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First Place to Go > Welcome

Comments Showing 251-300 of 693 (693 new)    post a comment »

message 251: by Miss Taco (new)

Miss Taco (killer_instinctu3u) | 1 comments Hello, everyone!!

message 252: by Reynalia (new)

Reynalia TeaWitch | 1 comments Hello, everyone. I'm Reynalia, and I enjoy RPing. Considering most of the world is staying inside, I've got a lot of free time on my hands. I can be real shy, though, so this is my attempt at socializing.

message 253: by [deleted user] (new)

Heya, my name is Betrayed Sans I like to RP due to COVID-19 I now have enough time to do so I am friendly I hope we can be good friends also I am not any good at this so sorry if this is terrible

message 254: by Sea Nettles (new)

Sea Nettles | 2 comments Hi. I'm SeaNettles (or just Nettle is fine).

message 255: by amia (new)

amia 🇵🇸 (taylor's version) (makevocaloidgreatagain) hey! i’m lemon girl. can’t wait to rp with you guys!

message 256: by noodle! (new)

noodle! (rip_myself_into_confetti) | 1 comments Hiya! I'm Noodle!

message 257: by Riley (new)

Riley (blaineblaine) | 1 comments hello peoples

message 258: by caroline (new)

caroline (crystalowl) Hello!!! We are Layne and Caroline, cousins from Cincinnati, OH.

message 259: by [deleted user] (new)


message 260: by [deleted user] (new)


message 261: by amia (new)

amia 🇵🇸 (taylor's version) (makevocaloidgreatagain) hey layne and caroline! glad you joined

message 262: by Ryan (new)

Ryan | 403 comments Welcome to the group Nami & Kiari. :)

message 263: by Ryan (new)

Ryan | 403 comments Your welcome. :) Feel free to send me a PM if you have any questions about the site, want to RP with me or if the both of you just want to talk with someone. :)

Rana the monsteroligist (Carmen Sandeigo) (suranpotato) | 3 comments Hello I'm Rana, please call me Carm or Carmen instead!

message 265: by Stella (new)

Stella | 7 comments Does anyone know of any other role-playing sites or apps?

message 266: by [deleted user] (new)


message 267: by Elizabeth (last edited Mar 03, 2021 09:05AM) (new)

Elizabeth B Hello! I am new to this group but not to roleplaying. I am a literate role player and interested in fandom RP as well as OC roleplay. I enjoy darker content. I am willing to try a group RP on here as well as a 1x1. I have experience on RPA Amino and I use Discord but I decided to shift to other roleplaying platforms c: I mainly roleplay male characters.

message 268: by Twisted (new)

Twisted (twistedgwen) | 34 comments Hey, I'm Twisted. I'm more into sci-fi rp as well as romance rp. I mainly rp as female characters

message 269: by Lou-Lou (new)

Lou-Lou (shelbyrai3434) | 9 comments Hello my name is shelby

message 270: by Austin (new)

Austin | 490 comments Mod
Hello Shelby.

message 271: by Lou-Lou (new)

Lou-Lou (shelbyrai3434) | 9 comments Hello Autsin

message 272: by Austin (new)

Austin | 490 comments Mod

message 273: by Lou-Lou (new)

Lou-Lou (shelbyrai3434) | 9 comments How are you Austin?

And also nice name

message 274: by Austin (new)

Austin | 490 comments Mod
Eh, I could be better. I have a lot of drama going on in life and it is getting me down.

message 275: by Lou-Lou (new)

Lou-Lou (shelbyrai3434) | 9 comments We'll I'm here when you want to talk. We are friends now. So come to me and i will listen

message 276: by Austin (new)

Austin | 490 comments Mod
Cool. And thanks. I’m about to drive home so I’ll be off for a few hours.

message 277: by Lou-Lou (new)

Lou-Lou (shelbyrai3434) | 9 comments Ok

message 278: by Lou-Lou (new)

Lou-Lou (shelbyrai3434) | 9 comments I might not be on when you come back. Pm me and if i dont answer then im not on but when i get back on i will pm u

message 279: by Monarch (new)

Monarch  | 19 comments Hello everyone! Monarch here! Looking forward to writing with everyone! 😊

message 280: by Austin (new)

Austin | 490 comments Mod
Monarch wrote: "Hello everyone! Monarch here! Looking forward to writing with everyone! 😊"

hello, I can RP with you if you want to PM me

message 281: by Monarch (new)

Monarch  | 19 comments aND I oOp wrote: "Hi"

Hi! :)

message 282: by Austin (new)

Austin | 490 comments Mod
Monarch wrote: "aND I oOp wrote: "Hi"

Hi! :)"

did you want to RP?

message 283: by Monarch (new)

Monarch  | 19 comments Austin wrote: "Monarch wrote: "aND I oOp wrote: "Hi"

Hi! :)"

did you want to RP?"

Did you have any ideas in particular?

message 284: by Monarch (new)

Monarch  | 19 comments aND I oOp wrote: "Ok now I’m just confused cause people are um actually I don’t know what it’s called XD multiple peoples things in one message"

You mean multiple notifications? XD

message 285: by Austin (new)

Austin | 490 comments Mod
Monarch wrote: "Austin wrote: "Monarch wrote: "aND I oOp wrote: "Hi"

Hi! :)"

did you want to RP?"

Did you have any ideas in particular?"

mainly just settings, like alternate history, apocalypse, or scifi.

So if any of those interest you, tell me and I can post my ideas.

message 286: by Monarch (new)

Monarch  | 19 comments Hmmm, apocalyptic seems fun.

message 287: by Austin (new)

Austin | 490 comments Mod
Ok do you know how to PM?

message 288: by Monarch (new)

Monarch  | 19 comments Mhmm. Dm me.

message 292: by Macy (new)

Macy Hi! I like semi advanced rping and I am free to rp.

message 293: by Austin (new)

Austin | 490 comments Mod
Hey Macy. Feel free to post under the request topic if you have a plot you want to try.

message 295: by Macy (new)

Macy Hi!

message 296: by Austin (new)

Austin | 490 comments Mod

message 297: by Austin (new)

Austin | 490 comments Mod
aw, do you want to RP?

message 298: by Austin (new)

Austin | 490 comments Mod
haha you don't need a character. So what you do here is you make a request on the request topic.

Post what you want from an RP, like plot, length of post, activity, maturity, like murder or sex, orientation, like are you ok with gay stuff? Or no romance?

message 299: by Austin (new)

Austin | 490 comments Mod
haha how so?

message 300: by Austin (new)

Austin | 490 comments Mod
haha well there is no set theme here. So you get to decide the plot and setting and who all is involved. You can make a character and saw you want to use him/her for a plot. But here the plot is agreed on by partners.

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