Nothing But Reading Challenges discussion

My Restaurant Rocks 2020 > Team Second Breakfast

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message 1: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (last edited Nov 17, 2020 05:22AM) (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod
Team Second Breakfast

Team members


message 2: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

message 3: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod

message 4: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod

message 5: by Lexi (last edited Sep 08, 2020 01:07PM) (new)

Lexi | 3943 comments Using my post for rules:

About this Challenge
◈ The team with the highest points at the end of the game wins!
◈ Each round teams create meals through a scavenger hunt and spell-it-outs
◈ At end of round, each team get randomised customers to eat their meals. Leftovers expire if fresh (although the team can decide to preserve, more details below)
◈ Meals you create can be changed around at any time during the round, but once the round finishes and customers arrive, the meals are set and can not be changed.
◈ Only books STARTED after the challenge begins can count
◈ Re-reads are ok provided it has been more than 6 months since you last read the book
◈ Book length is determined by the meals. See below.
◈ Each Book can be used for either scavenger hunt words or as spell-it-outs.
◈ Only books read during the specified round can be used (“read date” is what counts, provided it started after the challenge started)
◈ Teams will be capped to the number of books that can be read per round. For round 1, this is 80 books.

Scavenger hunt for words in titles or text or items on cover, or spell out, words as follows:

Fresh meals (must be used within the month - page count of 50 pages or more. No restriction on using children's, graphic novels, poetry, cookbooks etc.)

◈ sandwiches items which would be suitable on a sandwich (for example: bread, butter, lettuce, tomato, ham, chicken, salami, cheese, carrot, cucumber, salt, pepper, beetroot or beets, gherkins or pickles, peanut butter, jam or jelly, vegemite, mustard, honey, pastrami, devon, egg, bacon)
Sandwiches have a minimum of 4 and maximum of 10 items.
◈ fish and chips (fish, or any types of fish, potato, salt, lemon) Note for scavenger hunt only: Must contain all these items (4), add vinegar for bonus points.
Fish and chips have a minimum of 4 and maximum of 5 items.
◈ coffee (coffee or anything coffee related, e.g. latte) ; milk, sugar, cream, water) Can be items to make a coffee, the word coffee, or just a coffee word (e.g. "cappuccino").
Coffee has a minimum of 1 and maximum of 6 items.
◈ tea(tea, milk, sugar, water, cream) Note for scavenger hunt only: Must contain at least tea and water. Other items are optional.
Tea has a minimum of 2 and maximum of 4 items.
◈ salad (e.g. salad, lettuce, cucumber, any cheese, tomato, olives, carrot, cucumber, beans, peas, nuts, pear)
Salads have a minimum of 5 and maximum of 15 items.

Frozen meals Can be used in the following month. Page count of 160+. No graphic novels, cookbooks, poetry or childrens books unless audio version is more than 5 hours or wordcount can be verified with arbookfind as more than 40,000 words
◈ pasta (e.g. pasta types, cheese, cream, salt, pepper, chicken, chilli, basil, tomato, garlic)
Pasta have a minimum of 3 and maximum of 10 items.
◈ quiche (e.g. eggs, bacon, leeks, ham, spinach, salt, pepper, pastry)
Quiche have a minimum of 4 and maximum of 10 items.
◈ curries (e.g. beef, lamb, chicken, lentils, potato, sweet potato, carrot, beans, curry powder or paste, turmeric, chilli, cloves, coriander, cumin, ginger, garlic)
Curries have a minimum of 5 and maximum of 15 items.

Desserts, drinks and cocktails ; can be shelved/frozen and used at any point through the challenge. 500+pages. No children's, poetry, graphic novels, plays, cookbooks.
◈ Champagne, wine, liqueur, beer (generic term or a specific brand/type)
◈ Chocolate, fruit, marshmallow, ice cream, custard or any dessert (generic term or a specific type, e.g. “tart”)
◈ Water, Juice, soda, soft drinks (generic term or a specific type, for e.g. Lemonade)
Desserts, drinks and cocktails have a minimum of 1 and maximum of 5 items.

10 points per book read
2 points per scavenger word / spell-it-out letter used per book (maximum numbers shown below)

Points are also given per meal eaten:

Sandwich 50
Fish and Chips 50
Fish and Chips with Vinegar 55
Coffee 30
Tea 40
Salad 45
Pasta 30
Quiche 35
Curry 40
Alcoholic drink 20
Dessert 20
Non-Alcoholic Drink 20

up to 2 scavenger words / spell-it out letters per book >50 pages and <=160 pages
up to 4 scavenger words/ spell-it out letters per book >161 and <=300 pages
up to 8 scavenger words/ spell-it out letters per book >301 pages and <=500 pages
up to 12 scavenger words / spell-it-out letters per book >501 pages


Children ; only eat fish and chips, sandwiches, quiche, juice and water.

