Nothing But Reading Challenges discussion


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message 1: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (last edited Aug 24, 2020 04:16PM) (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod

Come hang out at the NBRC Bar to chat with players from other teams!

Note: This is NOT the place to ask questions about the game or find team mates to play with. This is purely a social hangout. .

message 2: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod

message 3: by Sammy (new)

Sammy (sammystarbuck) | 11105 comments Oh this looks like fuuuuun! so excited!! :D

message 4: by Sonia (new)

Sonia (darktalynn) | 11591 comments I'll have what she's having!

message 5: by Stacie (new)

Stacie (thesebooksaremyfriends) | 5160 comments What are we drinking?

message 6: by Claire (new)

Claire  | 4063 comments This challenge sounds incredible ! Can't imagine how much work you put into it, mods. I'm so excited !!!

Saar The Book owl | 631 comments It's amazing how the challenge is build up! I'm going to sit here in the bar with a glass of wine and wait untill I've found a team in the other topic.

message 8: by Sammy (new)

Sammy (sammystarbuck) | 11105 comments Stacie wrote: "What are we drinking?"

I don't know about anyone else, but I'm hitting the 18 year old Macallan ;)

message 9: by Stacie (new)

Stacie (thesebooksaremyfriends) | 5160 comments I'm with you

message 10: by Jenny (new)

Jenny | 7569 comments Is having Bruichladdich for breakfast a bad thing? No? Set me up. With a coffee chaser.

message 11: by Sammy (new)

Sammy (sammystarbuck) | 11105 comments Jenny wrote: "Is having Bruichladdich for breakfast a bad thing? No? Set me up. With a coffee chaser."

Totally acceptable. Tust me, I'm a Scot, lol!

message 12: by Stacie (new)

Stacie (thesebooksaremyfriends) | 5160 comments This looks like something I need to try.

message 13: by Jenny (new)

Jenny | 7569 comments Have you tried the Glenmorangie 14? Currently my favorite bottle.

message 14: by Sonia (new)

Sonia (darktalynn) | 11591 comments I can only stomach whisky on irish coffee... if that's not heresy, count me in.

message 15: by Sammy (new)

Sammy (sammystarbuck) | 11105 comments Jenny wrote: "Have you tried the Glenmorangie 14? Currently my favorite bottle."

You can never go wrong with a Glenmorangie. The Macallan 18 is my favourite, though not one I get to drink often IRL (£250 a bottle!), or at all these days since alcohol does not play nice with my migraine meds :(

message 16: by Steven (new)

Steven (gallifreyan1218) | 5186 comments I'll take a rum and pineapple, please. :D

message 17: by Leslie Ann (new)

Leslie Ann | 869 comments Mojito please, nice and refreshing.

message 18: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod
FYI - For teams that have signed up with no team name yet, your thread will be created with a generic team number and the name of the first person from your team list. Example: Team 2 (no name) - Saar the Book Owl. This should make it easier for people to find the proper team thread.

Once you've decided on a team name, we'll update accordingly :)

message 19: by Christina (last edited Aug 25, 2020 06:39PM) (new)

Christina (chrissy__) | 2754 comments I'll join Leslie with a mojito please!

message 20: by Jenny (new)

Jenny | 7569 comments Damn it! Once again, I forgot to buy tonic water. I was so looking forward to a G & T.
Oh well. Wine it is.

message 21: by Melissa (new)

Melissa W | 1607 comments I'm a Vermonter, so it's craft beer for me :)
The spreadsheet is amazing.

message 22: by Melanie (new)

Melanie (mvalente89) | 955 comments I'll take a frozen margarita. A nice cool drink to combat this heat we've had the past few weeks.

message 23: by Kaley (new)

Kaley (kaleyamo) | 1860 comments Oooo I like Melanie's thinking. Frozen margarita!!

message 24: by Sammy (new)

Sammy (sammystarbuck) | 11105 comments Can someone please send some of their nice weather over here already? It's bloomin' august and the heating is on!!!, and this from a person that overheats very easily. When is summer going to start? :(

message 25: by ✿~Danielle~✿ (last edited Aug 27, 2020 06:06AM) (new)

✿~Danielle~✿ (dmh1) | 5398 comments Sammy wrote: "Can someone please send some of their nice weather over here already? It's bloomin' august and the heating is on!!!, and this from a person that overheats very easily. When is summer going to start..."

We’ve had our 5 days of summer already.

message 26: by Sonia (new)

Sonia (darktalynn) | 11591 comments Please, take some of our heat. We're being on the 30ºC - 35ºC range since Monday, and I can't take it anymore. With a few exceptions, it has been a very hot summer. And not in a good way.

message 27: by Jenny (new)

Jenny | 7569 comments Forecast is for 112 degrees F in Phoenix today. I will happily send some of those degrees over the pond. How many do you want?

Note to self...figure out how to transport heat.

message 28: by Sonia (new)

Sonia (darktalynn) | 11591 comments Just a small sharing snippet... I blew another fuse. It's the third one in less than two months. Because I think my air vent is starting to malfunction due to overuse.


message 29: by Lau (new)

Lau Maia | 0 comments Yeah Sonia but you're 350 km from me and the weather isn't that great.... It's 25ºC at most but the northern winds are roaring and they're damn cold.
Beach only in the mornings and if it's not that cloudy

message 30: by Christina (new)

Christina (chrissy__) | 2754 comments Sammy, where do you live?

