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Quotes > favorite quote

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message 1: by Shawn (new)

Shawn | 20 comments what is your favorite quote. :)

message 2: by Haleema (new)

Haleema Q i have loads but this ones rllly good

"let your smile change the world, but dont let the world change your smile"

message 3: by Shawn (new)

Shawn | 20 comments I LOVE IT!! :)

☆ ella (moony's version) | 46 comments I really like "Be yourself; everyone else is already taken"

message 5: by Charlotte (new)

Charlotte  | 34 comments Ella W wrote: "I really like "Be yourself; everyone else is already taken""

Yeah I like that one to

message 6: by Louise (new)

Louise I really like " All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us" From J.R.R Tolkien, Lotr

and " Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light." J.K Rowling, Harr Potter

message 7: by Gretshi (new)

Gretshi | 9 comments I love: "The world will be saved and remade by the dreamers." Sarah J. Maas, Throne of Glass

message 8: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie Finsterbush | 9 comments Gretshi wrote: "I love: "The world will be saved and remade by the dreamers." Sarah J. Maas, Throne of Glass"

Even more reason I need to read throne of glass. That quote is perfection.

message 9: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie Finsterbush | 9 comments Louise wrote: "I really like " All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us" From J.R.R Tolkien, Lotr

and " Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to..."

I can't believe that quote came from Harry Potter. O.o

message 10: by Gretshi (new)

Gretshi | 9 comments Stephanie Finsterbush
yep, you really need it hahaha, that quote is from Empire of Storms the 5th book of the saga

message 11: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie Finsterbush | 9 comments Gretshi wrote: "Stephanie Finsterbush
yep, you really need it hahaha, that quote is from Empire of Storms the 5th book of the saga"

That's a lot of reading haha. Right now I'm trying to finish the Lunar Chronicles, but maybe I'll get to it somewhere down the line.

message 12: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie Finsterbush | 9 comments My favorite quotes are:

"The world breaks everyone, and afterward, many are strong at the broken parts" - Ernest Hemingway

"You believe things to justify what you do" - Misfit by Jon Skovron

message 13: by Gretshi (new)

Gretshi | 9 comments Stephanie Finsterbush
There are actually 7 of them hahaha, but they are worth each one, I highly recommend it ;-)

message 14: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie Finsterbush | 9 comments Gretshi
I bet they are! I've only heard good things. :)

Thalassophile_takemetotheocean (thalassophile-takemetotheocean) | 97 comments Some of my favorite quotes are:

It was better to know the worst than to wonder-(Gone with the Wind)

Don't waste your love on someone who doesn't value it (William Shakespeare-Romeo and Juliet)

Be the change that you wish to see in the world- (Mahatma Gandhi)

Don't walk in front of me. I may not follow. Don't walk behind me. I may not lead. Walk beside me. Just be my friend. (Albert Camus)

message 16: by Zara (new)

Zara   | 243 comments "Saying her name still gives me a twing of pain...."
"We can be mended. We mend each other"
Both from Alligiant

message 17: by Blooregard (new)

Blooregard Q. (blooregardq) “Only in their dreams can men be truly free. Twas always thus, and always thus will be.” - John Keating from Dead Poets Society

message 18: by Tisha (new)

Tisha (theyaqueen) These are some of my favourites:

"Each day means a new twenty-four hours. Each day means everything's possible again. You live in the moment, you die in the moment. You take it all one day at a time. You try to walk in the light."
-Legend, Marie Lu

"There was no part of him that was not broken, that had not healed wrong. And there was no part of him that wasn't stronger for having been broken."
-Six of Crows, Leigh Bardugo

"Life is a book and there are a thousand pages I have not yet read."
-Clockwork Angel, Cassandra Clare

message 19: by AngsBooks (new)

AngsBooks I have so many. OOO

“Truth is what I make it. I could set this world on fire and call it rain” - Red Queen series, Victoria Aveyard

“Broken is not the same as unfixable” - Winter, Marissa Meyer

“She was a pistol wrapped up in silk” - Ace of Shades, Amanda Foody

“Dea[th] is a risk everyone takes by living” - Vicious, V.E Schwab

“The really bad monsters don’t look like monsters” - Six of Crows, Leigh Bardugo

“Love is much uglier than hate because when you hate, you’re not confused. When you’re in love, you’re dumb” - Pretty Reckless, L. J. Shen

