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International Booker Prize > 2020 International Booker Prize Longlist Dynamic Rankings

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message 1: by Hugh (last edited Feb 27, 2020 02:43AM) (new)

Hugh (bodachliath) | 4132 comments Mod
As usual, one comment per person, please use the main discussion threads for general chat.

The Longlist is:

Red Dog A Novel of the African Frontier by Willem Anker Red Dog by Willem Anker translated by Michiel Heyns (Pushkin Press), (Afrikaans – South Africa)

The Enlightenment of the Greengage Tree by Shokoofeh Azar The Enlightenment of The Greengage Tree by Shokoofeh Azar translated by Anonymous (Europa Editions), (Farsi – Iran)

The Adventures of China Iron by Gabriela Cabezón Cámara The Adventures of China Iron by Gabriela Cabezón Cámara translated by Iona Macintyre and Fiona Mackintosh (Charco Press), (Spanish – Argentina)

The Other Name Septology I-II by Jon Fosse The Other Name: Septology I – II by Jon Fosse translated by Damion Searls (Fitzcarraldo Editions), (Norwegian – Norway)

The Eighth Life (For Brilka) by Nino Haratischwili The Eighth Life by Nino Haratischvili translated by Charlotte Collins and Ruth Martin (Scribe UK), (German – Georgia)

Serotonin by Michel Houellebecq Serotonin by Michel Houellebecq translated by Shaun Whiteside (William Heinemann), (French – France)

Tyll by Daniel Kehlmann Tyll by Daniel Kehlmann translated by Ross Benjamin (Quercus), (German – Germany)

Hurricane Season by Fernanda Melchor Hurricane Season by Fernanda Melchor translated by Sophie Hughes (Fitzcarraldo Editions), (Spanish – Mexico)
The Memory Police by Yōko Ogawa The Memory Police by Yoko Ogawa translated by Stephen Snyder (Harvill Secker), (Japanese – Japan)

Faces on the Tip of My Tongue by Emmanuelle Pagano Faces on the Tip of My Tongue by Emmanuelle Pagano translated by Sophie Lewis and Jennifer Higgins (Peirene Press), (French – France)

The Discomfort of Evening by Marieke Lucas Rijneveld The Discomfort of Evening by Marieke Lucas Rijneveld translated by Michele Hutchison (Faber & Faber), (Dutch – Netherlands)

Little Eyes by Samanta Schweblin Little Eyes by Samanta Schweblin translated by Megan McDowell (Oneworld), (Spanish – Argentina)

Mac and His Problem by Enrique Vila-Matas Mac and His Problem by Enrique Vila-Matas translated by Margaret Jull Costa and Sophie Hughes (Harvill Secker), (Spanish – Spain)

message 2: by Hugh (last edited Apr 01, 2020 12:30PM) (new)

Hugh (bodachliath) | 4132 comments Mod
My adjusted weightings method:

Pos, Book, Average, Adjusted, Count, First Places, STD
1, The Other Name: Septology I – II by Jon Fosse, 3.00, 2.49, 9, 2, 0.91
2, The Eighth Life by Nino Haratischvili, 3.10, 3.63, 10, 5, 1.55
3, The Enlightenment of The Greengage Tree by Shokoofeh Azar, 3.62, 4.14, 13, 1, 1.75
4, Tyll by Daniel Kehlmann, 4.45, 4.86, 11, 1, 1.80
5, Hurricane Season by Fernanda Melchor, 4.27, 5.28, 11, 1, 2.00
6, The Memory Police by Yoko Ogawa, 4.63, 5.66, 19, 3, 2.64
7, The Adventures of China Iron by Gabriela Cabezón Cámara, 5.64, 5.88, 11, 2, 1.98
8, Faces on the Tip of My Tongue by Emmanuelle Pagano, 5.71, 6.18, 7, 0, 1.71
9, The Discomfort of Evening by Marieke Lucas Rijneveld, 6.67, 7.59, 9, 2, 2.54
10, Little Eyes by Samanta Schweblin, 6.40, 8.01, 5, 0, 1.92
11, Red Dog by Willem Anker, 8.83, 9.17, 6, 0, 2.24
12, Mac and His Problem by Enrique Vila-Matas, 7.86, 9.17, 7, 0, 2.38
13, Serotonin by Michel Houellebecq, 8.89, 15.33, 9, 0, 4.78

