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Book and Author of the Month > How to suggest a Theme

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message 1: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (last edited Dec 22, 2019 05:15AM) (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3151 comments Mod
Some months we have a third nomination thread: THEMED. We used to have a theme each month, but I’m running low on ideas that work that we haven’t already used, mostly because I don’t want to pick a theme unless there’s a book that fits that theme that I would want to nominate.

To suggest a theme, please post a new thread in Reader Discussions, using the theme you are suggesting as the title. Mention at least one book that you would be interested in discussing that fits this theme.

If we get a reasonable amount of interest from the thread, it is likely to be selected as an upcoming theme, even if I don’t have a book to nominate for it.

You can also post a comment on a previous thread of this type, even if we have already used that theme before. Machine Character has been used more than once as it has so many good books that fit.

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