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Science Fiction > Urban Fantasy and Sci-fi series!

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message 1: by Moonyani (new)

Moonyani Write | 39 comments Good Reads!
Check out my Urban Fantasy series!!
Book 2 is now available!
Jimmy is a runaway boy, saddened by the tragedies that have happened in his life. The only thing still keeping him motivated, is his love for music. He’s outside, practically freezing in the cold, until he knocks on a door. This door is the music man’s. Jimmy and the music man find out they share a passion for music. Cornelius then introduces Jimmy to his famous piano. After playing a song that Cornelius wrote, the piano transports them to a magical parallel dimension.In this other dimension, Cornelius is a famous conductor and composer who supposedly has an upcoming concert in the town of Harmony. However, there is another conductor, by the name of Hornsbury. And Hornsbury wants power. He is planning to possess the Harmonians, using his music,No matter the cost.......

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