Nothing But Reading Challenges discussion

NBRC Quidditch: Self-Sort Teams > Madam Hooch's Quidditch Lessons

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message 1: by Cat (last edited May 20, 2020 12:45PM) (new)

Cat (cat_uk) | 9387 comments Mod

Got a question about the rules and how to play? Bung it here for veteran's to explain or wave madly* to get a mods attention.

*aka PM the Mod account

message 2: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod

message 3: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod

message 4: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod

message 5: by Ris (new)

Ris | 190 comments Hello, what is the start date? (Sorry if I overlooked!)

message 6: by Cat (new)

Cat (cat_uk) | 9387 comments Mod
No, there's no start date yet. This is mostly to see what the interest level is, and then when there are enough players to make balanced teams, we'll work out a date

message 7: by Ris (new)

Ris | 190 comments Cat wrote: "No, there's no start date yet. This is mostly to see what the interest level is, and then when there are enough players to make balanced teams, we'll work out a date"

That makes sense, thank you! Second question, are there only two teams (like in traditional quidditch)?

message 8: by Donna (new)

Donna (dkflynn33) | 2663 comments Are we making our own teams or are the mods making them?

message 9: by Cat (last edited May 20, 2020 01:06PM) (new)

Cat (cat_uk) | 9387 comments Mod
Donna wrote: "Are we making our own teams or are the mods making them?"

If you can self-serve teams that would be helpful!

ETA, though I reserve the right to wade in if it starts going feral!

message 10: by Lexi (new)

Lexi | 3943 comments I think we start at feral and go down hill from there.

message 11: by Cat (new)

Cat (cat_uk) | 9387 comments Mod
Chris wrote: "are there only two teams (like in traditional quidditch)?"

Each match is between two teams. If there are enough people to make multiple teams then we can run multiple matches

message 12: by Suzanne (new)

Suzanne | 5320 comments I like the Seeker change - I think that'll help with time-zone stuff. Although I distinctly remember setting my alarm clock to 2 a.m., 4 a.m., etc. to check Quidditch last time, so...what's a time zone!?

message 13: by Donna (last edited May 20, 2020 01:11PM) (new)

Donna (dkflynn33) | 2663 comments So once we create our team, do we create our own private room? And where do we notify you of our newly created team?

message 14: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod
Donna wrote: "So once we create our team, do we create our own private room? And where do we notify you of our newly created team?"

Yup! Make sure you invite the mod account to the team training room when you set it up :)

Just make a big announcement post in the tryouts when you have your team sorted!

message 15: by Donna (last edited May 20, 2020 02:10PM) (new)

Donna (dkflynn33) | 2663 comments The beaters are attacking the Quaffle instead of the chaser chain? Or is this a typo. The keeper attacks the Quaffle also

EDIT: I misread it. It says Quaffle round so it is still the chain they are attacking. Nevermind

message 16: by Alysa (new)

Alysa H. | 3816 comments Lexi wrote: "I think we start at feral and go down hill from there."

Yes this.

message 17: by Cat (new)

Cat (cat_uk) | 9387 comments Mod
Alysa wrote: "Lexi wrote: "I think we start at feral and go down hill from there."

Yes this."

I'm ever hopeful that my natural cynicism will be proved wrong!

message 18: by Sammy (new)

Sammy (sammystarbuck) | 11106 comments Apologies if I missed this in the rules, but is the minimum 6 months since last reading a book rule in effect for this one?

message 19: by Cat (new)

Cat (cat_uk) | 9387 comments Mod
Sammy wrote: "Apologies if I missed this in the rules, but is the minimum 6 months since last reading a book rule in effect for this one?"

As it's a pilot we are doing, and lockdown, I'll be generous and say no.

message 20: by Kim (new)

Kim | 68 comments I have never done this challenge before. What’s the best position to start with?

message 21: by Sammy (new)

Sammy (sammystarbuck) | 11106 comments Cat wrote: "Sammy wrote: "Apologies if I missed this in the rules, but is the minimum 6 months since last reading a book rule in effect for this one?"

