The Ultimate Wings of Fire Discussion and Roleplaying Group discussion

General > Topic Request

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message 1: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
Here you can ask a mod to create a topic. For example, you could ask for a topic for a town we haven't made yet, or for a roleplay place that hasn't been created yet! (You can also ask for topics for the other sections of the group!)

message 2: by Rosebud (new)

Rosebud The Silkwing-Rainwing Hybrid (rosebudoc) | 281 comments Pantala: Wasp Hive Temple; Wasp Hive; Jewel hive library.

Pyrrhia: Sandwing Wingery; Sandwing Observatory from DoD; Maybe some single-tribe schools as well; Rain/Night Wingery.

Suggestions: Hybrid JMA slots so they don't take up single tribe slots; Maybe accept pantalans at JMA now?

message 3: by mel, on a hiatus :) (new)

mel (melthemuse) | 237 comments Mod
Oh thank you! I can start adding the topics for Pantala and Pyrrhia but I'm not sure about the suggestion you gave. I can bring it up with the other Mods but I don't know if we going to be doing that.

message 4: by Rosebud (new)

Rosebud The Silkwing-Rainwing Hybrid (rosebudoc) | 281 comments Winglets in books and Book 15 as well so we can discuss predictions and stuff.

message 5: by イアン (new)

イアン スコット (26scoianmanisteeorg) | 819 comments den of vipers

message 6: by イアン (new)

イアン スコット (26scoianmanisteeorg) | 819 comments Jerboa's beach

message 7: by The Gr33nB34n (last edited Apr 28, 2021 01:03PM) (new)

The Gr33nB34n (Tits.) (willyouowomyuwu) | 395 comments So I have a few ideas.

We could make a few forests for runaways all around pyrrhia where no tribe lives. Like a birch forest for example or different things there. These could be in the PY-Other tab.

The Islands between Pyrrhia and Pantala

The rivers of Pyrrhia

message 8: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
I've gathered all topic requests and I will put them up as soon as possible!

@Greenbean where on the map do you think the forest would be, about? For example, would it be near JMA or in the area between the SkyWing and MudWing kingdoms or somewhere else? It's a cool idea, I'm just wondering where about it might be, because the type of forest would be different depending on where. Would it be similar to the Scorpion Den, except without any sort of outside regulation from the Queens?

message 9: by Rosebud (new)

Rosebud The Silkwing-Rainwing Hybrid (rosebudoc) | 281 comments I'd suggest removing the poison jungle because it (view spoiler)

message 10: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
Thank you for your suggestion, I'll talk with the other mods about it :)

denki (aka James)  (foxboi) | 470 comments can i make a topic thats like my secret cave

message 12: by Rosebud (new)

Rosebud The Silkwing-Rainwing Hybrid (rosebudoc) | 281 comments Also, I'm guessing after arc 3 ends there will be more trees

message 13: by イアン (new)

イアン スコット (26scoianmanisteeorg) | 819 comments for a roleplay i'm in can i make a topic for it?

message 14: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
All suggestions have been gathered, thank you!

@Sunrise Do you mind if I ask what the topic would be/what it's for? (Thank you for waiting, sorry if this answer is coming too late)

message 15: by イアン (new)

イアン スコット (26scoianmanisteeorg) | 819 comments Okay thank you um 1 wold be in the rain forest kingdom call Dreamweaver's hut

message 16: by Rosebud (new)

Rosebud The Silkwing-Rainwing Hybrid (rosebudoc) | 281 comments CAN WE MAKE A DEBATE TOPIC?! Sorry I've had an amazing time doing debates about events and whether facts are credible or not. I just want a thread where someone will suggest a topic for a debate, and we all get into the fun of a really good, but friendly argument.

message 17: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
@Sunrise Yep, that should be fine as long as Dreamweaver was already approved. Try and add a description of it though! (Like where in the rainforest it is, how big it is, what it looks like, etc) Also, please make sure it's put in the correct folder.

@Rosebud Ooh, yeah, that sounds like a really good idea! Thank you for suggesting that, the debate in the Random Facts topic is really interesting and it would be fun to read more and possibly partake in one :D I'll put it up as soon as I get a break from school; do you have a specific folder you think it would fit in? (If one of the other mods sees this before I get around to making the topic and has the time and will to put the topic up, it'd be greatly appreciated!)

message 18: by Rosebud (new)

Rosebud The Silkwing-Rainwing Hybrid (rosebudoc) | 281 comments mugs wrote: "@Sunrise Yep, that should be fine as long as Dreamweaver was already approved. Try and add a description of it though! (Like where in the rainforest it is, how big it is, what it looks like, etc) A..."

