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Archives - Monthly Challenges > October 2019 Scavenger Hunt - Oktoberfest

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message 1: by JoAnne (last edited Oct 24, 2019 09:06AM) (new)

JoAnne | 54251 comments Mod

Each month we will give you a list of 50 themed words to find in your books.

*There is no limit to how many words you can get per book.
*For each word please post a link to the book, the author, the date you finished it, plus the page number/location and a partial sentence where you found the word.
*Any reasonable forms are accepted.

Apple - A Touch of Ice - L.J. Charles (1/10/16)
I had a weakness for apple pie, heavy on the cinnamon... (loc. 245)

Any genre/format is fine.
Re-reads are OK.
No page minimum.
To count a book towards the challenge you must read the majority of it after the start date of the challenge.
Please post a partial list of the challenge when you sign up.

At the end of the month please re-post your whole challenge as a new message so that we can award your Hall of Fame badge!

(Even if you don't hit the level you were aiming for, you can still claim a badge for the words you did get.)


October Scavenger Hunt - Oktoberfest
Duration: October 1, 2019 - October 31, 2019

Choose your level:

das Bier: 10-20 words
Tracht: 21-40 words
Wiesn: 41-50 words

1. Afternoon
2. Alcohol
3. Attractions
4. Bands
5. Beer
6. Brew
7. Celebration
8. Community
9. Costumes
10. Crowds
11. Dancing
12. District
13. Enjoy
14. Entertainment
15. Event
16. Fairgrounds
17. Festival
18. Flavor
19. Food
20. Friends
21. Fun
22. German
23. Heritage
24. History
25. Hops
26. International
27. Keg
28. Kick off
29. Labels
30. Lager
31. Laughter
32. Limit
33. Malt
34. Music
35. Natural
36. October
37. Parade
38. People
39. Pretzel
40. Rides
41. Sausage
42. Season
43. Servers
44. Stein
45. Tent
46. Tradition
47. Vendor
48. Visitors
49. World
50. Yeast

message 2: by JoAnne (last edited Nov 05, 2019 01:09PM) (new)

JoAnne | 54251 comments Mod





Cindy III









Jade aka MrsTosh FINISHED
















✨ Vittoria ✨ FINISHED

message 3: by JoAnne (last edited Oct 20, 2019 08:00AM) (new)

JoAnne | 54251 comments Mod
October Scavenger Hunt - Oktoberfest
Wiesn: 41-50 words


16. Fairgrounds
39. Pretzel
44. Stein

Broken Promise Linwood Barclay 10/2/19
1. Afternoon p 6 ...three or four in the afternoon.
3. Attractions p 138 There are no other attractions, like a discount...
4. Bands p 94 ...up with rubber bands, and God knows...
5. Beer p 390 ...clutching a bottle of beer.
6. Brew p 271 ...the smell of brewing coffee...
7. Celebration p 6 ...or whatever the latest celebration of American...
8. Community p 38 ...taking to protect the squirrel community, and was more...
12. District p 318 ...and the district attorney made the decision: Bring her in.
13. Enjoy p 98 You think I enjoy this?
14. Entertainment p 41 ...person found entertainment value in killing...
15. Event p 348 ...but has no real memory of the event.
18. Flavor p 215 ...pick what flavor you want.
19. Food p 23 ...going without food for something on...
20. Friends p 16 Everything okay with your friends?
21. Fun p 182 ...decided to have some fun.
22. German p 333 ...marvelous piece of German engineering could go.
24. History p 23 ...a small part of local history would be toast.
25. Hops p 308 ... in the fence, hops behind the wheel of...
29. Labels p 215 ...said, examing the labels.
32. Limit p 23 ...could never limit himself to one slice...
34. Music p 174 Music spilled out of the residences.
35. Natural 139 ...there was a natural spring on the...
38. People p 11 Two people had left in the same week to...
40. Rides p 182 All the rides were still connected...
41. Sausage p 90 up some sausages so I could...
42. Season p 139 ...being there in the off-season, winding things...
45. Tent p 108 ...the local theme park has folded up its tent.
49. World p 17 Biggest scam in the world, bottled water.

Wrapped Up in You Jill Shalvis 10/3/19
9. Costumes p 69 see her and then stolen a bunch of costumes.
10. Crowds p 99 “I used to look at faces in crowds to see if I resembled any of them.”
11. Dancing p 103“Like the salsa and the cha-cha kind of dancing?”
31. Laughter p 18 Music and laughter poured out of there as she walked by...
43. Servers p 7 Not his server though.

The House of Closed Doors Jane Steen 10/4/19
36. October Loc 145 that bright, cold October morning.
46. Tradition Loc 110 ...dominated by Grandmama’s traditions, was regarded...
48. Visitors Loc 511 ...and my mother told visitors I was sick.

The Islanders Meg Mitchell Moore 10/7/19
2. Alcohol p 287 ...the salt air, abstaining from alcohol (the previous evening...

Surfside Sisters Nancy Thayer 10/8/19
17. Festival p 158 ...bookstores, libraries and book festivals, the proofreading...

Finn Beckett M.J. Fields 10/9/19
26. International p 210 As we’re sitting at Orlando International, waiting to board,...
28. Kick off p 164 They will kick off the show, play for half an hour,...

The Moment We Began Sarra Cannon 10/11/19
47. Vendor Loc 3047 ...can get on as a vendor.

Trick Or Treat Murder Leslie Meier 10/12/19
23. Heritage p 83 They saw my letter in Architectural Heritage magazine, and they...
37. Parade p 86 the Fourth of July parade, wondering what had...

Forever After Catherine Anderson 10/16/19
27. Keg p 17 ...graduation party, an all-night kegger at the gravel pits.

Love, Chocolate, and Beer Violet Duke 10/19/19
30. Lager Loc 1573 Rissa orders an Irish Car Bomb and a dark lager.
33. Malt Loc 1997 “In reality, one tasted like sugary spoiled malt vinegar and the other...

After the Flood Kassandra Montag 10/20/19
50. Yeast p 145 Marjan wanted yeast and Thomas wanted a hacksaw.

message 4: by [deleted user] (last edited Oct 26, 2019 05:13PM) (new)

I've never been to the Wiesn (Münchner or otherwise) but I'm in!


Icons of England by Bill Bryson (10/6/19)

1. Afternoon - In one day whe walked along the bank of the river Ottery, courtsey of an obliging farmer, tucked into some of the best pub grub in Lydford village and endet the afternoon underneath Widgery Cross on Brat Tor. (p 32)
2. Alcohol - But we soon had bread delivered from three bakeries to extend the choice; a video-loan service; bouquets of flowers; daily copies of the Sheffield newspaper, The Star; a fresh fruit and veg corner; a broken-biscuit discount rack; stacks of 55lb sacks of potatoes; two deep freezers; a wide range of dairy produce in open-shelved fridges and, best of all, we obtained an off-licence and sold alcohol. (p 340)
3. Attractions - Down Abbey Lane in East London there sits a building that will never rank among the city's main attractions. (p 261)
4. Bands + 37. Parade - The centrepiece of village life is the annual fair, where the charities and local traders have their stalls; brass bands play; beautiful babies compete for rosettes, likewise dogs; children's faces are painted; the bars to record business; celebrities play cricket,; and dignitaries dress up and parade, trying to impersonate Her Majesty's wave. (p 137)
5. Beer + 17. Festival - Beer festivals, horse trials, endurance races and, let us not forget, walking, are all here for the taking. (p 125)
6. Brew + 27. Keg - They had gone the fizzy route with their keg 'JC', but had retained proper bitter and a stronger, soupier brew called Directors. (p 188)
7. Celebration - Together they have created an ecletic and richly varied celebration of England's countryside. (p 14)
8. Community - The highest annual homicide rate in England has been achieved - if that is the word - by more than one community in the West Country. (p 90)
9. Costumes + 38. People - Walking early one winter morning round the Serpentine in Hyde Park two years ago, I saw a couple of wiry people coming out of a little hut wearing only swimming costumes, goggles and rubber caps, and heading straight for the water. (p 402)
10. Crowds - While I love all of these, I think I am happiest in the slightly more rugged conservation area, where the bluebells pop up in random fashion and the crowds tend not to go. (p 301)
11. Dancing - Spring, its cherry blossom dancing in the breeze with a promise of lazy afternoons of English tea on the lawn. (p 81)
12. District - The rot set in when Stone Age immigrants discovered what we now call the Lake District and a very useful greenstone. (p 74)
13. Enjoy + 24. History - And although our history books seem full of them - the royals grew forests to hunt them in, Georgian landowners created parks to show them off, and the poor used to enjoy feasting on them - many people have never seen one. (p 27)
15. Event - And a trip to Guildford, which was only about six miles away, was a special event. (p 147)
19. Food - Fortunately the grouse moors were already being managed by regular burning to provide a patchwork of different-aged heather stands, food, cover and shelter for the grouse and many other special creatures great and small. (p 75)
20. Friends - With friends I've hauled an absurdly inappropriate picnic up the south side (there is a remarkable account of a wagon train of a picnic ascending Skiddaw in the early nineteenth century). (p 129)
21. Fun - And waiting for them to appear was all part of the fun. (p 29)
22. German - Those high-banked, close-hedged little roads, often with grass growing down the middle, and a lack of signposts reminiscent of the summer of 1940 when they were taken down to confuse possible German paratroops, seem to deter many urban-minded folk. (p 71)
23. Heritage + 46. Tradition - It gives me hope that we will not allow our traditions and heritage to be swept away, and that we will look once more to the land for nourishment, healing, wisdom and inspiration. (p 14)
30. Lager - Some people asked for lager. (p 188)
31. Laughter - They cleared it, I didn't, and I ended up sitting on my arse in the stream-bed with their gleeful, smug laughter ringing in my ears, a sound that always spurred me on to greater acts of revenge. (p 132)
34. Music - Much of the Aldeburgh Music Festival takes place along its banks in a converted maltings - a complex of red-brick buildings sitting low in the landscape, whose steeped roofs are scarcely visible above the lie of the land. (p 48)
35. Natural + 49. World - Gouty and misshapen - with limbs lopped off - but with deep roots, these "King Lears of the natural world", as Thomas Pakenham puts it, have stoically endured all that has been flung at them. (p 41)
36. October - With the low October sun penetrating the vegetation, the trees themselves seem to be on fire. (p 239)
40. Rides - Cockles and mussels on the promenade; ice creams; amusement arcades and bingo halls when the weather is less kind; donkey rides on the sands; and deckchairs for relaxation. (p 95)
41. Sausage - Fox and Hounds, Free House, with a jolly hunting scene was worth a look: proper beer and possible some rudimentary food, such as sausage and mash. (p 188)
42. Season - Its subject is springtime and the great unfurling ecstasy of the English countryside in that season, a time when, as the song puts it, "The ewe bleats after the lamb/The cow lows after the calf." (p 61)
48. Visitors - The island is a surprisingly tranquil place, and in fact rather a lonely one, for few visitors find their way through the pedestrian tunnels that lead to it. (p 22)

The Big Over Easy (Nursery Crime, #1) by Jasper Fforde (10/13/19)

14. Entertainment - With the high level of fee-paying curiosity seekers the litmus test of its success, St. Cerebellum's even outstripped Bedlam as those requiring lunatic-based entertainment flocked to Reading in droves. (p 168)
18. Flavor - The popularity of Nail Soup continues to spread across Reading this week with the news that Smileyburger has added Nailburger to its product list and the makers of Cup-A-Soup, Pot Noodle and Walkers Crisps are introducing "nail flavor to their product line. (p 331)
26. International - Twenty-one years further on, Chymes was still a serious international player in the world of competitive detecting, and Mary had never missed an issue. (p 21)
32. Limit - "An excellent question, Mr. Hatchett, and one that pushed my deducting powers to the limit." (p 28)
45. Tent - An uniformed officer in a raincoat pointed them towards a white scene-of-crime tent set up behind the grandstand. (p 304)

Dear Fahrenheit 451 A Librarian's Love Letters and Break-Up Notes to Her Books by Annie Spence (10/21/19)

16. Fairgrounds - Who had been to concerts that did not take place at the fairgrounds. (p 24)
28. Kick off - And five hours of slushy, icy, semi-truck-y driving that lay between me and my happy childhood home seemed like a shitty way to kick off the holiday. (p 130)
44. Stein - Then that piece by Gertrude Stein that people assumed they were too dim to understand, but turns out Gertrude's lover was jealous of a woman namend May and made her change every instance of "may" to "can", rendering it kind of gibberish. (p 142)

Doctor Who Twelve Angels Weeping Twelve stories of the villains from Doctor Who by Dave Rudden (10/27/19)

25. Hops - "I don't know," Vastra said, trying not to wrinkle her nose against the stench of the burnt hops with which they brewed their ale. (p 222)
43. Servers - City Ten had left a simple goodbye message repeating on its comm servers, like a guest politely excusing themselves form a party, and then they had gone dark as well. (p 20)


29. Labels
33. Malt
39. Pretzel
47. Vendor
50. Yeast

message 5: by [deleted user] (last edited Oct 31, 2019 05:32PM) (new)

Done. I didn't find FAIRGROUNDS; LAGER

October Scavenger Hunt - Oktoberfest
Duration: October 1, 2019 - October 31, 2019

Choose your level:
Wiesn: 41-50 words

1. Afternoon .. every afternoon there were merry sing alongs .. Homer & Langley pg 124

2. Alcohol .. serving alchohol without a license.. Homer & Langley pg 72

3. Attractions .. It is an attraction greater even than the Empire State Building .. Homer & Langley pg 189

4. Bands .. the same swing bands .. Homer & Langley pg 85

5. Beer .. You'd think it was something to hold beer .. Homer & Langley pg 104

6. Brew .. a brew thick with okra .. Homer & Langley pg 78

7. Celebration .. day of delirious celebration .. Homer & Langley pg 103

8. Community. .. And in the whole community every house was like that .. Homer & Langley pg 124

9. Costumes .. creation of elaborate costumes .. Grace in the Wings loc 90

10. Crowds. .. ice cream vendors tossing Popsicles to the crowds .. Homer & Langley pg 100

11. Dancing .. But I had listened to the sound of their dancing .. Homer & Langley pg 65

12. District .. Fifth Avenue to the Dime Savings on Worth Street in the Financial District, ... Homer & Langley pg 181

13. Enjoy .. it's yours. Enjoy. Grace in the Wings loc 58

14. Entertainment .. this has brought you some entertainment .. Grace in the Wings loc 4558

15. Event .. only one more passing event in our lives .. Homer & Langley pg 112

16. Fairgrounds

17. Festival .. racer up in Paintrock on festival days .. One for the Blackbird, One for the Crow loc 6997

18. Flavor .. the flavor of cheese she had eaten .. One for the Blackbird, One for the Crow loc 2405

19. Food .. How many days have I been without food .. Homer & Langley pg 208

20. Friends. .. We were friends and if she had slept with me, well, that's what friends did. .. Homer & Langley pg 154

21. Fun .. fun of even as he gave himself to it. .. Homer & Langley pg 147

22. German .. That is a song right out of German metaphysics .. Homer & Langley pg 74

23. Heritage .. representing Shan's heritage .. The Edge of Lost

24. History .. of the greatest genius in the history of music .. Homer & Langley pg 20

25. Hops .. he took a few practice hops .. One for the Blackbird, One for the Crow loc 3518

26. International .. she thinks, international long distance .. The Fragments loc 1328

27. Keg .. he said that I remembered the empty keg .. Homer & Langley pg 104

28. Kick off .. he kicked off sleep .. So Brave, Young and Handsome loc 33

29. Labels .. slid across the label at the center of the record .. Homer & Langley pg 60

30. Lager

31. Laughter .. I'd hear laughter or chattering in another room .. Homer & Langley pg 152

32. Limit .. He did not limit himself to oil paints for his compositions .. Homer & Langley pg 133

33. Malt .. an eighteen year old malt whiskey .. A Dangerous Place pg 135

34. Music .. There is music in words .. Homer & Langley pg 202

35. Natural .. separate category for natural disasters such as epidemics .. Homer & Langley pg 48

36. October .. This was early in October of that year. .. Homer & Langley pg 141

37. Parade .. And when the Armistice Day parade was held .. Homer & Langley pg 22

38. People .. with so many people out of work .. Homer & Langley pg 62

39. Pretzel .. the legs over her head pretzel position .. The Edge of Lost

40. Rides .. singing about doggies, or sleigh rides .. Fever pg 101

41. Sausage .. He nodded to the wandering sausage man .. Fever pg 199

42. Season .. anticipation of the coming flu season .. Homer & Langley pg 154

43. Servers .. servers hurrying about not in chaos .. The Whiskey Rebels pg 231

44. Stein .. the director Harvey Stein .. Grace in the Wings loc 3355

45. Tent .. The tent was as warm as any house .. Fever pg 257

46. Tradition .. He referred to it as the annual tradition .. Fever pg 140

47. Vendor .. ice cream vendors tossing Popsicles to the crowds .. Homer & Langley pg 100

48. Visitors .. they told her there were no visitors
allowed .. Fever pg 33

49. World .. knew what was going on around the world .. Homer & Langley pg 104

50. Yeast. .. bring her flour, yeast, butter .. Fever pg 72

Homer & Langley by E.L. Doctorow 10/1/19 4☆ Grace in the Wings (A Grace Michelle Mystery, #1) by Kari Bovee 10/2/19 2.5☆ Fever by Mary Beth Keane 10/4/19 3.25☆
The Fragments by Toni Jordan 10/5/19 2.75☆ One for the Blackbird, One for the Crow by Olivia Hawker 10/7/19 3.25☆ The Edge of Lost by Kristina McMorris 10/7/19 4☆
The Whiskey Rebels by David Liss 10/12/19 3☆ So Brave, Young and Handsome by Leif Enger 10/15/19 4☆ A Dangerous Place (Maisie Dobbs, #11) by Jacqueline Winspear 10/19/19 4☆

message 6: by Denise (last edited Oct 30, 2019 04:05PM) (new)

Denise | 518 comments Finished
Thank you!!!!

