Nothing But Reading Challenges discussion

NBRC Gem Coin Display > Taylor's Gem Collection

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message 1: by Taylor (last edited Dec 30, 2023 10:54AM) (new)

Taylor DeJesus | 95 comments A place to keep all of my gems!

Ruby Coins: 21
Spessartite Coins: 0
Citrine Coins: 1
Emerald Coins: 3
Sapphire Coins: 0
Amethyst Coins: 0
Tourmaline Coins: 0
Onyx Coins: 0
Diamond Coins: 0

Coin image links for reference:
(view spoiler)

message 2: by Taylor (new)

Taylor DeJesus | 95 comments September-November: Paint your house with books
COMPLETED 11/30/20
1 Citrine Coin

Citrine Coin

message 3: by Taylor (last edited Dec 06, 2020 07:28PM) (new)

message 4: by Taylor (new)

message 11: by Taylor (last edited Oct 09, 2022 10:10AM) (new)

Taylor DeJesus | 95 comments New 2 U Authors 2022
Completed 10/1/22
1 Emerald Coin

Emerald Coin

message 15: by Taylor (new)

Taylor DeJesus | 95 comments New 2 U Authors 2023
Completed 11/22/23
1 Emerald Coin

Emerald Coin

message 16: by Taylor (new)

Taylor DeJesus | 95 comments Cleaning Out the TBR Closet 2023
Completed 12/30/23
1 Emerald Coin

Emerald Coin

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