A Good Thriller discussion

Challenges Archive > 1,000,000 Pages in 2015

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message 1: by Autumn (last edited Jan 03, 2015 11:29AM) (new)

Autumn (autumnmemory80) Can we do it, guys? Can we do it in 2015? Do you think we could as a group read 1,000,000 pages total in 2015?!

This challenge will to be to read a total of 1,000,000 as a Good Thriller Group! Any and all books are accepted (defined as: a written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers) are acceptable, even audio books! When you read an audio book, simply look up the main book listed and count those number of pages.


1. Any book started on or after Jan 1, 2015 and completed by midnight of Dec 31, 2015 counts.

2. Audio books do count :-)

3. You are on the honor code to keep track of your count of pages read in 2015.

4. I will accept all and any helpers for Math checking! :) Please, and thank you!!!

5. Please place the total in bold so it can be easily identified by the next person. If you do not know how to do this that is okay! I or someone else can always amend!

For example, for the group challenge, you will list your book that you have read, with the number of pages, and add it to the current total, so...


10,467 + 335 = 10,802

and then the next person will add to that.


message 3: by Lynn Renee (new)

Lynn Renee | 2272 comments Frostbitten 434 pages

562 + 434 = 996

message 4: by Lynn Renee (new)

Lynn Renee | 2272 comments Waking the Witch 337 pages

996 + 337 = 1333

message 5: by Marty (new)

Marty Murphy | 28 comments The Kite runner 371

1333 + 371 = 1704

message 6: by Chris (new)

Chris (cdavies1951) | 18 comments The Proposal 311 pages
Magic Bites 260 pages
Mine to Take 162 pages
Wolf Hunt 298 pages

Current total: 2,455

message 7: by Josh (last edited Jan 03, 2015 06:26PM) (new)

Josh McClellan | 13 comments The Poet 510 pages

2455 + 510 = 2965

message 8: by Gopal (new)

Gopal (gopaliyer) | 521 comments The Warrior - 152 pages.

2965 + 152 = 3117

message 9: by Jenifer (last edited Jan 03, 2015 06:44PM) (new)

message 10: by Lynn Renee (new)

Lynn Renee | 2272 comments I'm thinking the math may be off starting with message 6?

message 11: by Brianna Andreda (new)

Brianna Andreda | 8 comments Lynn wrote: "I'm thinking the math may be off starting with message 6?"

It is off. Message 6 Total should have been 2,735 instead of 2,455. When you add the # of pages from Message 7 to 9, the total should be 3,829

message 12: by Kirsten (new)

Kirsten  (kmcripn) | 9191 comments Revival by Stephen King - 405 pages

Hercule Poirot's Christmas by Agatha Christie - 272 pages

Portobello by Ruth Rendell - 278 pages

Killjoy by Julie Garwood - 464 pages

TOTAL: 1419 pages

3829 + 1419 = 5248 pages

message 13: by Chris (new)

Chris (cdavies1951) | 18 comments Someone to Watch Over Me 384 pages

Current total: 5,632

message 14: by Kirsten (new)

Kirsten  (kmcripn) | 9191 comments Flash Boys: A Wall Street Revolt by Michael Lewis = 304 pages

5632 + 304 = 5938

message 15: by Dana (new)

Dana | 188 comments The Bone Thief - 326 pages

5,632 + 326 = 5958

message 16: by Lynn Renee (last edited Jan 04, 2015 03:18PM) (new)

Lynn Renee | 2272 comments Addition not right again at message #14 thru #15
Total should be 6262 after #15.

Men of the Otherworld 370 pages

6262 + 370 = 6632

message 17: by Chris (last edited Jan 04, 2015 03:23PM) (new)

Chris (cdavies1951) | 18 comments Run

168 pages

Current Total: 6,800

message 18: by Brenda (new)

Brenda | 3213 comments Blood Hollow 352 pages

6800 + 352 = 7152

Tim The Enchanter | 511 comments The Power of Positive Dog Training 230 pages

7152 + 230 = 7382

message 20: by Chris (new)

Chris (cdavies1951) | 18 comments In Time 213 pages

Current Total: 7382 + 213 = 7,595

message 21: by Lynn Renee (new)

Lynn Renee | 2272 comments Haunted 528 pages

7595 + 528 = 8123

message 22: by Marty (new)

Marty Murphy | 28 comments Death of an Artist: A Mystery 288 pages

8123 + 288 = 8411

message 23: by Juliana (new)