October Scavenger Hunt - Oktoberfest
Duration: October 1, 2019 - October 31, 2019 10.2.19


Choose your level:

Wiesn: 41-50 words

The Fingerprint (Miss Silver, #30) by Patricia Wentworth The Fingerprint by Patricia Wentworth

1. Afternoon – “hoping to collect him this afternoon” p. 130
6. Brew – “Mrs. Stokes excellent brew” p. 40
10. Crowds – “three quarters of the assembled crowds were women” p. 1
11. Dancing – “the dancing light would pick her up” p. 140
12. District – “one of the best news-gatherers in the district.” P. 57
13. Enjoy – “I used to enjoy it very much” p. 40
15. Event “these events were ordinary enough” p. 40
19. Food – “She produces oodles of food” p. 114
20. Friends “All my friends say they don’t know how I put up with it” p. 129
21. Fun – “there was no fun” p. 71
22. German “There was a verse my German governess made me learn” p. 1
24. History “related the supposed history of a murderer’s fingerprints” p. 146
31. Laughter “He broke into rather shaky laughter” p. 83
34. Music – “the music delightful” p. 16
35. Natural “Wouldn’t it have been natural for him?” p. 80
38. People “There were people to dinner before the dance” p. 78
41. Sausage “Anthony ate a sausage…” p. 130
42. Season “nature will at seasons break through” p. 98
48. Visitors “his version of a visitors’ book” p. 7
49. World “one of the strongest forces in the world.” P. 83

You're a Horrible Person, But I Like You The Believer Book of Advice by Eric Spitznagel You're a Horrible Person, But I Like You: The Believer Book of Advice ed. Eric Spitznagel 10.4.19

2. Alcohol “quality time you get to spend with alcohol.” P. 104
3. Attractions – “decide on a few regional tourist attractions.” P. 132
5. Beer “told our class that French people hate root beer” p. 82
8. Community – “just check myself into a retirement community?” p. 22
17. Festival “paper tickets are wasteful and added to the festival’s already excessive littering.” P. 146
23. Heritage – “proud of my Norwegian heritage.” P. 80
26. International”I enjoy cooking international dishes…” p. 82
32. Limit “Tell your sister not to limit herself.” P. 165
43. Servers “about how you need to change servers” p. 23
47. Vendor – “out of print and overpriced by vendors” p. 214

Fuzz (87th Precinct, #22) by Ed McBain Fuzz by Ed McBain 10.6.19

39. Pretzel “A pretzel salesman…” p. 131

Far from the Madding Crowd by Clare West Far from the Madding Crowd

4. Bands “hay bands wound around his ankle” p. 48
14. Entertainment “termination to the evening’s entertainment” p. 110
33. Malt “sweet smell of new malt” p. 48
36. October – “malting season from October to April” p. 273
37. Parade – “lamps were being lighted along the parade” p. 601
45. Tent – “a circular tent…was in course of erection here” p 623
46. Tradition “carried on the local traditions and humours” p. 9

The Vault (Peter Diamond, #6) by Peter Lovesey The Vault by Peter Lovesey 10.10.19

25. Hops – “If he hops it, he’ll be revealed as callous and uncaring” p. 78
30. Lager “an ice cold lager would go down nicely.” P. 138
40. Rides – “merry-go-round…pony rides” p. 219

The Foreign Correspondent (Night Soldiers, #9) by Alan Furst The Foreign Correspondent by Alan Furst 10.11.19

29. Labels –“cut the French labels off” p. 239

Consolation for an Exile (Chronicles of Isaac of Girona, #8) by Caroline Roe Consolation for an Exile by Caroline Roe 10.14.19

16. Fairgrounds “advice from a fairground fortuneteller” p. 235
18. Flavor “one is bitter and the other has an odd flavor.” P. 142

Jigsaw (87th Precinct, #24) by Ed McBain Jigsaw by Ed McBain 10.14.19

44. Stein “Jerry Stein, who drove the getaway heap…” p 150

When Everything Changed The Amazing Journey of American Women from 1960 to the Present by Gail Collins When Everything Changed: The Amazing Journey of American Women from 1960 to the Present by Gail Collins 10.16.19

7. Celebration – “greatest irony of the celebration of the 40 years of suffrage” p. 66

9. Costumes “glamorous “Bunnies” in their scanty costumes.” P . 156

Unto the Soul by Aharon Appelfeld Unto the Soul by Aharon Appelfeld 10.20.19

27. Keg “where porters loaded bales and kegs” p. 137


28. Kick off
50. Yeast

message 7: by Emeli (last edited Oct 21, 2019 04:45AM) (new)

Emeli Webb | 487 comments List:
1. Afternoon- Smoking Gunn Loc 2215 it's mid - afternoon
2. Alcohol- Taste Loc 773 but then i got the familiar sharpness of alcohol on my tongue Finished 4/10
3. Attractions
4. Bands
5. Beer- Not Another Statistic Loc 731 i spun to find yuri in the Shadows sipping at a Beer Finished 2/10
6. Brew- Calculated Magic Loc 207 blowing on the steaming brew
7. Celebration
8. Community- Smoking Gunn Loc 2086 he's a respectable Member of the community Finished 14/10
9. Costumes- Papa Bear for Darius: A MM Mpreg Shifter Romance Loc 114 I'd agreed before Knowing costumes were required
10. Crowds- Calculated Magic Loc 280 but rarley did they have crowds this large during the week
11. Dancing- Vampire Bait Loc 115 i can Picture them dancing Finished 21/10
12. District- Smoking Gunn Loc 2382 that changed a few moments later when the district attorney walks in the door
13. Enjoy- Calculated Magic Loc 135 so for now he was going to enjoy the beautiful early fall night
14. Entertainment
15. Event
16. Fairgrounds
17. Festival
18. Flavor- First Priority Loc 1545 and I didn't know whose flavor i was tasting anymore
19. Food- Not Another Statistic Loc 346 i holsterd my weapon reached into my pocket to take out Enough to cover the food and tip
20. Friends- Wrapped in Leather Loc 978 if it could even be called that before they were friend Finished 6/10
21. Fun- Smoking Gunn Loc 2171 she's not having fun
22. German
23. Heritage
24. History- First Priority Loc 1404 it was hard to wrap my head around that kind of history
25. Hops
26. International
27. Keg- First Priority Loc 1408 he was a handsome man with large biceps good for lifting kegs of beer
28. Kick off
29. Labels
30. Lager
31. Laughter- Taste Loc 1559 skylar's did too before we Both burst into laughter
32. Limit
33. Malt
34. Music- Calculated Magic Loc 280 and the music added to it until it was just a stream of jumbled noise Finished 19/10
35. Natural- Second Time Around Loc 90 a boy Who was a natura leader
36. October-Vampire Bait it's october and outside is cold and dark Finished 21/10
37. Parade
38. People- Not Another Statistic Loc 725 There were always leftovers for late arrivals or People Who Worked nights to help with paying for their oasis
39. Pretzel
40. Rides
41. Sausage
42. Season
43. Servers
44. Stein
45. Tent
46. Tradition- First Priority Loc 1579 and it's traditipn
47. Vendor
48. Visitors
49. World- Calculated Magic Loc 167 give him books and equations and all was right in his world
50. Yeast- First Priority Loc 1404 we walked in to the yeasty smell of Beer and frying oil

message 8: by [deleted user] (last edited Nov 05, 2019 05:42AM) (new)

October Scavenger Hunt - Oktoberfest
Wiesn: 41-50 words


Comfort Food by Sierra Riley
Comfort Food by Sierra Riley - read 10/1
1. Afternoon: p. 131: "It was still on his mind all throughout the afternoon..."
2. Alcohol: p. 91: "Alcohol is a natural depressant..."
5. Beer: p. 65: "A nice, dark, bitter beer was a great combination..."
12. District: p. 134: "...they moved slowly through the old commercial district..."
13. Enjoy: p. 7: "...he suffered from a terminal inability to enjoy himself in social situations."
15. Event: p. 19: "The event was sold out..."
18. Flavor: p. 55: "...but it adds a lot of flavor."
19. Food: p. 25: "...delivers it to local food banks and homeless shelters."
20. Friends: p. 27: "He definitely didn't have twenty friends to bring to a sporting event..."
21. Fun: p. 37: "...but this was just a bit of fun."
22. German: p. 6: "Maybe I should learn German."
23. Heritage: p. 10: "...old Victorian was one of the heritage gems of their neighborhood."
24. History: p. 115: "He could read about aviation history all day..."
31. Laughter: p. 25: "Another pause for laughter."
32. Limit: p. 192: "He nearly broke the speed limit..."
34. Music: p. 117: "...a hum of thought rather than music."
35. Natural: p. 157: "His presence had upset the natural flow of things..."
38. People: p. 19: " was a prime people watching spot."
42. Season: p. 56: "While you do that, I'll season."
43. Servers: p. 19: "Servers dutifully doled out canapes and wine."
49. World: p. 9: "'ve got to let yourself be part of the world again."

An Absolutely Remarkable Thing (An Absolutely Remarkable Thing, #1) by Hank Green
An Absolutely Remarkable Thing by Hank Green - read 10/4
4. Bands: p. 155: "...including bands, artists, authors, politicians, hosts, actors..."
8. Community: p. 28: "I'm white and I was raised in a very white community."
10. Crowds: p. 31: "I got there before the crowds did, but it's wild out there now."
14. Entertainment: p. 32: "There indeed were a bunch from entertainment managers and agents."
26. International: p. 30: It has to be some kind of international street art project..."
37. Parade: p. 295: "The parade, of course, is called off..."
45. Tent: p. 209: "He's filming as they remove the tent..."
46. Tradition: p. 343: "It is a tradition in your stories."
48. Visitors: p. 343: "...who did nothing besides show excitement in our visitors..."

On a Cold Dark Sea by Elizabeth Blackwell
On a Cold Dark Sea by Elizabeth Blackwell - read 10/5
11. Dancing: p. 87: "...his brother's intended dancing with someone else."
50. Yeast: p. 155: "...waiting for Mrs. Wickstrom to fetch more yeast from the storeroom."

Fit to be Tied (Marshals, #2) by Mary Calmes
Fit to be Tied by Mary Calmes - read 10/9
41. Sausage: p. 198: "You want the hot Italian sausage or the regular?"

I Bet You by Ilsa Madden-Mills
I Bet You by Ilsa Madden-Mills - read 10/10
25. Hops: p. 129: "...until he hops away and glares death daggers at me."
27. Keg: p. 153: " pizza boxes on the counter, and a keg in the kitchen."
29. Labels: p. 98: "I thought you were above all the labels at Waylon."
36. October: p. 225: "We walk out the door and into the cool October air."
40. Rides: p. 199: "...and he rides it out with me..."

Blood Truth (Black Dagger Legacy, #4) by J.R. Ward
Blood Truth by J.R. Ward - read 10/17
9. Costumes: p. 6: "...the dim light and the costumes and the pushing and shoving making it impossible..."

A Rogue by Any Other Name (The Rules of Scoundrels, #1) by Sarah MacLean
A Rogue by Any Other Name by Sarah MacLean - read 10/18
47. Vendor: p. 265: "...she stepped off the ice and hobbled toward a chestnut vendor..."

Hold On (The 'Burg, #6) by Kristen Ashley
Hold On by Kristen Ashley - read 10/20
6. Brew: p. 371: "...and nabbed a bottle of his favorite brew."
7. Celebration: p. 99: "...that in itself would be cause for celebration..."

Save the Date by Annabeth Albert
Save the Date by Annabeth Albert - read 10/24
28. Kick off: loc 1048: "You want to kick off the line..."
30. Lager: loc 738: "He picked a dark lager brewed at a place right in the gorge..."

Kissing Galileo (Dear Professor, #2) by Penny Reid
Kissing Galileo by Penny Reid - read 10/30
44. Stein: loc 1073: "I can brain-spar with Dr. Victor Genius Stein."

message 9: by SANDYE (last edited Oct 18, 2019 02:06PM) (new)

SANDYE (sandye_c) | 1219 comments October Scavenger Hunt - Oktoberfest
Duration: October 1, 2019 - October 31, 2019

Date Started: October 1, 2019
Date Completed:

Choose your level:
das Bier: 10-20 words
Tracht: 21-40 words 34 found
Wiesn: 41-50 words

1. Afternoon - Purrfect Murder (Hazel Hart 1) by Louise Lynn - 10/3/19 - pg. 185 - After her AFTERNOON shoot, Hazel let Michael go home early and decided to close up shop.
2. Alcohol - Meredith Potts Halloween Cozy Mystery Set - Halloween Candy with a Side of Murder by Meredith Potts - 10/16/19 - LOC 3047 - Some turned to ALCOHOL
3. Attractions - Meredith Potts Halloween Cozy Mystery Set - Murder and Delicious Halloween Candy by Meredith Potts - 10/16/19 - LOC 1675 - the scenery was the ATTRACTION as much as anything
4. Bands - Purrfect Murder (Hazel Hart 1) by Louise Lynn - 10/3/19 - Pg. 143 - "Shouldn't have done that. Made the Ska BAND worse."
5. Beer - A Deadly Delivery (Psychic Cafe 1) by April Fernsby - 10/5/19 - LOC. 924 - He gave her a sharp nod and took a swig from his BEER
6. Brew -Meredith Potts Halloween Cozy Mystery Set -Murder and Delicious Halloween Candy by Meredith Potts - 10/16/19 - LOC 1873 - When paired with a surge of denial, it made for a particularly unsettling BREW
7. Celebration - Purrfect Murder (Hazel Hart 1) by Louise Lynn - 10/3/19 - Pg. 88 - Hazel wasn't certain of that yet, wasn't as big a deal as the Christmas or New Year's CELEBRATIONS.
8. Community - Purrfect Murder (Hazel Hart 1) by Louise Lynn - 10/3/19 - Pg. 127 - Well, as it is only fitting to welcome you to our lovely little COMMUNITY, I can make you one as well, sheriff.
9. Costumes - Purrfect Murder (Hazel Hart 1) by Louise Lynn - 10/3/19 - Pg. 161 - She came back after your sister showed up and was looking at the COSTUMES.
10. Crowds - Purrfect Murder (Hazel Hart 1) by Louise Lynn - 10/3/19 - Pg. 91 - Speaking of Dirk - she went back to eyeing the CROWD as Celia picked through the table of hors d'oeuvres
11. Dancing -Meredith Potts Halloween Cozy Mystery Set - Murder and Delicious Halloween Candy by Meredith Potts - 10/16/19 - LOC 222 - People are DANCING
12. District -Meredith Potts Halloween Cozy Mystery Set - Murder and Delicious Halloween Candy by Meredith Potts - 10/16/19 - LOC 1498 - until David was able to speak with the DISTRICT attorney in the morning
13. Enjoy - Purrfect Murder (Hazel Hart 1) by Louise Lynn - 10/3/19 - Pg. 168 - She settled on the couch with her mom, sister, and niece to watch a movie and ENJOY a dessert of strawberry shortcake.
14. Entertainment
15. Event - A Deadly Delivery (Psychic Cafe 1) by April Fernsby - 10/5/19 - LOC. 1246 - This is a serious turn of EVENTS.
16. Fairgrounds
17. Festival
18. Flavor - Meredith Potts Halloween Cozy Mystery Set - Murder and Delicious Halloween Candy by Meredith Potts - 10/16/19 - LOC 2761 - Not only was a pumpkin FLAVORED latte in my future
19. Food - Purrfect Murder (Hazel Hart 1) by Louise Lynn - 10/3/19 - Pg. 80 - A shiver charged through her as Lydia brought the FOOD to the table and set it down.
20. Friends - Purrfect Murder (Hazel Hart 1) by Louise Lynn - 10/3/19 - Pg. 41 - That's what her detective FRIENDS on the LAPD always told her.
21. Fun - Purrfect Murder (Hazel Hart 1) by Louise Lynn - 10/3/19 - Pg. 79 - She was going through the costumes and saying it would be FUN to dress up.
22. German - Fruit Pie with a Side of Danger (Danger in Treasure Cove 2) by Meredith Potts - 10/13/19 - LOC 1003 - It turned out that the dog that had barked at us was a GERMAN Shephard
23. Heritage
24. History - Purrfect Murder (Hazel Hart 1) by Louise Lynn - 10/3/19 - Pg. 93 - I have a long HISTORY as a detective out of San Francisco, so you're in good hands.
25. Hops
26. International
27. Keg
28. Kick off
29. Labels -Meredith Potts Halloween Cozy Mystery Set - Murder and Delicious Halloween Candy by Meredith Potts - 10/16/19 - LOC 2104 - Mr. Gordon, instead of putting LABELS on everything
30. Lager
31. Laughter - Purrfect Murder (Hazel Hart 1) by Louise Lynn - 10/3/19 - Pg. 127 - Hazel tried to fight back a snort of LAUGHTER but didn't manage it.
32. Limit - Purrfect Murder (Hazel Hart 1) by Louise Lynn - 10/3/19 - Pg. 6 - She needed her fix, but she had LIMITS too
33. Malt
34. Music - Purrfect Murder (Hazel Hart 1) by Louise Lynn - 10/3/19 - Pg. 108 - They were back in the ballroom, though the MUSIC had stopped
35. Natural -Meredith Potts Halloween Cozy Mystery Set - Halloween Candy with a Side of Murder by Meredith Potts - 10/16/19 - LOC 958 - It's only NATURAL that you'd suspect me
36. October -Meredith Potts Halloween Cozy Mystery Set - Halloween Candy with a Side of Murder by Meredith Potts - 10/16/19 - LOC 1489 - spooky things always seemed to happen during the month of OCTOBER
37. Parade
38. People - Purrfect Murder (Hazel Hart 1) by Louise Lynn - 10/3/19 - Pg. 122 - Two PEOPLE is hardly the whole town, young man.
39. Pretzel
40. Rides - Purrfect Murder (Hazel Hart 1) by Louise Lynn - 10/3/19 - Pg. 61 - According to them, Sara and Dirk had gone out for a midday boat RIDE
41. Sausage
42. Season - Purrfect Murder (Hazel Hart 1) by Louise Lynn - 10/3/19 - Pg. 35 - During the hunting SEASON, there were a few accidental shootings every year
43. Servers - Meredith Potts Halloween Cozy Mystery Set - Halloween Candy with a Side of Murder by Meredith Potts - 10/16/19 - LOC 4386 - As a matter of fact, she was our SERVER that morning as well.
44. Stein
45. Tent -Meredith Potts Halloween Cozy Mystery Set - Murder and Delicious Halloween Candy by Meredith Potts - 10/16/19 - LOC 3949 - His TENT and supplies were there, but there was no sign of Patrick anywhere.
46. Tradition - Meredith Potts Halloween Cozy Mystery Set - Murder and Delicious Halloween Candy by Meredith Potts - 10/16/19 - LOC 1993 - I had learned that TRADITIONALLY the domain of the guilty
47. Vendor
48. Visitors - Meredith Potts Halloween Cozy Mystery Set - Murder and Delicious Halloween Candy by Meredith Potts - 10/16/19 - LOC 3314 - in the northeast corner of town which drew VISITORS from all over the state
49. World - Purrfect Murder (Hazel Hart 1) by Louise Lynn - 10/3/19 - Pg. 155 - Dad. I knew you'd come through. Even half a WORLD away.
50. Yeast

message 10: by Kendra (last edited Oct 31, 2019 10:56PM) (new)

Kendra | 2246 comments October Scavenger Hunt - Oktoberfest
Duration: Oct. 1st, 2019 - Oct. 31st, 2019