Probably Fandom or something, or just one of the main folders w/o rps.

message 19: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
Great, thank you!

message 20: by Nicoletta, When you finally figure out titles :) (new)

Nicoletta | 1620 comments Mod
Can we please unlock or create a new Old NightWing Kingdom RP..

message 21: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
Ah, thank you for reminding me about that! :) I need to create a new one; I locked the old topic because the rp that took place there was entirely noncanon to the group and I didn't want people getting confused.

denki (aka James)  (foxboi) | 470 comments HAI mugs

message 23: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod

message 24: by Nicoletta, When you finally figure out titles :) (last edited Jul 16, 2021 04:50PM) (new)

Nicoletta | 1620 comments Mod
Topic Requests:

Diamond Spray Delta
Claw of the Clouds mountains
Remains of Agate Mountain

message 25: by イアン (new)

イアン スコット (26scoianmanisteeorg) | 819 comments Beetle lake

message 26: by Nicoletta, When you finally figure out titles :) (last edited Jul 18, 2021 08:03AM) (new)

Nicoletta | 1620 comments Mod
@Sunrise there is a Beetle Lake topic already created. It got burried deep in the Pantala folder though.

Also, I wonder if we could separate the Hives, Forest, and the other landmarks in Pantala. It would help topics not be buried deep in the folder. If the folder limit is reached, then this comment is moo.

message 27: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
I've actually been thinking about doing something like that (creating a folder for the hives) so thank you for bringing it up! I don't remember the folder limit, but I believe it's somewhere around 100, so we should be fine.

message 28: by イアン (new)

イアン スコット (26scoianmanisteeorg) | 819 comments I thought about that too and thanks

message 29: by Liv (new)

Liv  Loves Books | 243 comments Can we create a place for the ocean between Pantala and Pyrrhia?

message 30: by mugs, on hiatus (last edited Jul 25, 2021 02:48PM) (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
Ooh, smart! I'll try and add it in today along with the islands between Pantala & Pyrrhia. Thank you for the suggestion!

message 31: by イアン (new)

イアン スコット (26scoianmanisteeorg) | 819 comments I think it was said a while ago to by a few people, Unless i'm thinking of another group.

message 32: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
I believe it was suggested to create the islands between Pyrrhia and Pantala, but I don't remember if the ocean was suggested before? Either way, it's a good idea that I'll be sure to try and work in!

message 33: by イアン (new)

イアン スコット (26scoianmanisteeorg) | 819 comments Oh yeah thats right thanks for correcting my mistake

message 34: by Nicoletta, When you finally figure out titles :) (last edited Oct 14, 2021 08:06AM) (new)

Nicoletta | 1620 comments Mod
can we create a topic for the principal's office at JMA?

message 35: by mugs, on hiatus (last edited Apr 02, 2022 08:14PM) (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
Hi! I'm trying to make sure I have all the topic suggestions gathered - is anything missing from this list?

- Dragonfly Bay + East Coast
- Pantalan Beaches (west coast, north coast, south coast)
- Pantalan Mountains (northwest area of Pantala)

- Diamond Spray Delta
- Claws of the Clouds Mountains
- Agate Mountain Remains (Where Darkstalker was imprisoned)
- Lake (SkyWing territory)

- Principal's Office

- the rivers of Pyrrhia (delta spray, etc)
- villain plot/arc approval
- prophecy approval

message 36: by Bronzetail_77 (new)

Bronzetail_77 | 37 comments Nah I think you got it all.

message 37: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
Cool, I'll try and make some of them this weekend, but it seems like I
ll be pretty busy :)

message 38: by イアン (new)

イアン スコット (26scoianmanisteeorg) | 819 comments elsewhere pantala-
the quarry at the shoulder of the map

maura (semi-hiatus) SkyWing Kingdom-


message 40: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
The list on comment 37 has been updated, I'll try and make some of these topics today!
@Malachite - I'm presuming you mean the Pantalan Mountain range? The symbols are strange, but they look vaguely like mountains to me.

message 41: by Nicoletta, When you finally figure out titles :) (new)

Nicoletta | 1620 comments Mod
I think the prophecy approval and the villain plot arc approval were me probably misunderstanding something. Just FYI

message 42: by mugs, on hiatus (last edited Apr 02, 2022 06:24PM) (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
Alright! I can remove them from the list if you want

EDIT: I noticed that some of the topics that were still on the list had been made already! I've added links and striked them out

message 44: by Nicoletta, When you finally figure out titles :) (new)

Nicoletta | 1620 comments Mod
LOL, but smart

message 45: by FFoens (new)

FFoens | 431 comments Can there be a theory topic? I noticed the group doesn’t have a dedicated topic for theories

message 46: by Nicoletta, When you finally figure out titles :) (new)

Nicoletta | 1620 comments Mod
We have a predictions topic, which can be used as a theory topic :) . Here is the link

message 47: by FFoens (new)

FFoens | 431 comments Nicoletta wrote: "We have a predictions topic, which can be used as a theory topic :) . Here is the link" I see a theory topic as a place for stuff that isn't predictions for books, but more just random stuff that hasn't been confirmed canon. just so we can get this stuff out of Random Facts topics. It's better to have a random theories topic, just for random stuff that isn't in the books but still likely to be true

message 48: by [deleted user] (new)

Crown wrote: "Nicoletta wrote: "We have a predictions topic, which can be used as a theory topic :) . Here is the link" I see a theory topic as a place f..."

debates could work, and the predictions is fine, in my opinion. We can totally make "predictions/theories" there

message 49: by [deleted user] (new)

Chat also works too

message 50: by FFoens (new)

FFoens | 431 comments Makes sense to me

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