Paul-style aggregate of comparisons

Pos, Book, Average, Relative ranking, Count, First Places
1, The Other Name: Septology I – II by Jon Fosse, 3.00, 36, 9, 2
2, The Enlightenment of The Greengage Tree by Shokoofeh Azar, 3.62, 28, 13, 1
3, The Eighth Life by Nino Haratischvili, 3.10, 27, 10, 5
4, The Memory Police by Yoko Ogawa, 4.63, 15, 19, 3
5, Tyll by Daniel Kehlmann, 4.45, 14, 11, 1
6, Faces on the Tip of My Tongue by Emmanuelle Pagano, 5.71, 7, 7, 0
7, Hurricane Season by Fernanda Melchor, 4.27, 3, 11, 1
8, The Adventures of China Iron by Gabriela Cabezón Cámara, 5.64, -5, 11, 2
9, Little Eyes by Samanta Schweblin, 6.40, -12, 5, 0
10, The Discomfort of Evening by Marieke Lucas Rijneveld, 6.67, -15, 9, 2
11, Mac and His Problem by Enrique Vila-Matas, 7.86, -21, 7, 0
12, Red Dog by Willem Anker, 8.83, -26, 6, 0
13, Serotonin by Michel Houellebecq, 8.89, -51, 9, 0

message 3: by Louise (last edited Jun 08, 2020 03:03AM) (new)

Louise | 224 comments I've read just two so far :

4: The Discomfort of Evening3*

10: The Memory Police 2*

Gumble's Yard - Golden Reviewer | 9151 comments 8 Faces on the Tip of My Tongue 3*
10 The Adventures of China Iron 3*

message 5: by Paul (last edited Mar 23, 2020 02:07AM) (new)

Paul Fulcher (fulcherkim) | 12615 comments 1 The Discomfort of Evening
2 The Enlightenment of the Greengage Tree
3 The Other Name
4 Hurricane Season
5 The Memory Police
6 Faces on the Tip of My Tongue
7 Tyll
8 Mac and His Problem
9 The Adventures of China Iron
10 Red Dog
11 Little Eyes
12 Eighth Life
13 Serotonin

message 6: by B. H. (last edited Mar 25, 2020 08:29AM) (new)

B. H. (barbara_63) | 62 comments 1 The Eighth Life
2 Hurricane Season
3 The Memory Police
4 Little Eyes

(Highly doubt my number one spot will change, but who knows)

message 7: by Hugh (last edited Apr 01, 2020 12:30PM) (new)

Hugh (bodachliath) | 4132 comments Mod
1 The Eighth Life
2 The Other Name
3 The Enlightenment of the Greengage Tree
4 The Adventures of China Iron
5 Tyll
7 Red Dog*
8 The Memory Police
9 Hurricane Season
11 Mac and his Problem

* still reading, and I am unlikely to finish before the shortlist announcement

message 8: by Tommi (last edited Mar 31, 2020 12:09AM) (new)

Tommi | 652 comments 1. Hurricane Season, 5*
2. The Other Name, 5*
5. The Memory Police, 4*
6. The Enlightenment of the Greengage Tree, 4*
7. The Adventures of China Iron, 4*
10. Mac and His Problem, 3*
11. Red Dog, 3*
13. Serotonin, 2*

message 9: by Lizzy Siddal (Lizzy’s Literary Life) (last edited Mar 09, 2020 05:07PM) (new)

Lizzy Siddal (Lizzy’s Literary Life) | 4 comments 1 The Eighth Life 5*
My book of the year in 2019 - highly unlikely I will read anything better.

2 Tyll 4*

I have 4 others in the TBR, and my library has one other, though I’m not sure I want to read Serotonin ....

message 10: by Robert (last edited Mar 30, 2020 09:46PM) (new)

Robert | 2576 comments 1. The Memory Police
2. Still Eyes
3. The Adventures of China Iron
4. Faces on the tip of my tongue.
5. The Discomfort of Evening
6. Hurricane Season (DNF)

message 11: by Navi (last edited Mar 10, 2020 09:35AM) (new)

Navi (nvsahota) | 17 comments 1.
4. Tyll ★★★★
5. The Adventures of China Iron ★★★★
11. The Memory Police ★★★

message 12: by Alysson (last edited Mar 26, 2020 05:14AM) (new)