Choose your level:
das Bier: 10-20 words
Tracht: 21-40 words
Wiesn: 41-50 words


1. Afternoon
Rosemary and Rue by Seanan McGuire - Oct. 4th
Have a good afternoon, Toby" pg.165
2. Alcohol
A Local Habitation by Seanan McGuire - Oct. 9th
"Giving her the alcohol tolerance" pg. 1
3. Attractions
Mansfield Park by Jane Austen - Oct. 20th
"Fanny's attractions increased" pg. 159
4. Bands
Rosemary and Rue by Seanan McGuire - Oct. 4th
"I could pick out the darker bands of brown" pg. 25
5. Beer
Rosemary and Rue by Seanan McGuire - Oct. 4th
"Knives carved from broken beer bottles" pg. 16
6. Brew
Rosemary and Rue by Seanan McGuire - Oct. 4th
"I put a pot of coffee on to brew" pg. 48
7. Celebration
Origins of the Specious: Myths and Misconceptions of the English Language by Patricia T. O'Conner - Oct. 6th
"A Pioneer Days celebration in rural Iowa" pg. 54
8. Community
Rosemary and Rue by Seanan McGuire - Oct. 4th
"They had an entire community" pg. 16
9. Costumes
Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? by Mindy Kaling - Oct. 9th
"Halloween costumes were horses" pg. 40
10. Crowds
Mansfield Park by Jane Austen - Oct. 20th
"Are lost there in the crowds" pg. 63
11. Dancing
Rosemary and Rue by Seanan McGuire - Oct. 4th
"The world where time dwells, dancing" pg. 78
12. District
A Local Habitation by Seanan McGuire - Oct. 9th
"To exit the commercial district" pg. 3
13. Enjoy
Rosemary and Rue by Seanan McGuire - Oct. 4th
"Probably nothing I'd enjoy" pg. 123
14. Entertainment
Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? by Mindy Kaling - Oct. 9th
"The only option for real entertainment" pg. 47
15. Event
Origins of the Specious: Myths and Misconceptions of the English Language by Patricia T. O'Conner - Oct. 6th
"The event had all the trimmings" pg. 54
16. Fairgrounds
17. Festival
Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? by Mindy Kaling - Oct. 9th
"To see a music festival" pg. 178
18. Flavor
One Salt Sea by Seanan McGuire - Oct. 25th
"By another, more urgent flavor" pg. 312
19. Food
Rosemary and Rue by Seanan McGuire - Oct. 4th
"My food was still cooking" pg. 48
20. Friends
Rosemary and Rue by Seanan McGuire - Oct. 4th
"I wanted to make friends" pg. 15
21. Fun
Rosemary and Rue by Seanan McGuire - Oct. 4th
"It's still more fun for me" pg. 239
22. German
Origins of the Specious: Myths and Misconceptions of the English Language by Patricia T. O'Conner - Oct. 6th
"Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish and of course German" pg. 18
23. Heritage
Rosemary and Rue by Seanan McGuire - Oct. 4th
"It wasn't just his heritage" pg. 175
24. History
Origins of the Specious: Myths and Misconceptions of the English Language by Patricia T. O'Conner - Oct. 6th
"Here's some history" pg. 30
25. Hops
Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? by Mindy Kaling - Oct. 9th
"And hops into an Escalade" pg. 203
26. International
27. Keg
The Library of the Unwritten by A.J. Hackwith - Nov. 1st
"It appeared to be a keg room" at 36%
28. Kick off
29. Labels
A Local Habitation by Seanan McGuire - Oct. 9th
"The labels said 'contracting bonus'" pg. 182
30. Lager
31. Laughter
Rosemary and Rue by Seanan McGuire - Oct. 4th
"She laughed like she'd just invented laughter" pg. 5
32. Limit
Rosemary and Rue by Seanan McGuire - Oct. 4th
"But that's about my limit" pg. 169
33. Malt
34. Music
Rosemary and Rue by Seanan McGuire - Oct. 4th
"The music thumping in the background" pg. 85
35. Natural
Rosemary and Rue by Seanan McGuire - Oct. 4th
"The natural decoy of any seaside city" pg. 72
36. October
Rosemary and Rue by Seanan McGuire - Oct. 4th
"Something wrong, October?" pg. 18
37. Parade
Origins of the Specious: Myths and Misconceptions of the English Language by Patricia T. O'Conner - Oct. 6th
"Turned in to Your Hit Parade" pg. 34
38. People
Rosemary and Rue by Seanan McGuire - Oct. 4th
"A lot of people were willing to say that" pg. 7
39. Pretzel
One Salt Sea by Seanan McGuire - Oct. 25th
"Blow this pretzel stand with me" pg. 277
40. Rides
An Artificial Night by Seanan McGuire - Oct. 12th
"Tell her he Rides" pg. 78
41. Sausage
A Local Habitation by Seanan McGuire - Oct. 9th
"Egg and sausage croissant" pg. 73
42. Season
Origins of the Specious: Myths and Misconceptions of the English Language by Patricia T. O'Conner - Oct. 6th
"Two English words for the season" pg. 9
43. Servers
A Local Habitation by Seanan McGuire - Oct. 9th
One of the Sun servers" pg. 76
44. Stein
45. Tent
Origins of the Specious: Myths and Misconceptions of the English Language by Patricia T. O'Conner - Oct. 6th
"There must have been a beer tent" pg. 54
46. Tradition
Rosemary and Rue by Seanan McGuire - Oct. 4th
"A long-standing tradition" pg. 178
47. Vendor
The Library of the Unwritten by A.J. Hackwith - Nov. 1st
"Sweet-talk the ticket vendor" 47%
48. Visitors
The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman - Oct. 13th
"Signs advised visitors to keep out" pg. 328
49. World
Rosemary and Rue by Seanan McGuire - Oct. 4th
"Worked for the mortal world" pg. 43
50. Yeast
Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? by Mindy Kaling - Oct. 9th
"Strep Throat vs. Yeast Infection" pg. 148

message 11: by Tari (last edited Oct 22, 2019 09:04AM) (new)

Tari (thann) | 2205 comments October Scavenger Hunt - Oktoberfest
Duration: Oct. 1st, 2019 - Oct. 31st, 2019


1. Afternoon Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19 Ch. 2, p. 24 "Saturday afternoon in the park," Hazel answered.
2. Alcohol Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19, Ch. 12 p. 112 "The four of us sat around the fire Zak had built, sipping on some secret recipe that tasted a lot like pure alcohol."
3. Attractions Last Gasp Karen Chester 10/22/19 Ch. 6, loc. 952 "...from the centre of town and close to many tourist attractions"
4. Bands A Potion to Die For Heather Blake 10/4/19, Ch. 11 p. 121 "We have special engravings on the inside of our bands."
5. Beer Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19, Ch. 6 p. 60 "...tagged with colorful epitaphs but there was an assortment of beer bottles all over the floor."
6. Brew Beyond a Reasonable Stout Ellie Alexander 10/2/19, Ch. 1 loc. 92 "He had inherited the historic inn that now housed our brew operations from his great aunt Tess."
7. Celebration Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19, Ch. 16, p. 141 "...I'd met Zak, Ellie and a newly-released Levi for a victory celebration"
8. Community Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19, Ch. 1, p. 2 "When we aren't rescuing animals and placing them in homes around the community, I volunteer at the senior center where I horn in on their book club."
9. Costumes Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19, Ch. 2 p. 24 "We're asking everyone to wear costumes to both the pep rally and the game."
10. Crowds Beyond a Reasonable Stout Ellie Alexander 10/2/19, Ch. 11, loc. 1181 "She cut to footage of the huge Oktoberfest crowds."
11. Dancing Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19, Ch. 2, p. 26 "...cheesecake and margaritas had been dancing through my mind."
12. District Chickenlandia Mystery Daisy Pettles 10/11/19 Ch. 17, loc. 1594 "She seemed to know all about district attorneys, bail and criminal proceedings."
13. Enjoy Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19, Ch. 10 p. 99 "Not much we can do about it at this point, so you may as well relax and enjoy the show."
14. Entertainment Of Spice and Men Sarah Fox 10/5/19, Ch. 2 loc. 232 "I had no desire to give up The Flip Side to pursue a career in the entertainment industry, but I was interested to know what the women did behind the scenes..."
15. Event Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19, Ch. 1, p. 1 "Ashton Falls was decorated festively for the annual Haunted Hamlet: a four-day event comprised of a haunted barn, spooky maze, zombie run, kiddie carnival and pumpkin patch."
16. Fairgrounds (found singular) Read and Buried Eva Gates 10/7/19 Ch. 19, loc. 3211 "By quarter to one, the lighthouse lawn had been turned into a fairground with tents and tables under colorful umbrellas and a small sta..."
17. Festival Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19 Ch. 2 p. 22 "Holding a carnival, festival or some other fundraising event every few weeks was taking its toll on..."
18. Flavor Beyond a Reasonable Stout Ellie Alexander 10/2/19, Ch. 6 loc. 645 "Even without cacao nibs, it had a dark, biscuit flavor with notes of caramel."
19. Food Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19, Ch. 4 p. 37 "I figured you had enough food for one more, but I brought a couple of extra steaks just in case..."
20. Friends Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19, Ch. 2 p. 26 "Fall is mating season for many of our wildlife friends."
21. Fun Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19, Ch. 14, p. 129 "This is really fun," Zak said as he peeked around the intersection we'd come to."
22. German Beyond a Reasonable Stout Ellie Alexander 10/2/19 Ch. 1, loc. 81 "...Leavenworth is as close as one can get to traveling to the German countryside without actually being in Europe."
23. Heritage Beyond a Reasonable Stout Ellie Alexander 10/2/19, Ch. 22 loc. 2413 "...the Leavenworth business community with a serious commitment to preserving our German heritage."
24. History Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19, Ch. of bonus story "Zoe's Treasure": "and Ethan Carlton, a retired history professor."
25. Hops Beyond a Reasonable Stout Ellie Alexander 10/2/19, Ch. 1 loc. 14 "I asked Garrett as I dumped a box of fresh Chinook hops into the shiny stainless-steel fermenting tank."
26. International Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19 Ch. 6, p. 57 "...exchanging goods procured by a friendly pregame raid and not engaging in international espionage."
27. Keg Beyond a Reasonable Stout Ellie Alexander 10/2/19, Ch. 32, loc. 3224 "I was just saying to Garrett that I'd love to get a keg of this on tap at the Underground."
28. Kick off Beyond a Reasonable Stout Ellie Alexander 10/2/19, Ch. 2 loc. 176 "The ceremonial lighting would kick off the holidays and was followed by the Bavarian Christmas markets where..."
29. Labels Beyond a Reasonable Stout Ellie Alexander 10/2/19, Ch. 15 loc. 1651 "He handed Mac the sheet of labels and kissed my cheek."
30. Lager Beyond a Reasonable Stout Ellie Alexander 10/2/19, Ch. 4 loc. 388 "...him to distinguish the unique subleties in a pilsner versus a lager was impossible."
31. Laughter Beyond a Reasonable Stout Ellie Alexander 10/2/19 Ch. 11, loc. 1159 "Hearing the sound of the boys' laughter helped remind me of what a happy place this used to be."
32. Limit Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19 Ch. 8 p. 79 "A few minutes of chitchat are about my limit with Tanner."
33. Malt Beyond a Reasonable Stout Ellie Alexander 10/2/19, Ch. 5 loc. 576 "Garrett was filling the mash tub with malt."
34. Music Beyond a Reasonable Stout Ellie Alexander 10/2/19, Ch. 1 loc. 24 "Every weekend saw a new round of revelers, the constant sound of oompah music, street..."
35. Natural Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19 Ch. 14 p. 132 "Everyone figured the snake invasion was some natural occurrence brought on by recent rain."
36. October Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19, Ch. 4 p. 36 "Fantastic weather for October," she commented as she twisted her straight brown hair into a knot..."
37. Parade Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19 Ch. 14 p. 127 "I watched the kids lining up for the costume parade as I paused to let everything process."
38. People Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19, Ch. 6 p. 57 "Too many people around."
39. Pretzel Beyond a Reasonable Stout Ellie Alexander 10/2/19 Ch. 25 loc. 2664 "Heidi ripped off another piece of pretzel."
40. Rides Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19 Ch. 2, p. 23 " open daily through Saturday, as will the pumpkin patch, the hay rides and the haunted marathon at the theater."
41. Sausage Beyond a Reasonable Stout Ellie Alexander 10/2/19 Ch. 4 loc. 425 "He chomped a bite of the chicken sausage."
42. Season Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19, Ch. 1 p. 5 "The biggest game of the season and the team's star running back in involved in a..."
43. Servers Beyond a Reasonable Stout Ellie Alexander 10/2/19 Ch. 2 loc. 238 "...but as you can see there isn't any room to send our servers out with trays."
44. Stein Beyond a Reasonable Stout Ellie Alexander 10/2/19, Ch. 24 loc. 2603 "Heidi lifted her stein and clicked it to mine."
45. Tent Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19, Ch. 13 p. 118 " I headed to the snack tent where Ryan was chatting with a group of guys..."
46. Tradition Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19, Ch. 1 p. 4 "While the pregame psych-out is a time-honored tradition in our little corner of the world, this year. with the matchup of historical rivals..."
47. Vendor Beyond a Reasonable Stout Ellie Alexander 10/2/19, Ch. 6 loc. 626 "...would be a refreshing beer to sip while strolling through the vendor booths at the holiday market."
48. Visitors Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19, Ch. 2 p. 15 "...between the hours of six a.m. and two p.m., locals and visitors alike gather at Rosie's to share a meal..."
49. World Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19, Ch. 6 p. 55 "What was the world coming to?"
50. Yeast Beyond a Reasonable Stout Ellie Alexander 10/2/19, Ch. 6 locl. 714 "Sugar activates the yeast and helps ignite the fermentation process."

message 12: by Celia (last edited Nov 01, 2019 03:51PM) (new)

Celia Buell (celiareadsbooks) | 1191 comments 23 words

1. Afternoon - " choice reading time in the afternoon..." p.83 Educating Esmé Diary of a Teacher's First Year by Esmé Raji Codell 10/31
2. Alcohol
3. Attractions
4. Bands - "...rubber bands, gum..." p.51 Educating Esmé Diary of a Teacher's First Year by Esmé Raji Codell 10/31
5. Beer - "...'I'll just have a beer.'" p.11 Cat Person by Kristen Roupenian 10/30
6. Brew
7. Celebration
8. Community - "...administrators, teachers, and community members." p.7 Educating Esmé Diary of a Teacher's First Year by Esmé Raji Codell 10/31
9. Costumes - "...make their own costumes..." p.70 Educating Esmé Diary of a Teacher's First Year by Esmé Raji Codell 10/31
10. Crowds
11. Dancing - " if they were dancing." p.4 Cat Person by Kristen Roupenian 10/30
12. District - "...a Northeast school district..." p.197 Educating Esmé Diary of a Teacher's First Year by Esmé Raji Codell 10/31
13. Enjoy - "...was not a person who would enjoy being laughed at..." p.18 Cat Person by Kristen Roupenian 10/30
14. Entertainment - "...wants me around for entertainment value..." p.111 Educating Esmé Diary of a Teacher's First Year by Esmé Raji Codell 10/31
15. Event - "...after the event p.18 Cat Person by Kristen Roupenian 10/30
16. Fairgrounds
17. Festival - " Fairy Tale Festival." p.7 Educating Esmé Diary of a Teacher's First Year by Esmé Raji Codell 10/31
18. Flavor
19. Food - " food in her room..." p.4 Cat Person by Kristen Roupenian 10/30
20. Friends - "...nearly all her friends had." p.26 Cat Person by Kristen Roupenian 10/30
21. Fun - "...that Robert would make fun of..." p.11 Cat Person by Kristen Roupenian 10/30
22. German
23. Heritage
24. History - "...questions about the history of Halloween." p.51 Educating Esmé Diary of a Teacher's First Year by Esmé Raji Codell 10/31
25. Hops
26. International - " international theme..." p.69 Educating Esmé Diary of a Teacher's First Year by Esmé Raji Codell 10/31
27. Keg
28. Kick off
29. Labels
30. Lager
31. Laughter - "...though the laughter had a slightly hysterical edge." p.19 Cat Person by Kristen Roupenian 10/30
32. Limit - "Sky's the limit..." p.80 Educating Esmé Diary of a Teacher's First Year by Esmé Raji Codell 10/31
33. Malt
34. Music - "...putting on music." p.16 Cat Person by Kristen Roupenian 10/30
35. Natural
36. October - "October 1" p.37 Educating Esmé Diary of a Teacher's First Year by Esmé Raji Codell 10/31
37. Parade
38. People - " group of people in line." p.9 Cat Person by Kristen Roupenian 10/30
39. Pretzel
40. Rides
41. Sausage
42. Season - "...Cinderella wearing to the ball this season?" p.9 Educating Esmé Diary of a Teacher's First Year by Esmé Raji Codell 10/31
43. Servers
44. Stein
45. Tent
46. Tradition
47. Vendor
48. Visitors " visitors who finish..." p.28 Educating Esmé Diary of a Teacher's First Year by Esmé Raji Codell 10/31
49. World
50. Yeast

message 13: by Kimberly (last edited Nov 01, 2019 11:33AM) (new)

Kimberly (whatkreads) | 662 comments October Scavenger Hunt - Oktoberfest
Duration: October 1, 2019 - October 31, 2019
Choose your level: das Bier: 10-20 words
Found: 28

1. Afternoon: Lord of the Pies by Nell Hampton pg. 59 "Maybe, just maybe, I would have my job back by the end of the afternoon." (10.3.19)

2. Alcohol: Lord of the Pies by Nell Hampton pg. 108 “Jasper finally ordered tapas and we are trying to calm down the effects of the alcohol.” (10.4.19)

3. Attractions
4. Bands

5. Beer: Lord of the Pies by Nell Hampton pg. 24 "We coated it with a gluten-free beer batter and egg and deep-fried it in olive oil." (10.3.19)

6. Brew: Lord of the Pies by Nell Hampton pg. 168 “I was starting the brew when I heard Chef yell.” (10.6.19)

7. Celebration

8. Community: Apple Cider Slaying by Julie Anne Lindsey Loc 373 “Hearing a beloved member of our community killed her arch nemesis in an Apple press is some pretty juicy fodder.” (10.9.19)

9. Costumes: The Christmas Keeper by Jenn McKinlay Loc 920 “When she’d signed on for this gig, it had not included dressing up in horrible costumes.” (10.23.19)

10. Crowds: Apple Cider Slaying by Julie Anne Lindsey Loc. 59 “She hadn’t quite brought the idea that her orchard could be a popular Black Friday alternative for those who didn’t want to shop retail or fight the crowds.” (10.8.19)

11. Dancing: Lord of the Pies by Nell Hampton pg. 243 “Then let’s go out to dinner, maybe some dancing.” (10.7.19)

12. District

13. Enjoy: Apple Cider Slaying by Julie Anne Lindsey Loc 1981 “I paused to enjoy the dimple that appeared on his left cheek and the kindness in his eyes. “ (10.14.19)

14. Entertainment: Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston pg. 129 “The entertainment for the night is a British indie rocker who looks like a root vegetable and is popular with people in Alex’s demographic for reasons he can’t even begin to understand.” (10.16.19)

15. Event: Lord of the Pies by Nell Hampton pg. 4 "A year ago, my girlfriend in New York had gotten sick and needed me to step in to cater an event for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's visit to the states." (10.2.19)

16. Fairgrounds: Apple Cider Slaying by Julie Anne Lindsey Loc 1051 “Thanks to a tri-county tractor pull at the fairgrounds and the local FFA banquet, the diner was too busy for me to glean any new gossip.” (10.9.19)

17. Festival: Apple Cider Slaying by Julie Anne Lindsey Loc 1059 “Now, Christmas at the Orchard would culminate in a rousing three-day weekend festival!” (10.9.19)

18. Flavor: Apple Cider Slaying by Julie Anne Lindsey Loc 1131 “I’d loved Apple cider since my very first taste, and I’d tried different ways to serve it as soon as I was old enough to realize how adding different ingredients changed the flavor.” ((10.10.19)

19. Food: Lord of the Pies by Nell Hampton pg. 46 "But I have food in the oven and need to put away the other ingredients I have out." (10.3.19)

20. Friends: Lord of the Pies by Nell Hampton pg. 105 “My friends are going to love you.” (10.4.19)

21. Fun: Lord of the Pies by Nell Hampton pg. 53 "I want you to have fun while you're young." (10.3.19)

22. German
23. Heritage

24. History: Apple Cider Slaying by Julie Anne Lindsey Loc 1993 “If the fire had gotten out of control and burned this down, the entire country would be short a piece of its history.” (10.13.19)

25. Hops

26. International: Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston pg. 7 “Well, you don’t have to like him, you just have to put on a happy face and not cause an international incident at his brother’s wedding.” (10.15.19)

27. Keg
28. Kick off
29. Labels
30. Lager

31. Laughter: Lord of the Pies by Nell Hampton pg. 301 “We worked that morning in warmth and laughter.” (10.7.19)

32. Limit

33. Malt: Apple Cider Slaying by Julie Anne Lindsey “We hadn’t even looked at the menus, but Colton ordered a burger, fries and chocolate malt.” (10.14.19)

34. Music: Lord of the Pies by Nell Hampton pg. 62 "I could hear the pounding music on the street outside." (10.3.19)

35. Natural: Apple Cider Slaying by Julie Anne Lindsey Loc 886 “It all looked very natural, but no one’s skin is that taut and perfect at her age, and I know her age.” (10.9.19)

36. October
37. Parade

38. People:Lord of the Pies by Nell Hampton pg. 73 "I've never done it, but I heard about other people - you know people like Wentworth - doing it." (10.3.19)

39. Pretzel
40. Rides

41. Sausage: Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston pg. 221 “Other politicians don’t want people -especially discerning young people like you - to get up close in our offices and see just how the sausage gets made” (10.18.19)

42. Season
43. Servers
44. Stein

45. Tent: Lord of the Pies by Nell Hampton pg. 115 “He led us to a tent that was set up with six baking areas.” (10.5.19)

46. Tradition: The Christmas Keeper by Jenn McKinlay Loc 257 “Is naming the bird a Copeland family tradition or something?” (10.21.19)

47. Vendor
48. Visitors

49. World: Apple Cider Slaying by Julie Anne Lindsey Loc 265 “The world seemed to spin faster.” (10.8.19)

50. Yeast

Books Read:
Lord of the Pies by Nell Hampton (10.7.19)
Apple Cider Slaying by Julie Anne Lindsey (10.15.19)
Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston (10.21.19)
The Christmas Keeper by Jenn McKinlay (10.27.19)

message 14: by Sue (last edited Nov 01, 2019 07:34AM) (new)