I'm not doing too well with heat, but luckily we only had a couple of days that were 33+ degrees celsius this summer. I much prefer days that are 26-28 (or lower, but I understand that summers are supposed to be hot /swimming weather)

message 31: by Sammy (last edited Aug 27, 2020 06:54AM) (new)

Sammy (sammystarbuck) | 11105 comments ✿~Danielle~✿ wrote: "We’ve had our 5 days of summer already.."

I'm in Yorkshire. we've only had two.

and they were back in March :D

message 32: by Sammy (new)

Sammy (sammystarbuck) | 11105 comments In the house right now, with the heating on, it's 16 degrees C. Outside it claims to be 13, but feels colder (probably because of the rain) I'd be happy with just a measly 10 more please.

message 33: by Plethora (new)

Plethora (bookworm_r) | 2239 comments Moderators of NBRC wrote: "FYI - For teams that have signed up with no team name yet, your thread will be created with a generic team number and the name of the first person from your team list. Example: Team 2 (no name) - S..."

Do we also need to give you an alert that we filled out the form in the find a team thread or just fill out the form?

message 34: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod
Plethora wrote: "Moderators of NBRC wrote: "FYI - For teams that have signed up with no team name yet, your thread will be created with a generic team number and the name of the first person from your team list. Ex..."

Just filling out the form is fine!

And then when you decide on a team name PM the mod account and we'll get your thread and spreadsheet name updated.

message 35: by Sonia (new)

Sonia (darktalynn) | 11591 comments Lau Maia wrote: "Yeah Sonia but you're 350 km from me and the weather isn't that great.... It's 25ºC at most but the northern winds are roaring and they're damn cold.
Beach only in the mornings and if it's not that..."

Yeah, northern winds are not friendly.

I'm only complaining because I'm not at my place, which is waaaaay cooler. It's the price to pay for having fresh air and lots of space for the kid to play and run and still being safely behind walls.

message 36: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod

HOT NEWS- Customer Bonus

For every team member that participates in a Book of the Month (BOM) (by joining the discussion and/or writing discussion questions) they will be able to swap out one assigned customer for another of their choice.

Limited to one customer for each team member per BOM. (i.e. you can't get the customer bonus for writing DQs AND participating. But if you join 2 BOMs in October, you can get 2 bonuses).

This bonus will be available for BOMs that start after the challenge begins. That means Chain of Gold will be your first opportunity to earn the bonus.

message 37: by Karen ⊰✿, Fiction Aficionado (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 15953 comments Mod
Less than 24 hours to go.

How are everyone’s kitchens looking?

message 38: by Christina (new)

Christina (chrissy__) | 2754 comments We're counting down the hours and ready to go!

Are you getting the next round, Karen? I'll get a mojito please!

message 39: by Kaley (new)

Kaley (kaleyamo) | 1860 comments I may watch an episode of Kitchen Nightmares to prepare myself.... ;-)

Very excited for it to start!

Alison (Lady Coffin) S | 949 comments Looking forward to this new challenge.

Kitchen is currently clean, we will see how long it stays that way. lol!

message 41: by Lexi (new)

Lexi | 3943 comments Well, my kitchen was clean but now I am annoyed at the universe, so I am going to bake something. (This has happened a lot this year to be fair).

message 42: by Jenny (new)

Jenny | 7569 comments Sorry and anger baking. What a good idea. I am going to look for complicated recipes that I usually don't try for, and see what happens.

message 43: by Lexi (new)

Lexi | 3943 comments Jenny wrote: "Sorry and anger baking. What a good idea. I am going to look for complicated recipes that I usually don't try for, and see what happens."

I am making this one but you need sourdough starter:

Alison (Lady Coffin) S | 949 comments Oh Lexi, those sound goooooood!

message 45: by Sammy (new)

Sammy (sammystarbuck) | 11105 comments I'm bloomin' starving! Ready to start cooking! lol.

message 46: by Sonia (new)

Sonia (darktalynn) | 11591 comments I've been re-watching masterchef's S9, so I'm good to go

message 47: by Jenny (new)

Jenny | 7569 comments Do we start soon? I want to begin my first audiobook!

message 48: by Sammy (new)

Sammy (sammystarbuck) | 11105 comments You and me both Jenny, but just over an hour to wait, and then it's bedtime, lol.

*is not good at the being patient thing*

gonna go find something to watch.

message 49: by Cat (new)

Cat (cat_uk) | 9387 comments Mod
Sammy wrote: "You and me both Jenny, but just over an hour to wait, and then it's bedtime, lol.

*is not good at the being patient thing*

gonna go find something to watch."

I just lost a year of my life watching a Strictly special.

Wait! Hour. Felt like a year, mind. And I was helpless in the thrall...

message 50: by Sammy (new)

Sammy (sammystarbuck) | 11105 comments Sometimes I am very glad I don't own a tv, lol.

What I do have is an awesome PC, a huge monitor and spoilt for choice between 3 different streaming platforms and about 1000 or so DVDs.

And I still don't know what the heck to watch!

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