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Book Tags > Finally Fall Book Tag

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message 1: by LCPL (new)

LCPL Krystyna | 3125 comments Mod
1. In Fall, the air is crisp and clear: Name a book with a vivid setting.
2. Nature is beautiful…but also dying: Name a book that is beautifully written, but also deals with a heavy topic like loss or grief.
3. Fall is back to school season: Share a non-fiction book that taught you something new.
4. In order to keep warm, it’s good to spend some time with the people we love: Name a fictional family/household/friend-group that you’d like to be a part of.
5. The colorful leaves are piling up on the ground: Show us a pile of fall-colored book covers/spines.
6. Fall is the perfect time for some storytelling by the fireside: Share a book wherein somebody is telling a story.
7. The nights are getting darker: Share a dark, creepy read.
8. The days are getting colder: Name a short, heartwarming read that could warm up somebody’s cold and rainy day.
9. Fall returns every year: Name an old favorite that you’d like to return to soon.
10. Fall is the perfect time for cozy reading nights: Share your favorite cozy reading accessories!

message 2: by Vivian (new)

Vivian Stevenson (passionatelyperusing) | 1913 comments 1. In Fall, the air is crisp and clear: Name a book with a vivid setting.

Beneath the Sugar Sky by Seanan McGuire.

2. Nature is beautiful…but also dying: Name a book that is beautifully written, but also deals with a heavy topic like loss or grief.

And Every Morning the Way Home Gets Longer and Longer by Fredrik Backman.

3. Fall is back to school season: Share a non-fiction book that taught you something new.

The Radium Girls: The Dark Story of America's Shining Women by Kate Moore.

4. In order to keep warm, it’s good to spend some time with the people we love: Name a fictional family/household/friend-group that you’d like to be a part of.

The Sorenson family from The Most Fun We Ever Had by Claire Lombardo. Very dysfunctional, but they all love each other deeply. I'd love to be part of a big family.

5. The colorful leaves are piling up on the ground: Show us a pile of fall-colored book covers/spines.

The Dutch House by Ann Patchett The Cabin at the End of the World by Paul Tremblay The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd

6. Fall is the perfect time for some storytelling by the fireside: Share a book wherein somebody is telling a story.

The Tea Dragon Society by Katie O'Neill. Hesekiel tells Greta the history of the tea, and why it is so special.

7. The nights are getting darker: Share a dark, creepy read.

I'm Thinking of Ending Things by Iain Reid.

8. The days are getting colder: Name a short, heartwarming read that could warm up somebody’s cold and rainy day.

The Tea Dragon Festival by Katie O'Neill.

9. Fall returns every year: Name an old favorite that you’d like to return to soon.

The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch.

10. Fall is the perfect time for cozy reading nights: Share your favorite cozy reading accessories!

Soft blankets, big pillows, warm lighting, and/or water/hot cocoa/Frappuccino depending on the weather.

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