Sue Lauzon | 278 comments This one looks really hard but I'm in

Going for Weisn level 41-50 Words

October Scavenger Hunt - Oktoberfest
Duration: October 1, 2019 - October 31, 2019

Choose your level:
das Bier: 10-20 words
Tracht: 21-40 words
Wiesn: 41-50 words



17. Festival
23. Heritage
27. Keg
28. Kick off
30. Lager
33. Malt
44. Stein
47. Vendor
50. Yeast

Born to be Bad by Crystal Green 10/31/19

43. Servers - "I swear, I'm a great server." Page 18

Daddy's Gone a Hunting by Mary Higgins Clark 10/30/19

12. District - " the district attorney's..." Page 70

26. International - "...they represented international real estate..." Page 125

Late Bloomer by Fern Michaels 10/26/19

40. Rides - "I'm going to take a ride on my bike." Page 3

22. German - "...into the dark eyes of a mangy, filthy, scrawny German shepherd..." Page 17/18

25. Hops - "Now, hop to it." Page 21

39. Pretzel - "... along with a bowl of pretzels..." Page 60

Not Just Another Cowboy by Carol Finch 10/18/19

16. Fairgrounds - " held at the fairgrounds in..." Page 35

41. Sausage - "...devoured his eggs, sausage and..." Page 42

37. Parade - "...marched off like soldiers on parade." Page 52

49. World - "Sure as the world turned..." Page 55

29. Labels - "...he should be labeled armed..." Page 66

The Family Beach House by Holly Chamberlin 10/07/19

38. People - "...continue to teem with people." Prologue Page 1

10. Crowds - "Craig didn't mind the crowds." Prologue Page 1

3. Attractions - " of the main attractions..." Prologue Page 1

7. Celebration - "Patriot's Day celebration..." Prologue Page 2

15. Event - "...the mid-December event..." Prologue Page 2

42. Season - "...start of the holiday season..." Prologue Page 2

4. Bands - "...and the band..." Prologue Page 3

21. Fun - "...just for fun." Chapter 1 Page 2

20. Friends - ",,,free time with friends." Chapter 1 Page 3

1. Afternoon - "...remembered a spring afternoon..." Chapter 1 Page 3

19. Food - "...searching for food..." Chapter 1 Page 4

13. Enjoy - " enjoy a meal..." Chapter 2 Page 5

36. October - "...into early October..." Chapter 4 Page 4

11. Dancing - " get people dancing." Chapter 4 Page 5

48. Visitors - "...the summer visitors to..." Chapter 4 Page 7

35. Natural - " its natural habitat." Chapter 4 Page 7

46. Tradition - "You're a tradition-bound..." Chapter 7 Page 9

5. Beer - "I'm a one-beer sort of guy..." Chapter 7 Page 9

31. Laughter - "Laughter and conversation..." Chapter 9 Page 1

45. Tent - "We could have a tent..." Chapter 11 Page 4

2. Alcohol - "Alcohol will make me feel..." Chapter 14 Page 4

8. Community - "...with a community of..." Chapter 19 Page 2

9. Costumes - "...anything costume and funky." Chapter 24 Page 1

14. Entertainment - "...the sheer entertainment value..." Chapter 24 Page 5

34. Music - "...maybe catch some live music." Chapter 27 Page 1

6. Brew - "Craig was brewing a pot of tea." Chapter 29 Page 4

18. Flavor - "...with it's heavily smoky flavor..." Chapter 29 Page 4

32. Limit - "...there's a limit to what..." Chapter 31 Page 2

24. History - "Throughout the history of the world..." Chapter 33 Page 2

message 15: by Ferenc (last edited Oct 29, 2019 09:12AM) (new)

Ferenc (aeneth) | 2445 comments October Scavenger Hunt - Oktoberfest
Duration: October 1, 2019 - October 31, 2019

Goal: 44/50

The Fairest Beauty (Hagenheim, #3) by Melanie Dickerson The Fairest Beauty by Melanie Dickerson – 10/01/2019 - 18 words
(view spoiler)

Wicked Saints (Something Dark and Holy, #1) by Emily A. Duncan Wicked Saints by Emily A. Duncan – 10/05/2019 - 6 words
(view spoiler)

Bookends by Liz Curtis Higgs Bookends by Liz Curtis Higgs – 10/09/2019 - 14 words
(view spoiler)

Happily Ever After by Jenn Faulk Happily Ever After by Jenn Faulk – 10/11/2019 - 2 words
(view spoiler)

21 Lessons for the 21st Century by Yuval Noah Harari 21 Lessons for the 21st Century by Yuval Noah Harari – 10/21/2019 - 3 words
(view spoiler)

Waking Lazarus by T.L. Hines Waking Lazarus by T.L. Hines – 10/23/2019 - 1 word
(view spoiler)

(view spoiler)

message 16: by ~Sofia~ (last edited Nov 02, 2019 07:35AM) (new)

~Sofia~ (tellmeastory00) | 37 comments October Scavenger Hunt - Oktoberfest
Duration: October 1, 2019 - October 31, 2019

Choose your level:
Wiesn: 41-50 words


On a Wicked Dawn (Bar Cynster, #9) by Stephanie Laurens On a Wicked Dawn by Stephanie Laurens
Finished 10/10/2019

1. Afternoon - Page 106 - “I spent a delightful AFTERNOON discovering new landscapes”
7. Celebration - Page 2 - “ His CELEBRATIONs had been restrained”
11. Dancing - Page 41 - “ she would have felt far safer DANCING with a wolf”
13. Enjoy - Page 2 - “ Martin was doubtless ENJOYing himself at his home”
15. Event - Page 55 - “ there seem quite a few interesting EVENTs planned for the last weeks”
20. Friends - Page 2 - “ the company of a group of FRIENDS half an hour ago”
35. Natural - Page 43 - “ The NATURAL outcome of the application of his popularity acclaimed talents”
38, People - Page 133 - “ things have got moved and PEOPLE have forgotten where they put them”
40. Rides - Page 173 - “ let herself RIDE the tide”
42. Season - Page 55 - “ Despite the SEASON winding down”
49. World - Page 173 - “ Away from the WORLD”

Hollywood Husbands by Jackie Collins Hollywood Husbands by Jackie Collins
Finished 21/10/2019

2. Alcohol - Page 100 - “but she certainly wan’t an ALCOHOLic”
4. Bands - Page 91 - “with movie stars, and fancy food and probably some dumb BAND”
5. Beer - Page 2 - “she hurriedly removed the plate and replaced it with his fifth can of BEER”
8. Community - Page 34 - “if it wasn’t for alimony and COMMUNITY property”
10. Crowds - Page 157 - “Silver navigated her way through the CROWDS towards the bar”
14. Entertainment - Page 105 - “Jeanne Wolf for ENTERTAINMENT tonight greeted them effusively”
17. Festival - Page 28 - “covering politics, film FESTIVALs, murders, movies”
19. Food - Page 41 - “C’mon. In. Now. FOOD. And all the news, right?”
21. Fun - Page 65 - “A more FUN group seemed to be the way to go”
22. German - Page 154 - “I have a son and a maid and a GERMAN shepherd”
24. History - Page 38 - “and she and Mannon were HISTORY”
25. Hops - Page 291 - “I thought we could HOP a plane to Vegas an’ just do it”
26. International - Page 310 - “Cloud Cosmetics was already a famous and successful INTERNATIONAL company”
31. Laughter - Page 82 - “Heaven’s LAUGHTER rang out”
32. Limit - Page 20 - “He wore multo gold chains with his open-to-the-LIMIT silk shirt”
34. Music - Page 46 - “and what he thought at the time was his true love - MUSIC”
37. Parade - Page 144 - “Hence the PARADE of journalists through her house”
39. Pretzel - Page 328 - “a small dish of yoghurt-coated PRETZELS”
46. Tent - Page 125 - “outside to the TENTed patio where Silver held court”

The Photographer of the Lost by Caroline Scott The Photographer of the Lost by Caroline Scott
Finished 31/10/2019

16. Fairgrounds - Page 314 - “ A FAIRGROUND has been set up in the square”
23. Heritage - Page 288 - “ It is a HERITAGE for all civilised peoples”
36. October - Page 49 - “ this photograph must have been taken after OCTOBER 1917?”
41. Sausage - Page 95 - “ I can smell the bastards SAUSAGES and sauerkraut”
48. Visitors - Page 53 - “ It’s like a VISITORS book, isn’t it?”

3. Attractions
6. Brew
9. Costumes
12. District
18. Flavor
27. Keg
28. Kick off
29. Labels
30. Lager
33. Malt
43. Servers
44. Stein
46. Tradition
47. Vendor
50. Yeast

message 17: by [deleted user] (last edited Oct 13, 2019 02:28PM) (new)

October Scavenger Hunt - Oktoberfest COMPLETION POST
Duration: October 1, 2019 - October 31, 2019

Choose your level: Wiesn: 43/50

nevertheless – Alec Baldwin 01.10.19 Nevertheless by Alec Baldwin
1. Afternoon
Page 4 All of them might appear in a single afternoon, all in that bed.
2. Alcohol –
Page 31 rock- and-roll-worshipping, drug-and-alcohol-abusing, street-fig…
3 - Attraction
Page 209 singular in ways beyond the limitations of attraction, who seemed t…
5. Beer
Page 19 been left on the sidewalk while drinking beer or liquor from paper bags
7. Celebration
Page 238 highway in East Hampton, where every celebrity who had a hom…
8. Community
Page 8 handle the overflow of a rapidly growing community. Berner was a…
9. Costumes
Page 187 watch them spend a gagillion dollars on costumes, sets, and all th…
12. District
Page 13 everything in the Massapequa school district was a New York lawyer n…
13. Enjoy
Page 158 out to be tough and brave. (I always enjoy when an actor comes to …
14. Entertainment
Page 214 had different standards than the entertainment division, L…
15. Event
Page 209 the change. We come to a situation or event that could be a gr…
Page 158 a generator. When I walked in with the food, it was a scene out of one of
20. Friends
Page 2 previous seasons; clothes passed along from friends as hand- me- do…
21. Fun
Page 60 flambéed, wickedly funny queens was more fun than anything else. It was…
23. Heritage
Page 243 role in curating our diverse cultural heritage: all of these, and…
24. History
Page 121 There are men and women throughout movie history whose perf…
34. Music
Page 121 accounting, publicity, locations, wardrobe, music, producti…
35. Natural
Page 118 Basinger, whom I had seen in films like The Natural and Fool for Love.
36. October
Page 236 might help Ted. In the critical month of October, I traveled to wes…
38. People
Page 45 is show business for less attractive people, and the offices of the GW Stu…
39. Pretzel
Page 236 during that month, fueling ourselves with pretzels and Snapple.
42. Season
Page 9 Winter Games, in our contests in every season, Daniel was the champion.
47. Vendor
Page 118 beach in Venice was too crowded with vendors, revelers, and pal…
48. Visitor
Page 73 from the occasional kindhearted female visitor, drinking and sleeping on …
49. World
Page 19 grandmother would cook dinner. She was a world- class cook who spe…

All things nice – shelia bugler 03.10.19 All Things Nice by Sheila Bugler
4. Band – ATN - SB
Page 86 Friday night, had told her about this band. She’d downloaded the alb…
10. Crowds – ATN - SB
Page 149 pub. No TV, no loud music and no bloody crowds.’ ‘I don’t like pubs,…
28. Kick off – ATN - SB
Page 277 forgotten all about that. What time does it kick off again?’ ‘Five am,’ Ellen …
31. Laughter– ATN - SB
Page 407 they heard about it. Worse than the laughter, she imagined what they’d…
32. Limit– ATN - SB
Page 516 Not the first time. Way over the legal limit. Words swimming at him th…
33. Malt– ATN - SB
Page 351 cabinet. He pulled out the bottle of single malt and poured two fingerfuls i…
40. Ride– ATN - SB
page 364 when all the time he was taking her for a ride. ‘I’m not stupid,’ Fr…
45. Tent– ATN - SB
Page 161 They’d had sex that morning. In the small tent they were sharing.

Scorpia – Anthony Horowitz – 04.10.19
11. Dancing
Page 53 of oil lamps, their flames bowing and dancing in the evening breeze. A…
17. Festival
Page 55 time of the Venice International Film Festival. Well, that told him somet…
22. German
Page 41 believe that he had been a commander in the German secret police and …
26. International
Page 54 and Alex saw that this was truly an international gathering.
29. Labels
Page 117 DESIGNER LABELS Atex stood on the balcony and gazed at the …

Reasons to stay alive – matt haig – 06.10.19 Reasons to Stay Alive by Matt Haig
30. LagerPage 186 went to the union bar and had a pint of lager and two vodka and limes. I…

How to save a life- sara zarr – 06.10.19 How to Save a Life by Sara Zarr
16. Fairgrounds
Page 412 Mandy thinks that once she sees the fairgrounds, which she k…
37. Parade
Page 44 don't expect the world to throw you a parade." I didn't. Friendsh…
41. Sausage
‘I order a side of sausage and a tomato…’
46. Tradition
Page 314 failure to adhere to a meaningless tradition. They're punishing me for …

I couldn't find:
6. Brew
18. Flavor
25. Hops
27. Keg
43. Servers
44. Stein
50. Yeast

message 18: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54251 comments Mod
Welcome everyone!!

message 19: by Candy (last edited Oct 24, 2019 12:04PM) (new)

Candy | 66 comments October Scavenger Hunt - Oktoberfest

3. Attractions
12. District
14. Entertainment
17. Festival
18. Flavor
23. Heritage
25. Hops
26. International
28. Kick off
29. Labels
30. Lager
32. Limit
33. Malt
39. Pretzel
42. Season
43. Servers
44. Stein
47. Vendor
50. Yeast

Barbed Wire Heart by Tess Sharpe Barbed Wire Heart by Tess Sharpe - 10/7

1. Afternoon - Page 59 - Though it’s just early afternoon...

2. Alcohol - Page 98 - empty bottle of rubbing alcohol ...

5. Beer - Page 51 - She’d call him or he’d show up with beers and drugs...

6. Brew - Page 17 - ...because there’s always trouble of the animal or human kind brewing.

7. Celebration - Page 355 - “Let’s go celebrate the old man’s life in style,” he says.

8. Community - Page 24 - We’re not exactly thriving as a community...

10. Crowds - Page 89 - I draw a crowd at the shooting booth.

11. Dancing - Page 87 - “I met her when she was dancing at the club...

13. Enjoy - Page 108 - I drive past the happy couples out enjoying nature...

16. Fairgrounds - Page 90 - The bathrooms are on the edge of the fairgrounds...

19. Food - Page 28 - ...a plus in food service.

20. Friends - Page 20 - “To see a friend.”

21. Fun - Page 185 - “You girls having fun?” she asks.

27. Keg - Page 197 - I could dive for the kegs in the corner.

31. Laughter - Page 49 - ...replaced by smiles, laughter, and fondness as they watch the children.

34. Music - Page 129 - “Mostly I play the music you left me,” Brooke says.

37. Natural - Page 319 - Momma being gone so long is a natural thing...

38. People - Page 25 - ...Duke gave me a list of the people who owe him money...

40. Rides - Page 90 - The lights from the rides dance across the ground...

45. Tent - Page 53 - ...I was driving by when I noticed the tents set up by the river.

46. Tradition - Page 81 - something of a family tradition for us McKennas...

49. World - Page 11 - My fingers tighten on the branch as my heart hammers and the world spins.

And the Trees Crept In by Dawn Kurtagich And the Trees Crept In by Dawn Kurtagich - 10/14

4. Bands - Page 214 - ...the new tattoo, this hot band...

9. Costumes - Page 255 - ...Dad gave us permission to make Halloween costumes.

24. History - Page 217 - ...She has a long history with this house...

36. October - Page 52 - I’ve come to hate October.

41. Sausage - Page 177 - “...and her toe was sticking out of the slipper like this tiny little sausage !”

Pumpkin Heads by Rainbow Rowell Pumpkin Heads by Rainbow Rowell - 10/23

22. German - Page 185 - Did you know in Germany they’re pig food.

Dahlia Black by Keith Thomas Dahlia Black by Keith Thomas - 10/24

15. Event - Page 14 - The event was called the Finality.

37. Parade - Page 276 - I find it funny that soldiers are celebrated with parades and flowers...

48. Visitors - Page 221 - No visitors yet.

message 20: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54251 comments Mod
Welcome Candy!

message 21: by Jessica (last edited Oct 31, 2019 05:34PM) (new)

Jessica (jvblazejak) | 594 comments ✅Done!!!✅

October Scavenger Hunt - Oktoberfest
Duration: October 1, 2019 - October 31, 2019


Choose your level:
das Bier: 10-20 words
Tracht: 21-40 words
Wiesn: 41-50 words


Maybe This Time by Kasie West
9 October 2019

2. Alcohol: "...he had a problem with alcohol when he was younger..." p. 190
5. Beer: "Too late, I noticed the amber-colored glass of a broken beer bottle..." p. 133
15. Event: "'...we'd like to welcome you into the main event." p. 18
18. Flavor: "It contrasted perfectly with the tart flavor of the raspberry." p. 34
45. Tent: "'Why didn't you guys use tents today?'" p. 142


The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein by Kiersten White
18 October 2019

22. German: "...she asked in German." p. 13
23. Heritage: "...he was rude to everyone and not just me because of my sex and heritage." p. 53
35. Natural: "...disproportionate, too large, unnatural in both shape and movement." p. 164
48. Visitors: "...when the rare visitor came to the house." p. 25


My Kind of Crazy by Robin Reul
18 October 2019

32. Limit: "our options are limited." p. 105
34. Music: "'He was a musician and a free spirit."' p. 63
38. People: "'Most people like strawberries,"' p. 26
42. Season: "...decorate their trees with red and blue streamers every season..." p. 2
43. Servers: "The server was down." p. 90
49. World: "Not in my world." p. 72


Blacklist (Beautiful Idols #2) by Alyson Noel
24 October 2019

47. Vendor: "'Do you have the final list of confirmed vendors?'" p. 112


Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford
24 Oct

12. District: "'...most of the International District was Japantown...'" p. 104
16. Fairgrounds: "Henry looked in awe at the long stables and outbuildings surrounding the Washington State Fairgrounds." p. 153
26. International: "'...most of the International District was Japantown...'" p. 104
37. Parade: "Henry stared in silence as a small parade of wooden packing crates and leathery suitcases were hauled upstairs..." p. 6


Greetings from Witness Protection! by Jake Burt
13 October 2019

14. Entertainment: "There's an impressive TV in an entertainment unit..." p. 156
17. Festival: "...rescheduled Moon Festival activities in Chinatown..." p. 214
25. Hops: " I hop my way up carefully." p. 156
29. Labels: "Sure, some people might label her a geek..." p. 159
36. October: "Mid-October and it's already thirty degrees outside..." p. 4
39. Pretzel: "...look of utter embarrassment on one girl's face as she tried to pay for her pretzel..." p. 148


My Not So Perfect Life by Sophie Kinsella
26 October 2019

3. Attractions: "Those are the main attractions of my flat..." loc. 5534
6. Brew: "'My dad used to brew beer.'" loc. 4038
41. Sausage: "A plate which already holds three sausages,..." loc. 4885


Maybe He Just Likes You by Barbara Dee
28 October 2019

1. Afternoon: "...we wouldn't be together the rest of the the afternoon." p. 4
4. Bands: "So band was the one time of the day..." p. 10
7. Celebration: "It wouldn't be some generic babyish birthday celebration." p. 2
8. Community: "'I thought we should meet as a community...'" p.. 269
9. Costumes: "...I wore a cherry jelly bean costume..." p. 45
10. Crowds: "The halls were crowded..." p. 31
11. Dancing: "'Either of you girls like dancing?'" p. 99
13. Enjoy: "'Well, enjoy your free classes." p. 172
19. Food: "...chatting about some new organic dog food..." p. 135
20. Friends: "...Omi had told me I needed friends..." p. 139
21. Fun: " much fun it was..." p. 106
24. History: "...clearly there's some history here.'" p. 191
31. Laughter: " the other boys collapsed in laughter." p. 41
40. Rides: " I wouldn't have to deal with them on the ride." p. 123
46. Tradition: "It was a tradition, I guess..." p. 122



