Challenge: 50 Books discussion

Finish Line 2021 > Jonathan Brown's 70-Book Challenge for 2021

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message 1: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan Brown | 1281 comments In the year 2007, I read 79 books.
In the year 2008, I read 100 books.
In the year 2009, I read 165 books.
In the year 2010, I read 145 books.
In the year 2011, I read 82 books.
In the year 2012, I read 62 books.
In the year 2013, I read 90 books.
In the year 2014, I read 87 books.
In the year 2015, I read 126 books.
In the year 2016, I read 113 books.
In the year 2017, I read 153 books.
In the year 2018, I read 100 books.
In the year 2019, I read 102 books.
In the year 2020, I read 64 books.

I had a sense in advance that I had a lot going against hitting the 90-book goal I'd set for myself last year. But little did I know what zany antics 2020 would get up to! Having undergone a pretty serious illness, various job-related traumas, etc., in the end I only managed 64, my second-to-worst year since I've been tracking.

I want to beat that in the new year. I'm determined to recover my focus. So while I hope to read plenty, I'll consider this year a success if I can manage 70 books.

So far, I've completed just one:

1) Luther as Heretic: Ten Catholic Responses to Martin Luther, 1518-1541, edited by M Patrick Graham and David V.N. Bagchi

message 2: by Tiffany, Administrator (new)

Tiffany | 2022 comments Mod
Jonathan wrote: "I had a sense in advance that I had a lot going against hitting the 90-book goal I'd set for myself last year. But little did I know what zany antics 2020 would get up to! Having undergone a pretty serious illness, various job-related traumas, etc., in the end I only managed 64, my second-to-worst year since I've been tracking.

I want to beat that in the new year. I'm determined to recover my focus. So while I hope to read plenty, I'll consider this year a success if I can manage 70 books."

64 and 70 are still pretty amazing, even if they weren't what you wanted to reach. Good luck in 2021!

message 3: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan Brown | 1281 comments This is going slower than expected thus far, but I take consolation that there will eventually be a rush of books finished about simultaneously.

2) Crucifixion in the Mediterranean World by John Granger Cook

message 49: by Jonathan (last edited Jun 02, 2021 02:17PM) (new)

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