Nothing But Reading Challenges discussion

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message 1: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (last edited Jan 01, 2020 07:16PM) (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod
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The Killer ChipBunnies are unleashing teatime mayhem with a brand new experience and taste of Wonderland at NBRC — prepare to go mad at one of their boozy tea parties, all taking place in a secret Wonderland garden!

Duration: Jan 1st 2020 - Mar 31st 2020

This is an Individual challenge, but you are playing for points against everyone else who signs up. You can, of course, create alliances with other team members to get ideas of what to read for hard to meet tasks, but ultimately the points are your own.

There are different categories depending on your books per month which are explained below. This means that anyone can join and compete against similar levels of readers


You will need to be able to access and edit Google Sheets to join this challenge. We will give you a template, but you need to use it to track your books and your points.

We work on an honour system, so we are not asking you to submit your spreadsheets for review, but all sheets need to be accessible for viewing by all players.

Signing Up
Sign up using this form and we will send you a google tracking sheet that you will use to track your challenge. This will feed into a main tracking sheet that will track the points of all players.
Sign ups close on January 10, 2020.

Down the Rabbit Hole: 1-8 books per month
Curiouser and Curiouser: 9-16 books per month
Off With Their Heads!: 17-24 books per month
Six Impossible Things: 25-32 books per month
A Mad Tea-Party: 33 books+ per month

How to Play:
Begin your journey down the rabbit hole and let your mad hosts guide you through a menu of tantalizing reading tasks made with the most curious ingredients. But do remember, if you don’t know where you are going, then it doesn’t much matter which way you go… Just be sure that you’re not late!

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Read an Alice in Wonderland Retelling
20 points
No clue how or where to start? Goodreads Listopia is here to help (or not) Best Retellings of Alice in Wonderland

Watch the Youtube Video: Behind the mad tea party
5 points

Complete both tasks in part one for 20 bonus points!

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Pick your Perfect Outfit
You may pick one or more books that have the dress to match a Wonderland themed party, costume, or a mask on the cover you need as much as breathing, or the title has a dress/outfit in the title (like The Girl in the Steel Corset) or do a spell-it-out challenge using the color of your dress, name of the character you choose, etc.
5 points per book.
Complete this task for 20 bonus points

Describe the Setting
Pick one or more books to help you describe this pop up's event setting. You can use cover, text, title or concept. The sky is the limit. (For example, you can borrow Stephan's Mystery Machine from Storm Cursed, and the hundreds of thousands of twinkle lights from Breaking Dawn)
5 points per book.
Complete this task for 20 bonus points

At arrival, the Cheshire Cat will give you a Drink Me potion

Use words from book titles to describe it. Is it sweet (Sweet Persuasion)? Pink (Princess in Pink? Glittery (Glitter)?

And ask you to choose a Hat to wear
It's cover time! Read as many books as you want to build your ideal Mad Hatter Hat!

Mine would be something like this:
Hearts Through Time by Marie Higgins November 9 by Colleen Hoover Bitterblue (Graceling Realm, #3) by Kristin Cashore Butterman (Time) Travel, Inc. (Butterman Travel series #1) by P.K. Hrezo Boneshaker (The Clockwork Century, #1) by Cherie Priest

5 points per book.
Complete these tasks for 20 bonus points

During the event, you will be served (and sometimes asked to help with the concoction of) Three Drinks

- First, you will need to focus on the main ingredient: Tea Gin.
You'll need to spell out G-I-N. Or you can read books with a character or author (or translator, if that's the case) named (or known as) Gin. Not Ginny, not Gina, GIN. Whatever your choice, just remember that you have 3 drinks, you will need 3 books.

- Next, you need to pick a glass tea cup.
Read a book with a tea cup on the cover. You just need the one book, since you will be reusing the cup through the event.

- Now it's potion making time! You need to come up with three cool names, and for each one of the drinks pick the ingredients, and how to make it. You can use cover, titles, series, or anything in the text for this.