27. Keg
28. Kick off
30. Lager
33. Malt
44. Stein
50. Yeast

message 22: by Carly (last edited Nov 03, 2019 10:06AM) (new)

Carly (car88) | 63 comments OCTOBER 2019 - SCAVENGER HUNT

·Post 23 *FINISHED*

AFTERNOON - #4 (loc 697, 26%)
"Cute." She smirks. "Contract says I get half up front. You throw a hissy fit, that money's still mine and I get a free afternoon. You don't have the leverage, so you might as well give it up now."
ALCOHOL - #4 (loc 804, 30%)
There's a small bar with a vast array of alcohols. A gym. A library. And a pool. What it's noticeably lacking is people. "A cage, indeed."
ATTRACTIONS - #1 (loc 1559, 41%)
"Well, this is certainly a surprise. I thought this was a tourist attraction of sorts," I said. I cautiously moved my large frame along the corridor wall careful not to topple the morbid pyramids of the dead.
BANDS - #6 (loc 828, 42%)
Not waiting to see what it turned into, she whirled and ran. She didn't get far before steel band-like arms wrapped around her midsection and lifted her, which left her feet pedaling in midair.
BEER - #3 (loc 2181, 69%)
A man who traveled the world had spread stories about Vikings, including tales about a man who claimed to be Thor's grandson. When I found him, slouched over with his beer, I settled beside him to hear the story myself.
BREW - #3 (loc 1561, 49%)
"Don't go getting your girly hair in my brew," Jack bleated, when he glanced over at me. Tying up my hair, I flipped him off. "If you're not careful, I'll spit in it."
CELEBRATION - #4 (loc 2554, 88%)
I love her. The truth should be cause for celebration. She loves me, too. She might not have said it aloud, but it's there in the trust she places in me every time we interact.
COSTUMES - #3 (loc 544, 17%)
We looked like a right pair. Me, with tight leather trousers and a tight fitting ripped shirt. Perfect to fight in. Her, with a weird get up of a costume, ready to fall over from exhaustion.
CROWDS - #5 (loc 788, 13%)
"If you can make it by me and him, then you have to make it by Arion," Vance tells the crowd, using his unimpressed tone that's layered with thick condescension.
DANCING - #4 (loc 1174, 42%)
She'd have pushed me until I was tempted to fuck her right there against the bar to prove a point. She loves dancing on my buttons, and I can't quite manage to hold it against her.
ENJOY - #1 (loc 1803, 47%)
"Ball wad?" Gareth questioned gleefully. "Asswaffle?" I added as my body shook with mirth. "You're both rectum buckets and I'm done. We have more important business than to enjoy my lack of four letter word prowess," she snapped.
ENTERTAINMENT - #1 (loc 2783, 71%)
"On three boys," he directed. The crowd surged forward toward the evening's unusual entertainment, but all eyes were on Vlad. He had gone utterly still and red flames began to shoot out around him.
EVENT - #2 (loc 652, 31%)
The blond deity with multi-hued eyes and a quick smile was dressed for a dressage event, complete with helmet and crop.
FLAVOR - #2 (loc 498, 24%)
He kissed her. The taste of the blood in her mouth ensnared her instantly. She stilled, arrested by the flavor and texture.
FOOD - #1 (loc 2587, 66%)
I placed my fingers under Raquel's chin and closed her mouth before she commented on Pam's frightening array of food and questionable table manners.
FRIENDS - #4 (loc 703, 26%)
"I'm Tink. No, we can't be friends. No, I don't have any useful information for you to mine. No, I won't do anything to compromise my contract."
FUN - #1 (loc 275, 9%)
However, eavesdropping was far more fun. Rude? Yes. Inappropriate? Again, yes. Was I going to do it? Absolutely.
GERMAN - #3 (loc 946, 30%)
"Happy now you have your clothes? And, your dog?" My sarcastic tone went completely ignored as the woman in front of me bent over to make a fuss of the German Shepard.
HERITAGE - #1 (loc 160, 6%)
The logistics of our heritage were complicated. Easiest and shortest way to explain is that there had been reincarnation on my mother's part.
HISTORY - #1 (loc 2075, 53%)
The kidnapping of Steve Perry, aka Journey's front man, would forever go down in history.
HOPS - #5 (loc 2928, 48%)
Before I can even make one small pile, Damien is wheeling into the driveway, barely putting the brake on, before he hops out. His eyes narrow on me, and then his brow furrows.
KICK OFF - #3 (loc 582, 19%)
"I was going to take you home, but when you zonked out, I decided to bring you here for the night." Chloe kicked off her little shoes, leaving them in the middle of the room.
LABELS - #5 (loc 2518, 41%)
"Well, that's intriguing. I'll call those the sizzlers," Arion chirps as he walks around to a box of pencils and actually labels it. With a marker, not a pencil.
LAGER - #3 (loc 2135, 67%)
"Well, hello handsome," a woman said as I went to pass. Pausing, I glanced over at her. She rested against the bar, a pint of lager in her hand.
LAUGHTER - #1 (loc 2651, 67%)
"Yes. Yes, that was plan fucking A," I hissed as everyone in the room let their laughter rip.
LIMIT - #2 (loc 892, 42%)
"The Immortals and demons had an understanding that the normal humans are off limits. Things have gone to shit fast, partly because I can't get the fucking Council to agree on anything," Rhyn snorted.
MUSIC - #3 (loc 1933, 61%)
It wasn't the type of party that played stupidly loud music with young people shagging in the garden.
NATURAL - #3 (loc 2468, 78%)
I could understand why they didn't use her for fighting, she didn't exactly have a natural talent for it.
PARADE - #4 (loc 310, 13%)
Jafar pulls his shirt on me and buttons it up as if he dresses me in his clothing regularly. The conqueror must parade his stolen goods in front of his men.
PEOPLE - #2 (loc 1290, 61%)
"This is the creature that nearly wiped out the planet and the human race, who's building an Army of Souls to make a second go at it, who's eaten more people than you'll ever know, even if you live forever."
RIDE - #2 (loc 1424, 68%)
Even demons feared Past-Death; she'd ride on the small woman's reputation.
SAUSAGE - #6 (loc 1109, 56%)
"How do you like your sausage?" Erect and in my sex were the first words that came to mind, but what she said was, "You pig! I told you I wouldn't sleep with you."
SERVERS - #6 (loc 761, 39%)
Respect or not, Satan's next words made Aidan's vision turn red, and he growled. "Who will serve their master tonight?" Lucifer dropped his hand to an engorged cock that put every mortal man to shame.
TENT - #1 (loc 2246, 58%)
"Remind me never to ask for help like that again," I told her with a grimace. "Will do. You ready to enter the shit show?" I glanced down at my now un-tented pants and chuckled.
TRADITION - #2 (loc 747, 35%)
"If the magic of Hell can't cure her, can yours?" "Not so far. I've tried traditional medicine," he motioned to the machines lining the perimeter of the room, "and my magic."
VENDOR - #5 (loc 1260, 21%)
I tense, worried this is where the pitchforks-and-torches metaphor began. Suddenly, the people quickly scatter, searching through the outdoor vendor stands I'm finally noticing.
VISITORS - #1 (loc 2672, 68%)
Satan stood calmly smiling in the middle of the pristine white great room while accusations flew. He was clearly not a welcome visitor.
WORLD - #1 (loc 2605, 66%)
Not only had Juliet tried to kill Raquel, she'd also tried to Astrid and help some unsavory Demons take over the world. Thankfully, her skills were lacking and her insanity made her stabs at power a joke.

Attic Treasures
[BADMINTON] RACKET - #3 (loc 2850, 90%)
The thumping of my heartbeat was only drowned out by Jack's singing as he started to bay an awful modern day tune. Chloe joined in with him, making a racket, too. Speeding up, I was tempted to break suddenly to shut them up.
Burger Choices
PASTRAMI SALAMI - #1 (loc 802, 22%)
"What did you just say?" she asked. Her cheeks were flushed and she was grinning. "Did you just refer to your equipment as a salami?" "Of course not," I mumbled.
State Fair

Fashionably Hotter Than Hell (Hot Damned #6) by Robyn Peterman Darkyn's Mate (Rhyn Eternal, #3) by Lizzy Ford Thunder Hunter (Viking Soul #1) by Rachel Medhurst Desperate Measures (Wicked Villains, #1) by Katee Robert Gypsy Moon (All The Pretty Monsters, #4) by Kristy Cunning Broomstick Breakdown by Eve Langlais
(view spoiler)

message 23: by Cindy III (new)

Cindy III | 417 comments October Scavenger Hunt - Oktoberfest
Duration: October 1, 2019 - October 31, 2019

Choose your level:
das Bier: 10-20 words
Tracht: 21-40 words
Wiesn: 41-50 words

1. Afternoon
2. Alcohol
3. Attractions
4. Bands
5. Beer
6. Brew
7. Celebration
8. Community
9. Costumes
10. Crowds
11. Dancing
12. District
13. Enjoy
14. Entertainment
15. Event
16. Fairgrounds
17. Festival
18. Flavor
19. Food
20. Friends
21. Fun
22. German
23. Heritage
24. History
25. Hops
26. International
27. Keg
28. Kick off
29. Labels
30. Lager
31. Laughter
32. Limit
33. Malt
34. Music
35. Natural
36. October
37. Parade
38. People
39. Pretzel
40. Rides
41. Sausage
42. Season
43. Servers
44. Stein
45. Tent
46. Tradition
47. Vendor
48. Visitors
49. World
50. Yeast

message 24: by Sarah-Jane (last edited Oct 23, 2019 06:15AM) (new)

Sarah-Jane Frances | 149 comments 🍻🥨 Yes Please 🥨🍻

October Scavenger Hunt - Oktoberfest
Wiesn: 41-50 words

Beartown (Beartown, #1) by Fredrik Backman
Beartown, Fredrik Backman, Oct 22

29. Labels: page 112 - The papers in the capital had patronizingly decided to label the game ‘The Call of the Wild’
41. Sausage: page 52 - Eventually she turned to the president and pointed at his greasy, sausage-like fingers

The Girl He Used to Know by Tracey Garvis Graves
The Girl He Used to Know, Tracey Garvis Graves, Oct 18

13. Enjoy: page 180 - I enjoyed it more than I thought I would.

Zodiac (Zodiac, #1) by Romina Russell
Zodiac, Romina Russell, Oct 17

11. Dancing: page 71 - the dancing of my drumsticks.
20. Friends: page 25 - Right now I need to get my friends and myself to safety.
24. History: page 114 - Since history tells us the original guardians were named after each house.
31. Laughter: page 18 - We all explode in howling laughter.
37. Parade: page 168 - I turn to see him parading toward us.

The Quiet Game (Penn Cage, #1) by Greg Iles
The Quiet Game, Greg Iles, Oct 12

1. Afternoon - page 13 - I call Delta airlines and book an afternoon flight.
2. Alcohol - page 180 - The alcohol has loosened everybody up.
3. Attractions - page 33 - my daughters attraction to young women is painful to see.
4. Bands - page 16 - feeling the invisible bands loosen around me.
5. Beer - page 36 - it was there he acquired a taste for dark beer.
7. Celebration - page 160 - we are pushing the Opera festival and literary celebration.
8. Community - page 140 - this place is on its way to being a retirement community.
10. Crowds - page 885 - The cool November air has thinned the crowds at Disney World.
12. District - page 878 - judge Franklin tilts her head and gives the district attorney a smile.
14. Entertainment - page 326 - she married an entertainment lawyer in Atlanta.
15. Event - page 437 - Nowadays the kings and queens balls are often compressed into a single event.
17. Festival - page 160 - We're pushing our Opera festival and literary celebration.
19. Food - page 128 - give them some decent food.
21. Fun - page 297 - that's a fun age.
22. German - page 141 - BASF is a German company.
26. International - page 483 - an international security company.
27. Keg - page 143 - The town looks placid but it's a powder keg.
32. Limit - page 61 - A former state attorney general took the case and pushed to the limit.
34. Music - page 10 - Flatbottom boats emerging from the grotto to the music of an endless audio loop.
35. Natural - page 92 - this small and natural response causes me more guilt.
36. October - page 301 - October in Mississippi.
38. People - page 43 - it was a hard adjustment for proud people.
40. Rides - page 885 - yet the fantasy land rides were always backed up.
42. Season - page 437 - The pilgrimage season sparkles with parties.
43. Servers - page 251 - car like that, you ain't no process server.
46. Traditions - page 41 - Firmly establishing a tradition of libertinism that still stands today
48. Visitors - page 97 - you've got visitors.
49. World - page 10 - I'm standing in line for Disney's it's a small world ride.

6. Brew
9. Costumes
16. Fairgrounds
18. Flavor
23. Heritage
25. Hops
28. Kick off
30. Lager
33. Malt
39. Pretzel
44. Stein
45. Tent
47. Vendor
50. Yeast 

message 25: by Erica (last edited Oct 31, 2019 06:56AM) (new)

Erica G | 172 comments October Scavenger Hunt - Oktoberfest
Duration: October 1, 2019 - October 31, 2019

Choose your level:
das Bier: 10-20 words
Tracht: 21-40 words
Wiesn: 41-50 words

The Floating Feldmans by Elyssa Friedland The Floating Feldmans by Elyssa Friedland 10/11/19

1. Afternoon - Afternoon tea was the least dainty meal Julian had ever laid eyes on. pg 2
2. Alcohol - ...but alcohol was strictly pat-to-play. pg 5
5. Beer - ...far more like a goofy beer snob with a trophy girlfriend than a drug dealer. pg 7
7. Celebration - "This is my birthday celebration." pg 7
8. Community - "Regarding Darius, there are many community colleges in the area that might suit him." pg 46
9. Costumes - ...stuff he'd ever seen-clothing, appliances, sneakers in all sizes, journals, cookbooks, gardening tools, camera equipment, costumes. pg 68
10. Crowds - "Got it," Darius said, distracted by the crowds. pg 325
11. Dancing- ...throwing dice, dancing the salsa, laughing with smiles so wide it seemed... pg 40
13. Enjoy - "Did you enjoy the class?" pg 211
14. Entertainment - ...massive ships had so many activities and forms of entertainment - the 51
18. Flavor - displayed his invention, a flavor contraption for kids to change the taste of their medicine at home... pg 37
19. Food - "And we all know you save the best food for the formal night!" pg 3
20. Friends - Or so her friends assured her to make her feel better. pg 13
21. Fun - "Fun, though." pg 292
24. History - ...earlier to catch the tail end of American History trivia and she could see... pg 137
26. International - Depends on what is legal in international waters. pg 72
27. Keg - she was imagining her doing keg stands while some horny upperclassmen held up her legs. pg 145
28. Kick off - Mitch decided to kick off the toasts at the cruise's formal dinner with his big announcement. pg 56
29. Labels - ...big ones slapped with overlapping labels that clearly held... pg 180
31. Laughter - ...heard her and Darius devolve into laughter again, still rehashing that same plane story. pg 343
32. Limit - The sky was the limit when you pondered other people's depravity. pg 47
34. Music - ...hadn't realized he should follow the music moments earlier. pg 131
35. Natural - ...did much more to enhance her natural beauty then... pg 15
37. Parade - "We do a parade. pg 259
38. People - ...into the scrum of people by the weight of equipment they probably wouldn't need. pg 2
45. Tent - ...wheels, windsurf, pitch a tent, and all manner of skills practical and impractical. pg 261
46. Tradition - ...secretly happy that he hadn't broken with tradition. pg 237
47. Vendor - ...image Elise emailed to the vendor had to be stretched to fill out the backs and so all of Annette's most... pg 95
49. World - The last ride he and Rachel went on thogether was It's a Small World.

The Murmur of Bees by Sofía Segovia The Murmur of Bees by Sofía Segovia 10/12/19

4. Bands - ...appreciate the music of the tambora bands, hidden from the eyes that made him feel... pg 263
22. German - It was not as effective as the German tablets, but an infusion of the bark helped... pg 76
36. October - That early morning in October, the baby's wails mingled with the cool wind that blew through... pg 1
40. Rides - ...on his monotonous rides from ranch to ranch... pg 40
42. Season - Where he came from, people wrapped up a little more in the rainy season, but other than the... pg 121
48. Visitors - ...built behind the main house to hide it from social visitors. pg 2

Christopher's Diary Echoes of Dollanganger (Diaries, #2) by V.C. Andrews Christopher's Diary: Echoes of Dollanganger by V.C. Andrews 10/15/19

12. District - "If we gave this to the district attorney, he'd file it away somewhere under 'Why waster my time?' " pg 315
15. Event - ...and when i would join them for some event. pg 171
23. Heritage - Maybe in the end, despite your rebellious ways and thoughts, your heritage exerts itself, I thought. pg 217

Breadcrumb Trail (The Yellow Hoods, #2) by Adam Dreece Breadcrumb Trail by Adam Dreece 10/23/19

41. Sausage - ...but instead he took another mouthful of sausage. pg 63

For the Love of a SEAL (Hearts of Valor #3) by Dixie Lee Brown For the Love of a SEAL by Dixie Lee Brown 10/24/19

6. Brew - The coffeemaker sizzled as it spewed the last of the hot, black brew into the glass carafe. Loc 3023

Save the Date by Mary Kay Andrews Save the Date by Mary Kay Andrews 10/23/19

16. Fairgrounds - "...helped get the book festival here, chaired the..." pg 84
39. Pretzel - Like a pretzel. pg 196
44. Stein - his hands, clamped around his beer stein, were strong, sun-browned, calloused. pg 139

3. Attractions
16. Fairgrounds
25. Hops
30. Lager
33. Malt
43. Servers
50. Yeast

message 26: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54251 comments Mod
Welcome Jessica, Carly, Cindy, Sarah-Jane and Erica!!

message 27: by Shash (last edited Oct 31, 2019 10:00PM) (new)