Alysson Oliveira | 97 comments 1. The Memory Police
2. The other name
3. The Eighth Life
4. The Enlightenment of the Greengage Tree
5. Mac and his Problem
13 Serotonin

message 13: by Neil (last edited Mar 27, 2020 09:27AM) (new)

Neil 1. The Other Name
2. The Eighth Life
3. Faces on the Tip of My Tongue
4. Tyll
5. The Adventures of China Iron
6. The Enlightenment of the Greengage Tree
7. Hurricane Season
8. The Memory Police
9. Little Eyes
10. The Discomfort of Evening (DNF)

That concludes the voting from Neil: I do not plan to read the remaining books.

message 14: by Debra (new)

Debra (debrapatek) | 539 comments Placeholder for my rankings. I've only read one so far:

4. The Memory Police

message 15: by LindaJ^ (last edited Mar 18, 2020 12:21AM) (new)

LindaJ^ (lindajs) | 1010 comments 1.
3. The Other Name
4. The Memory Police
5. The Enlightenment of The Greengage Tree
12. The Discomfort of Evening

message 16: by MisterHobgoblin (new)

MisterHobgoblin 1. The Eighth Life

message 17: by Tony (last edited Mar 27, 2020 03:23AM) (new)

Tony | 682 comments OK, my first rankings this year, subject to change, of course...

2) The Memory Police
5) The Eighth Life
6) Little Eyes
7) The Enlightenment of the Greengage Tree
8) Red Dog
10) Mac & His Problem
11) Tyll
13) Serotonin

message 18: by Justin (last edited Mar 30, 2020 06:05AM) (new)

Justin Seeling | 10 comments 1.
2. Tyll
3. Mac and His Problem
4. China Iron
5. Memory Police
10. Serotonin
11. The Enlightenment of the Greengage Tree

message 19: by Val (last edited Mar 08, 2020 09:35AM) (new)

Val | 1016 comments 1) The Memory Police
2) Hurricane Season

3) Mac and his Problem

4) Serotonin
Position likely to change as I read more of them.

message 20: by Ang (new)

Ang | 1685 comments 1. The Adventures of China Iron

message 21: by Paul (new)

Paul Dixon (pvdixon) | 43 comments 1. The Adventures of China Iron
2. The Memory Police
3. Serotonin

message 22: by S (last edited Apr 01, 2020 05:58AM) (new)

S P | 81 comments 1. The Other Name
2. The Memory Police
3. The Discomfort of the Evening
4. Serotonin

message 23: by Adina (way behind) (last edited Mar 27, 2020 02:17AM) (new)

Adina (way behind) | 208 comments 1.
2. The Enlightenment of the Greengage Tree ★★★★★
3. Tyll ★★★★
6. The Other Name ★★★
13. Discomfort of Evening (DNF)

message 24: by Vesna (last edited Mar 29, 2020 08:39AM) (new)

Vesna (ves_13) | 314 comments 1. Tyll (5 stars)
2. Faces on the Tip of My Tongue (5 stars)
3. The Enlightenment of the Greengage Tree (4 stars)

UPDATE 3/29:
I'll stay with these three for now and might read more when the shortlist is announced.

message 25: by Tracy (new)

Tracy (tstan) | 591 comments 1. ( Pretty sure this is reserved for Little Eyes)
2. Tyll
3. The Enlightenment of the Greengage Tree
4. The Eighth Life
5. Faces on the Tip of My Tongue
6. The Memory Police
7. The Other Name
8. Mac’s Problem
9. Hurricane Season
10. The Adventures of China’s Iron
11. Serotonin
12. Red Dog
13. Discomfort of Evening

message 26: by endrju (new)

endrju | 317 comments 1. The Discomfort of Evening
2. The Enlightenment of The Greengage Tree
3. Tyll
4. The Memory Police
5. Red Dog
6. Serotonin

message 27: by David (last edited Apr 01, 2020 11:54AM) (new)

David | 50 comments 1.
2. Hurricane Season
3. The Enlightenment of the Greengage Tree
8. The Memory Police

message 28: by WndyJW (new)

WndyJW I’m only reading 3, so:

1. The Enlightenment of the Greengage Tree
2. Hurricane Season
3. The Memory Police

message 29: by Antonomasia (last edited Apr 01, 2020 08:57AM) (new)

Antonomasia | 2629 comments 1) The Eighth Life
3) Hurricane Season
7) =The Adventures of China Iron
9) The Discomfort of Evening
12) Faces on the Tip of My Tongue

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