“People aren’t stagnant. We evolve in reaction to our pleasures and our pains” - One True Loves, Taylor Jenkins Reid

“He’s more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same” - Wuthering Heights

message 20: by Chrystal (new)

Chrystal Iris "Keep your head in the clouds and your hands on the keyboard."
-Marissa Meyer

message 21: by Rashi (new)

Rashi Malik Nobody has ever measured,
not even poets,
how much the heart can hold.
- Zelda Fitzgerald

It will have blood; they say, blood will have blood.
-William Shakespeare

message 22: by Cassia (new)

Cassia (cassia_serene) | -19 comments Everyone in here is doing like inspirational quotes and I am just like well mine is

“You are the shuckiest shuck faced shuck in the world!”
― James Dashner, The Maze Runner

Which I quote all of the time

message 23: by Indy (new)

Indy (indyrzdl) | 3 comments Quotes from my favorite Throne of Glass characters that seriously hit different.

"You make me want to live, Rowan. Not surive; not exist. Live." -Sarah J Maas, Throne of Glass Series

She was as much of a queen as Maeve. She was the sovereign of a strong people and might kingdom.
She was the heir of ash and fire, and she would bow to no one.
-Sarah J Maas, Throne of Glass series

"There are no gods left to watch, I'm afraid. And there are no gods left to help you now, Aelin Galathynius."
Aelin smiled, and Goldryn burned brighter. "I am a god."
She unleashed herself upon them.
-Sarah J Maas, Throne of Glass series

“One thought from me, and your city will burn.”
“It is stone,” Maeve snapped.
Celaena smiled. “Your people aren’t.”
-Sarah J Maas, Throne of Glass series

message 24: by Meghan (new)

Meghan Q (meghan_q) | 5 comments “Choose your words carefully, even the words you think, because they become seeds, and seeds become history.”
― Mary E. Pearson, Dance of Thieves

message 25: by [deleted user] (new)

“Because life can be a cruel, heartless bitch," Helena snapped, "Because we should hold on to the happiness we have and not worry about what other people think of it, or especially of us. Because caring about someone occasionally means compromising something about yourself for their benefit and not your own. That’s what real love is.”
-Jennifer Estep, Protect the Prince

message 26: by NatCat (new)

NatCat | 15 comments I've always loved this quote:

"Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game."

by Babe Ruth

message 27: by marcela (new)

marcela (marcelacvassallo) it does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live (Harry Potter #1, JK Rowling)

the sky is swirled with so many colors, it’s as if the earth has written a poem using clouds, communicating her
appreciation to those of us who take care of her (Heart Cones, Colleen Hoover)


message 28: by Booktastically (new)

Booktastically Amazing (booktasticallyamazing) | 214 comments Wow, there are quite a few...but to make it short, here are 5. Not Top 5 because I have no clue which one gets into that category. Just, 5. *snort*

“I would love to slap you right now, but I’m currently wielding a nine pound ball and I’m afraid that would be called murder.”
― Sara Wolf, quote from Lovely Vicious

“Don't mind her; she's missing that part in her brain that tells her to shut up.”
― Quinn Loftis, Prince of Wolves

“I can’t help it." I sighed. "One can never help being born into perfection.”
― Kiera Cass, The Selection

“I squeeze my feelings into something small, like a walnut, and chuck it behind me for some other silly squirrel to find.”
― Stacey Lee, The Downstairs Girl

“Then again, maybe that’s the definition of being screwed up. That we’re so damaged that regardless of what the other person says they’ve done, we just shrug and say, Hey, as long as you don’t leave me, we’re square.”
― Victoria Scott, Violet Grenade

message 29: by Advait (new)

Advait (iamadvait) | 4 comments "Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you."
- Tyrion Lannister, ASOIAF

ACrinkle *puts out dumpster fires* (acrinkle) am I the only one who can't remember a thing? 🙈

message 31: by [deleted user] (new)

“I don’t hold a grudge. I cradle it. I coddle it. I feed it fine cuts of meat and send it to the best schools. I nurture my grudges, Rollins.”
― Leigh Bardugo, Crooked Kingdom

