The Ultimate Wings of Fire Discussion and Roleplaying Group discussion

RP - Jade Mountain [Pyrrhia] > Great Hall/Entrance

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message 1: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
Are you a visitor to JMA? Not in a winglet? Rp here! All characters are welcome to RP here but it is mostly for new arrivals!

Nightmare Productions | 251 comments Dolphin would land at the entrance of JMA “this is it! We’re here!” She said amazed

message 3: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
Ran smiled and nodded, "Yeah! We just need to get one of the Dragonet's attention now!" she said, "That way they can sign us up"

Nightmare Productions | 251 comments Dolphin would smile “Right! But we find one of the dragonets? Oh maybe at the library?”

message 5: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
Ran nodded and ran off to the Library, making sure that Dolphin was following behind her

Nightmare Productions | 251 comments Dolphin would be following her, happily looking around the place.

message 7: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
[I have to go for 15 minutes or so SORRY!!!!]

Nightmare Productions | 251 comments (It’s alright)

message 9: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
[I'm back! Sorry about that, I had to go eat]

message 10: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
Ran smiled at Dolphin, "This place is awesome!" she whisper-yelled at her

Nightmare Productions | 251 comments (It’s alright no need to be sorry)

Nightmare Productions | 251 comments Dolphin She smiled back “I know!” She whispered loudly

message 13: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
Ran ran to the library and opened the doors, peeking inside

Nightmare Productions | 251 comments Dolphin would also peek inside, “see any of the dragonets?”

message 15: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
Ran nodded, "The blind one, Starflight, I think his name is" she whispered

Nightmare Productions | 251 comments Dolphin would squeak, “That’s him” she whispers back

message 17: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
Ran nodded and knocked on the door, "Hello? I'm Ran, a seawing and this is my friend Dolphin," she said and walked into the room.
Starflight stood up suddenly, knocking over a ton of stuff, "Apologies," he said, "I didn't expect others soon," he said and sat back down, "Why are you here?" he asked
Ran smiled and nudged Dolphin

message 18: by Nightmare Productions (last edited Feb 10, 2020 11:37AM) (new)

Nightmare Productions | 251 comments Dolphin would step towards “Hello my names Dolphin a seawing and I was wondering if we can join the academy, I find it so great here! We can learn so much here that no one would teach me back home.” She smiled and went to pick up the stuff he had dropped

message 19: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
Starflight smiled, "I-I-I would be fine with it, do you have parents or guardians to sign the necessary paperwork?" he asked and fumbled around under the desk. He came up with some ink and paper.
Ran looked at Dolphin, "Umm... Well..." she said

Nightmare Productions | 251 comments Dolphin would look back at her “W-well mister starflight... I don’t have any parents, and this may sound funny but my adoptive family is a pod of dolphins”

message 21: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
"Oh I-I'm so sorry," he said, "Of course that's fine," he said, "You can just go to Tsunami and she'll get you set up with a winglet right away!" he said, "Recently we had some drop out for some reason," he said.

Ran laughed nervously, "I don't really have parents.." she said, "I ran away..." she said.

Starflight frowned, "Okay then... I'm sure you had your reasons" he said, "You two can go to Tsunami, tell her I gave you the okay"

Nightmare Productions | 251 comments Dolphin would nod “Thank you mister Starflight let’s go Ran! I’ll come to the library once in awhile it seems so cool and interesting!” She began her search for tsunami

message 23: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
Ran nodded and followed Dolphin, "Bye!" she called over her shoulder

Nightmare Productions | 251 comments “Where do you think tsunami may be?” She asked Ran

message 25: by mugs, on hiatus (last edited Feb 10, 2020 11:53AM) (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
Ran shrugged, "Maybe the prey cave? Yelling at students to be quiet?" she asked and giggled

Nightmare Productions | 251 comments Dolphin would giggle “Maybe only one way to find out!”

message 27: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
Ran nodded and smiled, "Let's see!" she said

Nightmare Productions | 251 comments Dolphin would smile and begin walking over to the prey center

message 29: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
Ran ran to the prey center with Dolphin

Nightmare Productions | 251 comments Dolphin would look around “See her anywhere?” She asked Ran

message 31: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
Ran looked around and sighed, "No, do you want to check somewhere else?" she asked

Nightmare Productions | 251 comments Dolphin would think “hmm well we can try the history cave?”

message 33: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
Ran nodded thoughtfully, "Let's try!" she said

Nightmare Productions | 251 comments Dolphin began walking towards the history cave “You know if she does scream at students...wouldn’t we have heard her already?”

message 35: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
Ran nodded, "True," she said as she walked with Dolphin, "I can't wait to get into Jade Mountain!" she said, "We're going to have so much fun!"

Nightmare Productions | 251 comments Dolphin smiled “Yeah! We can go to the art cave and draw art about each other! Or or maybe sit at lunch together and talk about our day! And and and Learn so much about the history of pyrriah!” She said happily

message 37: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
Ran nodded and laughed, "I can't wait!" she said

Nightmare Productions | 251 comments Dolphin walks into the history cave “See her anywhere?”

message 39: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
Ran shrugged, "SORRY FOR INTERRUPTING THE LESSON" she yelled. She looked around and saw a seawing in the back of the class, "Are you Tsunami?" she asked.
The dragon looked up from her scroll she were writing on, "Um.. Yes?" she said, "Why?"
Ran smiled and nudged Dolphin

Nightmare Productions | 251 comments “Well we were both wondering if we can both attend the academy” she said with a smile

message 41: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
Tsunami frowned, "Sure!" she said loudly, "That is as long as you signed the paperwork or did whatever you need to do?" she asked

Nightmare Productions | 251 comments Dolphin would nod “We did! We ask mister Starflight and he said it was fine as long as we had your permission”

message 43: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
Tsunami frowned, "Mister who????" she mumbled to herself, "All righty then! If Starflight said you're good, you're good!" she said with a huge smile

Nightmare Productions | 251 comments Dolphin smiled “Ran we’re in! But wait what winglet are we staying at?” She questions tsunami

message 45: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
Tsunami shrugged, "The open one!" she said, "You can be in the um winglet" she said to Dolphin and then turned to Ran, "And You can be in the hahaihavenocluewhatwingletsareopen winglet!" she said and then hurried them off.

Ran turned to Dolphin, "Did you catch what she said?" she asked

Nightmare Productions | 251 comments Dolphin was processing this until she finally understood what she had said “she said she had no clue what winglets were open” she nods

message 47: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
Ran frowned, "So then I guess we should go ask Starflight or Fatespeaker?

Nightmare Productions | 251 comments Dolphin nods “Sounds like a good idea”

message 49: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
Ran laughed, "Sort of funny because we just were at the library!" she said

Nightmare Productions | 251 comments Dolphin she laughs “Well then more walking!” She began walking over to the library

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