Shash | 2702 comments October Scavenger Hunt - Oktoberfest
October 2019

Choose your level:
das Bier: 10-20 words
Tracht: 21-40 words
Wiesn: 41-50 words

48/50 Words Found

1. Afternoon - The Bugler by L.L. Muir (10/1/19)
"...the outskirts of town late in the afternoon." (Loc 218)
2. Alcohol - Her Prince Charming Boss by Cami Checketts (10/3/19)
"...worried I'd turn to alcohol or drugs..." (Loc 1448)
3. Attractions - The Blindsided Groom by Heather Horrocks (10/2/19)
"...the air fairly simmered with attraction between them..." (Loc 392)
4. Bands - The Honest Warrior by Daniel Banner (10/6/19)
"Yes, there is a dance floor and a band." (Loc 499)
5. Beer - The Honest Warrior by Daniel Banner (10/6/19)
"...he wanted to buy Sutton a beer and thank him." (Loc 265)
6. Brew - Falling for You by Becky Wade (10/15/19)
"...set the coffeemaker to brew..." (pg 196)
7. Celebration - The Blindsided Groom by Heather Horrocks (10/2/19)
"Her heart ached to miss this celebration." (Loc 1290)
8. Community - The Bighearted Groom by Karly Stratford (10/1/19)
"Daydream Football is an online community where people..." (Loc 174)
9. Costumes - The Bighearted Groom by Karly Stratford (10/1/19)
"...dressed in anything from period costumes to classic..." (Loc 59)
10. Crowds - The Bighearted Groom by Karly Stratford (10/1/19)
"Travis' eyes searched the crowd for someone..." (Loc 92)
11. Dancing - The Bugler by L.L. Muir (10/1/19)
"...every piece of furniture for the sake of dancing." (Loc 978)
12. District - The Hot Headed Patriot by Jennifer Youngblood (10/27/19)
" revitalize the historical district to give it a similar..." (pg 134)
13. Enjoy - The Bighearted Groom by Karly Stratford (10/1/19)
"Did you enjoy the ball the other night?" (Loc 321)
14. Entertainment - To be Loved by the Earl by Kasey Stockton (10/3/19)
"...ready again for the entertainment which could only be had in Town." (pg 22)
15. Event - The Bighearted Groom by Karly Stratford (10/1/19)
"It wasn't his usual style for an event like this..." (Loc 754)
16. Fairgrounds - The Hot Headed Patriot by Jennifer Youngblood (10/27/19)
"Just make sure you're at the fairgrounds by five pm..." (Loc 423)
17. Festival - My Not So Wicked Stepbrother by Jennifer Peel (10/23/19)
"...during Edenvale's annual hot air balloon festival." (Loc 759)
18. Flavor - The Ever After Groom by Carly Morgan (10/2/19)
"...salt and pepper to add flavor to the egg." (Loc 473)
19. Food - The Bugler by L.L. Muir (10/1/19)
" exchange for food we desperately needed. " (Loc 1050)
20. Friends - The Bugler by L.L. Muir (10/1/19)
"It was a trial to be friends with such a prime competitor..." (Loc 139)
21. Fun - The Bighearted Groom by Karly Stratford (10/1/19)
"...I'm much more fun to talk to than he is." (Loc 454)
22. German - The Lady in the Coppergate Tower by Nancy Campbell Allen (10/7/19)
"Hazel had studied German and French." (pg 160)
23. Heritage - Aunt Bessie Assumes by Diana Xarissa (10/4/19)
"A single Manx National Heritage worker was standing..." (pg 75)
24. History - The Bugler by L.L. Muir (10/1/19)
"It was a history that had nothing to do with..." (Loc 273)
25. Hops - The Bugler by L.L. Muir (10/1/19)
"...Morey had to hop to keep his balance." (Loc 166)
26. International - The Ever After Groom by Carly Morgan (10/2/19)
"'Denver International,' Hazel responded." (Loc 136)
27. Keg - The Vexatious Widow by Michelle Pennington (10/13/19)
"It would be wonderful to have a few kegs of ale..." (Loc 480)
28. Kick off
29. Labels - Aunt Bessie Assumes by Diana Xarissa (10/4/19)
"...before I start trying to assign labels to the players." (pg 124)
30. Lager
31. Laughter - The Bugler by L.L. Muir (10/1/19)
"Finlay barked with laughter and turned away." (Loc 790)
32. Limit - The Bugler by L.L. Muir (10/1/19)
"...even a patient witch had her limits." (Loc 933)
33. Malt - The Peaceful Warrior by Daniel Banner (10/24/19)
"...started scooping double chocolate malted crunch." (pg 113)
34. Music - The Bugler by L.L. Muir (10/1/19)
"It was music to his ears." (Loc 642)
35. Natural - The Bugler by L.L. Muir (10/1/19)
"He supposed it was natural for them..." (Loc 733)
36. October - Falling for You by Becky Wade (10/15/19)
"At ten fifteen on this cool, early October morning..." (pg 78)
37. Parade - The Bighearted Groom by Karly Stratford (10/1/19)
"...the ridiculously disproportionate trucks paraded out..." (Loc 878)
38. People - The Bugler by L.L. Muir (10/1/19)
"...the faces of dozens of people..." (Loc 265)
39. Pretzel - The Ever After Groom by Carly Morgan (10/2/19)
"...some hot chocolate and a pretzel at the food truck..." (Loc 1137)
40. Rides - The Bighearted Groom by Karly Stratford (10/1/19)
"Extra income that rides on the coattails..." (Loc 345)
41. Sausage - The Bighearted Groom by Karly Stratford (10/1/19)
"...then set pans of sausage and eggs on hot pads." (Loc 1046)
42. Season - The Bighearted Groom by Karly Stratford (10/1/19)
"It was a good thing the season was over..." (Loc 76)
43. Servers - Seeking Mr. Perfect by Jennifer Youngblood (10/10/19)
"A young server wearing a uniform approached..." (Loc 2261)
44. Stein - The Vexatious Widow by Michelle Pennington (10/13/19)
"As they drove slowly down the Stein..." (Loc 522
45. Tent - Aunt Bessie Assumes by Diana Xarissa (10/4/19)
"...wind gust blew the half-erected tent over..." (pg 11)
46. Tradition - The Bugler by L.L. Muir (10/1/19)
"...though he kept his father's tradition of adding..." (Loc 1114)
47. Vendor - Seeking Mr. Perfect by Jennifer Youngblood (10/10/19)
"...better to use a local vendor to generate support..." (Loc 644)
48. Visitors - The Bugler by L.L. Muir (10/1/19)
"The nervous visitor exhaled rather loudly in relief." (Loc 176)
49. World - The Bugler by L.L. Muir (10/1/19)
"...before leaving the world of the living." (Loc 686)
50. Yeast - A Week in Brighton by Jennifer Moore, Annette Lyon, Donna Hatch (10/31/19)
"...cinnamon, rye, currant, and yeast." (Loc 709)

message 28: by Debbie (last edited Oct 03, 2019 06:21AM) (new)

Debbie (debbiegray) | 386 comments October Scavenger Hunt - Oktoberfest
Duration: October 1, 2019 - October 31, 2019

Choose your level:
das Bier: 10-20 words
Tracht: 21-40 words
Wiesn: 41-50 words

1. Afternoon
2. Alcohol
3. Attractions
4. Bands
5. Beer
6. Brew
7. Celebration
8. Community
9. Costumes
10. Crowds
11. Dancing
12. District
13. Enjoy
14. Entertainment
15. Event
16. Fairgrounds
17. Festival
18. Flavor
19. Food
20. Friends
21. Fun
22. German
23. Heritage
24. History
25. Hops
26. International
27. Keg
28. Kick off
29. Labels
30. Lager
31. Laughter
32. Limit
33. Malt
34. Music
35. Natural
36. October
37. Parade
38. People
39. Pretzel
40. Rides
41. Sausage
42. Season
43. Servers
44. Stein
45. Tent
46. Tradition
47. Vendor
48. Visitors
49. World
50. Yeast

message 29: by Chelsea (last edited Oct 31, 2019 09:56PM) (new)

Chelsea Skinner (chelspels) | 1021 comments October Scavenger Hunt - Oktoberfest
Duration: October 1, 2019 - October 31, 2019

Choose your level:
Wiesn: 41-50 words


The Warning by James Patterson (10/1/19)
20. Friends - pg. 73 "I had plenty of friends in the evacuation camp..."
21. Fun - pg 73 "...we hung out and had fun."
38. People - pg 72 "People are around."
49. World - pg 87 "The world had gone upside down."

The Silent Women - Sara Blaedel (10/9/19)
1. Afternoon - pg 83 "...were having a traditional afternoon coffee..."
5. Beer - pg 37 "...took a beer out onto the back steps..."
6. Brew - pg 216 "...over by the Faergekroen Brew pub..."
10. Crowds - pg 84 "...was not the kind of woman you'd notice in a crowd..."
41. Sausage - pg 37 "She found Danish sausage..."
43. Servers - pg 356 "...having trouble with a server that was down."
45. Tent - pg 219 "They really want to sleep in tents and cook..."

The Crisis of Islam: Holy War and Unholy Terror by Bernard Lewis (10/6/19)
7. Celebration - pg 94 "held a public celebration culminating..."
8. Community - pg 8 ""...Muslim state and community."
13. Enjoy - pg 41 "...Christian sanctities enjoy the immunity from.."
15. Event - pg 122 "...a resolution on this event..."
19. Food - pg 17 "like diners jostling around a bowl of food."
22. German - pg 45 "...the German Putsch ..."
23. Heritage - pg 28 "...the shared heritage of Jewish revelation..."
24. History - pg 9 "the phrase "that's history" is commonly used..."
26. International - pg 36 "...and international alike..."
32. Limit - pg 39 "There were and are important limits to..."
35. Natural - pg 90 "For some, the natural response..."
36. October - pg 6 "In his videotape of October 7 2001..."
46. Tradition - pg 26 "...and cultural tradition of..."
48. Visitors - pg 21 "...admitted as temporary visitors..."

October Kiss - Kristen Ethridge (10/1019)
9. Costumes - pg. 222 "...but that would have been a different costume idea."
17. Festival - pg 37 "The Whidbey Island Harvest Festival..."
31. Laughter - pg 79 "The sound of laughter filled the air."
34. Music - pg 158 "He had the music streaming app..."
42. Season - pg 130 "'I'm getting a jump on the Christmas season..."

The Drowned Girl - Sara Blaedel (10/20/19) [All pages are approx.]
2. Alcohol - pg. 135 " wasn't just alcohol she had consumed."
3. Attractions - pg. 283 " a controlled attraction."
4. Bands. - pg 45 "without a rubber band."
11. Dancing - pg 133 "late to his break-dancing rehearsal."
12. District - pg 34 "...right off the pedestrian shopping district downtown."
29. Labels - pg 256 "...picking at the label on the..."
30. Rides - pg 12 "...had an urge to ride along..."

Joyland - Stephen King (10/22/19)
16. Fairgrounds - pg 184 "...gravitate to local fairgrounds..."
18. Flavor - pg 34 "...old-time carny flavor."
37. Parade - pg 176 "'Saturday, after the noon parade.'"

Murder, Interrupted - James Patterson (10/27/19)
25. Hops - pg 336 "...and hops around..."

Love at Mistletoe Inn: A December Wedding Story - Cindy Kirk (10/29/19)
47. Vendor - pg 4 " of the vendors..."

A Brush with Love: A January Wedding Story - Rachel Hauck
50. Yeast - pg 48 "...a fluffy yeast roll..."

14. Entertainment
27. Keg
28. Kick off
30. Lager
33. Malt
39. Pretzel
44. Stein

message 30: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54251 comments Mod
Welcome Shash, Debbie and Chelsea!!

message 31: by Grace (last edited Oct 29, 2019 07:03PM) (new)

Grace | 1650 comments October Scavenger Hunt - Oktoberfest
Duration: October 1, 2019 - October 31, 2019

Choose your level:
Tracht: 21-40 words

Tunnel of Bones-Victoria Schwab 10/11
1. Afternoon- “We don’t leave until tomorrow afternoon, right?” 73%
3. Attractions- “iconic tourist attractions in the world” 24%
10. Crowds- “making our way through the crowds of people” 2%
11. Dancing- “red light dancing along the wall.” 21%
13. Enjoy- “Please enjoy some coffee while you wait.” 46%
19. Food- “I saw one, just past the food stalls” 10%
20. Friends- “Friends don’t leave friends in the veil” 11%
21. Fun- “Where’s the fun in that?” 40%
22. German- “And German. They make us take two foreign languages in school.” 38%
24. History- “I’m here for the history. My wife is the believer.” 14%
40. Rides- “When Harry rides a hippogriff for the first time” 25%
48. Visitors- “a place for visitors that the real transformation began” 18%

Undead Girl Gang-Lily Anderson 10/19
7. Celebration- “The day after the celebration of life” 43%
8. Community- “which reads Creekside Community Church” 63%
14. Entertainment- - “we stand in front of the entertainment department” 32%
15. Event- “In the event of a tantrum” 33%
25. Hops- “She hops with excitement, then has to right her sunglasses” 99%
28. Kick off- “They kick off their stolen shoes” 98%
31. Laughter- “There’s laughter and compassion and hope” 88%
34. Music- “There’s no cheesy music playing or people shedding tears” 19%
35. Natural- “Keeping my hair its natural color.” 18%
36. October- “The October breeze isn’t strong enough” 11%
42. Season- “Tis the season to reap what you sow!” 64%
45. Tent- “black velvet with no fancy tent over it like the other booths.” 64%

Freefall-Jessica Barry 10/26
2. Alcohol- “I take out the rubbing alcohol and brace myself” 10%
5. Beer- “bottle of bear from one of the garbage cans full” 58%
26. International- “The flight originated from Chicago Midway International” 30%
27. Keg- “The bagels and the keg beer caught up with me” 37%
32. Limit- “clearly over the legal limit for alcohol” 29%
38. People- “I’ve spoken to people at Torrey Pines”48%
49. World- “Everything in this world is lost to me now” 95%

message 32: by Jade aka MrsTosh (last edited Nov 01, 2019 05:11AM) (new)

Jade aka MrsTosh (mrstosh) | 709 comments October Scavenger Hunt - Oktoberfest
Duration: October 1, 2019 - October 31, 2019

Choose your level:
Wiesn: 41-50 words
Found: 42/41+

A Summer to Remember by Victoria Cooke 05/10 ****

1. Afternoon - and perhaps rent a bike for the afternoon (Loc 560)
2. Alcohol - The alcohol has obviously infused (Loc 767)
5. Beer - Just a beer for me (Loc 358)
6. Brew - fancy a brew (Loc 2124)
7. Celebration - a sadly deflated attempt at a celebration (Loc 3936)
8. Community - for the LGBT community (Loc 432)
10. Crowds - the crowds have dwindled (Loc 1063)
11. Dancing - Elvis dancing with a ninety year old (Loc 1091)
12. District - it's a mini break to the Lake District (Loc 3446)
13. Enjoy - but I enjoy it (Loc 465)
17. Festival - was the harvest festival (Loc 144)
19. Food - The food does sound amazing (Loc 503)
20. Friends - of you best friends life (Loc 91)
21. Fun - I think this is more fun
24. History - and the rest is history (Loc 153)
26. International - reserved under international (Loc 23)
31. Laughter - we collapse into fits of laughter (Loc 237)
32. Limit - we need to limit your tv time (Loc 2754)
34. Music - the music starts (Loc 124)
35. Natural - it's largely natural and unspoilt (Loc 906)
38. People - people need to stop assuming (Loc 98)
49. World - lost in my own little world (Loc 999)

I Heart Paris (I Heart, #3) by Lindsey Kelk 15/10 *****
4. Bands - you should see some of the other girls in the bands (Loc 528)
9. Costumes - get blood on those character costumes (Loc 402)
14. Entertainment - with the impromptu entertainment (Loc 690)
15. Event - the massively dramatic event (Loc 509)
18. Flavor - to see what flavour muffins (Loc 331)
22. German - the commentary from the German and French (Loc 612)
28. Kick off - I paused at the boardwalk to kick off (Loc 460)
29. Labels - teeny tiny numbers on the labels (Loc 41)
36. October - The Union last October (Loc 407)
40. Rides - with visions of bicycles (Loc 680)
42. Season - it's almost boot season (Loc 658)
44. Stein - Mary, Stein once we were officially (Loc 728)
46. Tradition - in the great traditionof everything (Loc 612)

Cupids Anonymous by Lila Monroe 23/10 ***
25. Hops - then he hops out of bed (Loc 67)
47. Vendor - “This is a new vendor (Loc 17)

I Heart London (I Heart, #5) by Lindsey Kelk 25/10 ****
37. Parade - I would parade him around (Loc 55)
41. Sausage - I happened to think sausage rolls (Loc 229)

Under Currents by Nora Roberts 31/10 ****
33. Malt - Bingley sipped his single malt, paced the cabin (Loc 84)
39. Pretzel - “I might still have some chips left. Pretzels or something.” (Loc 20)
48. Visitors - Not only would visitors (Loc 34)

3. Attractions
16. Fairgrounds
23. Heritage
27. Keg
30. Lager
43. Servers
45. Tent
50. Yeast

message 33: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54251 comments Mod
Welcome Jade and Grace!

message 34: by ✨ Vittoria ✨ (last edited Oct 29, 2019 03:02AM) (new)

✨ Vittoria ✨ | 541 comments October Scavenger Hunt - Oktoberfest
Duration: October 1, 2019 - October 31, 2019

Level: Wiesn: 41-50 words.
Words found: 45/50

Death Waits in the Dark by Julia Buckley - 01 Oct 19
1. Afternoon. "I studied my cast in the afternoon light." - loc. 258 epub
5. Beer. "took a swig of beer and sighed." - loc. 24 epub
8. Community. "we can agree on community service" - loc. 292 epub
11. Dancing. "were dancing with hilarious expressions" - loc. 251 epub
13. Enjoy. "didn't enjoy that particular form" - loc. 49 epub
15. Event. "quite a series of events." - loc. 326 epub
19. Food. "the food is really good here" - loc. 161 epub
20. Friends. "walked his friends to the front door" - loc. 27 epub
21. Fun. "Have fun, Lena." - loc. 81 epub
22. German. "Camilla's German shepherds" - loc. 15 epub
24. History. "my precious history in this box." - loc. 71 epub
31. Laughter. "then laughter, then more shouting." - loc. 232 epub
32. Limit. "the limit is fifty on this road." - loc. 278 epub
34. Music. "I heard a hint of music" - loc. 371 epub
35. Natural. "Sounded like natural causes." - loc. 102 epub
36. October. "after the chaos of last October." - loc. 59 epub
38. People. "where we young people hung out" - loc. 100 epub
42. Season. "give her off-season rates." - loc. 299 epub
47. Vendor. "a vendor on the sidewalk" - loc. 270 epub
48. Visitors. "get unwelcome visitors now and again." - loc. 19 epub
49. World. "The world was not kind" - loc. 287 epub

The Dark Enquiry by Deanna Raybourn - 02 Oct 19
6. Brew. "He brews up the tea" - loc. 349 epub
7. Celebration. "a celebration of sorts for the child" - loc. 502 epub
9. Costumes. "aside the costumes and the props" - loc. 264 epub
14. Entertainment. "in search of such entertainment himself." - loc. 191 epub
46. Tradition. "It's tradition, you see." - loc. 337 epub

A Perilous Undertaking by Deanna Raybourn - 05 Oct 19
3. Attractions. "significant attractions for the fairer sex." - loc. 325 epub
4. Bands. "wings in bands that circled" - loc. 89 epub
33. Malt. "good single malt in the decanter" - loc. 546 epub
45. Tent. "guide her out of the tent" - loc. 133 epub

Pride And Prejudice by Jane Austen - 07 Oct 19
37. Parade. "«This is a parade,» cried he" - loc. 553 epub

Better Late Than Never by Jenn McKinlay - 09 Oct 19
26. International. "an international star of the stage" - loc. 202 epub
29. Labels. "more labels all done in chronological order." - loc. 313 epub
40. Rides. "Phoebe rides the carousel" - loc. 43 epub

A Novel Way to Die by Ali Brandon - 11 Oct 19
18. Flavor. "for the flavor-of-the-month politicians" - loc. 139 epub
25. Hops. "in two oversized hops" - loc. 171 epub
41. Sausage. "creamy sausage and gravy mixture" - loc. 314 epub

Death in the Stacks by Jenn McKinlay - 13 Oct 19
10. Crowds. "slipped away before the crowd arrived" - loc. 107 epub

Murder in the Mystery Suite by Ellery Adams - 15 Oct 19
2. Alcohol. "and alcohol meant an increase in revenue" - loc. 354 epub
17. Festival. "football games and harvest festivals" - loc. 375 epub
23. Heritage. "proud of his Scottish heritage." - loc. 311 epub

Words With Fiends by Ali Brandon - 19 Oct 19
28. Kick off. "for Hamlet to kick off the counter?" - loc. 360 epub

Literally Murder by Ali Brandon - 26 Oct 19
12. District. "business and historic district" - loc. 58 epub
43. Servers. "The server interrupted her musings." - loc. 92 epub
44. Stein. "That Stein fellow, he's on the condo board" - loc. 149 epub

List: (view spoiler)

message 35: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54251 comments Mod
Welcome Vittoria!

message 36: by [deleted user] (new)

October Scavenger Hunt - Oktoberfest COMPLETION POST
Duration: October 1, 2019 - October 31, 2019

Choose your level: Wiesn: 43/50

nevertheless – Alec Baldwin 01.10.19 Nevertheless by Alec Baldwin
1. Afternoon
Page 4 All of them might appear in a single afternoon, all in that bed.
2. Alcohol –
Page 31 rock- and-roll-worshipping, drug-and-alcohol-abusing, street-fig…
3 - Attraction
Page 209 singular in ways beyond the limitations of attraction, who seemed t…
5. Beer
Page 19 been left on the sidewalk while drinking beer or liquor from paper bags
7. Celebration
Page 238 highway in East Hampton, where every celebrity who had a hom…
8. Community
Page 8 handle the overflow of a rapidly growing community. Berner was a…
9. Costumes
Page 187 watch them spend a gagillion dollars on costumes, sets, and all th…
12. District
Page 13 everything in the Massapequa school district was a New York lawyer n…
13. Enjoy
Page 158 out to be tough and brave. (I always enjoy when an actor comes to …
14. Entertainment
Page 214 had different standards than the entertainment division, L…
15. Event
Page 209 the change. We come to a situation or event that could be a gr…
Page 158 a generator. When I walked in with the food, it was a scene out of one of
20. Friends
Page 2 previous seasons; clothes passed along from friends as hand- me- do…
21. Fun
Page 60 flambéed, wickedly funny queens was more fun than anything else. It was…
23. Heritage
Page 243 role in curating our diverse cultural heritage: all of these, and…
24. History
Page 121 There are men and women throughout movie history whose perf…
34. Music
Page 121 accounting, publicity, locations, wardrobe, music, producti…
35. Natural
Page 118 Basinger, whom I had seen in films like The Natural and Fool for Love.
36. October
Page 236 might help Ted. In the critical month of October, I traveled to wes…
38. People
Page 45 is show business for less attractive people, and the offices of the GW Stu…
39. Pretzel
Page 236 during that month, fueling ourselves with pretzels and Snapple.
42. Season
Page 9 Winter Games, in our contests in every season, Daniel was the champion.
47. Vendor
Page 118 beach in Venice was too crowded with vendors, revelers, and pal…
48. Visitor
Page 73 from the occasional kindhearted female visitor, drinking and sleeping on …
49. World
Page 19 grandmother would cook dinner. She was a world- class cook who spe…

All things nice – shelia bugler 03.10.19 All Things Nice by Sheila Bugler
4. Band – ATN - SB
Page 86 Friday night, had told her about this band. She’d downloaded the alb…
10. Crowds – ATN - SB
Page 149 pub. No TV, no loud music and no bloody crowds.’ ‘I don’t like pubs,…
28. Kick off – ATN - SB
Page 277 forgotten all about that. What time does it kick off again?’ ‘Five am,’ Ellen …
31. Laughter– ATN - SB
Page 407 they heard about it. Worse than the laughter, she imagined what they’d…
32. Limit– ATN - SB
Page 516 Not the first time. Way over the legal limit. Words swimming at him th…
33. Malt– ATN - SB
Page 351 cabinet. He pulled out the bottle of single malt and poured two fingerfuls i…
40. Ride– ATN - SB
page 364 when all the time he was taking her for a ride. ‘I’m not stupid,’ Fr…
45. Tent– ATN - SB
Page 161 They’d had sex that morning. In the small tent they were sharing.