Teenagers ; eat all frozen meals, soda/soft drinks and desserts.

Adults ; eat everything. May even give you a tip (which allows you to preserve fresh food for next month)

Pensioners only eat fresh food and pasta

message 6: by Donna (new)

Donna (dkflynn33) | 2663 comments checking in...

message 7: by Jessi (new)

Jessi (jazzykitty) | 1644 comments I’m here

message 8: by Maddy (new)

Maddy | 2127 comments Checking in :)

message 9: by Lexi (last edited Aug 30, 2020 10:27AM) (new)

Lexi | 3943 comments Do we want to be a pub, a restaurant or a cafe? Open to other options too.

message 10: by Jhmingos (new)

Jhmingos | 589 comments Checking in

message 11: by Maddy (new)

Maddy | 2127 comments Whatever you want :)

message 12: by Jessi (new)

Jessi (jazzykitty) | 1644 comments I’m good with whatever but I will vote pub

message 13: by Alysa (new)

Alysa H. | 3816 comments Good luck!

I can be your official cheerleader/mascot. Careful when picking your team name, for I do not want to have to wear an embarrassing costume. ;D

message 14: by Lexi (new)

Lexi | 3943 comments I went and looked up food/book puns and these are my favorites
The Crepe Gatsby
Scarlet Pumpernickel
The Thyme Traveller's Wife
Last of the Mojitos
Pie and Prejudice

message 15: by Rebecca (new)

Rebecca  (radf) | 1015 comments I’m here! I vote pub and those all cute names

message 16: by Rebecca (new)

Rebecca  (radf) | 1015 comments *are all 🙄

message 17: by Lexi (new)

Lexi | 3943 comments Pub is winning so more alcohol puns from Tequila Mockingbird: Cocktails with a Literary Twist
The Malted Falcon
The Moonshine and Sixpence

message 18: by Jhmingos (new)

Jhmingos | 589 comments Voting for pub too and I love the alcohol puns. I'm partial to Team Tequila Mockingbird haha but they're all good names

message 19: by Jessi (new)

Jessi (jazzykitty) | 1644 comments I kind of like The Malted Falcon

message 20: by Lexi (new)

Lexi | 3943 comments There are 6 of us and so far one vote each for: The Moonshine and Sixpence (me), Tequila Mockingbird (Jhmingos), and The Malted Falcon (Jessi)

message 21: by Lexi (new)

Lexi | 3943 comments I think I just made our SS open for everyone to edit because I do not think we need to make it secret for this game. Can someone go check to see if you can edit?

message 22: by Jessi (new)

Jessi (jazzykitty) | 1644 comments I can make edits

message 23: by Lexi (new)

Lexi | 3943 comments Jessi wrote: "I can make edits"

Yay, thank you

message 24: by Maddy (new)

Maddy | 2127 comments Well from those 3 options I think I like Tequila Mockingbird the best :D
But I am okay with whatever you choose ;)

message 25: by Judith (new)

Judith (brownie72011) | 6891 comments Mod
Well, I was snooping to see if you lovely ladies had picked a team name yet. The no name is looking a little sad.

Just wanted you to know another team has picked Tequila Mockingbird in case that influences a final decision.

message 26: by Lexi (new)

Lexi | 3943 comments That is what we get for being slow. Ok, everyone, new vote or I am going to name us The Moonshine and Sixpence and we will be a pub with overenthusiastic alcohol guidelines. (The second part is true regardless of our name to be fair. A Fish and chip shop with limited alcohol service).

message 27: by Jessi (new)

Jessi (jazzykitty) | 1644 comments Moonshine and sixpence works for me Lexi

message 28: by Rebecca (new)

Rebecca  (radf) | 1015 comments Moonshine and Sixpence works for me as long as we have cider and Guinness 🍻

message 29: by Lexi (last edited Sep 07, 2020 01:25PM) (new)

Lexi | 3943 comments Our description so far: A quality fish & chips place with over enthusiastic alcohol service. Please do not ask to see our ABC permit.

message 30: by Lexi (last edited Sep 07, 2020 01:38PM) (new)

Lexi | 3943 comments Also, we seem to need a team name and separate restaurant name. Most teams seem to make them related. We could give up on my name plan and go with Team Second Breakfast and still be a "A quality fish & chips place with over enthusiastic alcohol service. "

message 31: by Rebecca (new)

Rebecca  (radf) | 1015 comments Sounds good to me

message 32: by Donna (new)

Donna (dkflynn33) | 2663 comments works for me

message 33: by Maddy (new)

Maddy | 2127 comments Sounds good Lexi :)

message 34: by Lexi (new)

Lexi | 3943 comments Ok, then we are Team Second Breakfast but we need a Hobbit related restaurant name. Any ideas?

message 35: by Donna (last edited Sep 07, 2020 07:06PM) (new)

Donna (dkflynn33) | 2663 comments Here are some locations in The Hobbit - maybe that will help with a name...

