A Good Thriller discussion

Music > Herman’s Hermits

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message 1: by Christine (new)

Christine Hatfield  (christinesbookshelves) | 6968 comments What’s your favorite Herman’s Hermits song?

message 2: by Ray (new)

Ray Palen (rpalen) | 86 comments I'm Into Something Good
There's A Kind Of Hush
Mrs. Brown You've Got A Lovely Daughter

message 3: by Christine (new)

Christine Hatfield  (christinesbookshelves) | 6968 comments I’m a huge fan of Herman’s Hermits

message 4: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10794 comments Mod
There were active for only a few years.

But Peter Noone still tours now on his own, and still looks good, for late 70's.

I'm Into Something Good

There a Kind Of Hush

message 5: by Christine (new)

Christine Hatfield  (christinesbookshelves) | 6968 comments Yeah I know Sean and Sean I listen to Peter Noone on the radio at my house or in the car and I can’t believe that Peter Noone is still touring even though he’s 70 years old and I love those two songs called I’m In Something Good and There’s a Kind of Hush

message 6: by Christine (new)

Christine Hatfield  (christinesbookshelves) | 6968 comments HAPPY BIRTHDAY PETER NOONE!

message 7: by Christine (new)

Christine Hatfield  (christinesbookshelves) | 6968 comments HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY PETER NOONE!

message 8: by Christine (new)

Christine Hatfield  (christinesbookshelves) | 6968 comments HAPPY BIRTHDAY PETER NOONE!

message 9: by Christine (new)

Christine Hatfield  (christinesbookshelves) | 6968 comments HAPPY BIRTHDAY PETER NOONE!

message 10: by Jazzy (new)

Jazzy Lemon (jazzylemon) Mrs. Brown You've Got a Lovely Daughter...class.

message 11: by Christine (new)

Christine Hatfield  (christinesbookshelves) | 6968 comments Great song Jazzy and class is right Jazzy

message 12: by Christine (new)

Christine Hatfield  (christinesbookshelves) | 6968 comments HAPPY BIRTHDAY PETER NOONE!

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