As it's a pilot we are doing, and lockdown, I'll be gener..."

awesome, thanks. that gives me a great many more options in audiobooks... Until the beginning of this year, they were all monsters! lol. (Not sure anyone is going to want to wait for me to get through 37 hours of Dickens, or 67 of Monte Cristo! lol)

message 22: by Lexi (new)

Lexi | 3943 comments Question on alts. If someone alts in for a 6 hour shift. Can they then alt in for someone else and thus allow multiple people to get a break? Is there a minimum time between alts?

message 23: by Donna (last edited May 20, 2020 02:57PM) (new)

Donna (dkflynn33) | 2663 comments Can I get some clarification on the distractions for the seeker?

The Beaters may try and distract the Seeker by reading one of the five task books. As always, the defending Beater can save them, using the same rules as for attacking/defending Chasers.
Beaters can not attack the "catch" book, but can still distract whilst the catch is in progress.

Does this affect books that the seeker has read for a task? Do they have to start a new book if the beater reads the task they read for (like if a chain is broken for a chaser)? If the opposing team's beater can affect whether the current book being read is broken, then I would change my vote for the additional waiting period discussed in the clubhouse.

message 24: by Donna (last edited May 20, 2020 03:29PM) (new)

Donna (dkflynn33) | 2663 comments Kim wrote: "I have never done this challenge before. What’s the best position to start with?"

Kim, that is a loaded question. How many books can you read a day? 100 page minimum applies here. Do you have a large availability of books? KU usually has a free trial period and I highly recommend it for this. If have a large availability of books but don't want to commit to Chaser (which you will read a LOT for) then I would look at Keeper for minimum reading. You have more freedom of books as a chaser but read a lot more. However, we have reserves so you can take breaks for some positions. If you think you can sit for hours and hammer out multiple books, go for seeker (they don't get reserves). Beaters could read quite a bit as well but you will need a good variety of books available.

message 25: by Donna (last edited May 20, 2020 06:25PM) (new)

Donna (dkflynn33) | 2663 comments The wording for Chasers is a bit odd. Just checking to see if we are playing the same way...

So if the opposing beater beats my defending beater....

The chain was broken and the chaser attacked had to sit out while the other two chasers did either a 1 or 2 person chain. We didn't get the score for the broken chain and scored. Is this the same?

message 26: by Cat (new)

Cat (cat_uk) | 9387 comments Mod
Lexi wrote: "Question on alts. If someone alts in for a 6 hour shift. Can they then alt in for someone else and thus allow multiple people to get a break? Is there a minimum time between alts?"

Lets say 6 hours. But shifts can be longer than 6 hours

message 27: by Cat (new)

Cat (cat_uk) | 9387 comments Mod
So, how Beaters work:

if the attacking Beater is reading against a book (seeker or chaser) and is NOT defended against then that book is dead and needs to be replaced (plus chaser sits out a score because we assume they are concussed or similar. seeker doesn't have a time out requirement because they are only distracted, taking an evasive swerve)

if the attacking Beater is reading against a book (seeker or chaser) and IS defended against, then both chaser and seeker need to pause their reading once they've been successfully attacked until their defensive Beater finishes the defend read. In which case they restart reading and continue the chain.

for chasers, if the quaffle breaks it's all over for that chain, whatever stage the books are in.

is that clearer?

message 28: by Donna (new)

Donna (dkflynn33) | 2663 comments Cat wrote: "So, how Beaters work:

if the attacking Beater is reading against a book (seeker or chaser) and is NOT defended against then that book is dead and needs to be replaced (plus chaser sits out a score..."

Yes, thank you. Just refreshing my memory. 2 years is too long to remember every rule and its nuances ; ) I am lucky if I remember what I did last week.

message 29: by Lexi (new)

Lexi | 3943 comments Thank you, Cat. It has been a bit as Donna mentioned.

message 30: by leah (new)

leah (leahwilliams408) | 31 comments can i join please. i’ve never done this challenge before!!

message 31: by [[ Frankie ]] (last edited May 21, 2020 01:04PM) (new)

[[ Frankie ]] (freedbyfiction) | 536 comments I’ve never played this challenge before, either... & I’m an average reader - like 1 book every 2 or 3 days (but could do a bit faster if I’m in a time crunched challenge) - so I wanted to double check something before I decided to join or try to form a team...

