A Good Thriller discussion

NetGalley Books > How Many Books Have You Requested On NetGalley?

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message 1: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10795 comments Mod
How many have you requested and waiting for on Net Galley.

I try not to go on too often, or request too much, it's hard though...

When I to pop in and look, I usually request 4/5 books at a time.

message 2: by David (new)

David Putnam (davidputnam) | 88 comments Never used netgalley. Don't know how it works. I do have an entire room of TBR books, walls of books and warrens on the floor.

message 3: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10795 comments Mod
Very popular, you joined www.netgalley.com.

Your request books to read from your favourite authors, and publishers with approve you to read it, before they are released.

You agree to do a honest review.

That's it

message 4: by David (new)

David Putnam (davidputnam) | 88 comments Thanks
We're talking mostly digital though, right? I'm pretty tactile and love the feel of the book, the smell of the paper (sounds a little psycho, I know).

message 5: by Ray (new)

Ray Palen (rpalen) | 86 comments David wrote: "Thanks
We're talking mostly digital though, right? I'm pretty tactile and love the feel of the book, the smell of the paper (sounds a little psycho, I know).

Not psycho at all, David, I'm the same way. It's things like Net Galley and EBooks that have killed many chain and independent bookstores I used to love. Just more selfish, lazy, Millenials!

message 6: by David (new)

David Putnam (davidputnam) | 88 comments :)

message 7: by Anders (new)

Anders Kingsley | 7 comments Hi Sean (or others who like to comment),
You said that on NetGalley: "you request books to read from your favourite authors".
As an author with 2 or 3 more books coming out soon, I was wondering whether to invest in this service. I think it's a great service for readers! Using the service for an author isn't cheap though, and I wondered how readers are thinking about books on there from yet unknown authors.

message 8: by Thomas (new)

Thomas (tom471) | 1123 comments My NetGalley stats:
195 approved, 1 pending, 80 declined, 187 reviewed.
I read mostly mystery/thrillers, and historical fiction. I have discovered new authors on NG.

message 9: by Anders (new)

Anders Kingsley | 7 comments Thanks, Thomas. That's a very nice and impressive stat!

message 10: by Monnie (new)

Monnie | 170 comments Anders wrote: "Hi Sean (or others who like to comment),
You said that on NetGalley: "you request books to read from your favourite authors".
As an author with 2 or 3 more books coming out soon, I was wondering wh..."

I read 141 books in 2020 and 35 so far this year, almost all requests from NetGalley. I've probably been turned down half a dozen times since I joined in 2011 (although there've been a few others that I never received a declined notice nor got the book
so safe to say it was a no on those as well), Some books are by well-knowns like Jeffery Deaver, C.J. Box and Harlan Coben, but the vast majority are by authors I'd never heard of before they showed up for request at NetGalley, sounded good and I calculated that I had time to work it in (assuming it was approved).

message 11: by Thomas (new)

Thomas (tom471) | 1123 comments Anders wrote: "Thanks, Thomas. That's a very nice and impressive stat!"

You're Welcome Anders

message 12: by Anders (new)

Anders Kingsley | 7 comments I really appreciate your comment. Thanks, Monnie!

message 13: by P.K. (new)

P.K. Davies | 545 comments Anders wrote: "Hi Sean (or others who like to comment),
You said that on NetGalley: "you request books to read from your favourite authors".
As an author with 2 or 3 more books coming out soon, I was wondering wh..."

Anders, first you will have to get at least twenty 4 or 5 star reviews to get your book with NetGalley: there is the rub. Readers of this group wave their NetGalley awards like flags of achievement whereas, if they read some authors here like yourelf, they might choose to give you those star reviews to get you there.

message 14: by Anders (new)

Anders Kingsley | 7 comments P.K. wrote: "Anders wrote: "Hi Sean (or others who like to comment),
You said that on NetGalley: "you request books to read from your favourite authors".
As an author with 2 or 3 more books coming out soon, I w..."

Hi, P.K., I din't know that I'd need to have a number of 4-5 star reviews before being able to use the NetGalley service. I thought it was a potential way to generate reviews before the actual publication. Thank you, for the comment. I'll have to read more about the conditions on there.

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