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Moderators > How to find a page counts!

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message 1: by Alaina, Creating Chaos & Challenges (last edited Aug 30, 2024 02:42PM) (new)

Alaina (ameserole) | 76677 comments Mod
How to find the page count for an audiobook that has no page count on GR, Amazon, or any other website.

Please follow this example/formula:

The Golden Orchard by Flora Ahn is 5 hrs and 15 mins long.
So, you would do the following:

5 hrs and 15 mins = 315 mins (5*60 = 300 + 15)
315/1.75 = 180 pages (if you get decimals, round to the nearest full number)

**If you have any questions about this - please ask a MOD**

message 2: by Alaina, Creating Chaos & Challenges (new)

Alaina (ameserole) | 76677 comments Mod
How to find the page count for a book that is in kindle format only and Amazon doesn't provide a page count.

Please follow this example/formula:

Blood Moon Prophecy (Legend of the Nyx, #1) by Dilani Kahawala
As of right now, GR and Amazon do not show a page count.

Looking into the ebook version on my kindle, I can see that this book has 4991 locations in total. We will do the following:

4991 locations / 15 = 332.733333 pages

Drop the decimal points for the page count. You will round up or down depending on the decimal number (.5 and above will round up & anything below .5 will round down).

Total page count for this example is 333 pages.

**If you have any questions about this - please ask a MOD**

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