A Good Thriller discussion

Music > The Great Classic Disco of the 70's.

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message 4: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10795 comments Mod
Added many great clips, have a watch of some of these great hits.

message 5: by W (new)

W | 37 comments The Bee Gees would be my favorite Disco act of the '70s.

message 6: by Christine (new)

Christine Hatfield  (christinesbookshelves) | 6968 comments I like all 70s music

message 7: by David (last edited Feb 02, 2021 02:21PM) (new)

David Freas (quillracer) | 542 comments Disco was the music that drove me away from Rock & Roll and into Country.

message 8: by Christine (new)

Christine Hatfield  (christinesbookshelves) | 6968 comments I didn’t know that Quillracer

message 9: by David (new)

David Freas (quillracer) | 542 comments Everybody's different. Disco just wasn't what I considered rock & roll. The best parallel I can draw would be picking up a book touted as a noir mystery only to find out it's a rom-com.

message 10: by Christine (new)

Christine Hatfield  (christinesbookshelves) | 6968 comments I like disco Quillracer

message 11: by David (new)

David Freas (quillracer) | 542 comments Christine wrote: "I like disco Quillracer"

Not everyone's tastes are the same. That's why there are all different genres of music and books and art and everything else.

message 12: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10795 comments Mod
I love all types of music, I grew up in the 60's and 70's.

Love 70's as so many memories.

Loves 60's remember the Beatles and their films.

Love Soul

Love Country

Love Jazz

Love Electric Swing

Love Chill Out Music.

Love Ballads

Love good singers

Many author friends have asked for my Chill out lists for they listen to this when writing.

Like Tom Wood likes Zero 7 to listen to....

Valerie, Book Valkyrie I remember pretty much all disco songs! Disco, despite it's many nay-sayers, provided a pathway for women to excel in the music industry. Also, on a personal level, my dance partner and I paid for a lot of our higher education costs with winnings from Disco dance contests, thank you Disco!

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