The Ultimate Wings of Fire Discussion and Roleplaying Group discussion

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message 1: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
Clay: This is my favorite book.
Glory: That is a cheesecake factory menu.
Clay: (turning to page 64) It's both.

message 2: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
Tsunami: Why is your report card on the ceiling??
Turtle: You said I had to bring my grades up.
Tsunami: ..... I did say that.

message 3: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
Darkstalker, to Moon: She lied to me
Darkstalker: and betrayed me
Darkstalker: and stuffed me under a mountain for two thousand years
Darkstalker: You know what I call that?
Moon: …
Moon: What?
Darkstalker: True love
Moon: *slams head on desk*

message 4: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
Clay: So it says to bake them at 350 degrees for 10 minutes
Tsunami: Yeah, so let’s-
Clay: OR, we could bake them at 3,500 degrees for 1 minute!
Tsunami: Aheh… Clay that’s not-
Tsunami: Cla-

message 5: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
Tsunami: some people are inspirational, they inspire me to slap them in the face

message 6: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
The Dragonets: we’re leaving this cave now-
Starflight, grabbing all of his scrolls at once:
Everyone: Starflight, no
Starflight: THE SACRED TEXTS!!!!!!!!

message 7: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
Kinkajou: Listen Glory, life is a journey.
Glory: ...And?
Kinkajou: What? I don't have advice, I'm four.

message 8: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
Deathbringer: (apologizing) . . — / _ — . — . . — . . — . — . —
Glory: What is that?
Deathbringer: Remorse code
Glory: I’m even angrier with you now.

message 9: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
Kinkajou: I’m quick at math
Winter: Okay, what’s 38 times 76?
Kinkajou: 24
Winter: That’s not even close.
Kinkajou: But it was fast.

message 10: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
Clay: it’s just a moo point.
Glory: A moo point?
Clay: Yeah. It’s like a cow’s opinion-it just doesn’t matter. It’s moo.
Glory (to Tsunami): Have we been friends with him too long or did that all just make sense?

message 11: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
Fatespeaker: So I was thinking...
Viper: Did it hurt?
Ochre: I didn’t know you could do that.
Squid: Please don’t work so hard.
Flame: I can give you something if you get a headache
Fatespeaker: ...
Fatespeaker: You guys are mean (leaves room)
Flame: You think she DID think of something?
Everyone: …
Everyone: (bursts into laughter)

message 12: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
Burn: Today is the day we reveal to the world the existence of the League of Villainous Evildoers Maniacally United for Frightening Investments in Naughtiness
Morrowseer: You want us to be called L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N. ?

message 13: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
WoF Game Night
(Dragonets are playing Scrabble)
Tsunami: I will add my “A” down to make ”A.”
Clay: I will add to your “A” to make “AT.”
Sunny: I will add onto your “AT” to make “RAT.”
Starflight: I will add onto our “RAT” to make “BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC.”
Tsunami: ( flips table and storms away)

message 14: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
Glory: We need to distract them
Deathbringer: Right
Glory: So what’re you going to do
Deathbringer: Kill them all. That’ll distract them.

message 15: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
Ha that's funny

message 16: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod

message 17: by KingdomReader (new)

KingdomReader Deathbringer: What are you talking about? Me liking Glory? Ha! She meets none of my standers
Glory: *Tries to kill him*
Deathbringer: crap she's meeting all of my standers!

message 18: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod

message 19: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
KingdomReader wrote: "Deathbringer: What are you talking about? Me liking Glory? Ha! She meets none of my standers
Glory: *Tries to kill him*
Deathbringer: crap she's meeting all of my standers!"

Ha! I love this one!

message 20: by KingdomReader (new)

KingdomReader Cami wrote: "KingdomReader wrote: "Deathbringer: What are you talking about? Me liking Glory? Ha! She meets none of my standers
Glory: *Tries to kill him*
Deathbringer: crap she's meeting all of my standers!"


I do to!

message 21: by KingdomReader (new)

KingdomReader Starfight: Has anyone seen my blind fold?
Everyone else: Its over your eyes
Starfight: *Confused look as he feels the blind fold* Ha! Had it been a snake it would have bit me

message 22: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
That's funny!

message 23: by KingdomReader (new)

KingdomReader *The dargonets fighting*
Sunny: *Walks in with a robe on and a coffee cup in her claw with a scroll under her arm* Nope to early for this * as she backs out of the room slowly*

message 24: by KingdomReader (new)

KingdomReader I AM CONFUSED

message 25: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
Why? because Dragomania change their name multiple times?

message 26: by KingdomReader (last edited Jan 03, 2020 06:38PM) (new)

KingdomReader Dragonets: you said you were adults!
Webs and the other dragons: We said we were adults. we didn't say if we were good at it.

message 27: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
Sorry, I feel stupid, who's seaweed?

message 28: by KingdomReader (new)

KingdomReader I don't remember what the names of the Guarding dragons in the first book is called and I think seaweed is the name of one

message 29: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
Oh! I thought it was Webs

message 30: by KingdomReader (new)

KingdomReader AH! IT WAS WEBS! Give me a moment to fix that

message 31: by KingdomReader (new)

KingdomReader ok.

message 32: by KingdomReader (new)

KingdomReader Dragomania wrote: "Just create a character and either put it in Pyrriah or Pantala character approval"

Where we RPing?

message 33: by KingdomReader (new)

KingdomReader Well I have no idea how to do this group so you gonna have to pick

message 34: by KingdomReader (new)

KingdomReader and what dragon are you using?

message 35: by KingdomReader (new)


message 36: by KingdomReader (new)

KingdomReader Okay.

message 37: by KingdomReader (new)

KingdomReader okay.
you go first.

message 38: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod

message 39: by KingdomReader (new)

KingdomReader Cool!
So the name of the place is Rainforest kingdom?

message 40: by KingdomReader (new)

KingdomReader nvm found it

message 41: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod

message 42: by KingdomReader (new)

KingdomReader Ah

message 43: by KingdomReader (last edited Jan 03, 2020 07:56PM) (new)

KingdomReader It's okay
Feel free to ask anything as long as its not where I live and my age and my real name or the RN of my family

message 44: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
Do you have any siblings?

message 45: by KingdomReader (new)

KingdomReader Yes
I have a little brother

message 46: by mugs, on hiatus (last edited Jan 03, 2020 07:57PM) (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
KingdomReader wrote: "It's okay
Feel free to ask anything as long as its not where I live and my age and my real name or the RN of my family"

I wouldn't ask where you live or how old you are, that would be weird and rude

message 47: by KingdomReader (new)

KingdomReader Good to know that there are some nice people here

message 48: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
I just don't want to be rude or stalkery

message 49: by KingdomReader (new)

KingdomReader Cami wrote: "I just don't want to be rude or stalkery"

Nah you're fine!

message 50: by KingdomReader (new)

KingdomReader Dragomania wrote: "KingdomReader's a cool name by the way"

Oh thank you!
First time somebody said that!
I lthink your name I awesome too and I wanted to say it but I thought you would think I was a creeper

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