Fraser
The Bugler by L.L. Muir (10/1/19)
4. Secondary Character - Frank
The Blindsided Groom by Heather Horrocks (10/2/19)
5. Place/Setting - Florida
Breathless by Belle Calhoune (10/20/19)
6. Item on cover - faces
Seeking Mr. Dependable by Cami Checketts (10/18/19)
Seeking Mr. Dependable (The Jane Austen Pact, #3) by Cami Checketts

And the Specials for October are:
7. Frozen Foods - fruit
The Bighearted Groom by Karly Stratford (10/1/19)
"...trays of little sandwiches, fruit, and mini candy bars." (Loc 911)
8. Items on a Lunch Menu - fries
The Ever After Groom by Carly Morgan (10/2/19)
"...and a double cheeseburger and some fries." (Loc 1141)
9. A Pet's Name - Fluffy
The Ever After Groom by Carly Morgan (10/2/19)
"...after Hazel put the fluffy red icing on it..." (Loc 862)
10. Things That Are Cold - feet
The Bugler by L.L. Muir (10/1/19)
"...jumped to their feet and shuffled toward the opening." (Loc 297)
11. Personality Traits - friendly
The Ever After Groom by Carly Morgan (10/2/19)
"...her expression somewhat less than friendly." (Loc 660)
12. Things at A Theme Park - food
The Bugler by L.L. Muir (10/1/19)
" exchange for food we desperately needed." (Loc 1050)

message 28: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54251 comments Mod
Welcome Shash!

message 29: by Rina (new)

Rina | 1084 comments October Scattergories - Letter F
Duration: October 1, 2019 - October 31, 2019

Recurring Items:
1. Book Title ('the', 'an' and 'a' should be ignored)
2. Author (first or last name)
3. Main Character (first or last name)
4. Secondary Character (first or last name)
5. Place/Setting (either the name of an actual place OR a setting where the book takes place; i.e. for R you could use 'Rome' or 'ranch')
6. Item on cover (please show the cover and tell us the item or items)

And the Specials for October are:
7. Frozen Foods
8. Items on a Lunch Menu
9. A Pet's Name
10. Things That Are Cold
11. Personality Traits
12. Things at A Theme Park

message 30: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54251 comments Mod
Welcome Rina!

message 31: by Jade aka MrsTosh (last edited Oct 11, 2019 03:50AM) (new)

Jade aka MrsTosh (mrstosh) | 709 comments October Scattergories - Letter F
Duration: October 1, 2019 - October 31, 2019
Found: 12/12

Recurring Items:
1. Book Title: Faking It
2. Author: Foster, Melissa - The Real Thing
3. Main Character: Fenrin - The Graces
4. Secondary Character: Highland Queen - Fleance
5. Place/Setting: Highland Vengeance - Fife, Scotland
6. Item on cover: Highland Queen - Feathers

And the Specials for October are:
7. Frozen Foods: Highland Vengeance - And he liked the summer fruits (Loc 214)
8. Items on a Lunch Menu: Highland Vengeance - Macbeth tried to get him to eat mashed fish (Loc 214)
9. A Pet's Name: A summer to Remember - I cup her fluffy face (Loc 84)
10. Things That Are Cold: Highland Vengeance - I’ve also felt a frost from him (Loc 160)
11. Personality Traits: Highland Queen - I will see them safely fostered in friendly hands (Loc 19)
12. Things at A Theme Park: Highland Vengeance - so I could prepare some food for the boy and myself. (Loc 258)

Faking It by K. Bromberg 01/10 *** Highland Vengeance (Celtic Blood #3) by Melanie Karsak 01/10 **** Highland Queen (Celtic Blood #4) by Melanie Karsak 02/10 **** A Summer to Remember by Victoria Cooke 07/10 **** The Real Thing (Sugar Lake, #1) by Melissa Foster 08/10 *** The Graces (The Graces, #1) by Laure Eve 10/10 **

message 32: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54251 comments Mod
Welcome Jade!

message 33: by Jade aka MrsTosh (new)

Jade aka MrsTosh (mrstosh) | 709 comments JoAnne wrote: "Welcome Jade!"

Thanks JoAnne :)

message 34: by Anne (new)

Anne | 1277 comments Hi JoAnne,

I found a great thing that is cold, but it's singular instead of plural. Is frostbite okay, or since I have plenty of time, should I keep looking?


message 35: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54251 comments Mod
Anne wrote: "Hi JoAnne,

I found a great thing that is cold, but it's singular instead of plural. Is frostbite okay, or since I have plenty of time, should I keep looking?


That's wonderful!!

message 36: by Anne (new)

Anne | 1277 comments JoAnne wrote: "Anne wrote: "Hi JoAnne,

I found a great thing that is cold, but it's singular instead of plural. Is frostbite okay, or since I have plenty of time, should I keep looking?