Scorpia – Anthony Horowitz – 04.10.19
11. Dancing
Page 53 of oil lamps, their flames bowing and dancing in the evening breeze. A…
17. Festival
Page 55 time of the Venice International Film Festival. Well, that told him somet…
22. German
Page 41 believe that he had been a commander in the German secret police and …
26. International
Page 54 and Alex saw that this was truly an international gathering.
29. Labels
Page 117 DESIGNER LABELS Atex stood on the balcony and gazed at the …

Reasons to stay alive – matt haig – 06.10.19 Reasons to Stay Alive by Matt Haig
30. LagerPage 186 went to the union bar and had a pint of lager and two vodka and limes. I…

How to save a life- sara zarr – 06.10.19 How to Save a Life by Sara Zarr
16. Fairgrounds
Page 412 Mandy thinks that once she sees the fairgrounds, which she k…
37. Parade
Page 44 don't expect the world to throw you a parade." I didn't. Friendsh…
41. Sausage
‘I order a side of sausage and a tomato…’
46. Tradition
Page 314 failure to adhere to a meaningless tradition. They're punishing me for …

I couldn't find:
6. Brew
18. Flavor
25. Hops
27. Keg
43. Servers
44. Stein
50. Yeast

message 37: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54251 comments Mod

message 38: by Vanessa (last edited Oct 29, 2019 11:43AM) (new)

Vanessa | 339 comments Choose your level:
Wiesn: 41-50 words

Double Fudge Brownie Murder by Joanne Fluke 10/8
1. Afternoon: "The gazebo gleamed white in the rays of the afternoon sun" Pg. 38
2. Alcohol: "only Hannah knew why he never touched alcohol" Pg. 186
4. Bands: "He sings with a band called Liquid Steel" Pg. 148
6. Brew: "sipped the wonderfully restorative morning brew" Pg. 248
8. Community: "She's an assistant professor at the community college" Pg. 298
9. Costumes: "warm pants could fit under their children's Halloween costumes" Pg. 91
10. Crowds: "we don't have to battle the crowds" Pg. 67
11. Dancing: "The dancing is supposed to be fantastic" Pg. 6
12. District: "Judge Colfax to publicly chriticize the district attorney's office" pg. 120
13. Enjoy: "So that we can enjoy married life" Pg. 23
14. Entertainment: "would want to leave the entertainment capital of the world" pg. 46
18. Flavor: "It just won't be as intense a flavor" Pg. 16
19. Food: "putting chunks in a food processor" Pg. 32
20. Friends: "she hadn't told anyone, not even her friends" Pg. 39
21. Fun: "caught up in all this whirlwind wedding fun" Pg. 60
22. German: "and a German Chocholate Cupcake for dessert" Pg. 47
24. History: "Bridget had accepted his offer and the rest was history" Pg. 185
25. Hops: "hop on the first flight back to Lake Eden" pg. 30
26. International: "air conditioned interior of McCarran International Airport"
28. Kick off: "to kick off their Minnesota at the Movies month" Pg. 283
29. Labels: "green champagne bottle with its orange label" Pg. 14
31. Laughter: "Michelle let out a whoop of laughter" Pg. 12
34. Music: "Things get a little rowdy on music nights." Pg. 224
35. Natural: "It's only natural." Pg. 29
36. October: "It could occur any time from the month of October on." Pg. 91
38. People: "but most people worked hard for their money" Pg. 2
40. Rides: "I've always wanted to ride on a dog sled" Pg. 24
41. Sausage: "three eggs, three slices of bacon, three sausage links, and two biscuits" Pg. 145
42. Season: "Snow season could last for six months" Pg. 91
45. Tent: "tent a piece of foil over the top of the pan" Pg. 137
46. Tradition: "that's not exactly a tradition for high tea" Pg. 311
48. Visitors: "Hannah parked in the space set aside for visitors." Pg. 290
49. World: "What in the world was baked oatmeal?" Pg. 193
50. Yeast: "A bread without yeast" Pg. 162

The Saturday Night Ghost Club by Craig Davidson 10/17
3. Attractions: "as if to indicate the attraction existed beyond rational explanation" Loc. 348
5. Beer: "Light beer. All your mom lets me drink anymore." Loc. 781
15. Event: "when you see events in their proper light, understanding sinks in" Loc. 697
32. Limit: "Sharked the rubes at dollar-limit stud poker" Loc. 355
33. Malt: "He smelled of Old Spice and faitly, pleasantly, of malt" Loc. 793

Full Throttle by Joe Hill 10/12
7. Celebration: "someone who just happened to be there when the celebration began" Loc. 3926
16. Fairgrounds: "By then I was staggering with beer and fairground chow" Loc. 1013
37. Parade: "lifting its hooves high, as if it were on parade" Loc. 1211
43. Servers: "His rebuild program couldn't connect with the server for repair instructions" Loc. 3825

Strawberry Shortcake Murder by Joanne Fluke
27. Keg: "Suspended for a couple of games when they'd thrown a keg party out at the lake" Page 194
39. Pretzel: "Mike and I went through a couple of bags of pretzels on Wednesday night" Page 215

17. Festival
23. Heritage
30. Lager
44. Stein
47. Vendor

message 39: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54251 comments Mod
Welcome Vanessa!

message 40: by SANDYE (new)

SANDYE (sandye_c) | 1219 comments Challenge Completed - 10/18/19

October Scavenger Hunt - Oktoberfest
Duration: October 1, 2019 - October 31, 2019

Date Started: October 1, 2019
Date Completed: October 18, 2019

Choose your level:
das Bier: 10-20 words
Tracht: 21-40 words 34 found
Wiesn: 41-50 words

1. Afternoon - Purrfect Murder (Hazel Hart 1) by Louise Lynn - 10/3/19 - pg. 185 - After her AFTERNOON shoot, Hazel let Michael go home early and decided to close up shop.
2. Alcohol - Meredith Potts Halloween Cozy Mystery Set - Halloween Candy with a Side of Murder by Meredith Potts - 10/16/19 - LOC 3047 - Some turned to ALCOHOL
3. Attractions - Meredith Potts Halloween Cozy Mystery Set - Murder and Delicious Halloween Candy by Meredith Potts - 10/16/19 - LOC 1675 - the scenery was the ATTRACTION as much as anything
4. Bands - Purrfect Murder (Hazel Hart 1) by Louise Lynn - 10/3/19 - Pg. 143 - "Shouldn't have done that. Made the Ska BAND worse."
5. Beer - A Deadly Delivery (Psychic Cafe 1) by April Fernsby - 10/5/19 - LOC. 924 - He gave her a sharp nod and took a swig from his BEER
6. Brew -Meredith Potts Halloween Cozy Mystery Set -Murder and Delicious Halloween Candy by Meredith Potts - 10/16/19 - LOC 1873 - When paired with a surge of denial, it made for a particularly unsettling BREW
7. Celebration - Purrfect Murder (Hazel Hart 1) by Louise Lynn - 10/3/19 - Pg. 88 - Hazel wasn't certain of that yet, wasn't as big a deal as the Christmas or New Year's CELEBRATIONS.
8. Community - Purrfect Murder (Hazel Hart 1) by Louise Lynn - 10/3/19 - Pg. 127 - Well, as it is only fitting to welcome you to our lovely little COMMUNITY, I can make you one as well, sheriff.
9. Costumes - Purrfect Murder (Hazel Hart 1) by Louise Lynn - 10/3/19 - Pg. 161 - She came back after your sister showed up and was looking at the COSTUMES.
10. Crowds - Purrfect Murder (Hazel Hart 1) by Louise Lynn - 10/3/19 - Pg. 91 - Speaking of Dirk - she went back to eyeing the CROWD as Celia picked through the table of hors d'oeuvres
11. Dancing -Meredith Potts Halloween Cozy Mystery Set - Murder and Delicious Halloween Candy by Meredith Potts - 10/16/19 - LOC 222 - People are DANCING
12. District -Meredith Potts Halloween Cozy Mystery Set - Murder and Delicious Halloween Candy by Meredith Potts - 10/16/19 - LOC 1498 - until David was able to speak with the DISTRICT attorney in the morning
13. Enjoy - Purrfect Murder (Hazel Hart 1) by Louise Lynn - 10/3/19 - Pg. 168 - She settled on the couch with her mom, sister, and niece to watch a movie and ENJOY a dessert of strawberry shortcake.
14. Entertainment
15. Event - A Deadly Delivery (Psychic Cafe 1) by April Fernsby - 10/5/19 - LOC. 1246 - This is a serious turn of EVENTS.
16. Fairgrounds
17. Festival
18. Flavor - Meredith Potts Halloween Cozy Mystery Set - Murder and Delicious Halloween Candy by Meredith Potts - 10/16/19 - LOC 2761 - Not only was a pumpkin FLAVORED latte in my future
19. Food - Purrfect Murder (Hazel Hart 1) by Louise Lynn - 10/3/19 - Pg. 80 - A shiver charged through her as Lydia brought the FOOD to the table and set it down.
20. Friends - Purrfect Murder (Hazel Hart 1) by Louise Lynn - 10/3/19 - Pg. 41 - That's what her detective FRIENDS on the LAPD always told her.
21. Fun - Purrfect Murder (Hazel Hart 1) by Louise Lynn - 10/3/19 - Pg. 79 - She was going through the costumes and saying it would be FUN to dress up.
22. German - Fruit Pie with a Side of Danger (Danger in Treasure Cove 2) by Meredith Potts - 10/13/19 - LOC 1003 - It turned out that the dog that had barked at us was a GERMAN Shephard
23. Heritage
24. History - Purrfect Murder (Hazel Hart 1) by Louise Lynn - 10/3/19 - Pg. 93 - I have a long HISTORY as a detective out of San Francisco, so you're in good hands.
25. Hops
26. International
27. Keg
28. Kick off
29. Labels -Meredith Potts Halloween Cozy Mystery Set - Murder and Delicious Halloween Candy by Meredith Potts - 10/16/19 - LOC 2104 - Mr. Gordon, instead of putting LABELS on everything
30. Lager
31. Laughter - Purrfect Murder (Hazel Hart 1) by Louise Lynn - 10/3/19 - Pg. 127 - Hazel tried to fight back a snort of LAUGHTER but didn't manage it.
32. Limit - Purrfect Murder (Hazel Hart 1) by Louise Lynn - 10/3/19 - Pg. 6 - She needed her fix, but she had LIMITS too
33. Malt
34. Music - Purrfect Murder (Hazel Hart 1) by Louise Lynn - 10/3/19 - Pg. 108 - They were back in the ballroom, though the MUSIC had stopped
35. Natural -Meredith Potts Halloween Cozy Mystery Set - Halloween Candy with a Side of Murder by Meredith Potts - 10/16/19 - LOC 958 - It's only NATURAL that you'd suspect me
36. October -Meredith Potts Halloween Cozy Mystery Set - Halloween Candy with a Side of Murder by Meredith Potts - 10/16/19 - LOC 1489 - spooky things always seemed to happen during the month of OCTOBER
37. Parade
38. People - Purrfect Murder (Hazel Hart 1) by Louise Lynn - 10/3/19 - Pg. 122 - Two PEOPLE is hardly the whole town, young man.
39. Pretzel
40. Rides - Purrfect Murder (Hazel Hart 1) by Louise Lynn - 10/3/19 - Pg. 61 - According to them, Sara and Dirk had gone out for a midday boat RIDE
41. Sausage
42. Season - Purrfect Murder (Hazel Hart 1) by Louise Lynn - 10/3/19 - Pg. 35 - During the hunting SEASON, there were a few accidental shootings every year
43. Servers - Meredith Potts Halloween Cozy Mystery Set - Halloween Candy with a Side of Murder by Meredith Potts - 10/16/19 - LOC 4386 - As a matter of fact, she was our SERVER that morning as well.
44. Stein
45. Tent -Meredith Potts Halloween Cozy Mystery Set - Murder and Delicious Halloween Candy by Meredith Potts - 10/16/19 - LOC 3949 - His TENT and supplies were there, but there was no sign of Patrick anywhere.
46. Tradition - Meredith Potts Halloween Cozy Mystery Set - Murder and Delicious Halloween Candy by Meredith Potts - 10/16/19 - LOC 1993 - I had learned that TRADITIONALLY the domain of the guilty
47. Vendor
48. Visitors - Meredith Potts Halloween Cozy Mystery Set - Murder and Delicious Halloween Candy by Meredith Potts - 10/16/19 - LOC 3314 - in the northeast corner of town which drew VISITORS from all over the state
49. World - Purrfect Murder (Hazel Hart 1) by Louise Lynn - 10/3/19 - Pg. 155 - Dad. I knew you'd come through. Even half a WORLD away.
50. Yeast

message 41: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54251 comments Mod

message 42: by Tari (new)

Tari (thann) | 2205 comments Finished

October Scavenger Hunt - Oktoberfest
Duration: Oct. 1st, 2019 - Oct. 31st, 2019


1. Afternoon Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19 Ch. 2, p. 24 "Saturday afternoon in the park," Hazel answered.
2. Alcohol Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19, Ch. 12 p. 112 "The four of us sat around the fire Zak had built, sipping on some secret recipe that tasted a lot like pure alcohol."
3. Attractions Last Gasp Karen Chester 10/22/19 Ch. 6, loc. 952 "...from the centre of town and close to many tourist attractions"
4. Bands A Potion to Die For Heather Blake 10/4/19, Ch. 11 p. 121 "We have special engravings on the inside of our bands."
5. Beer Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19, Ch. 6 p. 60 "...tagged with colorful epitaphs but there was an assortment of beer bottles all over the floor."
6. Brew Beyond a Reasonable Stout Ellie Alexander 10/2/19, Ch. 1 loc. 92 "He had inherited the historic inn that now housed our brew operations from his great aunt Tess."
7. Celebration Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19, Ch. 16, p. 141 "...I'd met Zak, Ellie and a newly-released Levi for a victory celebration"
8. Community Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19, Ch. 1, p. 2 "When we aren't rescuing animals and placing them in homes around the community, I volunteer at the senior center where I horn in on their book club."
9. Costumes Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19, Ch. 2 p. 24 "We're asking everyone to wear costumes to both the pep rally and the game."
10. Crowds Beyond a Reasonable Stout Ellie Alexander 10/2/19, Ch. 11, loc. 1181 "She cut to footage of the huge Oktoberfest crowds."
11. Dancing Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19, Ch. 2, p. 26 "...cheesecake and margaritas had been dancing through my mind."
12. District Chickenlandia Mystery Daisy Pettles 10/11/19 Ch. 17, loc. 1594 "She seemed to know all about district attorneys, bail and criminal proceedings."
13. Enjoy Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19, Ch. 10 p. 99 "Not much we can do about it at this point, so you may as well relax and enjoy the show."
14. Entertainment Of Spice and Men Sarah Fox 10/5/19, Ch. 2 loc. 232 "I had no desire to give up The Flip Side to pursue a career in the entertainment industry, but I was interested to know what the women did behind the scenes..."
15. Event Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19, Ch. 1, p. 1 "Ashton Falls was decorated festively for the annual Haunted Hamlet: a four-day event comprised of a haunted barn, spooky maze, zombie run, kiddie carnival and pumpkin patch."
16. Fairgrounds (found singular) Read and Buried Eva Gates 10/7/19 Ch. 19, loc. 3211 "By quarter to one, the lighthouse lawn had been turned into a fairground with tents and tables under colorful umbrellas and a small sta..."
17. Festival Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19 Ch. 2 p. 22 "Holding a carnival, festival or some other fundraising event every few weeks was taking its toll on..."
18. Flavor Beyond a Reasonable Stout Ellie Alexander 10/2/19, Ch. 6 loc. 645 "Even without cacao nibs, it had a dark, biscuit flavor with notes of caramel."
19. Food Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19, Ch. 4 p. 37 "I figured you had enough food for one more, but I brought a couple of extra steaks just in case..."
20. Friends Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19, Ch. 2 p. 26 "Fall is mating season for many of our wildlife friends."
21. Fun Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19, Ch. 14, p. 129 "This is really fun," Zak said as he peeked around the intersection we'd come to."
22. German Beyond a Reasonable Stout Ellie Alexander 10/2/19 Ch. 1, loc. 81 "...Leavenworth is as close as one can get to traveling to the German countryside without actually being in Europe."
23. Heritage Beyond a Reasonable Stout Ellie Alexander 10/2/19, Ch. 22 loc. 2413 "...the Leavenworth business community with a serious commitment to preserving our German heritage."
24. History Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19, Ch. of bonus story "Zoe's Treasure": "and Ethan Carlton, a retired history professor."
25. Hops Beyond a Reasonable Stout Ellie Alexander 10/2/19, Ch. 1 loc. 14 "I asked Garrett as I dumped a box of fresh Chinook hops into the shiny stainless-steel fermenting tank."
26. International Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19 Ch. 6, p. 57 "...exchanging goods procured by a friendly pregame raid and not engaging in international espionage."
27. Keg Beyond a Reasonable Stout Ellie Alexander 10/2/19, Ch. 32, loc. 3224 "I was just saying to Garrett that I'd love to get a keg of this on tap at the Underground."
28. Kick off Beyond a Reasonable Stout Ellie Alexander 10/2/19, Ch. 2 loc. 176 "The ceremonial lighting would kick off the holidays and was followed by the Bavarian Christmas markets where..."
29. Labels Beyond a Reasonable Stout Ellie Alexander 10/2/19, Ch. 15 loc. 1651 "He handed Mac the sheet of labels and kissed my cheek."
30. Lager Beyond a Reasonable Stout Ellie Alexander 10/2/19, Ch. 4 loc. 388 "...him to distinguish the unique subleties in a pilsner versus a lager was impossible."
31. Laughter Beyond a Reasonable Stout Ellie Alexander 10/2/19 Ch. 11, loc. 1159 "Hearing the sound of the boys' laughter helped remind me of what a happy place this used to be."
32. Limit Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19 Ch. 8 p. 79 "A few minutes of chitchat are about my limit with Tanner."
33. Malt Beyond a Reasonable Stout Ellie Alexander 10/2/19, Ch. 5 loc. 576 "Garrett was filling the mash tub with malt."
34. Music Beyond a Reasonable Stout Ellie Alexander 10/2/19, Ch. 1 loc. 24 "Every weekend saw a new round of revelers, the constant sound of oompah music, street..."
35. Natural Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19 Ch. 14 p. 132 "Everyone figured the snake invasion was some natural occurrence brought on by recent rain."
36. October Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19, Ch. 4 p. 36 "Fantastic weather for October," she commented as she twisted her straight brown hair into a knot..."
37. Parade Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19 Ch. 14 p. 127 "I watched the kids lining up for the costume parade as I paused to let everything process."
38. People Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19, Ch. 6 p. 57 "Too many people around."
39. Pretzel Beyond a Reasonable Stout Ellie Alexander 10/2/19 Ch. 25 loc. 2664 "Heidi ripped off another piece of pretzel."
40. Rides Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19 Ch. 2, p. 23 " open daily through Saturday, as will the pumpkin patch, the hay rides and the haunted marathon at the theater."
41. Sausage Beyond a Reasonable Stout Ellie Alexander 10/2/19 Ch. 4 loc. 425 "He chomped a bite of the chicken sausage."
42. Season Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19, Ch. 1 p. 5 "The biggest game of the season and the team's star running back in involved in a..."
43. Servers Beyond a Reasonable Stout Ellie Alexander 10/2/19 Ch. 2 loc. 238 "...but as you can see there isn't any room to send our servers out with trays."
44. Stein Beyond a Reasonable Stout Ellie Alexander 10/2/19, Ch. 24 loc. 2603 "Heidi lifted her stein and clicked it to mine."
45. Tent Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19, Ch. 13 p. 118 " I headed to the snack tent where Ryan was chatting with a group of guys..."
46. Tradition Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19, Ch. 1 p. 4 "While the pregame psych-out is a time-honored tradition in our little corner of the world, this year. with the matchup of historical rivals..."
47. Vendor Beyond a Reasonable Stout Ellie Alexander 10/2/19, Ch. 6 loc. 626 "...would be a refreshing beer to sip while strolling through the vendor booths at the holiday market."
48. Visitors Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19, Ch. 2 p. 15 "...between the hours of six a.m. and two p.m., locals and visitors alike gather at Rosie's to share a meal..."
49. World Halloween Hijinks Kathi Daley 10/1/19, Ch. 6 p. 55 "What was the world coming to?"
50. Yeast Beyond a Reasonable Stout Ellie Alexander 10/2/19, Ch. 6 locl. 714 "Sugar activates the yeast and helps ignite the fermentation process."