“Always hit where the mark isn't looking"― Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows

“Let’s make a deal that we don’t borrow tomorrow’s problems today.”
― Jennifer L. Armentrout, A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire

message 32: by Na’Mya (new)

Na’Mya | 9 comments “He’s more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.” —Emily Bronte (Wuthering Heights)

message 33: by Jocelyn (new)

Jocelyn | 10 comments Mine is probably either:

“You do not Yield”


“Libraries were full of ideas - perhaps the most dangerous and powerful of all weapons”

Both are by Sarah J Maas

message 34: by Zara (new)

Zara   | 243 comments "There is freedom waiting for you in the breezes of sky and you ask, what if I fall. Oh! but my darling, what if you fly."

message 35: by Subhoshri (new)

Subhoshri (lectricedenuit) | 23 comments "We're here, and then we're gone, and it's not about the time we're here, but what we do with the time." - By Rick Yancey
" Some things down to the smallest of things are worth the sum of all things" - Rick Yancey
″ ‘Speak’, she begged silently. ‘Give me a reason to stay’. For all his selfishness and cruelty, Kaz was still the boy who had saved her. She wanted to believe he was worth saving, too.” - By Leigh Bardugo

message 36: by Subhoshri (new)

Subhoshri (lectricedenuit) | 23 comments Na’Mya wrote: "“He’s more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.” —Emily Bronte (Wuthering Heights)"

It is a lovely one

message 37: by Anushka (new)

Anushka (bookish_swiftie) | 14 comments Happiness can be found in the darkest of times if only one remembers to turn on the light.
- J. K. Rowling

message 38: by Divya (new)

Divya (divyasreemanikandan) | 182 comments "One must always be careful of books and what is inside them, for words have the power to change us."
- Tessa Gray(TID)

message 39: by Erin (new)

Erin I know this hasn't been updated in a while, but mine is, "I think; Therefore I am" by René Descartes. I'd made me think about it for a while and it sounds really nice.

it is NOT because of the Billie Eilish song ok? NOT because of it. Do you get my point? NOTNOTNOTNOTNOTNOTNOT because of it.

(it's not like I don't like the song... but it really annoys me when people ask me, "oh like the Billie Eilish song?")

message 40: by Booktastically (new)

Booktastically Amazing (booktasticallyamazing) | 214 comments Zara wrote: ""There is freedom waiting for you in the breezes of sky and you ask, what if I fall. Oh! but my darling, what if you fly.""

Okay, I need to know where this is from.

message 41: by Tvisha (new)

Tvisha | 1 comments "I have lived a thousand lives and I've loved a thousand loves. I've walked on distant worlds and seen the end of time, because I READ"- George R.R. Martin

message 42: by Shrika (new)

Shrika | 6 comments "I am not one and simple, but I am complex and many."
- Virginia Woolf

message 43: by Tassnim (new)

Tassnim | 15 comments " -What does the destiny message say this time? Are we'll meet?
- just be patient
- will we ever meet ?
- maybe someday "
i loved you more than I should

message 44: by B. (new)

B. Goodwin | 67 comments "This is the day that could change my life." ~~Sandee Mason in Talent by B. Lynn Goodwin

message 45: by B. (new)

B. Goodwin | 67 comments Love this one. How timely!

message 46: by Ammi (new)

Ammi Martinez “I could recognize him by touch alone, by smell; I would know him blind, by the way his breaths came and his feet struck the earth. I would know him in death, at the end of the world.”
- Madeline Miller in The Song of Achilles

message 47: by Fall (new)

Fall T "One must always be careful of books," said Tessa, "and what is inside them, for words have the power to change us."
- Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Angel

message 48: by Madeleine (new)

Madeleine | 29 comments A high schooler put this as his quote in a yearbook, "Sesame Chicken is the same as General Tso's Chicken." ")

message 49: by Madeleine (last edited Jan 10, 2021 02:26PM) (new)

Madeleine | 29 comments I don't know what my favourite quote is yet though, one of them is definitely:

"I would rather play with a paper airplane and be called a boy than play with a girl's heart and be called a man."
- Niall Horan

message 50: by Grace (new)

Grace | 35 comments "Reality is what other people dream for you"
- Maggie Stiefvater

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