That's wonder..."

Terrific!! Thank you!!

message 37: by ✨ Vittoria ✨ (last edited Nov 01, 2019 10:41AM) (new)

✨ Vittoria ✨ | 541 comments October Scattergories
Duration: October 1, 2019 - October 31, 2019

Letter: F (12/12) ✅

Recurring Items:

1. Book Title: The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien - 17 Oct 19
The Fellowship of the Ring

2. Author: Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky - 28 Oct 19
Fyodor Dostoyevsky

3. Main Character: The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien - 17 Oct 19
Frodo Baggins

4. Secondary Character: A Perilous Undertaking by Deanna Raybourn - 05 Oct 19
Frederick Havelock

5. Place/Setting: Literally Murder by Ali Brandon - 26 Oct 19
Fort Lauderdale, Florida

6. Item on cover: The Dark Enquiry by Deanna Raybourn - 02 Oct 19 (Fan)
The Dark Enquiry (Lady Julia Grey, #5) by Deanna Raybourn


7. Frozen Foods: Death Waits in the Dark by Julia Buckley - 01 Oct 19 (Fruit)
"the other two in my fruit bowl." - loc. 265 epub

8. Items on a Lunch Menu: Death Waits in the Dark by Julia Buckley - 01 Oct 19 (Fruit)
"the other two in my fruit bowl." - loc. 265 epub

9. A Pet's Name: Death Waits in the Dark by Julia Buckley - 01 Oct 19 (Fluffy)
"and curled into a fluffy ball" - loc. 237 epub

10. Things That Are Cold: A Perilous Undertaking by Deanna Raybourn - 05 Oct 19 (Frost)
"she would be the frost to his fire." - loc. 150 epub

11. Personality Traits: A Perilous Undertaking by Deanna Raybourn - 05 Oct 19 (Fiendish)
"to use your fiendish wiles upon me" - loc. 330 epub

12. Things at A Theme Park: Death Waits in the Dark by Julia Buckley - 01 Oct 19 (French fries)
"reveal chicken nuggets and French fries." - loc. 162 epub

message 38: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54251 comments Mod
Welcome Vittoria!

Love the pet name!!

message 39: by Ebb (new)

Ebb (ebbsbooks) | 128 comments Letter F

1. Book Title ('the', 'an' and 'a' should be ignored)
2. Author (first or last name)
3. Main Character (first or last name)
4. Secondary Character (first or last name)
5. Place/Setting (either the name of an actual place OR a setting where the book takes place; i.e. for R you could use 'Rome' or 'ranch')
6. Item on cover (please show the cover and tell us the item or items)

message 40: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54251 comments Mod
Welcome BB!

message 41: by Denise (last edited Oct 09, 2019 08:06AM) (new)

Denise | 518 comments Joann wrote: "October Scattergories
Recurring Items:
1. Book Title
Far from the Madding Crowd - Thomas Hardy - 10/3/19

Hi Joann GMRA - Great minds read alike! I just noticed, as your post is just below mine, that we both read Far From the Madding Crowd. I hope you enjoyed it! I read it as a teen and now 50+years later re-read it and its a different book. With this read I felt much more frustrated with how he cast Bathsheba and some of her decisions, but I did enjoy the basic story very much,

message 42: by Jade aka MrsTosh (new)

Jade aka MrsTosh (mrstosh) | 709 comments Completed
October Scattergories - Letter F
Duration: October 1, 2019 - October 31, 2019
Found: 12/12

(view spoiler)

message 43: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54251 comments Mod

message 44: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54251 comments Mod
October Scattergories - Letter F

Recurring Items:

1. Book Title: Finn Beckett M.J. Fields 10/9/19

2. Author: M.J. Fields Finn Beckett 10/9/19

3. Main Character: Finn Beckett Finn Beckett M.J. Fields 10/9/19

4. Secondary Character: Walden Fisher Broken Promise Linwood Barclay 10/2/19

5. Place/Setting: Fairhope The Trouble with Goodbye Sarra Cannon 10/10/19

6. Item on cover: Fence Wrapped Up in You (Heartbreaker Bay, #8) by Jill Shalvis Wrapped Up in You Jill Shalvis 10/3/19

And the Specials for October are:
7. Frozen Foods: French Fries Broken Promise Linwood Barclay 10/2/19 p 389 ...throw frozen french fries into the oven.

8. Items on a Lunch Menu: Fried Chicken Broken Promise Linwood Barclay 10/2/19 p 158 ...a bucket of fried chicken, mashed potatoes...