Juliana | 350 comments Just for Christmas - 390 pages

message 24: by Autumn (new)

Autumn (autumnmemory80) Y'all are so good! I have not been around a computer, using a tablet now, and already you are doing a wonderful job double checking that math! Thank you so much! We are off to a great start!

message 25: by Ken (new)

Ken Hollern (khollern1) | 8 comments I am assuming Juliana's 390 pages needs to be added:

Writing 21st Century Fiction: High Impact Techniques for Exceptional Storytelling 213 pages

8411 + 390 + 213 = 9,014

message 26: by Terri (new)

Terri  Wino (terriwino) | 2498 comments The Magician's Lie 320 pages
Prince Lestat 458 pages


message 27: by Lynn Renee (new)

Lynn Renee | 2272 comments Angelic 104 pages

9,792 + 104 = 9896

Sandysbookaday  (sandyj21) | 5647 comments All Good Deeds 310 pages
Scary Mommy's Guide to Surviving the Holidays 151 pages
One Fine Day288 pages

9896 + 310 + 151 + 288 = 10645

message 29: by Juliana (new)

Juliana | 350 comments Tier One Wild by Dalton Fury - 497 pages

message 30: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10795 comments Mod

Harlan Coben Hold Tight 416 pages

so 10645
plus 497 from Juliana and my 416 pages

Total 11558

message 32: by Tim The Enchanter (last edited Jan 07, 2015 05:41PM) (new)

Tim The Enchanter | 511 comments The Great Zoo of China - 515 pages

11,697 + 515 = 12,212

message 33: by Lynn Renee (new)

Lynn Renee | 2272 comments Witchling 308 pages

12,212 + 308 = 12,520

message 34: by Marty (new)

Marty Murphy | 28 comments The Silkworm 455 pages

12,520 + 455 = 12,975

message 35: by Kirsten (new)

Kirsten  (kmcripn) | 9191 comments Judgment in Death 356 pages

12975 + 356 = 13,331

message 36: by Brianna Andreda (new)

Brianna Andreda | 8 comments Hamlet by William Shakespeare - 289 pages

13,331 + 289 = 13,620

message 37: by Brenda (new)

Brenda | 3213 comments The Treatment 368 pages

13,620 + 368 = 13,988

message 38: by Chris (new)

Chris (cdavies1951) | 18 comments The Son 496 pages 01/08

13988 + 496= 14,484

message 39: by Lynn Renee (new)

Lynn Renee | 2272 comments Festive in Death 390 pages

14,484 + 390 = 14,874

message 40: by Brianna Andreda (new)

Brianna Andreda | 8 comments I Am Legend and Other Stories by Richard Matheson - 317 pages

14,874 + 317 = 15,191

message 41: by Kirsten (new)

Kirsten  (kmcripn) | 9191 comments Betrayal in Death = 355 pages

15,191 + 355 = 15,546

message 42: by Lynn Renee (new)

Lynn Renee | 2272 comments Silo Saga: The Lost Silo 79 pages

15,546 + 79 = 15,625

Lorrea - WhatChaReadin'? (whatchatreadin) Attachments 336 pages

15,625 + 336 = 15,961

message 44: by Kirsten (new)

Kirsten  (kmcripn) | 9191 comments Interlude in Death Interlude in Death (In Death, #12.5) by J.D. Robb by J.D. Robb -- 88 pages

15,961 + 88 = 16,049

Tim The Enchanter | 511 comments The Ultimate Guide to Dog Training 224 Pages

16049 + 224 = 16,273

message 46: by Lynn Renee (new)

Lynn Renee | 2272 comments The Early Girl Gets the Blood Wolf 35 pages

16,273 + 35 = 16,308

message 47: by Bev (new)

Bev | 7 comments Trespass - 304 pages
The Thread - 465 pages
Carrie - 253 pages

16308 + 304 + 465 + 253 = 17330

message 48: by Josh (new)

Josh McClellan | 13 comments Cockroaches 368 pgs

17,330 + 368 = 17,698

message 49: by Perri (new)

Perri | 11 comments Budget Bytes 257
Trident K9 Warriors 288
The Storied Life of AJ Fikry 260

17698 + 805= 18,503

message 50: by Lynn Renee (new)

Lynn Renee | 2272 comments Silo Saga: Hanging Out And About 38 pages

18,503 + 38 = 18,541

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