♥!The Young Adult Book Club!♥ discussion

D. Aswini
This topic is about D. Aswini
Bloggers > YA Fantasy,Paranormal and Horror

Comments Showing 1-16 of 16 (16 new)    post a comment »
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message 1: by D. (new)

D. Aswini (aswiniauthor) | 16 comments I am very happy to meet you all after a long break. My first young adult fantasy novel Saffron - The Blood Swan published by Books To Go Now publisher, Seattle.


message 2: by D. (new)

D. Aswini (aswiniauthor) | 16 comments D. Aswini Now I'm writing a paranormal story 'Dark Forest Fairy Mercy' in my blog.


message 3: by D. (last edited May 12, 2020 10:45AM) (new)

message 5: by D. (new)

message 7: by D. (new)

message 8: by D. (last edited May 18, 2020 07:08AM) (new)

message 9: by D. (new)

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Books mentioned in this topic

Saffron - The Blood Swan (other topics)

Authors mentioned in this topic

D. Aswini (other topics)