9. A Pet's Name: Fido Surfside Sisters Nancy Thayer 10/8/19 p 210 Remember Fido? He went to dog heaven a few years ago.

10. Things That Are Cold: Freezer Broken Promise Linwood Barclay 10/2/19 p 90 pack from the freezer.

11. Personality Traits: Friendly Broken Promise Linwood Barclay 10/2/19 p 40 more friendly pat, "you better...

12. Things at A Theme Park: Ferris Wheel Broken Promise Linwood Barclay 10/2/19 p 138 Seeing that Ferris Wheel, the roller coaster....

message 45: by Ferenc (new)

Ferenc (aeneth) | 2445 comments COMPLETED!

October Scattergories - Letter F
Duration: October 1, 2019 - October 31, 2019

Goal: 12/12

1. Book Title ('the', 'an' and 'a' should be ignored)
Fairest - The Fairest Beauty by Melanie Dickerson – 10/01/2019

2. Author (first or last name)
Faulk, Jenn - Happily Ever After by Jenn Faulk – 10/11/2019

3. Main Character (first or last name)
Fielding, Jonas - Bookends by Liz Curtis Higgs – 10/09/2019

4. Secondary Character (first or last name)
Fielding, Nate - Bookends by Liz Curtis Higgs – 10/09/2019

5. Place/Setting
Forest - The Fairest Beauty by Melanie Dickerson – 10/01/2019

6. Item on cover
Forest - The Fairest Beauty by Melanie Dickerson – 10/01/2019
The Fairest Beauty (Hagenheim, #3) by Melanie Dickerson

7. Frozen Foods
Fish - The Fairest Beauty by Melanie Dickerson – 10/01/2019
...made her heart flop around like a fish on dry land. (Kindle Locations 1676-1677)

8. Items on a Lunch Menu
Fried apple pie - The Fairest Beauty by Melanie Dickerson – 10/01/2019
He took a huge bite of fried apple pie. (Kindle Location 2519)

9. A Pet's Name
Fluffy - Bookends by Liz Curtis Higgs – 10/09/2019
Fluffy and full around her delicate face... (Kindle Location 3709)

10. Things That Are Cold
Frost - Wicked Saints by Emily A. Duncan – 10/05/2019
...fields bitten by the frost of the long winter... (Kindle Location 2400)

11. Personality Traits
Fair - The Fairest Beauty by Melanie Dickerson – 10/01/2019
His few skills included flirting with fair maidens... (Kindle Location 176)

12. Things at A Theme Park
Flags - Bookends by Liz Curtis Higgs – 10/09/2019 red flags in the dirt, no notices posted. (Kindle Location 4296).

message 46: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54251 comments Mod
WOOHOO Ferenc!!

Yum - fried apple pies!

message 47: by Denise (new)

Denise | 518 comments Finished

October Scattergories
Duration: October 1, 2019 - October 31, 2019


Recurring Items:
√1. Book Title ('the', 'an' and 'a' should be ignored) Far From the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy 10.8.19

√2. Author (first or last name) Alan Furst The Foreign Correspondent 10.11.19

√3. Main Character (first or last name) Frank Abbott The Fingerprint by Patricia Wentworth 10.2.19

√4. Secondary Character (first or last name) Captain FrickFuzz by Ed McBain 10.6.19

√5. Place/Setting (either the name of an actual place OR a setting where the book takes place; i.e. for R you could use 'Rome' or 'ranch') setting is a manor - Field End The Fingerprint by Patricia Wentworth 10.2.19

√6. Item on cover (please show the cover and tell us the item or items) The Fingerprint (Miss Silver, #30) by Patricia Wentworth there is a fingerprint over the image of the man and desk. by Patricia Wentworth 10.2.19

And the Specials for October are:

√7. Frozen Foods - FALAFEL
“a free falafel” p. 53 You're a Horrible Person, But I Like You: The Believer Book of Adviceby Eric Spitznagel 10.4.19

√8. Items on a Lunch Menu - FRENCH FRIES
“the beautician had greasy French fries for lunch” p. 69 You're a Horrible Person, But I LikeYou: The Believer Book of Adviceby Eric Spitznagel 10.4.19

√9. A Pet's Name - FLUFFY - “sent their sound with difficulty through the fluffy atmosphere” p. 105 Far From the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy 10.8.19

√10. Things That Are Cold - FEET - his eyes to the feet of the girl” p. 63 Far From the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy 10.8.19

√11. Personality Traits - FRIENDLY "he was supposedly friendly with Peg" p. 187 The Vault by Peter Lovesey 10.10.19

√12. Things at A Theme Park - FORTUNE TELLER - "just like the fortune teller at the fairground" p. 242 Consolation for an Exile by Caroline Roe 10.12.19

message 48: by [deleted user] (last edited Oct 12, 2019 07:03AM) (new)

I like your #10. Mine are always cold, lol.

message 49: by Denise (new)

Denise | 518 comments Karen Kay wrote: "I like your #10. Mine are always cold, lol."

lol glad you like it!

message 50: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54251 comments Mod
WOOHOO Denise!!

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