The Ultimate Wings of Fire Discussion and Roleplaying Group discussion


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message 1: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
  The Deep Palace is a large building, built originally for only the SeaWing royalty. It's made up of multiple large spires that are look similar to coral from afar. Built around the royal hatchery, the palace holds many passageways and rooms. It is built inside a canyon, with seaweed growing around it's base similarly to a garden. The Palace also is well known for it's Bubble Jet Garden, a popular place for SeaWing dragonets.
  Many SeaWings still reside in the palace, after the destruction of the Summer Palace, but many more have chosen to return to the Summer Palace or to move to one of the new villages.

message 2: by The Gr33nB34n (last edited Apr 26, 2021 06:29AM) (new)

The Gr33nB34n (Tits.) (willyouowomyuwu) | 395 comments Sea Glass paddled lazily through the water, waving her wings around in an attempt to find an underwater current. She twisted sideways, her scales flashing dimly. Where is this stupid current!? She pushed her tail against the water and got tugged away suddenly. She spun out of control for a few moments before steadying herself. Her scales flashed brightly. YAY! A CURRENT!

message 3: by イアン (new)

イアン スコット (26scoianmanisteeorg) | 819 comments greywater was having fun violently tearing apart a shark .

message 4: by The Gr33nB34n (last edited Apr 27, 2021 04:27AM) (new)

The Gr33nB34n (Tits.) (willyouowomyuwu) | 395 comments Sea Glass shot past Greywater, caught in the current. She flashed at her a quick message before she was taken away by the rip. Follow! Food! She knew where the current went after a few seconds, and it was her favorite place to hunt. The current brought her to a huge reef, full of delicious fish, crabs and much more.

message 5: by イアン (new)

イアン スコット (26scoianmanisteeorg) | 819 comments (greywater is a girl)

message 6: by イアン (new)

イアン スコット (26scoianmanisteeorg) | 819 comments Greywater followed her after she hid the sharks head.

message 7: by The Gr33nB34n (new)

The Gr33nB34n (Tits.) (willyouowomyuwu) | 395 comments Sea Glass tumbled out of the current and darted after a school of fish, snapping them up hungrily. She flashed her scales in excitement as she scooped up crabs and and fish in her homemade net. She gather clams and lobsters and even a few shark eggs, which were a delicacy. She smiled to Greywater as she collected them. Don't be shy, take as many as you want! I keep this ecosystem safe from invading species so our prey reproduces quickly. She scowled and followed a lion fish to it's home, killing everything inside and leaving it as chum for the other fish.

message 8: by The Gr33nB34n (new)

The Gr33nB34n (Tits.) (willyouowomyuwu) | 395 comments Sunrise, Prince wrote: "(greywater is a girl)"

oops! sorry- ))

message 9: by -Isabella- (new)

-Isabella- | 865 comments Mod
Silverstream swims through the palace happily humming to herself

denki (aka James)  (foxboi) | 470 comments fang walks up " target not spotted move up"

message 11: by The Gr33nB34n (new)


message 12: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
((Hi! I figured I'd just pop in real quick to mention that Greenbean's correct, if a dragon were to access the deep palace they would need to be able to breathe underwater. MudWings might be able to reach it, with the guidance of a SeaWing, but it wouldn't be done and the MudWing likely would only be able to get there and back to the surface, not to mention that they wouldn't have any way to communicate. Besides, Fang cannot breathe underwater because you didn't include that on his template and he is not related to SeaWings in any shape or form. Please stick to what is written on your character's template and please try not to have your character in more than one place!
Note: This post was intended to be directed towards Parker, but it applies to all characters in the sense that you need to stick to what's written on your template. Also do you mind if I ask what pronouns you two use?))

message 13: by The Gr33nB34n (new)

The Gr33nB34n (Tits.) (willyouowomyuwu) | 395 comments i use she/them ))

message 14: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
((Thank you! Do you have a preference to how they're used?))

message 15: by The Gr33nB34n (new)

The Gr33nB34n (Tits.) (willyouowomyuwu) | 395 comments You're welcome! And nope! you can call me either honestly! ))

message 16: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod
((Cool! Do you mind them being alternated or would you rather I choose one to use? Sorry if this is a lot of questions- thank you for answering them!))

message 17: by The Gr33nB34n (new)

The Gr33nB34n (Tits.) (willyouowomyuwu) | 395 comments i don't mind either way! and don't worry, ask as many questions as you'd like! ))

message 18: by mugs, on hiatus (new)

mugs | 2298 comments Mod

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