Addicted to YA discussion

Character Romances > Kaz and Inej

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message 1: by Sanja (new)

Sanja I didn't see this one anywhere and even though they aren't technically "a couple," I still adore them and find their relationship to be among the most unique in YA/YA fantasy.

Moon The Book Owl (moonthebookowl) | 6 comments Good idea. :)
I can kind of see them becoming a couple. Kind of.

message 3: by Tyler_zakiyareadsbooks_ (last edited Nov 05, 2019 12:18PM) (new)

Tyler_zakiyareadsbooks_ | 11 comments I adore them soo much gah! I would absolutely <3 the author if like she did in Shadow & Bones/Crooked Kingdom, if in her next series she would have them appear and feature. That would actually make my year!!

message 4: by Noella (new)

Noella C (encuriel) I was much more about Nina and Matthias, tbh. I got the feeling that Inej wouldn't be able to have as much of Kaz as she ever wanted/deserved. Even if Kaz loved her, I don't think he'd ever be able to give up ruling the slums, which is what Inej would need to be truly free and happy.

message 5: by Jawahir (new)

Jawahir  the Bookworm I actually ship this couple so much. You read about these two tragic souls who faced so much pain and you just hope and pray that their darkness won’t jeopardize the romance and love they I just want them to be happy ughhhh.

message 6: by Isabel (new)

Isabel (isabeleleison) AGHH I love them so much <33 I'm not sure how realistic their relationship is, but I'm in.

&#x1f90d;صحرا (sarahmirzayee) Ohohohoh! I started Six of Crows and I'm a little more then half way through it but I am so on board!

message 8: by Pippa-Rose (new)

Pippa-Rose | 4 comments after reading crooked kingdom it is safe to say that they love each other (and I live for it) although it may not be an easy pair the feelings are definitely there !

Ashi✿TheAvidReader | 322 comments OHH! Kaz+Inej are my OTP. They are both so haunted by their past, and being near each other is equally challenging for both of them. But the ending makes it clear that they are trying.

message 10: by Nat (new)

Nat (simply_bookish) This was my absolute fav couple! And I really liked how this relationship developed through the books. They didn’t necessarily have a “romance” per se but I think it can be implied that eventually they will.

message 11: by alex (new)

alex | 14 comments I love how in the Six of Crows series the author didn’t force the relationship and didn’t have them to like profess their love for each other and kiss. They are my #1 favorite couple!!! :)

message 12: by Tisha (new)

Tisha (theyaqueen) I love, love, love them!! Even though they're not a "couple" per se, I think Leigh Bardugo did such a good job on their slow burn romance, that scene in the bathroom!!! <3
Their relationship is just so tragic, two people who've been through so much, willing to sacrifice so much for each other, and yet can never be together. But that was another thing I liked, that instead of Inej giving up her purpose, she gave up Kaz, she rocks!

message 13: by Mai Greenbiar (new)

Mai Greenbiar  | 18 comments I totally agree with you guys!!!I love them sooo much!Kaz is so cold but in a way he is sooo intriguing with his gloves....oh gosh!!!The bathroom moment was a masterpiece!!!It left me speechless!!!So intense, so real...I was reading that part and my heart was screaming and trying to convince Kaz going furtherrr, touching Inej....Each time I remember that part I stil freak out. Sincerelly one of the best part of the book!!!don't you think?

message 14: by lea? (new)

lea? Oh my goodness, Kaz and Inej are my favorite. I recently finished Crooked Kingdom and the scene where they’re in the bathroom was amazing. I had to cover my mouth to keep from screaming because of the amount of tension!

message 15: by Sylvia (new)

Sylvia Rhett (sylviarhett) | 26 comments Best romance projected without a single kiss. Through the two book we get only two times where they even touch each other because of their revulsion to touch. I think they both would move heaven and hell to be with each other.

message 16: by River (new)

River | 60 comments I loved the scene on the ship where she says I will have you without armor or not have you at all. And then when Kaz was patching her up and she calmed him down.

message 17: by Tahsin (new)

Tahsin | 80 comments Saw this one picture over in pinterest and this just melted my heart.
(view spoiler)

And I'm not crying, you are—

message 18: by jjam ˃ᴗ˂.ᐟ (new)

jjam ˃ᴗ˂.ᐟ (s6tans) | 15 comments i am so inlove w them

message 19: by Charlotte (new)

Charlotte (meticulousbibliomaniac) | 14 comments I love them sm and think they could become "officially" a couple if Kaz and Inej can get over some of their PTSD

message 20: by angeline (new)

angeline (ramblingdaydreams) i'm the odd one out here but i don't ship them lmao idk

message 21: by Charlotte (new)

Charlotte (meticulousbibliomaniac) | 14 comments angie wrote: "i'm the odd one out here but i don't ship them lmao idk"

Do you mind if I ask why?

message 22: by angeline (new)

angeline (ramblingdaydreams) Charlotte wrote: "Do you mind if I ask why?"

that's no problem. personally, i just think they didn't have a lot of chemistry. it might also have to do with the fact that i found inej a bit of a boring character, so i really didn't care for her or for her relationship with kaz. i know that kanej is a very beloved ship and that inej is a very beloved character, but they're just not for me

message 23: by Charlotte (new)

Charlotte (meticulousbibliomaniac) | 14 comments angie wrote: "Charlotte wrote: "Do you mind if I ask why?"

that's no problem. personally, i just think they didn't have a lot of chemistry. it might also have to do with the fact that i found inej a bit of a bo..."

I like Inej, a lot, actually, but your opinion makes sense. I guess I just haven't seen that before.

message 24: by Rylie Westover (new)

Rylie Westover I saw on Goodreads there was going to be Six of Crows 3! I hope to see Kaz and Inej, they are so interesting in how they react to each other.

message 25: by ainhoaaa_ (new)

ainhoaaa_ Rylie wrote: "I saw on Goodreads there was going to be Six of Crows 3! I hope to see Kaz and Inej, they are so interesting in how they react to each other."


message 26: by bushra✨ (new)

bushra✨  | 1 comments Kaz and Inej are one of my most favourite couple of all because they have so much love and care and trust in one another, but both of them (cough cough Kaz) are too broken to be in a relationship right now. But instead of forcing themselves into a toxic relationship, they are both growing and healing and helping, not depending on each other, and it's just so beautiful and I can talk about them for the rest of my life!

reiley (nina zenik’s version) | 2 comments I think Kanej is definitely a couple, just not in the traditional sense of the word. Both had gone through severely traumatic events in their childhoods that led to different problems in their current lives, but it's clear that they both love and care about each other in their own way.

Julia (Darlingstern's Verison) Kanej is one of my favorite ships! ALSO THEY ARE TOGETHER AT THE END it always surprises me how many people think they weren't/it was an open ending like just because they didn't kiss! they have their own trauma that they are working through and by them holding hands without kaz's gloves symbolizes them coming together

max (sad girl autumn version) (doitsushine92) | 30 comments you know the het ship is good when the gays absolutely love it (im the gays)

message 30: by Emily (new)

Emily i love kanej. such a good couple

message 31: by Iriinesia ♡ (new)

Iriinesia ♡ (iriinesia) | 180 comments THEY ARE SO CUTE
step by step

✨Vi Kumar (semi-hiatus)✨  (thebookbitxh) ONE OF MY ALL TIME FAVOURITE SHIPS

Aditi ~ readwaditi (readwaditi) I absolutely love KANEJ. Heck, I love each and every ship in the book. Helnik? Love it! 👏 Wesper? Adore it! 👏

message 34: by ash (new)

ash (blitzorodeo) | 33 comments




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