* From How to Play post - -

Minimum Reading Times
For all moves, once the first quaffle has been made, the following minimum reading times apply:
35 mins for 100 pages,
1 hour for 150 pages,
1.5 hours for 200 pages,
2 hours for 300 pages,
2.5 hours for 350 pages,
3 hours for 400+ pages.
Round page numbers (so if reading 375 pages would be 3 hours, 374 pages would be 2.5 hours)

Is this just a way to determine time played, or is this the actual times we have to read? Like a player would have to read a 300 page book within 2 hours?

OR is this just saying that you can’t read FASTER than this? So a 300 page book couldn’t be read in less than 2 hours?

Sorry, I just want to make sure I’m understanding before I commit. I wish there were some slower speed matches that could be available!

message 32: by Jammin Jenny (new)

Jammin Jenny (jamminjenny) | 4184 comments That is saying you can't read faster than this because the first time we played, some readers are so fast they were finishing a 300 page book in 90 minutes, which seemed just SOOO fast the rest of us were dying in the wind. But for the most part, when we played the last time, teams were reading in about that time frame, speed reading, not getting as much "content" perhaps but finishing the books close to the prescribed time frame.

message 33: by Jessi (last edited May 21, 2020 01:08PM) (new)

Jessi (jazzykitty) | 1644 comments It’s saying a 300 page book should take 2 hours or more but not less than

message 34: by Jenny (new)

Jenny | 7569 comments Those times are minimum reading times. The first match ever contained some speed readers, and it became a bit ridiculous.
So, if you read a 300 page book in an hour, you can sit and have a nice cup of coffee until the two hours are up and you can post your book.

message 35: by [[ Frankie ]] (new)

[[ Frankie ]] (freedbyfiction) | 536 comments Okay, perfect! That’s what I thought, but I wanted to make sure. Thank you so much, guys! :]

message 36: by Kim (new)

Kim | 68 comments As a defending beater, am I reading the same book the chaser is reading? Or the attacking beater book?

message 37: by Lexi (last edited Jun 02, 2020 03:42PM) (new)

Lexi | 3943 comments Both of those could be the same book. The attacking beater can read the same book or a book with a same word in the title to the Chaser's book that is longer. The defending beater can then read the same book or a book with the same word in the title that is longer than the beater’s book.

message 38: by Kim (new)

Kim | 68 comments perfect thank you!

message 39: by Ris (new)

Ris | 190 comments Just double checking, is the page minimum then 100 for books?

message 40: by Jessi (new)

Jessi (jazzykitty) | 1644 comments Chris wrote: "Just double checking, is the page minimum then 100 for books?"


message 41: by Lexi (new)

Lexi | 3943 comments Jessi wrote: "Chris wrote: "Just double checking, is the page minimum then 100 for books?"


Unless you are the seeker

message 42: by Rina (new)

Rina | 650 comments I am sorry, my brain doesn't function after less than a day of quidditch, and I have a stupid question:

what is the minimum reading time for a 130 pages book? Is it 35 minutes, because it is less than 150 pages? or is it 1 hour because 125+ pages round up?

message 43: by Lexi (new)

Lexi | 3943 comments Rina wrote: "I am sorry, my brain doesn't function after less than a day of quidditch, and I have a stupid question:

what is the minimum reading time for a 130 pages book? Is it 35 minutes, because it is less ..."

Rina, it rounds up to 150 pages. Let me go find it in the rules for you but rounding is very clear.

message 44: by Jenny (new)

Jenny | 7569 comments Not a stupid question. 100- 124 35 minutes. 125-174 1 hour.

message 45: by Cat (new)

Cat (cat_uk) | 9387 comments Mod
Yes. Maths rounding happens.

message 46: by Rina (new)

Rina | 650 comments Thanks, I thought so, but was suddenly not sure anymore (my brain is melting)

message 47: by Lexi (new)

Lexi | 3943 comments I think all our brains are melting.

message 48: by Cat (new)

Cat (cat_uk) | 9387 comments Mod
Aren't you glad it's limited to 48hrs?!

message 49: by Kim (new)

Kim | 68 comments Cat wrote: "Aren't you glad it's limited to 48hrs?!"

Yes! how did you people do this for a week during normal life?!

message 50: by Lexi (new)

Lexi | 3943 comments Kim wrote: "Cat wrote: "Aren't you glad it's limited to 48hrs?!"

Yes! how did you people do this for a week during normal life?!"

I fell down a flight of stairs in the metro I was so tired so never doing that again

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