Eriador. The Shire. Westfarthing. Hobbiton. The Hill. Bagshot Row. Bag End. Bywater. Green Dragon. Trollshaws. Rivendell.
Misty Mountains. High Pass. Goblin town. Eagles' eyrie.
Rhovanion. Carrock. Beorn's Hall. Mirkwood. Elf-path. Enchanted River. Thranduil's Halls. Long Lake. Esgaroth. Dale. Desolation of the Dragon. Erebor. Back Door.

or characters:

message 36: by Donna (last edited Sep 07, 2020 07:34PM) (new)

Donna (dkflynn33) | 2663 comments Restaurant name ideas (using the above lists for inspiration)

The Green Dragon
The Shire
Hobbit House
Sloshed on the Hill
Trollshaws Pub
The Old Took & Toddy
Chubb, Chubb & Chaser
Gandalf's Grub & Grog

message 37: by Donna (new)

Donna (dkflynn33) | 2663 comments personally, I like these two:

The Old Took & Toddy
Chubb, Chubb & Chaser

message 38: by Jessi (new)

Jessi (jazzykitty) | 1644 comments I’ll second Chubb, Chubb and Chaser

message 39: by Rebecca (new)

Rebecca  (radf) | 1015 comments I like Chubb, Chubb and Chaser. It goes well with our over enthusiastic alcohol service

message 40: by Jhmingos (new)

Jhmingos | 589 comments I like Chubb, Chubb & Chaser too

message 41: by Lexi (new)

Lexi | 3943 comments Great, we have a name. We are a hobbit pub and in honor of such, I share this article on how much a hobbit can drink:

message 42: by Jessi (new)

Jessi (jazzykitty) | 1644 comments Lexi wrote: "Great, we have a name. We are a hobbit pub and in honor of such, I share this article on how much a hobbit can drink:"

That was cool article! Hobbit Science!

message 43: by Lexi (last edited Sep 08, 2020 02:10PM) (new)

Lexi | 3943 comments I moved the rules into my first post so we have them all in one place. Do people want to talk strategy for book planning or wait closer to start or just see how it goes. I am going to try to keep most of my books over 300 pages.

message 44: by Alysa (new)

Alysa H. | 3816 comments One of my daughter's longstanding private family nicknames is -- no joke -- Chub-Chub. (Don't ask.)
So, thanks for that, you gang of miscreants! I can ask her to dress as a hobbit and be your mascot, but I don't think she'll go for it.

message 45: by Lexi (last edited Sep 09, 2020 05:58AM) (new)

Lexi | 3943 comments Update:

HOT NEWS- Customer Bonus

For every team member that participates in a Book of the Month (BOM) (by joining the discussion and/or writing discussion questions) they will be able to swap out one assigned customer for another of their choice.

Limited to one customer for each team member per BOM. (i.e. you can't get the customer bonus for writing DQs AND participating. But if you join 2 BOMs in October, you can get 2 bonuses).

This bonus will be available for BOMs that start after the challenge begins. That means Chain of Gold will be your first opportunity to earn the bonus

You won't get me on that one but I'll see what Oct brings.

Tomorrow is the last day to vote for Oct:

message 46: by Jessi (new)

Jessi (jazzykitty) | 1644 comments I'm currently reading the MI series by Cassandra Clare because I never read them when they first came out. I'm trying to read her books in publication order which means I too will not be doing Chain of Gold. I realize it's the beginning of a different trilogy in the Shadowhunters verse but I don't want to read it yet. So I will also just have to wait to see what Oct. brings.

message 47: by Rebecca (new)

Rebecca  (radf) | 1015 comments Lexi wrote: "I moved the rules into my first post so we have them all in one place. Do people want to talk strategy for book planning or wait closer to start or just see how it goes. I am going to try to keep m..."

I'd like to talk strategy just so I have a better understanding of how this is all going to work. We don't necessarily have to do it at this time but sometime before the start of the challenge would be great. Is there a good day for everyone? My schedule is completely wacky these days. Starting tomorrow I'm working until next Thursday when I have 3 days off, but if I know we are discussing on a certain day I will make sure that I am there to be part of it.

message 48: by Jhmingos (last edited Sep 10, 2020 03:24PM) (new)

Jhmingos | 589 comments Rebecca wrote: "Lexi wrote: "I moved the rules into my first post so we have them all in one place. Do people want to talk strategy for book planning or wait closer to start or just see how it goes. I am going to ..."

Weekends are best for me. But if we wanna do a weekday, then Tuesday and Wednesday is my preference.

message 49: by Lexi (new)

Lexi | 3943 comments How about, whoever is around, we can plan this Saturday? Not everyone needs to be on at once as we are different time zones so just to give an approximate plan.

message 50: by Maddy (new)

Maddy | 2127 comments My Saturday or your Saturday? :D
I am about 8 hours ahead of you :)

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