message 43: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54251 comments Mod

message 44: by Tari (new)

Tari (thann) | 2205 comments JoAnne wrote: "WOOHOO Tari!!"Thanks, JoAnne!

message 45: by ✨ Vittoria ✨ (new)

✨ Vittoria ✨ | 541 comments COMPLETED @ post #35

October Scavenger Hunt - Oktoberfest
Duration: October 1, 2019 - October 31, 2019

Level: Wiesn: 41-50 words.
Words found: 45/50
Words missing: Fairgrounds; Keg; Lager; Pretzel; Yeast

Death Waits in the Dark by Julia Buckley - 01 Oct 19
1. Afternoon. "I studied my cast in the afternoon light." - loc. 258 epub
5. Beer. "took a swig of beer and sighed." - loc. 24 epub
8. Community. "we can agree on community service" - loc. 292 epub
11. Dancing. "were dancing with hilarious expressions" - loc. 251 epub
13. Enjoy. "didn't enjoy that particular form" - loc. 49 epub
15. Event. "quite a series of events." - loc. 326 epub
19. Food. "the food is really good here" - loc. 161 epub
20. Friends. "walked his friends to the front door" - loc. 27 epub
21. Fun. "Have fun, Lena." - loc. 81 epub
22. German. "Camilla's German shepherds" - loc. 15 epub
24. History. "my precious history in this box." - loc. 71 epub
31. Laughter. "then laughter, then more shouting." - loc. 232 epub
32. Limit. "the limit is fifty on this road." - loc. 278 epub
34. Music. "I heard a hint of music" - loc. 371 epub
35. Natural. "Sounded like natural causes." - loc. 102 epub
36. October. "after the chaos of last October." - loc. 59 epub
38. People. "where we young people hung out" - loc. 100 epub
42. Season. "give her off-season rates." - loc. 299 epub
47. Vendor. "a vendor on the sidewalk" - loc. 270 epub
48. Visitors. "get unwelcome visitors now and again." - loc. 19 epub
49. World. "The world was not kind" - loc. 287 epub

The Dark Enquiry by Deanna Raybourn - 02 Oct 19
6. Brew. "He brews up the tea" - loc. 349 epub
7. Celebration. "a celebration of sorts for the child" - loc. 502 epub
9. Costumes. "aside the costumes and the props" - loc. 264 epub
14. Entertainment. "in search of such entertainment himself." - loc. 191 epub
46. Tradition. "It's tradition, you see." - loc. 337 epub

A Perilous Undertaking by Deanna Raybourn - 05 Oct 19
3. Attractions. "significant attractions for the fairer sex." - loc. 325 epub
4. Bands. "wings in bands that circled" - loc. 89 epub
33. Malt. "good single malt in the decanter" - loc. 546 epub
45. Tent. "guide her out of the tent" - loc. 133 epub

Pride And Prejudice by Jane Austen - 07 Oct 19
37. Parade. "«This is a parade,» cried he" - loc. 553 epub

Better Late Than Never by Jenn McKinlay - 09 Oct 19
26. International. "an international star of the stage" - loc. 202 epub
29. Labels. "more labels all done in chronological order." - loc. 313 epub
40. Rides. "Phoebe rides the carousel" - loc. 43 epub

A Novel Way to Die by Ali Brandon - 11 Oct 19
18. Flavor. "for the flavor-of-the-month politicians" - loc. 139 epub
25. Hops. "in two oversized hops" - loc. 171 epub
41. Sausage. "creamy sausage and gravy mixture" - loc. 314 epub

Death in the Stacks by Jenn McKinlay - 13 Oct 19
10. Crowds. "slipped away before the crowd arrived" - loc. 107 epub

Murder in the Mystery Suite by Ellery Adams - 15 Oct 19
2. Alcohol. "and alcohol meant an increase in revenue" - loc. 354 epub
17. Festival. "football games and harvest festivals" - loc. 375 epub
23. Heritage. "proud of his Scottish heritage." - loc. 311 epub

Words With Fiends by Ali Brandon - 19 Oct 19
28. Kick off. "for Hamlet to kick off the counter?" - loc. 360 epub

Literally Murder by Ali Brandon - 26 Oct 19
12. District. "business and historic district" - loc. 58 epub
43. Servers. "The server interrupted her musings." - loc. 92 epub
44. Stein. "That Stein fellow, he's on the condo board" - loc. 149 epub

message 46: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54251 comments Mod
WOOHOO Vittoria!

message 47: by Ferenc (new)

Ferenc (aeneth) | 2445 comments FINISHED!

October Scavenger Hunt - Oktoberfest
Duration: October 1, 2019 - October 31, 2019

Goal: 44/50

The Fairest Beauty (Hagenheim, #3) by Melanie Dickerson The Fairest Beauty by Melanie Dickerson – 10/01/2019 - 18 words
(view spoiler)

Wicked Saints (Something Dark and Holy, #1) by Emily A. Duncan Wicked Saints by Emily A. Duncan – 10/05/2019 - 6 words
(view spoiler)

Bookends by Liz Curtis Higgs Bookends by Liz Curtis Higgs – 10/09/2019 - 14 words
(view spoiler)

Happily Ever After by Jenn Faulk Happily Ever After by Jenn Faulk – 10/11/2019 - 2 words
(view spoiler)

21 Lessons for the 21st Century by Yuval Noah Harari 21 Lessons for the 21st Century by Yuval Noah Harari – 10/21/2019 - 3 words
(view spoiler)

Waking Lazarus by T.L. Hines Waking Lazarus by T.L. Hines – 10/23/2019 - 1 word
(view spoiler)

(view spoiler)

message 48: by JoAnne (new)

JoAnne | 54251 comments Mod
WOOHOO Ferenc!

message 49: by Vanessa (new)

Vanessa | 339 comments COMPLETE!

Choose your level:
Wiesn: 41-50 words

Double Fudge Brownie Murder by Joanne Fluke 10/8
1. Afternoon: "The gazebo gleamed white in the rays of the afternoon sun" Pg. 38
2. Alcohol: "only Hannah knew why he never touched alcohol" Pg. 186
4. Bands: "He sings with a band called Liquid Steel" Pg. 148
6. Brew: "sipped the wonderfully restorative morning brew" Pg. 248
8. Community: "She's an assistant professor at the community college" Pg. 298
9. Costumes: "warm pants could fit under their children's Halloween costumes" Pg. 91
10. Crowds: "we don't have to battle the crowds" Pg. 67
11. Dancing: "The dancing is supposed to be fantastic" Pg. 6
12. District: "Judge Colfax to publicly chriticize the district attorney's office" pg. 120
13. Enjoy: "So that we can enjoy married life" Pg. 23
14. Entertainment: "would want to leave the entertainment capital of the world" pg. 46
18. Flavor: "It just won't be as intense a flavor" Pg. 16
19. Food: "putting chunks in a food processor" Pg. 32
20. Friends: "she hadn't told anyone, not even her friends" Pg. 39
21. Fun: "caught up in all this whirlwind wedding fun" Pg. 60
22. German: "and a German Chocholate Cupcake for dessert" Pg. 47
24. History: "Bridget had accepted his offer and the rest was history" Pg. 185
25. Hops: "hop on the first flight back to Lake Eden" pg. 30
26. International: "air conditioned interior of McCarran International Airport"
28. Kick off: "to kick off their Minnesota at the Movies month" Pg. 283
29. Labels: "green champagne bottle with its orange label" Pg. 14
31. Laughter: "Michelle let out a whoop of laughter" Pg. 12
34. Music: "Things get a little rowdy on music nights." Pg. 224
35. Natural: "It's only natural." Pg. 29
36. October: "It could occur any time from the month of October on." Pg. 91
38. People: "but most people worked hard for their money" Pg. 2
40. Rides: "I've always wanted to ride on a dog sled" Pg. 24
41. Sausage: "three eggs, three slices of bacon, three sausage links, and two biscuits" Pg. 145
42. Season: "Snow season could last for six months" Pg. 91
45. Tent: "tent a piece of foil over the top of the pan" Pg. 137
46. Tradition: "that's not exactly a tradition for high tea" Pg. 311
48. Visitors: "Hannah parked in the space set aside for visitors." Pg. 290
49. World: "What in the world was baked oatmeal?" Pg. 193
50. Yeast: "A bread without yeast" Pg. 162

The Saturday Night Ghost Club by Craig Davidson 10/17
3. Attractions: "as if to indicate the attraction existed beyond rational explanation" Loc. 348
5. Beer: "Light beer. All your mom lets me drink anymore." Loc. 781
15. Event: "when you see events in their proper light, understanding sinks in" Loc. 697
32. Limit: "Sharked the rubes at dollar-limit stud poker" Loc. 355
33. Malt: "He smelled of Old Spice and faitly, pleasantly, of malt" Loc. 793

Full Throttle by Joe Hill 10/12
7. Celebration: "someone who just happened to be there when the celebration began" Loc. 3926
16. Fairgrounds: "By then I was staggering with beer and fairground chow" Loc. 1013
37. Parade: "lifting its hooves high, as if it were on parade" Loc. 1211
43. Servers: "His rebuild program couldn't connect with the server for repair instructions" Loc. 3825

Strawberry Shortcake Murder by Joanne Fluke
27. Keg: "Suspended for a couple of games when they'd thrown a keg party out at the lake" Page 194
39. Pretzel: "Mike and I went through a couple of bags of pretzels on Wednesday night" Page 215

17. Festival
23. Heritage
30. Lager
44. Stein
47. Vendor

message 50: by Suzanne (new)

Suzanne (esmerelda1) | 2730 comments The Lost Challenges
October 2019 Scavenger Hunt - Oktoberfest
October 1, 2019 - October 31, 2019

Progress: 45 out of 50 (Wiesn: 41-50 words)

Each month we will give you a list of 50 themed words to find in your books.

*There is no limit to how many words you can get per book.
*For each word please post a link to the book, the author, the date you finished it, plus the page number/location and a partial sentence where you found the word.
*Any reasonable forms are accepted.

Apple - A Touch of Ice - L.J. Charles (1/10/16)
I had a weakness for apple pie, heavy on the cinnamon... (loc. 245)

Any genre/format is fine.
Re-reads are OK.
No page minimum.
To count a book towards the challenge you must read the majority of it after the start date of the challenge.
Please post a partial list of the challenge when you sign up.

At the end of the month please re-post your whole challenge as a new message so that we can award your Hall of Fame badge!

(Even if you don't hit the level you were aiming for, you can still claim a badge for the words you did get.)


Losing Control (Babysitting a Billionaire, #1) by Nina Croft
Losing Control by Nina Croft - *** - 10/1/2019 - 250 Pages
1. Afternoon: “This afternoon.” “Where?” Dani blurted.
2. Alcohol: "He hardly touched alcohol and was opposed to drugs of any kind...
5. Beer: "She appeared tiny, hunched over a bottle of beer."
13. Enjoy: "Asking him to make love to her was out of the question, but she'd enjoy what she could have.
14. Entertainment: "They'd made slow love in the library on the blue velvet sofa, with him taking care not to be too rough; he wanted her in good shape to enjoy the evening entertainment."
19. Food: “'I'm hungry,' she said. 'I hope there's some food.'"
21. Fun: "We're not here for fun."
24. History: “'But you're going out with Nadia.' 'I told you—she's history.'"
26. International: "A selfmade man, he'd started his business forty years ago with nothing and built it into a multibilliondollar international company."
31. Laughter: "She whirled away but was sure she heard his soft laughter following her down..."
32. Limit: "Maybe his plan to keep her close until she realized she couldn't live without him was working, except she'd decided to put a time limit on the relationship."
34. Music: "Kim rested her head on his chest and swayed slowly to the music, which was impressive considering it was a fast rock track."
35. Natural: "He'd said she was a natural, but she'd ..."
38. People: "He knew a load of people - many of them friends - who'd left the army and found it hard to adjust to civilian life."
49. World: "The world vanished until there was nothing but his clever mouth working against her."

Unearthly (Unearthly, #1) by Cynthia Hand
Unearthly by Cynthia Hand - **** - 10/2/2019 - 435 Pages
11. Dancing: "The first time, November 6 to be exact, I wake up at two a.m. with a tingling in my head like tiny fireflies dancing behind my eyes." Page 1
12. District: "Her smile is proud, like that time I won the district spelling bee in third grade: proud, but like she never expected anything less." Page 4-5
20. Friends: “What about school? What about my friends? What about your job?” Page 9
25. Hops: "Christian hops up from the chair." Page 56
37. Parade: “Oh yeah, he’ll love that,” I say, thinking about Jeffrey with his army of friends and his never-ending parade of baseball games, wrestling matches, football practices, and everything else. Page 9
39. Pretzel: "I’m feeling queasy and light-headed all of a sudden, so Angela and I stop at Pretzel Time and each get a cinnamon pretzel, hoping some food in my stomach will help." Page 218
40. Rides: "This time he rides up behind me, and when I ski down, he’s right beside me." Page 115
42. Season: "He shrugs. 'It pays for the season pass.'” Page 113

Under the Table by Stephanie Evanovich
Under the Table by Stephanie Evanovich - **** - 10/9/2019 - 336 Pages
6. Brew: "Zoey wrapped both hands around the cup and blew at the hot brew within it." Loc 2213
8. Community: “That. Or maybe he doesn’t appreciate a kick in the jewels. She’ll probably get a fine, maybe some community service.” Loc 1525
10. Crowds: "As they got closer to Barneys the crowds got thicker." Loc 762
15. Event: "As a professional, Zoey had to take into consideration the kind of event she was working and have her own behavior reflect that." Loc 352
18. Flavor: “Spices are the key to unlocking flavor." Loc 194
33. Malt: “For your information, this isn’t wine, it’s a malt beverage." Loc
41. Sausage: "Zoey did her research and called him back with a menu of Shrimp and Sweet Potato Bisque and Broccoli Salad for starters; Sausage Jambalaya, Crawfish Mac & Cheese, and green beans for the main course; with a bread pudding for dessert." Loc 137

The Gaslight Dogs (Middle Light, #1) by Karin Lowachee
The Gaslight Dogs by Karin Lowachee - *** - 10/15/2019 - 368 Pages
4. Bands: “The abo bands do continue to hassle our troops.” Page 71
45. Tent: "In the midst of the play of light and dark, the clash of voices and shouts of frenzy, he spied the huddled family crouched on a collapsed canvas tent." Page 244
46. Tradition: "It was a well-honored tradition in religion to encourage spies." Page 223-224
48. Visitors: "He was silent in his contemplation of this fact and their new visitors to the fort." Page 212

Elsewhere by Gabrielle Zevin
Elsewhere by Gabrielle Zevin - **** - 10/19/2019 - 277 Pages
22. German: "The best I ever received was in a course on German writing college, but I loved the class anyway."

Kiss of Snow (Psy-Changeling, #10) by Nalini Singh
Kiss of Snow by Nalini Singh - **** - 10/21/2019 - 432 Pages
23. Heritage: "Lucas and I decided it was important for Nadiya to know both parts of her heritage." Page 245
28. Kick off: "Walker, having ducked into his bedroom to kick off his shoes and wash up, came in as she was placing a glass of water beside his plate." Page 72

God Is Not Great How Religion Poisons Everything by Christopher Hitchens
God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything by Christopher Hitchens - **** - 10/23/2019 - 336 Pages
17. Festival: "The newest pope, the former Joseph Ratzinger, recently attracted Catholic youths to a festival by offering a certain "remission of sin" to those who attended." Page 212
36. October: "Mr. Miller managed to crowd the mountaintops of America with credulous fools who (having sold their belongings cheap) became persuaded that the world would end on October 22 that year." Page 60
47. Vendor: "So goes the Buddhists humble request to the hot-dog vendor. But when the Buddhist hands over a twenty-dollar bill to the vendor, ..." Page 198

A Study in Scarlet Women (Lady Sherlock, #1) by Sherry Thomas
A Study in Scarlet Women by Sherry Thomas - ***** - 10/25/2019 - 323 Pages
7. Celebration: "Yesterday evening he returned home roaring drunk from a birthday celebration, mistook his wife for his mistress, and proceeded to tell her all about our agreement, time and venue included."

My First Five Husbands... And the Ones Who Got Away by Rue McClanahan
My First Five Husbands... And the Ones Who Got Away by Rue McClanahan - *** - 10/27/2019 - 352 Pages
9. Costumes: "Monday afternoons we did a run-through in costumes." Page 193
43. Servers: "All the meals were to be served from a rolling cart, after which we three servers - me, another girl, and George Kelley, who happened..." Page 78

Life Will Be the Death of Me . . . and You Too! by Chelsea Handler
Life Will Be the Death of Me: . . . and You Too! by Chelsea Handler - ***** - 10/28/2019 - 256 Pages
29. Labels: "Once we got her in the car on our way home, we removed those embarrassing gender labels from her ears and got down to business." Page 69
50. Yeast: "All in all, I've had an incredible track record with curing people, and the only mistakes I make are usually with myself, like the time I swallowed a yeast infection pill that was supposed to be administered vaginally—and then waited expectantly ..." Page 215

3. Attractions:
16. Fairgrounds
27. Keg
30. Lager
44. Stein

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