I'll show you how:
Pool of Tears Tea: To a base of gin, add some mashed blueberries, top with
blue smoke and garnish with a slice of lime

Books used:
The Irresistible Blueberry Bakeshop & Cafe by Mary Simses : Cover
Daughter of Smoke & Bone (Daughter of Smoke & Bone, #1) by Laini Taylor : Cover & Title
Tease (Temptation, #4) by Ella Frank : Text- page 218 "with a slice of lime in it"

5 points per book.
Complete these tasks for 50 bonus points

Everybody knows that booze without food is a no-no, so there will be the customary Snacks
I'm a bit clumsy, so you can't expect works of art from me.. taste on the other hand... that I can deliver. So, for this task, it's the content of the book. Pick one or more books where food is served (yes, pizza night counts, as long as it has pizza)
5 points per book.
Complete this task for 20 bonus points

You can't go all by yourself, now can you?
Well, you can, and if that's the case, bravo. But let us know, who was there or who did you take as a date. Was it Kate & Curran & Derek (Kate Daniels)? Or did you pick Simon (Wallbanger) to take you?
Read as many books as you want.
5 points per book.
Complete this task for 20 bonus points

I never went to an Immersive Theater before. Can you tell us the highlights?
For this you will need to tell us about the actors, and the exchange.

For example:
* The Mad Hatter and The March Hare kept talking about Cucumber Sandwiches
* Alice showed us how to mix the perfect smoking tea
* We had to drink more to make the crazy clock move time
* They made us eat some of caterpillar’s children

Books used:
Murder with Cucumber Sandwiches (Daisy's Tea Garden Mystery #3) by Karen Rose Smith What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarty The Tea Rose (The Tea Rose, #1) by Jennifer Donnelly The Girl with a Clock for a Heart by Peter Swanson Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert Children of Blood and Bone (Legacy of Orïsha, #1) by Tomi Adeyemi

5 points per book.
Complete this task for 20 bonus points

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◈ Use book titles to fill in the blanks

* The clock starts....
* The Wonderland keyhole shows...
* The Drink Me potion makes you...
* The Eat Me cookies make you...
* To go Into the Wonderland you need...
* The This way That way directions lead you...
* The Caucus Race goal is...
* Tweedledee and Tweedledum are...
* The Walrus and the Carpenter are a pair of...
* The Singing Flowers tell you to...
* To follow the Advice from a Caterpillar you will need...
* The Curious Oysters ended up...
* The .... were Painting the roses red
* The White Rabbit had a big...
* The Red Queen had her .... stolen
* The Red King was...
* To play a game of croquet you will need...
* The Duchess's Cook soup has too much.....
* The Cheshire Cat wants you to...
* The White Queen makes time run...
* Humty Dumpty is shattered and needs to...
* Alice is going to .... The Jabberwocky
* The Mad Hatter invites you to ...
* The March Hare does...
* The Dormouse sleeps in a ...
* The ..... are playing a game of Rotating Chairs

10 points per book.

(*)Spell-it-Out Rules
Using the first letter in the book’s title, the first letter of the series name, the first letter in the author’s first or last name, or the first letter of a character’s first, last, or nick-name, or the first letter in the audiobook narrator's first or last name.
If you are reading a translated version, you can also use the first letter of the translator's first or last name.

As always, if the first letter of a title starts with ‘A’, ‘An’, ‘The’, etc., you may use the first letter of the second word in the title to spell out your chosen word.

Book Requirements
Books must be 100 pages or more.

Unless otherwise specified in the task, the following books can NOT be used:
* Comic / Graphic / Magna
* Cookbooks
* Textbooks
* Travel Guides
* Poetry
* Poems
* Childrens / Middle Grade novels can only be used where you can verify the word count through AR BookFind as 25,001 words or more. If you can't verify it with that site, you can check if audible has the unabridged version as more than 3 hours. If you can't verify either, then you can't use it (unless the specific task says you can)

Changes to books per month
At the end of the challenge you will only be able to win in the category that your actual reading puts you in. So you need to monitor your books per month during the challenge. If you need to change categories, you can do this at any time until January 28, 2020.
For example,
If Sally reads 9 books in January, 4 in February and 4 in March, she would still be considered in the Curiouser and Curiouser category as for one of the months she was eligible for that category.

message 2: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod
Citrine Coin Seasonal Challenges ~ Citrine Coin Citrine Coin

Earn your Citrine Coins with Seasonal Challenges joined on or after April 1, 2016.

To Earn a Citrine Coin:
Citrine Coin Two Coins upon reaching highest book level : A Mad Tea-Party

Learn about Gem coins here

message 3: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (last edited Jan 01, 2020 01:50PM) (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod
Remember, you need to sign up before Jan 10 using THIS FORM to receive your individual tracking spreadsheet. (You can see the template here).
Only sign up if you are CONFIDENT in using google sheets as you will be responsible for tracking your own progress.
Points from the individual sheets will roll into an overall status sheet that will show every player's progress and the winners at the end of March!

message 4: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod
There is a status spreadsheet here which shows all the players, their current points and books read, and links to spreadsheets.

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